副歌部分youi just wannaa I touch,you don't want my hear

Subject: Thank you for being you
I began playing drums when I was about eight years old and heard my brother playing his Kiss albums. When I heard you sing &Beth& and also play drums, I came to the conclusion that you were probably the only real musician in the band. When I started playing, I didn't have drums, but built a kit out of cinder blocks and hub caps I found around my neighborhood. I used my mom's wooden spoons as sticks and played Destroyer and the Alive albums, trying to keep the beat with you.
Later, of course, I marched in a marching band and began with the basics. Today, I'm 45 and I still play drums in my praise and worship band at church. I guess I say all that to say this: You changed my life for good. Your drumming skills, your voice, and your Christian identity made me, late in life, want to play drums, but to play them for Jesus.
To warm up, I still play a drum solo that you did--I guess on the Kiss Alive II album.
I just wanted to thank you for being a good, Christian drummer and sharing your talent with us. While I love Gene and Buddy, my first influence was you, Man. I appreciate it so much.
Grace and Peace,
Subject: Your Book
Huge fan of biographies and your has been one of the better ones!! Been a fan of Kiss since I was 8!! Babysitters albums! Good luck on the coming RRHOF celebration.& So deserving and I hope credit is given where credit is due! Thanks for such an& entertaining book.
Subject: book, career, fans
Dear Peter,
Just a note to let you know I have always been a big fan of Kiss. Still listen to the old tracks as well as my son, and grandson. We three are musicians. I must speak frankly that I admire you and Ace among all rock n roll figures with Keith Richards running a tight third. My son's 25th birthday was at 328 Performance Hall in Nashville as I surprised him with tickets for he and I to see Ace and Peter! Make no mistake seeing you two up close performing just about blew the three Kiss concerts I went to out of the water. What an electrifying show. I got your book as a Christmas gift from my son. What can I say you can't hardly put it down to go to bed. Whatever in life you do most, keep on doing it. You earned it Catman (the only real one). God Bless you and your family and thankyou for all the good tunes and entertainment you have provided for me over the years and the years to come.
Fan always,
Subject: Your Book
Just reading your book. Amazing read and life story. I can't put the book down.& Your an awesome drummer and your solo albums kick ass. I'm in to all styles of music.All the best to you and your family.
Fan forever.
(AKA Marky H)
Subject: Just finished your book
Dear Peter,
I just finished reading your book. Man, what a ride your life has been! What an eye opener to what really goes on behind the scenes.&
As an outcast&child of the 70s, I was a big fan. But out here in Rural SW Kansas, there were few radio stations, and they were all country. I would always have to wait until night to pull in the distant radio stations. I don't remember how many times I heard 'Beth' play before I finally heard a Dj say who performed it. I was floored!
Anyway, you were playing the Farewell tour in Wichita Ks on my birthday in Aug 2000. My wife andson surprised me with tickets to the show. So we made the 150 mile trip to se you.&We were standing against the front rail on Ace's side of the stage. The crowd surge was so bad that security had to pull my wife out to keep her from being crushed. But she surprised me later with an drumhead that said 'Farewell 2000' and has your autograph on it. Anyway, after reading your book, I hope it is really your autograph. Doesn't sound like you got your fair share of whatever she might have paid for it regardless, which should have been 100%! The drumhead has been proudly&hanging on the wall in my office ever since. Best birthday present of my life, great show with Nugent and Skid Row and THE ORIGINAL KISS!
Thanks for the memories, the shows, the music and the book.
Forever a grateful fan,
Subject: really enjoyed your new book!
My daughter Alysha bought your book for me on christmas.& I was intrigued by what actually happened to the original kiss line up but wasn&t surprised. What really effected me was your battle with drugs. i actually was crying because I could feel your pain.& Reaching out for help and having a friend to help you get going and help give you hope back in your life.& I have had& things in my life that is similar. I also played in a band in the 80&s. Had alot of fun, did free gigs but couldn&t get guys serious enough to go for it. We over the years have split for reasons of alcohol abuse. two of the guys can&t work because they can&t stop drinking and one other guy drinks buy holds a steady job. He was my best friend growing up but has forgotten about the old days like when my Mom would sing him Old Mcdonald Had A Farm or when my Dad ( Big Jim ) would pick him up over his head and hold him against the ceiling. Now when I got ill he doesn&t return my calls. It took are old drummer over 2 years to tell his wife that he was going to see me and she would just have to get over it. I&m happy that he did. Him and I jam once a week and its great. A good friend, wife and family with God has helped me to to get out of the dark My life was great till I lost my self to Bipolar Disorder but I took the first steps to get the treatment that I needed. I lost most of my friends, almost lost my job where I have worked for the city parks department looking after swans and being an arborist. In short I just what to say that you have alot of courage for all your battles and in the end victories.
Thanks Peter Criss, God bless you to.
Subject: Hi from Ireland
Hi Peter from Ireland the home of the black stiff (Guinness) you inspired me to play drums in my opinion you are better than that other imposter drumming for kiss in respect for you and ace I cannot watch kiss play congrats on your injunction bout time you got in slainte from Dublin.
Subject: Great Book!!!
Hello Mr. Criss,
I want to write you to tell you what a great book you wrote. Thanks for sharing you life with us! Also thanks for sharing that you love God!
Thank you,
Subject: Loved Makeup to Breakup!
Mr. Criss,
As a lifelong die hard Peter Criss / KISS fan since I was 10 (I'm now 46) I truly want to thank you for writing your book Makeup to Breakup! I truly enjoyed reading it as it brought back tons of memories for me regarding you and KISS.....Wow what a life you have had sir!! I couldn't put the book down finished it lickety split.....funny thing is I'm not a huge reader my wife kept laughing at me! In my opinion you were the most creative and passionate force behind the band! &You were my favorite from the get go (love percussionists.....my son is a bad ass one right now in his high school)....you SO should have sang lead on more KISS songs as I love the ones you do sing lead on as well as many of the other songs you sing that you have created through the years away from KISS.
I finished reading your book Wednesday night and then driving to work on Thursday morning I did an IPOD shuffle concerning all of my KISS songs (and I have a kazillion of them)....Funny thing is most of the songs I heard on my 40 minute drive to work were ones you sang lead on! &divine intervention after reading your book?!? :) One other thing every year my fantasy baseball team is named "Black Diamond".....guess who has won the most titles in our league?? Yep me... :)
Thanks again sir for writing your book.....may god bless you, your family, and friends....
Peace and love from Houston, Texas!
Subject: Thank You
Dear Peter,
Thank you for sharing your story. I have always been a fan. I was so sorry to hear everything you went through with the other members of Kiss. No matter what, it looks like you ultimately came out on top! Thank you for being the face and voice of breast cancer in men, I have no doubt that you have saved many lives. I normally don't write celebrities, but I really enjoyed reading your story. I'm glad you have found happiness and contentment in your life. You seem like someone that would be a great friend.
