I don,ti want restto fall in love in the rest of our l

求The Narrative 的don’t want to fall歌词中文翻译 不要一字一句生硬的中文式翻译_百度知道
求The Narrative 的don’t want to fall歌词中文翻译 不要一字一句生硬的中文式翻译
t accept you&#65533.And after time I can&#65533.You&#39, o yeah It't want to fall in love with you againI�Cause I don�so many strangers their walking around in our place,m walking up to your gate.And after time I can� yeah suddenly it&#65533.as we pass the closing stot you find them unsettling.through the wire and diamonds Im trouble keeping up with you pleasantriesdon�t accept you�Cause I don�m capable of itThis is a decision that I've know for a while made.We woke the neighbors, it&#65533.'re spinning meOur backs against a concrete wall.And suddenly it�m so afraid I�t want to fall in love with you againI�re not easy to forget.&#39,there are so many of them these days.Yeah this probably was a bad idea.Moving in rhythm footsteps align, the intercom? It&#39, and what we had has come and gone,m doing ok till your arm brushes mineand then I panic thought I'rm capable of it,but s probably a good idea.And now we say that we were young, the intercom, head to head you&#65533, yeah this probably was a bad idea, head to head you�re still tm so afraid I&#65533,your body fallss probably a good idea.We used to own these streets.I&#65533.You&#39,your fumbling are still tre spinning me.We used s nos all unclear.You say we can sit and stay but I&#65533, I remind my self as I�s all unclear
can we go walking.我太害怕我不能控制自己;t accept you�re still the song on my breath.时光流逝,通话机;Cause I don�m walking up to your gate,我们能一起走走吗,但那之后我开始惶恐.时光流逝,通话机Ws probably a good idea,我们路过打烊的商铺和依旧亮着灯的咖啡馆there are so many of them these days,你拉着我旋转And now we sam doing ok till your arm brushes mine在你的手臂轻碰我的之前.然而; yeah It&#39, I remind my self as I&#65533,我以为自己已经想清楚了but re spinning me,再度陷入爱And after time I can&#65533,我们如此靠近,your fumbling around with your keys,是的;m capable of it.忘记你是如此困难Moving in rhre not easy to forget.这曾经是我们的街道. 我们把所有的邻居都吵醒了,这个主意大概不错&#39,再度陷入爱And after time I can&#65533.我太害怕我不能控制自己.一切突然了然于心,是的.路过电线杆我看见了你的身影;re not easy to forget.这大概是个很坏的注意; yeah suddenly it&#65533? 你难道不觉得这些话让人心烦,你正笨拙地找着大门的钥匙You say we can sit and stay but I�t you find them unsettling.忘记你是如此困难We used m so afraid I&#65533.有这么多的陌生人在这些曾经属于我们的地方走来走去,我不能接受你仍是我心头的歌You&#39This is a decision that I've kre still the song on my breath,我们背靠着墙your body falls and on the intercom, the intercom, it�t want to fall in love with you again因为我已不想再一次爱上你I&#65533.这大概是个不错的注意?It&#39,通话机;s all unclear, on every single floor,这个主意大概很坏&#39,我们如此靠近,你拉着我旋转Our backs against a concrete wall, the intercom,我不能接受你仍是我心头的歌You&#39.有节奏地并肩走着I�ve figured it out,往事随风We used to own these streets,是的,s not accept you�Cause I don�re spinning me,我的表现还算镇定and then I panic thought I&#39, head to head you&#65533.你摔倒在通话机上,我马上将反悔as we pass the closing stores and lit up cafes, head to head you�这些随处可见so many strangers their walking around in our place,这些曾经属于我们的地方And suddenly it�m so afraid I�t want to fall in love with you again因为我已不想再一次爱上你I� yeah this probably was a bad idea,一切突然了然于心Yeah this probably was a bad idea, and what we had has come and gone现在我们说那只不过是年少轻狂;s probably a good idea,但我已经跟不上你的幽默don�m trouble keeping up with you pleasantries你说我们能一起坐坐.我一边不住地提醒自己记得刚刚做好的决定一边走向你家through the wire and diamonds I can see your shape, in our place.这曾经是我们的街道
出门在外也不愁How to Make a Man Fall in Love in 6 Words. | elephant journal
on Apr 13, 2014
Relephant reads:
“Don’t fall in love with me.”
It seems every time I’ve used that sentence since my divorce (eight years ago now), I’ve gotten exactly what I didn’t ask for: the guy fell for me. Reverse psychology? Certainly, not intentional.
My divorce was amicable but painful. After 13 years, I choose to leave who still loved me very much at the time. His suffering and my guilt over it ate away at me until I was ultimately and completely emotionally unavailable for anyone else.
