
& 自命不凡
【成语谜语】:我是仙人&(打一成语) —— 谜底:&自命不凡
狂妄自大是什么意思 狂妄自大在线翻译 狂妄自大什么意思 狂妄自大的意思 狂妄自大的翻译 狂妄自大的解释 狂妄自大的发音
狂妄自大 基本解释狂妄自大[kuáng wàng zì dà]词典:骄傲自大,自恃。词典:狂妄自大;狂自尊大。词典be arrogant and conceited:狂妄自大。词典:狂妄自大。词典:妄自尊大;狂妄自大。狂妄自大 汉英大词典狂妄自大[kuáng wàng zì dà](as) proud as L be ar have grandiose delusio think one is the whole cheese狂妄自大 网络解释1. Hubris:于是,我们又回到了那第一个词,从杂种(hybrid)到狂妄自大(hubris),在这里,那个人为地把两个存在结合在一起的意思不知怎么仍然保留着. 今天的结合直接是希腊神话式的:这是把人的能力与诸神的特权相结合,而今天批评者使用的,2. 狂妄自大什么意思2. swagger:SVEC 立体向量心电图 | swagger 狂妄自大 | swaggerer 狂妄自大者3. Too big for your britches:Too big for your boots 自命不凡,不知道轻重 | **Too big for your britches 狂妄自大 | Too many chiefs and not enough Indians 人多误事4. cock of walk:a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人 | cock of walk 狂妄自大 | make a fool/monkey out of oneself 让某人自己出丑狂妄自大 双语例句1. 但是,我们却狂妄自大的讨论中国的奥运。&&&&However, french people are talking about Beijing Olympics haughtily, Chinese will hear it!2. 2. 可是我们依然要警惕,我们不可狂妄自大,不可排斥他人的文化,无论是社会文化,还是饮食文化。&&&&We but still need to watch out for, we can't the extremely conceited is arrogant, can't reject the culture of others, is a regardless social culture, is still a food culture.3. 是酷妩煞结束了他们过份的狂妄自大,她真是干得漂亮。&&&&It was an excellent thing that K w rsha had put an end to their excessive arrogance.4. 这一点引起了激烈的争吵。卡明指责我狂妄自大。&&&&This provoked a furious row, and Cuming accused me of becoming too big for my boots.5. 而产生了一种狂妄自大的重要性。&&&&Arrogance arises out of a sense of self importance.6. 狂妄自大的解释6. 在此之前,经济及其发展模式已经非常复杂,超出了传统的调整手段的控制范围,加之,政府的狂妄自大让它对基础改革的需要视而不见。&&&&By then, the economy and the way it was financed had become far too complex for traditional guidance, and the state`s sense of omnipotence had blinded it to the need for structural reform.7. 我不知道河南人坑蒙拐骗的新闻,但以我和河南人打交道中感觉到河南人自以为是,狂妄自大,不知好歹,不思进取。&&&&I do not know who Henan Kengmengguaipian news, but I deal with people in Henan Province who feel self-righteous, arrogant, not know what's good, nothing.8. 8. 经常想一想,有多少医生,在他们时常面对病人束手无策之后,自己也死去;有多少占星家,在以巨大的自负预言他人之死后,自己也死去;有多少哲学家,在无休止地探讨死亡和不朽之后,也同样死去;有多少英雄,屠杀千百人,仍难逃一死;有多少暴君,狂妄自大,草芥人命,彷佛他们是不朽者,也一样死去;还有多少城市销声匿迹,比如赫利斯、庞贝和赫库兰尼姆,数不胜数。&&&&Think continually how many physicians are dead after often contracting their ey and how many astrologers after predicting with great pretensions
and how many philosophers after endless discourses on
how many heroes aft and how many tyrants who have used their power over men's lives with terrible insolence as i and how many cities are entirely dead, so to speak, Helice and Pompeii and Herculaneum, and others innumerable.9. 有些人的狂妄自大是无从想象的。&&&&The impudence of some men is beyond all calculation.10. 10. 我认为这是对症的那种特有的狂妄自大。。。&&&&I think this is symptomatic of a peculiar sort of megalomania that...11. 11. 段雨沫小姐,请不要狂妄自大。&&&&&&Miss Duan Yumo, wenden Sie sich bitte nicht arrogant.12. 自信不等于狂妄自大,善待身边的人,友好可以增添你的魅力值。&&&&&&Just because you are confident in yourself doesn't mean you must be cocky.13. 在零售行业,狂妄自大和以销售额为驱动的文化所能造成的破坏比较有限。&&&&&&In retailing, the damage that can be caused by hubris and a sales-driven culture is limited.14. 象我自己就是个例子,平时英语都很拔尖后来狂妄自大了,早习课拿来做理科作业,这几次考试我考得非常不理想。&&&&&&One proliferation area is pass to lap over or extend a P type to take the form/wreath form area and N source pole substantially at least/leak pole area of ditch way side, with the N type of and P type adulterant.15. 他狂妄自大地认为,我在星期天下午似乎没有什么更有意思的事情可做。&&&&&&The supercilious assumption was that on Sunday afternoon I had nothing better to do.16. 在那场美国有史以来最为严重的自然灾害中,他用他冲动、毫无章法、狂妄自大的行为让这座城市走向了毁灭。&&&&&&This is the man who contributed to the ruination of the city with his impulsive, disorganised and self-aggrandising conduct during the worst natural disaster in America's history.17. 在一场重病之后,他显示出残酷、荒淫无度以及狂妄自大,从而致使他被谋杀&&&&&&After a severe illness, he displayed the ruthlessness, extravagance, and megalomania that led to his assassination.18. 狂妄自大是什么意思18. 有人恨我的比赛,我的狂妄自大;恨我的后仰投篮,我对胜利的渴望;恨我是一名老将,恨我获得过总冠军。&&&&&&Hate my game, my swagger. Hate my fadeaway, my hunger. Hate that I'm **eteran. A champion. Hate that.19. 狂妄自大什么意思19. 据我看,亚历克这个人还不赖,不过有时候太狂妄自大了。4 P# I'}6 6 S。&&&&&&Alic's all right, I guess, but sometimes he's such a wise guy.20. 20. 它如果不能治愈别的疾病,至少能够治愈人类的狂妄自大的&&&&&&If it can cure nothing else, it can cure man of megalomania.狂妄自大是什么意思,狂妄自大在线翻译,狂妄自大什么意思,狂妄自大的意思,狂妄自大的翻译,狂妄自大的解释,狂妄自大的发音,狂妄自大的同义词,狂妄自大的反义词,狂妄自大的例句,狂妄自大的相关词组,狂妄自大意思是什么,狂妄自大怎么翻译,单词狂妄自大是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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