Subject: Jamming with you now
Hey Peter ,
I decided to see what you were up to and found your site with a contact link available. (Too cool)
I have always enjoyed your playing and just wanted to say thank you for everything.
From Tampa Fla.
Subject: Amazed
Dear Peter, As I write this, I have still yet to fall asleep. It's 4:21AM on a cold Seattle Tuesday, and I just finished reading my Christmas present that my girlfriend gave me: Your autobiography.
It's very honest, often times funny, some vulgar (hehehe), and very emotional. It took a lot of gusto and brass to write something so brutal, and I don't know the right words to describe it all. Some of it made me tear up. Boy, did I tear up.
A little bit about me: I'm about the same age as your daughter, so growing up in the 80s there would be these pictures in magazines of men in makeup that looked like they could summon Godzilla or Voltron. Who was I to know they were a rock n roll band? I was intrigued, and I wanted to learn more! Access to the music was kind of tricky, for my parents weren't much of fans (they were more RUSH, SRV, Eagles, Blues)
...but my uncle Dean was. As I got older, I got more curious about this spectacle known as KISS. Well, thanks to my uncle Dean (who is also a drummer) I had the joy of listening to all the LPs from the beginning to Dynasty, and I was hooked! But I have to tell you something: the pinnacle of my life was when my father got me tickets to see you guys play in 1997. What a rush! I got to see what I never thought I an era that I wasn't even born in magically shows up like from a time warp! You all were awesome. My dad was even thrilled with the tunes and the spectacle! We got to be in the seated area, and we were nearest to Ace, with a perfect view of you and the other guys. You and Ace were in perfect view, so it worked out for me! I still remember you doing your drum solo. If I had a time machine, I would re-live that experience (except for Sugar Ray. Ugh.)!
But that was the ONLY time I saw KISS. It was the original line-up, the hits, and honestly one of the greatest concerts ever! I'm sure you get this all the time, but thank you. Your music has got me through some rough times--Rock and roll can be very uplifting! I've been addicted since I heard that sound. :)
I'm a musician playing guitar in an industrial metal band called Mixed Messages. Although our sound is heavy and fast, I still credit KISS as a major influence, although I embarrass myself by trying to imitate Ace's swagger when I play. Hahaha My girlfriend also plays in the band as the bassist. Her name is Sharon and we've been together for almost 6 years. Our bond is heavy, and we connect with our music.
I realized I just rambled BIG TIME. Let's hear it for insomnia! Anyway Peter, thank you for sharing your life with me & everyone else who is a fan! Much love to you and Gigi, and I hope 2014 will be a successful year! Oh! Congrats on being inducted to the Hall of Fame. I hope you get to play one last time with the other 3 guyzos, and it that it will leave a happier note. You deserve that, at least. I'm happy for all that contributed over the years from beginning to current, but it's time to celebrate the 4 that started it all. Again, thanks. Oh! It was cool to see the footage of Eddie Trunk's party! You still got it, Cat-Man!!!
Subject: Makeup to Breakup
Loved your book ,learned about Jerry Nolan i always loved The Dolls music.As a huge fan of Kiss i learned& more, your honesty bleeds through pages.
Thank You,
Subject: Huge Fan
I am a huge fan of yours and a musician inspired by your work.& Congrats on your induction into the hall of fame, it is a long time coming.& God bless you for all that you've done for the world, you are a great inspiration.& Maybe one day fate will have our paths cross and I will get the chance to shake the hand of the man who helped shape who I am today.& God Bless.
Subject: Makeup to Breakup
I just completed your bio in 5 days flat. It was such a great read. All of the standard "rock and roll clich&s " aside, there was so much more to be found in the pages of your book that most rock stars might be fearful of sharing. Situations that many people can identify with and draw strength from which are too numerous to mention. The vulnerability, rejection and fear. Ego usually forces that type of narrative out for most. I was most moved by the "conversation with God" self dialogue you chronicled on page 360. I find myself doing the very same thing, the "replies" just come right at you as if from somewhere divine. I always walk out of a silent church feeling better. I wanted to congratulate you on your Rock and Roll Hall of Fame induction that is long overdue. I was 9 years old when I stared getting KISS on vinyl, now its all on CD and in regular rotation. I hope to run into you in NYC some day. Oh and because there were so many references to Morrison and The Doors, indulge me in giving a listen to my cover of me singing Roadhouse Blues with my band RADIO DAYS ( see link below ). We've been together for 5 years and have drama as well, thankfully on a micro level. God bless you and the family, have a great 2014.
Subject: Thank You!!
Hey Peter,
My Name is Joe McGinness, I am 30 years old from Moriah NY,& and a huge fan of yours. Just wanted to Say thanks for changing my life for the better and influencing me As a musician and as a person. Im also very proud of you for&what you're doing with spreading the word on Breast cancer. You've always been one of my favorite KISS Memebers as well! I read your book which I thought was Amazing!& The Best KISS book ever!!& It really made me realize that with all you have been through in your life , you seem so sweet and sincere , as well as most appreciative for what you have been given. As a Musician myself, even though I mainly sing country music I find myslef listening to your stuff an awful lot for inspiration.&Once again thank you so much for everything you have done in your career that has helped me out. Also finally, Congrats on the Rock n' Roll hall Of Fame Induction!! You have deserved it for a long time and I'm sure your mother and father would be so proud if they were here to see it!!
God Bless ,
Joe McGinness
P.S. If you're ever in upstate NY Let me know . My Family would love to meet you!!
Subject: Thanks
Dear Mr. Criss
I just finished your book, I pretty much read it strait through in 10hrs or so..
Couldn't put it down. I have been a KISS fan since Alive, I was born in Terre Haute
in 68' and grew up across the river in Illinois.
I have always been an Ace man, being a guitar player, but I'm a big admirer of you
as well. I am glad you have came out of the other side of the meat grinder that has
been your life. You are an inspiration to me.
I have had my own share of ups and downs in life as well, culminating with a
shattered 5th vertebrae in my neck this last August due to diving head first into a
4' above ground pool. Long story short I should be paralyzed from the neck down, but
I'm not. There were 2 other people in Indianapolis Methodist Hospital that week
alone with the same injury and the same circumstance as me that week alone that will
never use their arms or legs again.
I have struggled with myself since this accident occurred. I have not been able to
return to work, I work in a telephone switch office for Frontier, formerly Verizon.
I have put my wife and kids through hell as well as myself.
I guess what I'm getting at is I can relate to a lot of your experiences and
feelings. I have spent a great deal of time feeling sorry for myself, questioning
God, friends and family. It has been very difficult, but I should be thankful. I can
walk, play my guitar, make love the whole nine yards.
I love all the sex, drugs and R&R stories that I have read in numerous books, like
Slash, Duff, Anthony Kiedes, Sammy Hagar, Ace etc....but your book had a heavy
message of faith that really inspires me to get off the mat and own my flaws and
realize what a great life I have and another chance at life.