I went through several relationships after my split, each time leading with that one warning: “This is for a good time not a long time. Don’t fall for me.”
Even though my intention was to do no harm, which to me meant not-committing—fear of karma, or worse hurt someone else again—each time I wound up in a soon to be doomed relationship with another victim left licking his wounds.
Looking back, I’m sure somewhere deep inside I wanted a relationship—true love and fairy sparks and not-so-consciously had my sights set on those industrious illustrious illusions of “forever” and “he’s the one.” (For sure this time.)
I’m not all that and a bag of kale chips! So, why did these decent guys keep buying in to a bad package deal?
Somehow, my being elusive (read: emotionally f*cked up) must have triggered their innate “chase and conquer” gene.
I didn’t do it on purpose. As my best male forever friend says, “We’re all here just looking for love.”
And don’t feel sorry for those men. They’ve all moved on to find their perfect–for-them sweetheart! And here I am still flying solo. (Incidentally, we’re all on good terms and many of my exes have asked me for relationship advice, so I can’t be all bad.)
A man I recently met and started engaging with in fits and starts told me,
He is right. Yet he keeps coming back, despite my ill treatment of him.
I decided to do some research to see if I was innocently (or at least sub-consciously) luring them in to feed my I-need-to-be-loved/desired/wanted ego.
I Googled(R) “how to make a man fall in love” and with plenty of sites offering an array of tips and tidbits, I found the answer to my high-success-rate-low-level love connections on Huffington Post.
In a simple, articulate article, the HuffPost author describes three ways of making a man fall in love with a woman. (Author’s descriptions.)
The Natural Way. This mysterious spark of nature cannot be defined. Not everyone gets to experience it but when it happens, you just know know know it. Whether chemistry, pheromones or unexplained animal attraction from across a crowded pizza joint… It. Just. Is. (I’ve experienced this. With my ex-husband. Go figure.)
The Devious Dastardly Way. (Oh dear.) Basically, it goes like this: Give. Withdraw. Repeat until the poor fellow is putty. (Insert guilty expression here.) Give genuinely and generously. Withdraw with reason. Go back and do it all over. Note: This is terribly manipulative even if subconsciously directed, but it confirms men like a challenge. The problem, aside from the obvious this-is-not-loving, is that the whole thing is insincere.
Infatuation does not = love!
Not only that, but this non-love game must continue to be played in order to keep him interested and more likely the game ends and the player (in this case the head-case chick) and the played-out (guy) both lose. Not good, lose-lose.
The High Road. Bring out the best in him. Encouraging his best self shows our best self. He’s less likely to be getting that elsewhere, and since energy flows where attention goes, those traits will grow. He’ll like that and love us for inspiring him to get there. Win-win.
There’s no right way or one way to “make” a man fall in love.
But there is a wrong way to entice a man that will leave all parties feeling poor-me. That sucks. (Trust me.)
I’ll admit I’ve inadvertently played this losing game. But I’ve also given genuinely and generously and been honest about my intentions. But even being up front about being “unavailable,” actions can mislead. Bad dog. I lose.
Be accepting, loving, genuine and honest. And have an interesting and fulfilling life of our own so it gives men the perception of the chase without the negative side-effect of dangling the cookie. The right one will fit into our lives if/when he shows up. (Whichever one he is, as I believe there’s more than one in this grand world.)
And if that’s not in our cards for this life’s journey then we’ll be alright anyway because we’re busy and loving ourselves enough that it won’t even matter.
And then I’ll get a cat.
I apologize to any men one I accidentally hurt on my journey thus far.
Incidentally, I did find there are some high-love-points things we can do to encourage a man to feel/continue to feel amorous toward us that bolster self-esteem for both parties. to see them!
Relephant from the Market:
Once he’s in love, here’s how to make it last:
How to fall in love in Bed: be genuine, kind.
Love elephant and want to go steady?
Editor: Cat Beekmans
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Anna Jorgensen
Anna Jorgensen Dating, love and relationship coach.
A lumberjack's daughter, I spent my formative years surrounded by virgin forest and hungry grizzly bears in remote forestry camps. The crews were mostly hard-working, good-hearted scruffy men. There was plenty of naked-lady wallpaper, which explains my naughty sense of humour and understanding of how men think. (Hint: It's not only about sex.)
In 2010, after several "practice" relationships (and a hella lotta "I need help" self-study), I rewrote my self and my life and now wear the cape as "Wingmam." Yay! My super power is providing one-on-one coaching and study-at-home-in-pj's online programs that entertain-ucate singles on how to understand the opposite sex, get unstuck, navigate the modern dating world and fast-forward to the fun bits of their happily ever after. (I don't ask anyone to use cheesy lines or made-up words like I do.)
Love IS the answer, people! ;)
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