
很有求学上进的心啊,佩服。可惜我也不懂,帮不了你,sorry~ 忽然灵光一现,想到了,不过只是猜测:模式种:理论上有可能存在的物种有效种:真实存在的物种纯属猜测,希望不会误人子弟。。。
暴龙是什么意思 暴龙在线翻译 暴龙什么意思 暴龙的意思 暴龙的翻译 暴龙的解释 暴龙的发音 暴龙的同义词 暴龙的反义词 暴龙的例句
暴龙 双语例句1. 报道说,研究人员对其它恐龙化石重复了实验,一个是8000万年前鸭嘴龙的化石样本,还有两个6500万年前的暴龙化石样本,结果都得到了类似于现代动物骨胶原的软组织,并可以观察到其中的血管和细胞结构。&&&&Scientists examined one of the creature's thigh bones and noticed unusual features in the marrow cavity.2. 2. 依此说,鲨齿龙是无法与南方巨兽龙和对平等的长度暴龙。&&&&Going by that, Carcharodontosaurus was not as large as Giganotosaurus and about equal in length to Tyrannosaurus.3. 行动结束后,暴龙果然对两兄弟下毒手,被眼明手快的阿郎抢先击毙。&&&&After the operation, the two brothers wretched Tyrannosaurus really been sharp-eyed and the man goes first to kill.4. 4. 埃里克使用量子战士的力量从史前世纪寻获了量子暴龙佐德,基于此,埃里克被科林斯先生&&&&Eric uses his power as the Quantum Ranger to retrieve the Quantasaurus Rex zord from prehistoric times, which impresses Mr.5. 伯明翰大学的地质博物馆就在它的主楼里,不大,也不需买票,里面还免费提供小食品和饮料,但是展品很全:始祖鸟、鹦鹉螺、暴龙头骨、小昆虫和像钉子一样的不知名海底生物的化石,金、银、铜、硫的天然单质矿石,和一些由任何一本参考书上都没说过的复杂化学式所代表的成分所组成的宝石(我到今天才知道碱式碳酸铜的结晶原来这么漂亮),还有一些只听说过的铁酸盐晶体,当然馆内远远不止这&&&&The fossil collections are important both scientifically and historically, with exceptionally well-preserved specimens from the Midlands and many other famous fossil localities in the UK, and throughout the world. The museum has some of the finest collections from the Wenlock Limestone of Dudley, famous for its fossils that lived 420 million years ago when the area was covered by a shallow, warm, tropical sea that enabled a highly diverse ecosystem to develop. From the rocks of the old Midlands Coalfields are important collections of fossil plants, fish, insects, arachnids, fossil footprints and animal tracks.6. 然而现在研究表明,暴龙的进化史要追溯到比先前早很多的小型食肉恐龙--虚骨龙。&&&&Now, it appears that tyrannosaurs evolved much earlier than that, from a group of small, meat-eating dinos called coelurosaurs.7. 这一新化石的发现使有关暴龙进化的争论逐渐明晰。&&&&The new fossils shed light on debates about tyrannosaur evolution.8. 暴龙眼看两人以无利用价值,遂设计两人去台湾执行任务,准备借刀杀人。&&&&Tyrannosaurus saw two men with non-use value, then design two missions to Taiwan, to prepare Collateral.<p class="p11查询·英语单词大全9. 品尝清晰,轻,脆鲜,广东菜,熟悉,西方人通常选择暴龙兽和生产创新菜肴。&&&&Tasting clear, light, crisp and fresh, Guangdong cuisine, familiar to Westerners, usually chooses raptors and beasts to produce originative dishes.10. 10. 朋友暴龙的三只小狗中的其中之一。&&&&One of three dogs of my friend, Bao-long.11. 11. Giganotosaurus 龙,长约100英尺,长的象房子一样大;暴龙,拥有机车头般的力量,世上最无畏的动物;翼龙或者说飞龙等等这些有史以来巨大的怪物都消失了。&&&&&&The Giganotosaurus, that was over a hundred feet long a the Tyrannosaurus, that had the strength of a locomotive and was the last w the Pterodactyl or Flying Dragon - all the giant monsters of Prehistoric Ages - are gone.12. 12. 在艾力达的指挥下,恐龙们是怎么对抗暴龙的?&&&&&&How did the herd under the leadership of Aladar stand up to the carnotaur?13. 13. 我还是不时觉得手痒,把球传得比暴龙队的 Muggsy Bogues 还棒。&&&&&&I have sick freaks and can pass the ball like Muggsy Bogues.14. 问:多伦多暴龙的 Wayne Embry 说你并不是最伟大的篮球员,但如果他要&&&&&&Q: Wayne Embry, who`s been in Canada with the Toronto Raptors, said15. 所有兽脚亚目食肉恐龙( bipedal恐龙,其中包括暴龙和velociraptor )拥有的弧度,吊钩似的爪在它们的手和脚,类似今天的猛禽。&&&&&&Rex and Velociraptor possessed curved, hooklike claws on their hands and feet, similar to today's birds of prey.16. 16. 大约有暴龙,最广泛认可的恐龙和一个儿童喜爱的新的信息。&&&&&&There is new information about Tyrannosaurus rex, the most widely recognized dinosaur and a favorite among children.17. 17. 暴龙是体型最大的恐龙之一。&&&&&&One of the biggest dinosaurs was tyrannosaurus rex.18. 在它的口腔前部长有像暴龙一样的尖牙,还有为使头骨更坚实而长合在一起的鼻骨。&&&&&&It had tyrannosaur-like teeth in the front of its jaws and nasal bones that were fused together to strengthen its skull.19. 19. 其中有暴龙的祖先、三角龙的祖先、远古时期的鱷目动物,以及近四十种一亿六千万年前的动物。&&&&&&And had the tyrannosaurus ancestor, the triangle dragon ancestor, an ancient times time alligator item of animal, as well as nearly 40 kind of 160, 000, 000 year ago animals.20. 里格比的雷克斯,也称为霸王龙规划,施工和黑死病,是哗众取宠的媒体和狂热的支持者回暴龙时发现。&&&&&&Rigby's Rex, also known as Tyrannosaurus imperator or Black Death, was hyped up by the media and fanatical T. rex supporters back when it was discovered.暴龙是什么意思,暴龙在线翻译,暴龙什么意思,暴龙的意思,暴龙的翻译,暴龙的解释,暴龙的发音,暴龙的同义词,暴龙的反义词,暴龙的例句,暴龙的相关词组,暴龙意思是什么,暴龙怎么翻译,单词暴龙是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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