I didn't mean to ramble, I am just emotional right now, I teared up a couple times
while reading about your life and how you are trying to root out the negativity and
some of the bad experiences that you've had and it has affected me.
Thanks for the inspiration.
P.S. Congrats on the HOF, you are so deserving.
Subject: Happy New Year and Congratulations for the RnR Hall of Fame
Hallo Peter Criss,
I am 46 years old and a Fan of you ,and Kiss ,since 1978. Congratulations to You and KISS for&the&&induction into The RnR Hall of Fame. I wish you and your Family all the best for 2014.
Best wishes and Greetings from Thomas
Subject: Congrats
Hey brother.
Congrats on the Hall of Fame. Hope Gene and Paul do this right. Only Gene ,Paul, Ace, and Peter are KISS... We the fans will accept no substitutes for this honor... Keep your head up, its all good..
Subject: Induction Rock n Roll Hall of Fame
I can't really think of anything else to say but congrats and awesome finally you guys get some of the recognition that you deserve I think you're one of the greats that has actually done something good with your fame there's really no way that any of the& fans would understand what you guys havegone through addiction sickness eggcetera but you came through it all and lived to tell about it that's phenomenal in itself no words can describe how I feel about all 4 of you being on stage one more time in my lifetime nothing short of awesome no matter what's been said over all these years it took all four elements to bring you guys to greatness I feel you're one of the best drummers in my lifetime and it's just not kiss without you and ace it won't be right ifall four of you aren't there I hope you guys can work it out god bless congrats again it's well overdue and well deserved.
lots of love
lifetime fan
Subject: Hi peter I loved your drumming
great drummer and
special beth
your the only one can sing that
not a imposter
Subject: 43 yr old fan reading book :)
Dear peter,
I am 2 chapters in on reading ur book my wife gave me for x-mas. I'm tickled reading all ur drum idol's. Most I haven't heard of.. I'm 43 now & let me tell u at 7 yrs old MY idol was this guy from this band my older sis got me into. He had make up like a cat on & the band was called kiss!!! Yes You! I'm sure u've heard this a million times now. But I had never seen or heard anything like it! Now, I never made it in a big band, but still play drums as hobby to this day, & follow music like u wouldn't believe. Now teaching my 8 yr old son drums! U've inspired so many people! Thank you for what u have done in music & life of it!
Can't wait to finish book :)
Take care!
Subject: Thank You
Bless you peter for all the great music I been honored to listen over the years .
And finally , congratulations on the rock 'n roll Hall of Fame.
Fan for life Jim R.
Subject: Alive too
Just messing around with my new iPhone...downloaded Alive II... And thought wow!
maybe I can email Peter Criss...thanks Peter, what you did on this album influenced
me forever. Just awesome! Hope 2014 is the best ever!! Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year!!! God of Thunder just started playin' and I gotta run.
Subject: Cat Man
Dear Peter,
I attended my first KISS concert at the age of 4 and have been a fan ever since. My Dad is a KISS fan and he introduced me to y'all. You are by far the most talented drummer that KISS has ever had and will have to me. And if I may say so, you are by far the most talented percussionist that I have ever heard.
Congratulations of being inducted to the Hall of Fame, it is long overdue for you guys. You are definitely a class act, humble, and talented man. You will always be The Cat Man. And to me it is a disgrace that Eric Singer is wearing your character and creation while performing with KISS. I just had to get that out of my system.
Thank you for sharing your talent with the world and Congratulations of your induction into the Hall of Fame. God Bless You Peter and YOU are the one and only Cat Man.
With Love,
Michelle L.
Subject: Congrats
Congratulations on your induction into the Rock and Roll hall of fame.
I am a drummer, have been for a long time and I learned a lot from your playing early on in my drumming days. I was a Peter Criss fan. Still am.
I hope the future brings you happiness and success in everything you do. Keep drumming and I'll do the same.
Thanks Peter!!
Subject: HOF
Fan since the beginning.
Just wanted to say congratulations on your induction into the RnR HOF.
Have a great holiday season and hope to see you play with the guys again at the ceremony.
All the best.
Subject: Happy Belated Birthday and Congratulations!!
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday and Congratulations on being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!!! I will be there in April. Your book is great and listening to your music always puts a smile on my face.
I have been a fan since I was 6 years old and am 42 now. You were my Beatles!
Take care and God Bless!
See you in April with the mighty KISS Army!!!!
Subject: Hey Catman...
Loved the book Peter... finished it in 6 days. &So happy that you've been able to exercise the "Demon" and "Starchild" from your life and thoughts... believe me... the fans know them all too well. &Your decency and soft yet big heartedness screamed from the pages. KISS was the first band I loved... I'm sure you've heard that a million times. &I play drums these... everyday... luv it to death. &Whatta feeling! &
Yer one of the True Good Guys Peter!
Congratulations on your truly deserving Hall Of Fame Induction.
Subject: Congrats and happy b-day
Happy birthday and congratulations on your induction to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Personally I think it should have happened years ago! I don't want to sound like a gushy kid but you truly have been an inspiration to me and one of my heroes since 1977 (I was 8 yrs old then).& I never got to see the real KISS show when I was a kid, but I got to share that experience with my kids when you guys did the first reunion tour. We saw what I believe was the second show of the tour in St. Louis. It was magical! Anyway keep rockin', as will I, and most importantly, keep the faith. God bless you and yours.
Bernie, MO
Subject: Happy Birthday
Just wanted to say Happy Birthday dude!! and Congrats on a long over do induction into the Hall of fame!!!!
I would love to see you and Ace do a mini tour around the nation!! Please make Grand Rapids, MI a stop!!
Subject: Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Peter!
You are such an amazing individual. We have had many
opportunities to meet you and Gigi and your warmth is so unlike any other celebrity
we've ever come across! You are also a true inspiration as a fellow breast cancer
survivor! Thank you! Wishing you a truly wonderful birthday.
Robin and Jeff S.
Subject: Birthday Wishes!
Happy Birthday Peter and congratulations on getting into the Rock and Roll Hall Of
Love you always.
Forever a Catman Fan,
Subject: Peter, Happy Birthday!! From Russia With Love!
Dear Peter,
Happy Birthday!!
With all my heart I wish you many happiness. Let all your dreams, hopes and expectations will come true. I wish you always have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties and patience, big success in all your dealings and great personal happiness!
Thank you for the bright light that you giving me and all fans!
God bless you, Peter!!
We are waiting for you in Russia!
With great respect,
Alex L. (webmaster KISSARMY.RU)
Subject: Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Peter!
Thank you for all that you have done for rock & roll and drumming!
Merry Christmas to you and your family and I look forward to seeing you at the Hall of Fame induction!
Subject: Birthday Wishes
Wanted to wish you a very Happy Birthday & congratulations on getting into the R&R Hall of Fame! Well deserved and LONG OVERDUE.
It was such a thrill to meet you at September's Mad Monster- you are so inspiring and have had such a life! You are truly a cat with nine lives.
