
to see films,but I don't want to go to the movie theatre to watch a movie.
we are going to watch movie this Saturday
Excuse me , is there a cinema nearby
1扫院子 : sweep courtyard.
2打棒球 : play baseball
3低调 : low-key
4马上 : at once/rig...
答: 可以创建多渠道发货,运费相对贵一些。
答: 动物园具有科普教育,自然保护,科学研究,休闲娱乐等作用 用英语怎么说
答: 新疆维吾尔自治区高等教育自学考试委员会,维吾尔语怎么翻译
答: 公司名字不允许有标点符号的 去掉就行了
这个不是我熟悉的地区英语翻译_万圣夜看什么 史上最恐怖的11部电影_沪江英语
万圣夜看什么 史上最恐怖的11部电影
With Halloween just around the corner there&s no denying that scary movie season has arrived. We&ve collected 11 of the most frightening movies every made. So turn off the lights, lock your doors, and get in the holiday spirit.万圣节马上要到了,毫无疑问,恐怖片的观影季又来了。我们收集了11部有史以来最恐怖的电影,关上灯,锁好门,感受一下万圣节的节日气氛吧。
1.The Exorcist (1973)驱魔人
Director William Friedkin&s classic tale of demonic possession terrified audiences when it first debuted, and it's remained at the top of the list ever since. While most of the sequels are better left forgotten, be sure to check out William Peter Blatty&s Exorcist III: Legion. While not up to the level of the original, it contains what&s
one of the best jump scares of all time.威廉&弗莱德金导演的经典作品,讲述鬼附身的故事,自初次登台以来就吓倒了观众们,自此之后一直居于恐怖类电影的榜首。虽然它的续集大多都已经被人们淡忘了,但一定要看看威廉&彼得&布拉蒂自编自导的《驱魔人3:军团》。虽然没有达到原作的水准,但仍可称得上是有史以来最精彩的让人心惊肉跳的恐怖电影之一。
2.A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)猛鬼街
Freddy Krueger may have turned into a wise-cracking pop culture curiosity, but Wes Craven&s original film is vicious and nasty & with a villain to match. Not all of the performances have aged well, but Robert Englund (as Krueger) and Heather Langenkamp (as the heroine Nancy) have an undeniable chemistry. Also keep an eye out for the big-screen debut of Johnny Depp.弗莱迪&克鲁格将这部电影改编称了明快而狡黠的流行文化奇谈,而韦斯&克雷文的原作则是险恶而恐怖的&&再加上一个负面角色。并非所有演员的演技都可圈可点,但罗伯特&英格兰德(饰克鲁格)和希瑟&兰根坎普(饰女主角南希)确实演的很到位。还要留心看看约翰尼&德普首次在大银幕上亮相的样子。
3.Audition (1999)切肤之爱
Japanese filmmaker Takashi Miike directs this story of a middle-aged man who takes an unorthodox approach to finding a new girlfriend. What happens from there& well, it&s better if you find out for yourself.日本制片人三池崇史执导的电影,讲述一个中年男人用歪门邪道寻觅新女友的故事。故事由此展开&&剧情究竟如何,还是你自己去发现吧。
4.Sinister (2012)险恶
Ethan Hawke plays a true-crime novelist who moves his family into a home that was the site of unspeakable crimes. It&s the kind of broad set-up that could go awry in the wrong hands, but director Scott Derrickson and co-writer C. Robert Cargill know exactly when to play to audience expectations & and when to subvert them.伊桑&霍克是一名真实犯罪小说家,他带着自己的家人搬进了一所房子,在这里曾经发生过不可告人的案件。这种大俗套的设定在平庸之辈手中一定会搞砸,可是导演斯科特&德瑞克森和联合作家罗伯特&嘉吉却非常懂得怎么迎合观众的观影期待&&以及怎么颠覆观众的观影期待。
5.The Ring (2002)午夜凶铃
Usually foreign-language horror films get U.S. remakes that lack the bite of the original, but director Gore Verbinski (Pirates of the Caribbean) delivers a film that&s stronger than any of the previous adaptations.通常美国翻拍的非英语电影都没那么原汁原味,可是导演高尔&韦宾斯基(执导《加勒比海盗》)却为观众呈现了一部超过之前任何翻拍作品的版本。
6.Halloween (1978)万圣节
Simply put, John Carpenter launched a genre with his low-budget slasher, and the film is as terrifying and relentless today as it was the day it was released.简单的说,约翰&卡朋特用他这部低成本的血淋淋的恐怖片开创了一个新类型。在今天,这部电影仍像当初刚上映的时候一样恐怖而残酷。
7.The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)德州电锯杀人狂
Brutal. Ugly. . Absolutely terrifying. That's just scratching the surface of Tobe Hooper&s Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Recently remastered for its 40th anniversary, the film has never looked this good, but before you watch it make sure your neighbors don&t mind lots and lots of screaming.野蛮,丑恶,污秽,简直是吓死人。这还只是这部托比&霍珀执导的《德州电锯杀人狂》的一点皮毛。最近这部电影为了庆祝40周年刚重新灌录,焕然一新,好的不能再好了。不过在看之前,最好确认一下,你的邻居不介意听到阵阵尖叫声。
8.The Blair Witch Project (1999)女巫布莱尔
Blair Witch was a cultural revelation. Could this story actually be true? Don&t search Google and don&t check your smartphone to find out: just watch the movie right now.《女巫布莱尔》是一部文化启示录。难道这真是一个真实的故事吗?别搜谷歌,也别查你的智能手机了:现在就来看看这部电影吧。
9.Alien (1979)异形
Ridley Scott&s classic may be a sci-fi film, but that doesn&t stop it from being one of the scariest movies ever made. The tagline at the time was &In space no one can hear you scream.& Here on Earth you won&t be so lucky.雷德利&斯科特的经典原作本是一部科幻片,但这并不能阻止我们将其列为有史以来最恐怖的电影之一。那个时候这部电影的宣传语是&在太空里没人会听到你尖叫。&但是在地球上你可没那么幸运了。
10.The Strangers (2008)陌路狂杀
Writer-director Bryan Bertino took a simple concept & a couple, played by Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman, are terrorized in their home by mysterious strangers & and turned it into a horror tour-de-force. Pulling heavily from genre master John Carpenter, The Strangers delivers in every way possible.编剧兼导演布莱恩&伯蒂诺采取了一个简单的概念&&一对夫妻(丽芙&泰勒和斯科特&斯比德曼饰演)被家里神秘的陌生人搞得惊恐不已。导演把这个简单的概念衍生成了一部恐怖片佳作。《末路狂杀》深受恐怖片大师约翰&卡彭特的影响,对后来的恐怖类影片也产生了方方面面的影响。
11.American Horror Story: Murder House, pilot (2011)美国恐怖故事:谋杀之屋,&领航员&
Yes yes, this isn&t a movie, but credit where credit is due. The pilot for the first season of American Horror Story wasn&t just an impressive it was a signal that the medium had shifted. Things occur at the end of this pilot that simply should not be allowed to occur on television, and that reckless, break-all-the-rules approach is a large part of why AHS was so horrifyingly refreshing.对对对,这并不是一部电影,但还是值得赞赏。《美国恐怖故事》第一季的这集领航之作并不仅仅是这部电视剧中的一个亮点;它是一个标志,标志着大众媒体已经转型了。在这部领航之作的末尾,原本不应该再电视上发生的事情发生了,这种大无畏,突破一切规则的路径也正是为什么《美国恐怖故事》令人耳目一新,简直令人惊恐的主要原因。}


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