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Legendary Pictures Turned Down a Movie Because Its Main Character Is a Female Action Hero | The Mary Sue
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Legendary Pictures Turned Down a Movie Because Its Main Character Is a Female Action Hero
You probably haven’t heard of Legend of the Red Reaper. The passion product of Tara Cardinal, who also stars, it’s about a Reaper, or guardian of humanity, who goes on a quest for vengeance against those who betrayed her kind. It’s the sort of high-fantasy action story that’s gotten more popular since Game of Thrones hit it big. But you probably won’t be seeing it in a theater, since Legendary Pictures passed on it. Why? They don’t think people want to see action movies with female leads. Because Sucker Punch failed. Yeah.
To start off, let me quote the e-mail sent by the Legendary representative, bolded for emphasis:
“Thank you for letting me take a look at your script this weekend. While I did enjoy the mythology behind the story, I found myself a little confused with regards to the ‘Red Reaper’ world as a whole. While I was not closely familiar with the world before reading, certain aspects felt either unexplained or redundant — most specifically, illuminating Aella’s past, demonic powers, etc. I feel that it would be difficult to bring on another project with our currently saturated slate of epic fantasy fare, especially without any significant cast/director attachments or large-scale brand recognition. Also, while I am personally drawn to the presence of a female action hero, it is currently a tough sell with the less than stellar way Sucker Punch was received. Ultimately, while I don’t think this is for Legendary, I think the property has potential.”
The first three points—a confusing backstory, an oversaturation of fantasy, and a lack of a big-name star or director—are completely valid. Or could be:
after all. But since I haven’t read the script, I’m willing to give the anonymous e-mail writer the benefit of the doubt and say Legendary had three legitimate reasons for passing on Red Reaper.
But, of course, it’s that last reason that gets me. People don’t want to see movies with a female action hero? Oh, sure. Because it’s not like the female leads of The Hunger Games, Prometheus, and Snow White and the Huntsman took their respective studios to the bank or anything. Even Brave and the Twilight series, which are a bit more far-flung from the action genre, show that a female lead is no barrier to a movie making a ton of money.
It’s not that this person doesn’t like
it’s that other people don’t! Not that whoever wrote the e-mail has anything to back that claim up save the financial failure of one movie, but hey, we’re talking millions of dollars here. Who wants to take chances?
Except Legendary does take chances when it’s not a female-led film. It’s perfectly reasonable to assume that they would want to avoid a repeat of Sucker Punch, which they produced. But let’s take a look at some of the other films Legendary has made in the last five years.
Jack the Giant Slayer
Wrath of the Titans
Jonah Hex. Jonah flipping Hex.
So when Sucker Punch performs poorly it’s because audiences don’t like female-led films, not because of of any of the actual faults highlighted in its generally negative reviews. (A few tidbits from : “Pointless,” “repellent,” “a particularly ambitious exercise in tedium,” “it kind of sucks out your soul while you’re watching it.”) But when Jonah Hex crashes and burns, it’s not because it starrs a guy! And its failure doesn’t make Legendary shy away from comic book movies, either, since they’ve done three since it came out.
Legendary’s Superman Returns flopped in 2006, but they kept giving comic book movies another shot. Of course they did, because there’s more to the success or failure of a film than a basic thing like what genre it is. But apparently Legendary sees “gender” as a totally valid thing to reject a movie based on… as long as that gender is female.
According to Heidi Honeycutt, who first wrote about Legendary’s rejection of Red Reaper on , the film was allegedly rejected by another production company, Bad Hat Harry (which produced Jack the Giant Slayer with Legendary along with the X-Men movies). According to Honeycutt, they also “[cited] that they don’t feel female action leads are bankable.”
Because people clearly don’t want to see movies where ladies kick butt.
Even though, y’know, that’s demonstratively not the case.
Do you feel like screaming? I feel like screaming.
Cardinal went ahead and made Red Reaper wi you can see the trailer at the source link. Regardless of anything else about the movie, I hope you’ll agree with how completely bogus it is that a studio would say “but audiences don’t like female leads!” A) as an explanation for the financial failures of some movies, when the failure of male-starring movies never gets tied to gender, and B) as an excuse not to make more female-starring films.
OK. That’s it. I’m done. Time for a calming circle, readers, ’cause I need it. OMMMMMM.
(via: , via )
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求一电影!LEGENDARY PICTURES美国传奇电影公司出品的!
出门在外也不愁出品了《环太平洋》的传奇影业(Legendary Pictures)是怎样一家公司?是好莱坞新兴片厂的代表吗?