I really hope you'll make it out west this year for more signings!
Thanks for a lifetime of great music, courage and inspiration!
Your fan of the month for January! ;)
Love and respect,
Subject: Happy Birthday
Hello Peter,
I wish you a happy bithday!
I am a fan of you from the beginning and you've inspired me fir years.
God bless you.
Regards from a huge fan.
Arno Ruigrok from Holland.
Subject: Dec. 20th!!
Happy Birthday Peter
The Original, One and Only Catman!!
Congratulations on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame!!
Subject: Happy Birthday & Congratulations
Happy Birthday, Peter & CONGRATULATIONS on the long overdue hall of fame induction! I've been a fan- and you've been an inspiration since '76. Thank You...it's been a great journey!
Subject: 68
Happy Birthday!&
Gordeev A.
Subject: Happy birthday Peter !
From your biggest Mexican fan: Feliz cumplea&os !!!
Subject: Hello Peter
Congratulations on your induction to the Hall of Fame Peter, it&s about time. How ABBA got there first is beyond human comprehension, and it&s all the more reason why Deep Purple should form an Army.
Look after yourself, and many blessings to you and yours this holiday season.
David &Buddah Dave&
Subject: Hello Peter
Dear Peter,
Congratulations with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame thing. KISS wouldn't excist without you and Ace putting your heart and soul into the best rock band ever. Hopefully the fans will see a small reunion that evening with other legends like sir Paul McCartney, Peter Gabriel, Nirvana members, Hall & Oates, Cat Stevens & Bruce Springsteen singing Rock and Roll All Nite at the end.
PS. Still waiting for your new album, hopefully a release somewhere in 2014?
God bless you,
The Netherlands
Subject: Congratulations Catman!
Hello Peter,
Just want to congratulate you and the other three founding members of Kiss on your recent nomination to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Since 1974 Kiss has brought great music and absolute joy to their millions of fans worldwide and soon you will be getting the industry recognition that has sorely been lacking since the bands inception. This is truly an honor, Peter, and much more than the '45 gold record that you aspired to as a young man. You deserve this award, you worked your ass off for this award, you struggled and sacrificed for this award and all I can say is, &well deserved&. I cannot be happier for you and Gigi and hope that your induction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is everything that you desire for it to be!
God bless and congratulations!
Subject: Congratulations Peter
You've been the one and only since the beginning. It must feel so amazing to finally be acknowledged by the hall. Dont wanna take up your time, but I love you man and all the magic you brought to KISS. have a good day.
Subject: One Peter Criss
There was always one and only Peter Criss people can dress up like him, but nobody has the heart and soul he has. It does not matter if the band plays together for the Hall of Fame induction, from the night the drummer for Joey Greco broke his leg to the final pages of his book he has nothing to prove. I have been playing the drums for 30 years and sitting back at three in the morning after a show putting Pete&s music on dam There&s Nothing Better. Thank You Peter for picking up the sticks and I hope you never stop making great music.
Best wishes,
Happy Holidays and Happy Birthday
James F A.
Subject: Congrats
Dear Mr. Criss,
I am unsure that you yourself will ever actually lay eyes on this email, however when I found a way to contact you I just wanted to send a huge congrats to you. Although I do not nor probably will never know the true complications between you and the rest of the guys from KISS I am truly ecstatic that KISS has FINALLY made it into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I am a lifelong KISS fan, and while I always have been and always will be a fan of the music, I was extremely disappointed when you and Ace were no longer in the band. I know the band has moved on with &replacement players& but from a true die hard member of the KISS Army the REAL TRUE KISS will ALWAYS be Peter, Ace, Gene and Paul. It is my sincerest hope that when April 10, 2014 rolls around and the Hall of Fame induction happens for, in my opinion the greatest band ever, that the true members of the KISS Army get the honor of seeing the true members of KISS on that stage enjoying the fruits of their labor. As I said I may not now nor never will know what really happened between everyone in the band, but the best thing about being alive is there is always the chance to make things right and it&s never too late. I truly enjoy your music and song writing ability. Never the less you deserve as much credit as KISS going into the Hall of Fame as anyone else, so again big congratulations on this milestone achievement and thank you for making music that I personally enjoy still to this day.
Thank you for your time and god bless.
Subject: Congrats
Congratulations on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame! Much deserved and overdue. The induction date is on my birthday, I'm there!
San Francisco
Subject: Congratulations on the induction!
I've been a fan of KISS, and of yours since I was just a kid in the 1970s. My aunt/god-mother thought I'd get a kick out of the crazy guys wearing makeup! Well she was right, and much to my dad's chagrin, I joined KISS Army good and early! Hell, I was Catman for Halloween three straight years (my uncles were the other fellows). Cardboard/aluminum foil boots and all!
My one regret was never getting to see you live. I have seen KISS many times over the years but never had a chance to see the original lineup. Both you and Ace added a unique dynamic to the song writing that I think gets lost...
Anyway, I'm sure you're getting a ton of these but I just wanted to drop a note as a lifelong fan to say congratulations and it's about damn time!
Subject: Hall
First off, congratulations on your induction to the RR Hall of Fame. Must be an incredible feeling. I am very happy for you. If it were my decision, to do something a little different, I would have the original 4 dressed to the nines, like on the Dressed to Kill cover, and be introduced that way. That would be so cool. Anyway, what I am most proud about you (and Ace) is that neither of you have been getting in the mud with Paul and especially Gene, throwing out slighted remarks, barbs and worse - lies about continued drug use and alcohol. From where I am sitting, I cannot understand how someone could do this - and for what purpose? Spite? Insecurity? To Gene, I would say if you're so great and are so confident in yourself, why do you feel the need to tear somebody down to build yourself up or the current Kiss lineup? You (and Ace) have remained classy. You in particular have kept your humor. Ace, rightly so, has defended himself against Gene's inaccurate remarks.
So, I hope you just be yourself, the guy you are now and thoroughly enjoy every second of your induction in April. I hope Gene and Paul can keep their veiled sarcastic remarks to themselves during their acceptance speeches. I think they will, but be prepared to throw a zinger back at Gene if he can't help being himself on the podium. Put him in his place, if you have to, in a humorous but effective way.
I don't care about why you and Ace were in the 70's. I only care about who you guys are now. Paul and Gene can only live in the past. I see those guys actually getting worse as time moves on. I like who you and Ace are today.
Stay well, stay up and give yourself a huge pat on the back for this accomplishment - congratulations Peter. I hope there is still a rock album from you in the wings - would love to hear it.
Merry Christmas
Subject: Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Class of 2014
My Congratulations Mr. Catman.
You are for me, and now for the rest of the world, an important piece of music history.
Thanks for your outrageous idea called KISS.
