男声,一首英文摇滚藏獒,非常爽的一种,高潮有 sa lei ...... sa lei

一首英文歌,就是挺摇滚的,就是一个男的一直在喊声音很嘶哑的,好像是A开头的_百度知道找一首英文歌歌里面的高潮是“so am I,so.”是一首重金属摇滚乐曲,男声唱的,挺激动的.
still waiting 来此sum41 sum 41- still waiting(live)so am i still waiting,for this world to stop hating?can't find a good reason.can't find hope to believe in.drop dead a bullet to my head.your words are like a gun in hand,you can't change the state of the nation,we just need some motivation.these eyes have seen no conviction.just lies and more contradiction,so tell me what would you say,i'd say it's time.(too late)so am i still waiting,for this world to stop hating?can't find a good reason.can't find hope to believe in.ignorance and understanding,we're the first ones to jump in line.out of step for what we believe in,but who's left to stop the bleeding?how far will we take this,it's not hard to see through the fakeness.so tell me what would you say,i'd say it's time(too late)so am i still waiting,for this world to stop hating?can't find a good reason.can't find hope to believe.this can't last forever.time won't make things better.i feel so alone,can't help myself,and no one knows,if this is worthless,tell meso!what have we done?we're in a war that can't be won!this can't be real,i don't know what to feel.so am i still waiting,for this world to stop hating?can't find a good reason.can't find hope to believe.so am i still waiting,for this world to stop hating?can't find a good reason,can't find hope to believe.end
扫描下载二维码一首英文摇滚曲,歌词大部分由Tonight结尾,男生唱的,高潮部分大多高音_百度知道求一首女生英文歌,高潮有it is a beautiful thing_百度知道}


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