
[摘要]HOVR的创意体现在,它将上班与健身锻炼融为一体,让你在工作状态下,下半身也能得到锻炼。《国际流行病学》期刊在2015年将长时间的“久坐不起”视为一种新型“吸烟”。是的,现在的上班族,不管是哪个阶层,早上去办公室可能一坐就是一整天。在工作状态下, 我们的上半身参与了运动,但是下半身基本就不作任何运动。长期以往,势必会给我们的身体带来各种职业病。为了避免身体出问题,很多年轻人喜欢下班或者周末出去健身房锻炼,但如果我们在上班的时候也能运动,是不是更有效呢?为此,国外开发者打造了一款工作健身器材HOVR。它的外形跟我们在小区健身区见到的器材很像,你可以将其固定在桌子下面使用。HOVR底部是两个脚踏板,上面是绷带,你可以根据自己的运动强度,用双脚做任意拉伸。坦诚地说,HOVR本身并没有太多技术含量,就是我们平常所熟悉的健身器材,但是它的“创意”体现在将工作与健身融为一体。开发者经过测试发现,使用HOVR的上班族,燃烧的卡路里要比普通上班族多17%。为了能有效地追踪用户的运动情况,开发者还提供了运动追踪功能,你可以在手机应用上设定自己的运动目标,查看自己消耗的热量等。HOVR提供两个版本:一个是独立版本,它的主体是一个平衡支架,你可以将其放在任意位置;另一个版本是“简约版”,需要将其固定在桌子下方。HOVR目前已登陆众筹网站indiegogo,早期支持者可以125美元(约合人民币834元)购买到独立版本(配平衡支架),或者仅需支付65美元(约合人民币433元)买简约版。如果你想要获得运动追踪功能,还需要额外再掏35美元(约合人民币233元)购买运动追踪器。
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8 Ways You Can Travel The World
Travelling the world is often viewed as an incredible but expensive privilege of those who have the courage to do it. This is mostly an accurate assumption. It&s possibly one of the most incredible and important experiences you can create in your life. Everyone is entirely capable of doing it once they muster the bravery, if travelling is really something you want to do. Once you&ve done that, it&s just the financial aspects stopping you. But exploring the planet doesn&t have to be expensive, in fact you can earn a living doing it. Jordan Bates of Refine The Mind shares some insight and resources for those of you who are seeking an affordable adventure and life experience:
Find a way to travel abroad. This is one of the most basic pieces of advice I could give to anyone wanting to expand their view of life, themselves, and the world. I&ve written previously about why traveling abroad will be the best decision of your life and the empowering realizations you can&t afford to miss.
Still, I know that for many people the prospect of globe-trotting is a far-off, seemingly unreachable fantasy. Folks think &Wouldn&t it be nice if I had the money to do that?& or &Sigh, I could do that if it weren&t for [insert excuse here].& or &Some day I will do that, after [insert arbitrary life event].&
People tend to believe that traveling abroad will cost them a fortune, or else deep down they haven&t overcome a fear of entering the unknown. Well, I&m here to tell you that traveling abroad doesn&t have to break the bank. I mean, sure, if you want to live a 5-star lifestyle in a foreign country it will cost a pretty penny, but you shouldn&t want to do that. You should want to live with the people and experience the culture because that&s where the magic happens.
Between cheap flights, living in hostels or CouchSurfing, and finding ways to earn money, food, and/or accommodation while abroad, travel can cost far less than you might imagine. Here are eight ways to partially or entirely finance a trip abroad.
1. Teach English
In just over one month, I will be heading to Asia to teach English in Busan, South Korea for at least one year through the EPIK Program. English is, in many ways, becoming a universal language. There are job opportunities in countless locations all over the world, and often you only need to be a native speaker or take an online certification course (you may also need a college degree). Many programs will pay for your airfare and housing on top of a healthy salary. Google and Dave&s ESL Cafe are good resources to begin discovering your options.
This is something I&m probably going to do within the next few years. Through the World Wide Organization of Organic Farms (WWOOF), you can travel to many different countries and work on organic farms. Basically, you work for 4-6 hours per day in exchange for food and housing with a host family. This leaves the majority of your day open for exploring and other activities. With the necessities covered, you only need to pay for travel expenses. I have friends who &WWOOFed& for 6 months in Japan, and some friends of a friend did the same for about 6 months in South America.
3. Peace Corps
Peace Corps is another option I&ve strongly considered and may still do. Corps members make a two-year commitment to live and work in a developing country. Members work in the sectors of education, youth and community development, health, business, agriculture, environment, and HIV/AIDS, among others. In exchange, you receive a housing and living allowance, student loan assistance, a re-adjustment stipend of $7,425 upon completion, full medical and dental coverage, plus a few other things. I know the Peace Corps would be a profoundly life-changing experience.
4. Work on a Cruise Ship
Recently, I went on an extraordinary Alaskan cruise with my family. While on the ship, I met a woman from London who encouraged me to check out working for a cruise line if I was interested in traveling abroad while earning money. She said she makes $1,800 per month, and her housing and food are completely covered. She also told me she was on a 6-month contract, so the job wasn&t an overly large commitment.
5. Housesit or be an Au Pair
When I was in Spain last summer, I met a girl who was working as an au pair for the summer. She was spending time in Germany, Italy, and Spain looking after different family&s children during the workday. She was then able to spend her evenings as she liked and travel on weekends. It seemed like a pretty sweet gig. Housesitting is another related option I&ve heard about. Unlike being an au pair, you wouldn&t be paid to housesit, but you would have a free place to say. Some people bounce around the world housesitting for years at at time.
6. Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)
VSO&s vision is a world without poverty. They are an organization that puts people first, and I love that. VSO volunteers work in areas of animals and natural resources, communications and fundraising, communities and social development, engineering and technical, health, business, education, and more. VSO covers the travel expenses, insurance, and day-to-day living expenses for their volunteers.
They also offer Youth Volunteering Program for young people who might not yet have the experience to qualify for one of their main volunteer opportunities. Additionally, keep in mind that VSO and Peace Corps are two among many volunteer organizations around the world that will finance your travels to volunteer abroad. Don&t be afraid to do some digging and check out others.
7. Work at a Resort
Resort positions are among the most common forms of employment that can be easily acquired by people from foreign countries. And, there are resorts all over the planet. You could potentially work as a front desk attendant, in a restaurant, or in the activity/entertainment department. You could save money, and in your downtime, experience a tropical locale.
8. Blogging/Freelance Work
I had to include this one. It&s becoming more feasible all the time to work from a remote location, and people are capitalizing on this state of affairs to become digital nomads. Chris Guillebeau and Wandering Earl come to mind. A friend of mine and her husband recently quit their jobs to travel the world and started This World Rocks as a way to document their travels and gain some funds.
Make no mistake & there are no get-rich-quick-and-easy methods of making money as a blogger or freelancer. But, there are many people who do it, and if you&re curious, you&ll find mountains of helpful info online from places like Copyblogger. If you&re looking to brainstorm more ideas for making money while abroad, check out this longer list from Wandering Earl.
Will You Do What it Takes to See the World?
Once you&re awakened to the reality of affordable travel experiences, it&s difficult to fall back on the same old excuses.
You&re forced to confront a difficult truth: I either want this badly enough or I don&t. If seeing the world is something you feel you definitely want to do (and it should be), you really have just one obstacle left to overcome: internal resistance.
We tend to resist change with all of our being. We procrastinate infinitely. Fear, anxiety, and distractions become ready-made reasons not to do things. We crave consistency and the eternal comfort zone, but whether we like it or not, life will change and we won&t be ready for it. That&s a fact, but you have a choice.
You can lock yourself indoors, peak out the blinds, and wait nervously for the day when life becomes a kamikaze. Or, you can dive headfirst into a foreign environment, gain invaluable experiences, and come out stronger and more capable than ever of facing life&s inevitable quagmires.
It&s up to you.
&Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn&t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.& & Mark Twain
&He who does not travel does not know the value of men.& & Moorish proverb
Note: Due to a few comments made on Reddit about this post, I want to clarify a couple things.
First, I do not believe traveling is necessary for personal development or an automatic way to improve yourself. With a curious attitude and open mind, however, I think traveling is an exceptional means of broadening one&s perspective on one&s own country and gaining a global awareness (two items which I view as vitally important for more people to gain in our world).
Second, I didn&t intend for this post to make it sound as if traveling is cheap. Relative to the average daily wage for people of the world, it isn&t. Not everyone is able to do it, so if you are, view it as a privilege and try to learn as much as possible. The point of the post was to show that there are options to make it more financially feasible for a greater number of people than is often assumed.
Finally, I want it to be clear that not all of these options will work for everyone. Some require degrees. Some would only partially finance your situation or provide a small side income stream. I&m sorry if the post was misleading in any way. It was meant to be a catalyst to get you thinking creatively and entrepreneurially about how you might travel abroad, if that is what you feel you need to do. Cheers, everyone.
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  在 泰国(度假) 做英语老师
  然而像Projects Abroad这样的组织在全世界范围内开设的教学地点只是在那些只要求教授会话英语的,不要求有相关资质的国家。
  “在国外教学是一个不错的选择,一方面你能看到不一样的地域风情。另一方面你又能把自己从原来的生活工作中解救出来。”项目顾问克雷格?佛雷曼 这样说,“在那些Projects Abroad设点的国家,当地的学校都争抢这些会将英语的教师资源,因为这些会说英语的人在当地做导游或是在酒店工作工资要比在学校高。”
  要查阅美国国内和境外的职业空位,可以访问www., 以及www.duderanch.org。大多数的农场都会在他们的网站上贴出招聘信息,还会附有一张可下载的申请 表。立刻填写吧,很多网站正在为夏季找人呢。
  “全球有机农场体验是一个不错方式,它可以让人们了解最新的农作物种植技术、储藏技术、动物饲养技术以及其他与农场相关活动。人们可以呼吸新鲜空气,锻炼身体,享受美好时光,与志同道合的人在一起。”斯嘉丽?潘,她经营着一家全球有机农场的英国分场。“但是对于游客来说,在你旅游之前你得确定你 有资格进入到这个国家来。”
  “要得到这样的一份工作,最好在网上找――这些工作一般很难找到。若是有空职位,船长或是代理公司会把机会给那些早在网上排队等候的人。”游轮 动力的老板,约翰?斯托得说道。“游轮中心位于法国的南部,帕尔马马洛卡和劳德代尔堡这两座城市。能有一个训练证书(《海员训练,发证,值班标准》简称 STCW)还是很有用处,它能展示你的资质水平。
主演:尚格?云顿/乔?弗拉尼甘/Bianca Bree
主演:艾斯?库珀/ 查宁?塔图姆/ 乔纳?希尔


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