(from Italy)
Subject: Congrats Peter on the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
As a long time fan going all the way back to the 70's I wanted to extent a long over due congratulations on the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame. It seems finally with fan impute some of the bands who are way over due may finally be getting their day. (Fingers crossed in future for Deep Purple). But for today....I am very happy that Kiss and you got in. I hope that I get to see my four &real& ;) hero's one more time on a stage at the ceremony. I also hope that in some way the members who were part of their own era are also recognized (Bruce, Vinnie) and the two who have left us (Eric Carr and Mark) as well as the late great Bill Aucoin.
So sir a giant Congrats to you and to Kiss. Thank you for sharing your music (first album I got was your 78 solo and it still gets rocked today :) later Blue Moon over Brooklyn (amazing beyond words) as well as always being the truest most down to earth, heart felt Rock God out there.
Hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas
Subject: Congratulations
Congratulations being inducted into the hall of fame
Best wishes
P.S friends with Peter H. here in Melbourne Australia.
Subject: Congratulations
Congratulations Peter!
So happy for you that the event is in Brooklyn!!
I spoke with Ace today and he was so excited.
Hope that you and Gigi are well.
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Subject: Congratulations
Congratulations on getting into the RRHOL it is well deserved and long overdue.
Enjoy and be proud of your success in making your dreams come true.
God Bless,
Subject: Congratulations!!!
We All are Very happy for you , Peter!! Well deserved and long overdue!! Enjoy the Honors at the RRHOF!!!
All the Best to you always.... God Bless!!
(just a lifelong fan...Jersey kid living the dream in DC)
Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!
Subject: Hall of Fame
I have been a fan for over 30 years and I am so happy to see Kiss going in the hall. You have always been my favorite in the band . Your unique vocals always added more to the songs than any of the others. I am so proud to have been raised on Kiss music. Love you forever catman.
Subject: Congratulations Peter!
I just wanted to drop a line and congratulate you for being inducted into the R&R hall of fame and wish you a happy early birthday as well!
I had the pleasure of meeting you this past September in New Orleans. I'm including a picture of you with myself and my father, Clarence, together at Mad Monster! That is a day I will never forget! My dad took me to see you and KISS at the Baton Rouge Centroplex in 1979!
I've loved the four of you guys since I was 9 (45 now), and still just as big as afan! I'm so proud for you and happy that you guys finally got in ! In my opinion,you guys have been there all this while, they just haven't recognized it yet! Thank you so much for being you and taking care of your fans like you accommodated my dad, girlfriend, and me! Never stop being yourself!
Congratulations again! Happy Birthday, too!
Here's wishing you and Gigi a very Merry Christmas as well!
from New Orleans
Subject: Congratulations
Hello Peter,
My name is Luke and I am from Brisbane,Australia. I am a fan of 70's music including Kiss and I am writing to say congratulations for KISS' induction into the Rock n Roll Hall Of Fame which you guys truly deserve it.
Best Wishes
Subject: Rock N Roll HOF
Congrats Peter You Deserve It . I Will Be There With My Daughter On Her 11th Birthday.
Subject: Hello My Hero!
Hello Peter!
I'm Pablo, I'm from Brazil, and am a big fan of yours!
You sure it was the soul of KISS! Even I have the same cross you on my right arm, I call it the Cross of Peter Criss.
God bless you for all that you mean to me and all fans of KISS!
A big hug from someone who admires you!
Subject: Read the Book
Hello Peter!
I've just read your autobiogrphy. I'm 50 years old and needles to say a Kiss-fan since 1975. I enjoyed reading your book, which tells a different and I guess a more true and honest story than usually presented in media.
To me Kiss ended in 1978, the energy disappeared. And did you know that your solo-album got the best reviews in swedish press?
Just sant to say that you're a true inspiration and the only original member who can walk down the street with pride and your head held high (or whatever expressions you use in America, you know what I mean). Have a good life.
best regards and merry christmas all the way from Sweden
Subject: thank you
Just wanted to tell you I've always admired you as a drummer, but even more as a person. I met you in 1995 in Baltimore and you were so genuine. Thank you for all the great music and writing . The book is incredible.
Subject: Since the age of 10
Since the age of 10, I have been a Drummer,I am now 49,You inspired me right from the beginning,I have studied your every move since day 1. Played only Pearl Drums,You have mentored me in so many ways,I still play to this day at my CHurch with a great Praise and Worship Team,One thing I must tell you,my 3 year old Nephew is starting to play and who does he want to play to:KISS. Carrying on you legacy into another generation.Happy Birthday this month.
Subject: Respect
Dear Peter,
My name is Hilbert Kuipers and I&m a 34 year old guitarist from the Netherlands.
I started playin& when I was 5 years old, I learned my first chords from my dad and developed my own skills.
When I was 9 I got a LTD edition from the 1978 Peter Criss album. That day changed my whole perspective of music.
While all of my schoolbuddies we&re listening to housemusic and hiphop, I spend hours listening to your tracks and slowly got infected with the KISS virus.
I bought all of the records (vinyl) the original line up had made, with Unmasked being the last of them.
By the time I reached the age of 16 a had created a style of playing that was very similar to Ace&s style obviously and I was a frequently asked guitarists for many bands.
In 1996 my dream came true, the impossible sudd on December 10th 1996, 7 years from the day I got infected with KISS, the original line up of KISS came to Ahoy Rotterdam.
I went to see you and it was one of the most special moments in my live but, strangely enough, from that day forward I started listening to a wider variety of music, mostly rock oriented.
Toto/Steve Lukather became my favorite guitarist but& you as well as Ace were my reason to pick up my guitar and actually learn to play modern day rock.
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank you for that, it made me the man I&m today. I&m very grateful, although you never knew this.
A couple of week ago I read your biography and I really was impressed by your story.
Obviously it was fun to read about the early days, the jokes and the infinite anecdotes but most beautiful thing I discovered in your book was the fact I really could identify with your way of thinking. It felt like I&m not the only one with certain problems and I felt understood.
F like you, I really find it hard to pay no attention to justice/ethics and that always got me in fights and arguments with other bandmembers because I don&t keep my mouth shut when something of someone is bothering me.
Also, I did a lot of partying with other women on the road while I&m married&just because I could. I never did drugs though.
It was fun to read and I would like to say that I respect you in every possible way, thats all. J
And no, I&m not gay, I&m just an emotional guy that speaks from his heart.
Maybe a really ambitious and direct question but&how can I create the opportunity to meet you in person and maybe play with you sometime?
It would be a real honor for me, it&s on my bucketlist.
If you&re curious about my playing, you can find out a couple of samples on youtube on which I play guitar:
- Cover Robbie Williams/Angels with me singing and soloing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miK-CYcORNo
- Demonstration Line 6 pod / Musicman Luke guitar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoAChCZotkQ
- Cover Bohemian Rhapsody Queen (during soundcheck): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD7LtDoQhp4
Hope to hear from you but I don&t make myself illusions, I&m aware of what I&m asking&.but at least I&ve tried! J
Kind regards,
Subject: G'Day
hi Peter...
I brought your book so quickly when it came out that it had burn marks on it lol..reading the book for the 2nd time now and just wanted to thank you for investing your time and effort into this book. I will forever be a Peter criss fan...
(one of your many fans from Sydney Australia)
Subject: Thank you
Hello Peter,
I'm 45 and feel a little strange sending you an e-mail but felt compelled to let you
know that I started listening to KISS around 1974 or 1975 and still can't get enough
of that sound to this day. It is strange how you and Ace are, in my opinion (and
millions of other fans opinions) the two that made the sound that drove KISS to
Superstardom, yet you two seem to be denied your just due from Gene and Paul.
I want to thank you for nearly 40 years of never ending enjoyment from the music you
make and the genuine love you show towards your family, friends, and fans. By the
way, hands down, you had the best voice of the original four.
Thank you Peter,
Subject: Drummer from Argentina
Hello Peter.
My name is Martin. I'm Drummer and teacher in Argentina. Just wanted to thank you for being one of my biggest idols on drums. Your playing changed my life and I could make this my job.
I hope you are fine with good health. I will always be grateful!
Subject: My inspiration is the Catman Peter Criss!
I've been a KISS Fan since I was 5 years old,I'm now 42 and still Love the original KISS! Not this watered down shit that Paul and Gene call KISS! My Wife,My Son and a friend of the Family got to see you guys at the Rosemont in 96 for the Reunion. It was the first KISS Concert I ever went to and it was the best concert I've ever been to! My Son is the biggest Ace Frehley fan now because of it! You,however are my Sole inspiration! Your Drumming is Unique and powerful! It Blows my Mind! I play also but just as a Hobby! My Son who is an Artist painted a picture of you in the style of the Rock N Roll Over and it Hangs on the wall of my "Mancave" directly across from my Drums! It gives me inspiration to play! You are the ultimate Drummer Catman!
Subject: Spooky Empire Event 2013
Peter and Family,
It was an amazing experience working for you at the Spooky Empire event on the 25th
and 26th of October. When you meet someone who is a well known music icon and
celebrity, many times the experience is not what you hyped it up in your head to be.
To see how you interact with your fans and how much they mean to you was a blessing
to observe. The care and respect you showed the fans who had their own battles with
cancer was not only emotional& but inspirational to see. I believe if you look up
the word "Class" in the Webster's dictionary, you will see a picture of Peter Criss
there with his patented grin. God bless you and your amazing family! You are all
such good people!
Take care and until our paths cross again!&"3"&
Subject: Makeup to Breakup
I read your book this weekend I loved it! Hope you and Gigi are well.thanks for the great read.
Subject: My Take On It
I have followed the band Kiss since the mid 70s when I was in High School.Even
played in a Kiss copy band. I loved the sound and the energy of it all.I will never
forget that time and just how popular the band was.
Of course over time things and people change and no one is perfect.What I mean is
that things arent always as they seem.After I read your book as well as Aces my
conclusion is that I thought your book is the most honest and upfront.Ace left a lot
of gaps because of all his bad habits that caught up to him.That being said I have
to give my opinion about the statements Gene and Paul make.
I honestly dont care what sins people committed in the past but I really dont want
to keep hearing about how bad Peter and Ace were.Quite honestly its disgusting.The
band would never be where it is today if all of and yes I mean all 4 original
members gave everything they had in the early years.
I dont care who had too much to drink or smoke or whatever. What about Genes
thousands of women and Pauls pills etc.I just dont see what purpose it serves to
keep bringing up all the negatives
I for one dont want to hear it anymore.
Glad you licked cancer and find yourself at peace in your life.
God Bless You
Subject: Honor and Respect
Dear Peter
I took great inspiration from reading your book, I found it enjoyable and enlightening. The road you've travelled has been very interesting to say the least. I am so pleased that your life is now so fulfilling and rewarding. I greatly respect the work you are doing with the Cancer Society.
I wish you every success in the future.
Subject: Makeup to Breakup: WOW!!!
I picked up your book yesterday at my local bookstore and have gotten half way through it. It was very hard to put down! After a couple of hours I had to face the reality of getting up and going to work the next day and be able to function but I would have rather stayed up and finished. Some of the stories were shocking and made me grit my teeth (nuns...ugh) but there were quite a few times I found myself laughing out loud. I have read Gene&s and Ace&s books (and like an idiot I will probably read Paul's too) but yours is the only one to make me laugh out loud.
I know it wasn't always roses for you in or outside of KISS but I am glad you got through it all and I wanted you to know I am loving this book!
For me, KISS will always be you, Ace, Paul & Gene. I wish you all the best and thanks for the music and the stories!
PS: I also applaud your efforts in bringing attention to breast cancer awareness! With famous faces out there it brings attention and more importantly hope to victims and their families. If you are ever in Maine, the lobster is on me! ROCK ON!!!!
Subject: My Favorite Cat
To Peter Criss,
I just want to thank you for being apart.of.my life and getting me through high school in the late 70's and early 80's. Back then my friend Carmel and i would debate who was better her favorite Paul or my favorite Peter.
So many great memories Beth will always be my personal favorite.
I do hope all is well in your life post Kizz.
Thank you from Australia
Subject: Just a Thank You
Dear Mr.Criss,
I am 50 years old and have been a fan of yours since Alive came out. Although I wanted to play drums as a kid, my parents pushed me into playing guitar. So after 43 years I am a pretty good guitarist but still love the drums. You and Ace were my favorite members of KISS. After reading your book and his I have to say instead of a tie for favorite musicians you shot to the top. I recently saw your appearance on TMS and thought it was awesome. OH, if you ever need a rhythm guitarist I would be honored to help. I personally thought your solo album of the four was the best. I still listen to it damn near every day.
GOD BLESS and keep rockin'!!
Subject: Gene Krupa
I am turning 44 this November 30th. I was a Kiss Fan until seventh grade when Kiss changed and you left. I am still a fan of that period. I have read Ace's book and am reading your's now. (I won't read Paul's or Gene's because I do not believe they would be authentic.)
My three kids are now Kiss fans. (I only play the albums up to Unmasked so that is all they will ever know.)I chose the name Peter as my confirmation name after you and my oldest daughter Dara's middle name is Beth. Guess why.
I also started playing the drums in grammar school because of you. In the sixth grade, Gene Krupa came to our school in Franklin Square Long Island to give a demonstration for the entire school in the auditorium. All the kids thought he was just some old man. I would have too had I not studied every word off the back of every album. On each album you would thank him so I knew who he was. When he arrived, all the kids just wanted to play his drums. I yelled above the crowd that I played the drums because of you and that you played the drums because of him and that because of that I should play! He agreed and I played for the school. A real nice memory I have.
Thank you and I am glad to see you are doing well.
Subject: Peter...
No doubt you get a lot of mail and there is a good chance you are not going to read this. But I won&t know unless I send.
I&ve been a fan since a Monday I stayed home from school sick and I happened watched the Mike Douglas show. 15 years old and trying to explain what I saw on TV the next day in school was nearly impossible. I was a huge fan from 73 to 79. I&ve been a fan still but my real listening years were 73-79.
I just finished your book. Having read Gene&s and just feeling that his book was an all about ME book...he never really got too far into his demons and it&s obvious a lot was there. Not much in apologies from him. I just wanted to say how much I appreciated your book and the truthfulness in it. Believe me...I believed a lot of the crap that was schpeeled out in the past but your book opened up my eyes and I was able to see a lot more when I read Gene&s book again and also Nothin& To Lose. I purchased your book thinking I was not going to be very interested in it... only to be completely taken with it. I couldn&t put it down. You did what I did not expect...you told the painful truth.
Being a KISS fan for so many years...I was glad I purchased your book to at least contribute a little back to you that was taken from you. Me as a fan...I got caught up in the hype. I never really thought any of you all as &real& humans. It was all fantasy. But your book Peter...put it right out there. You ARE human, you make mistakes...but most importantly, you are truthful to yourself and you own up. I can&t tell you how much I respect you for this book. I appreciate you letting me into your personal life. I wish nothing but the best for you Catman. Ya know...anyone can put on the makeup but it doesn&t make you the Catman. There is only one. You!
I hope this email finds you and your family well.
Thanks again for everything Peter. You are now included in my prayers.
Subject: Hi
Thanks to God that you are in this world. You are the inspiration
for many people in this world like my brother...see ya.
Subject: Read Your Book
I just finished reading your book. Very hard times and a wild early life to get through. I'm near 50 now and I can appreciate taking stock of things and slowing down. All your decisions in life can't be right ones, but that's what life is all about. I saw you play in Harrisburg, PA years ago with Tall Man and Angel as well as with Kiss 2X. You are an awesome drummer and I wish I could see you somewhere again. It would be a treat. Baby Driver, Nothin' To Lose and of course Beth and Hard Luck Woman are among my favorites!
God Bless and Rock on!!
Subject: A Fan of Peter's for 37 Years
Don't exactly know if it will be you reading this, or if it will ever get read, but you were the foundation of Kiss. You've been the drummer closest to my heart all of these years, and probably will be until the end of me. Your drum style has always been the high water mark I have judged other drummers by. I walked 12 miles round trip back in '78 to buy my Solo albums, and yours is still the one in my car I listen to with any regularity. It was different than the other guy's, but it was quite well done. You haven't deserved the things thrown at you by others. You will forever be my favorite Kiss member. Thanks for the music Pete. Hope your health is well.
Much much love and respect.
Subject: Hello from Billy
First I want to say, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE GREAT MUSIC AND LIVE PERFORMANCES YOU HAVE GIVEN US FANS. The ONLY KISS I KNOW AND ALWAYS WILL KNOW IS: Paul. Gene. Ace and Peter!!! NOT TOMMY AND ERIC!!! After you and Ace left the band, I REFUSE to spend MY HARD EARN MONEY on a COPY BAND!!! Today, KISS is a TRIBUTE BAND!!!!! Gene and Paul ruined the KISS LEGACY!!!! It's sad to see FANS of today buying into the bullshit!!! The last time I did see you play is when you opened for Aerosmith. At first, I was against it because Ace wasn't there and second, KISS wound up being an OPENING ACT!! Also, the show was LESS THAN THE AVERAGE KISS SHOW. And to top it off, ALOT OF THE GREAT KISS SONGS WERE NOT PLAYED on that tour, Calling Dr. Love, Christine Sixteen, Strutter, etc. Anyway, I had to write this to you. It's sad to see this happen and THIS IS WHAT MONEY DOES TO PEOPLE, Gene and Paul are treating this like you said, a brand NOT a band!!!!
Take care Peter and hope to see you make MUSIC AGAIN!!!!
Subject: Greetings from China
Dear Mr. Criss,
Greetings from Shanghai, China. I am a Finnish guy living here with my family, always (well, since the age of 6 at least, starting 1976) been a big fan of KISS, meaning the period when you were in drums. My son (Daniel, now 7) also made his version of the cat mask when they had a party at school last year. This week I finally got a copy of your book here in Shanghai, and now in 2 days I have already finished it and I must say it is the most entertaining book I have read in a long long time. The only regret is that I did not get a signed version, but you cannot have it all, right? Very inspirational story also, the real chance to see what a beautiful person there is behind the beautiful mask! I just had to finish it almost non-stop, had to get up in the middle of the night to continue the story, what a trip it was! I want to wish all the best for you and your family, after all that you have been through.
Much love & respect with kindest regards,
Subject: This is a letter I wrote to Gene.
I find it odd that Gene & Paul continue to bad mouth Ace & Peter, but have no
problem singing their songs and using the old photos/footage when promoting pretty
much everything and anything.
If it weren't fro Ace and Peter KISS would be NOTHING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last Concert I have Seen was The Last OF THE FOUR ORIGINAL MEMBERS OCT. 08. 2000
Charleston SC
IT Should of ENDED THERE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
KISS FAN FROM 1973 to 00 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We all know the Ace and Peter were screw ups. That's what made them fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!
STOP LIVING OFF THE OLD IMAGE OF KISS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WISE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: Hello
Long time fan, Just wanted to say it's not the same without you and Ace. Never will be.Anyways I went to see the reunion tour in 96 and you guys were so fresh and kick ass, tons of energy and great show. Just went to see the Monster tour (Hard Rock Hollywood, Fl) and what a disappointment. Sounded horrible, everyone looked bored on stage, Didn't even sell out. Songs were played flat and it wasn't Peter Criss on the drum's... At least I have great memories of the 96 reunion tour. Read your book. Great work very inspirational.
Good luck. A life long fan,
Subject: Thanks a Million!!
Hello Peter,
I just want to express what a sheer pleasure it was to meet ya'll at the Mad
Monster Party Gras convention in New Orleans this weekend.
My friends and I
has such a wonderful experience and the two of you could not have been more
gracious or accommodating.
Thanks a million for the memories of meeting our
childhood hero.
I am sure that both of you have an expert understanding of the lifelong
devotion of Kiss/Peter Criss fans but please just allow me this small
I have been extremely blessed in my lifetime.
I had the most
magical childhood full of love and friends that I still have to this day.
My mother and father were amazing parents, they live three doors down from
me now and celebrated 52 years of marriage this year.
GOD is good.
be remiss, however, to not give some credit for this wonderful childhood to
my childhood heroes, the members of Kiss.
As a fourth grader in 1976 I
vividly remember my childhood crush and teacher, Ms. Cumbo, saying, "If I
see another picture of Kiss I'm gonna scream".
You see, the members of
Kiss were real life superheroes to me, my brother and my best friend and we
simply could not wait for the next Kiss album, the next magazine with Kiss
on the cover, the next Kiss appearance on television,
or the next Kiss
The magic of Kiss that we experienced as children we STILL experience
That's what is truly amazing.
Kiss, for me, is a lot more than just
the music (although I LOVE every song Kiss made up until the Elder album).
They are a part of my history and a way for me to get in touch with that
youthful enthusiasm and wonderment that I had as a child.
Classic Kiss is
still my number one hobby today, almost forty years after I first heard
Alive on vinyl.
I have amassed a huge collection of Kiss merchandise, one
item at a time, and when I enter my Kiss room I still feel like a ten year
old little boy, full of wonderment and awe.
THIS is what Peter and the rest
of Kiss have given to their legions of fans for the past forty years.
That's why Kiss fans are the best fans in the world in my opinion, bar none.
In the profession that I have chosen to work in I deal with real life issues
every day that can be very taxing.
I believe that all individual should
have a hobby that brings them escape, excitement, and pleasure and classic
Kiss has been my lifelong
Immersing myself in all things Kiss, Kiss
trivia, Kiss news, new classic Kiss items, brings me the same joy that it
did almost forty years ago and it keeps me in touch with my childhood.
is usually the kid in the adult that I find the most appealing and
Knowing that my childhood hero still loves brownies and ice
cold milk before bedtime is so extremely cool to me.
I hope that the two of
you enjoyed the few little treats I was able to bring you this weekend as
much as I enjoy them.
(I have also been a chocolate milk and brownie fan
since childhood as well.)
Once again, you have no idea how much your
hospitality and graciousness meant to me and my three buddies who attended
on Friday and Saturday.
I will truly be a Peter Criss fan for life!
also so very thrilled that my childhood hero has someone in his life who is
sober, loves the Lord, is a helpmate,
and who has his best interests at
I certainly hope that in the future circumstances will allow the two
of you to, once again, find yourselves in my little corner of America.
that becomes an eventuality, the brownies and chocolate milk will once again
Take care and GOD bless.
Subject: You Were the Best Drummer
The first time kiss toured western Canada, I saw you and the band in 77, During the alive tour. Man you were the best one and always the best!! Keep on rocking,Peter, And congrats to you and your wife on a long happy marriage!!
Your no one fan,
Martin from Alberta,Canada.
Subject: Just a Thank You
I finished reading your book not too long ago, and I wanted to thank you
for writing it and for your honesty and bravery about what you've gone
I've been a fan of KISS for a number of years, but honestly, I'm just a
bigger fan of music in general - in whatever genre or form it takes. I love
the fact that when I see videos of you, I can see the same love in your
So just a thank you, from my heart, for contributing to the soundtrack of
my life in so many ways.
Play on :)
Lori, aka Loripop326
Subject: Letters to Catman from a Brazillian Drummer
my name is Daniel Camarao, I'm from Bel&m, Brazil. I'm 20 yo, I'm a drummer too. I'm your fan. I want to congratulate your book: ''Makeup to Breakup"...I loved all those words that you wrote. I felt happy with you, I also felt sad with you. You book encouraged me to keep on doing music and find my way, with happy and God.
Thanks Catman.!!!
Subject: Thank You
I wanted to take a moment and thank you for being the inspiration for me to get involved in music. When I first began following kiss I remember listening to the songs you were on and trying to play like I was right next to you. I never had the chance to see you perform and I refuse to pay to see kiss without you as well as ace. In fact I only bought symphony because you are the one behind the kit. I got to read your book and enjoyed it. Thank you for the inspiration.
Sincerely, Chris
Subject: Your Book
Just finished your book tonight and it brought up so many feelings of my own life and so many of the stories my father told of his past. I can remember the Christmas morning I unwrapped my Kiss Alive II album and my new drum set. I was already a huge fan but Alive II was very special to me. I've been playing now for over 38 years and have lived a similar life of rock n roll craziness. Woman, alcohol and drugs had been a daily ritual for me. Now coming up on six years clean (this weekend) It's funny how sobriety enables you to remember so much more of your past, and continues to alleviate your prideful self. I want to thank you for ending this book in a place that inspires my faith in God and regains my faith in Peter Criss as a giver. I wish you great happiness.
The Louisville Crashers
Subject: Loved Your Book
I just got your book 2 days ago & just finished it tonight. I have to say, I thought it was great. I was in Junior High when you guys were hitting it big, and Love Gun was my first album. I never got to see you on tour, though, until the reunion tour. It gave me chills to see my favorite childhood band...took me right back to that young kid, listening to that album, on a small, portable record player. You know the kind...had a hinged lid that latched shut & 1 speaker...lol. As a fellow cancer (kidney) survivor, I'm happy both you & your wife beat this terrible disease. Keep up your good work for this cause!
Best Wishes to you & Gigi,
Subject: Makeup to Breakup.& Superb.
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I've enjoyed your book.
Funny as hell yet deeply moving. A remarkable life to be sure.
I first got into KISS as a seven year old when I was living in Sydney, Australia and you guys changed everything for me. "Thanks" somehow just doesn't seem sufficient!
I am now a 43 year old writer/performer with my own theatrical troupe called The Laudanum Project and even though we are not a band and seem to be more guided by the likes of Charles Dickens and Edgar Allan Poe rather than rock music I think there are some influences that are unmistakable.
Cheers to you Peter for being a survivor and sharing so much with us.
You will always rock.
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: Drums
Peter Criss,
You r the reason I play the drums!
Subject: 9 Years Old, First KISS Concert
My name is Sean Swan. Im sure youve gotten tons of letters and comments
over the years about how
they are the biggest fans etcc, but
I just wanted to
thank you for inspiring me to play drums. Music has brought me so much joy and
happiness and I cant even fathom what life would have been without it. I am in my
early 40s now, kids, job, etcc, and stay home to be with my children so I dont miss
out on they're lives. I still play a couple nights a week locally and still enjoy it
more than ever. I moved to nashville and played 10 plus years on the road with
several artist, but moved back home as I say to be with my kids.
When I was about 9 years old, a 16 year old, long haired,Kiss army
member, was my hero. He had a
black, double bass set identical to
what you played in the 70's, a 68 camaro, and a beautiful blonde
girlfriend. Ha! As far as I knew this guy had it all!
I convinced my
parents to the let him babysit me while they would go on date nights.
It worked out great. He would bring his
girlfriend and swim in our
inground pool, ( Prob among other things)!
while his mom and dad let
me play his drum set at his house down the block. His room, as was
mine, was covered with posters from one wall to the other. One night
he had planned to go see you guys at the Memphis Tn Coliseum. He got
tickets, made arrangements but forgot he was supposed to baby sit me!
With no one to watch me, he took me with them. I remembered every
detail! That was one of the best nights of my life. I finally got to
see me hero play drums.
I dont mean to waste your time man, reading a boring story, but as I
said I just wanted you to know that even though Ive never met you,
youve made a positive impact on my life, and inspired me to be a
better player. Over the years Ive come to respect and admire many
other players and drumming brothers as I do you. Some are famous ,
some are not. Larrie Londin, or Ralph gallant was also one of my
biggest influences. I sadly never got to meet him before he passed
away, but got to know Sean , his son, when I lived in Nashville Tn.}


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