问题来自知友 @ 答《》——传奇……本来就是家来片厂投钱的私募基金,只不过时间长了、成功多了、老板本人野心大了,公司开始向creative转化罢了。这类slate financing是九十年代起好莱坞电影制作资金的重要来源,一般的银行、基金不会过多介入选项目、creative层面,而Thomas Tull这人的野心,和摊上蝙蝠侠的运气,使得传奇拥有了在华纳slate里任意挑选项目的权力,甚至Tull(环太平洋里的图街)本人还越来越多参与到制作层面,华纳决定不续约有他们足够的考量。顺便求教:Slate financing 是什么意思?这个类型的片厂在目前的好莱坞的地位和态势如何?
这道题涉及一个根本性的问题:好莱坞拍电影的钱从哪里来?我们可以把好莱坞电影产业寻找不同资金来源的过程粗略分成几个历史阶段:1. 自有资金和银行贷款自有资金投资这不必说。而从银行借款,这种方式自好莱坞开天辟地以来就存在,从爱迪生和格里菲斯时代起,好莱坞已经开始向银行家借钱。2. 以个人投资者主导的外部资本好莱坞寻找外部资本的历史也很悠久,著名的案例包括,报业大王威廉·兰道夫·赫斯特、著名的肯尼迪家族、飞行大王霍华德·休斯,以及后来的微软联合创始人保罗·艾伦等等。但直到七十年代之前,外部资本对好莱坞来说都只是很小的补充。我们知道,七十年代开启了好莱坞的大片时代,影片投资成本飞速上涨,电影产业的经营风险增加,融资需求也大大提高,完全依赖自有资金和银行资本显得捉襟见肘(还有个背景是几大传统电影公司纷纷被收购,集团不重视电影业务因而压缩自有资金的投入),而且,商业银行的低风险倾向已经无法满足好莱坞资本市场的要求。恰好在这时,美国政府出台了针对电影投资的折税政策,大大鼓励了国内乃至欧洲的私人投资者进入电影资本市场。3. 以机构投资者主导的外部资本税收优惠政策不能一辈子当饭吃,1986年里根政府的税制大改革取消了关于投资电影的优惠政策,再加上个人投资者在资金筹集规模、风险抵抗能力上的先天不足,机构投资者取代了他们,成为好莱坞的外部投资主体,在它们的带动下,大量的保险基金和退休基金也纷纷进入电影投资领域。4. 2004年至今的组合投资基金阶段这就是题目所问的,什么叫slate financing?在回答这个问题之前,我们先问另外一个问题:好莱坞为什么需要外部资金?好莱坞真的缺钱,所以需要外部资金吗?答案是需要,也不需要,但还是需要。理论上电影公司当然可以完全依赖自有资金来拍摄电影,而且九十年代以来,次级回收渠道的丰厚利润足以支撑电影公司拍摄亿元规模的超级大片,但无一例外,所有电影公司仍然向外寻求投资。原因有很多,比如分摊风险,提高开工数量,哭穷以让明星和经纪人降低片酬,等等,但最主要的「秘密」在于,电影公司和外部投资者的合作,是基于某种「不平等条约」,即使双方投入相等的资金,比如说50/50,但电影公司最后分得的利润却比外部投资者多很多。这是因为,一部电影的票房回款,电影公司(它们一定是合作影片的发行方)总要先从里面扣掉占总票房10-15%的发行费以及其他营销支出,再和外部投资者平分,这当然看起来是公平的,只不过对电影公司来说,坐收发行费把一件有风险的事变成相对旱涝保收,再加上各种会计策略,总而言之,引入外部投资者,对于好莱坞电影公司来说,是一件可以「揩油」的美事。既然电影公司希望寻找外部资本,外部资本也在寻找投资机会,双方自然一拍即合。但是,对冲基金的经理基本不具备电影产业的专业知识,也不太可能一部一部去评估每个电影项目的盈利前景,合作起来岂不是效率很低?这时,派拉蒙公司副总裁Isaac Palmer找到了一个非常巧妙的办法,他想,既然一部一部评估太费事,我们为什么不打个包呢?他向证券公司游说,是这么说的:我们派拉蒙公司历年的内部回报率(Inner rate of return)都稳定在15%以上,你看你们对冲基金,内部回报率差不多是12-18%,那我们的回报率水平差不多,可以一起合作呀。美林证券一听真是这么回事,那行啊,于是和派拉蒙签下合同,决定透过Melrose Partners这家中间商,投资派拉蒙公司年即将开拍的26部影片(包括热门项目《世界大战》《碟中谍3》),投资额占18%,并相应分享18%的利润,这个协议保障派拉蒙在和美林投资集团结算之前要提取北美总票房的10%作为发行费(这就是派拉蒙内部回报率高的「秘密」),所以实际上美林到手的分成肯定没有那么多。美林出面的这支基金募集到2.31亿美元,最后占股总盘子的20%,比原计划的18%高2个百分点。这是年发生的事,这种合作方式,就是我们说的slate financing。所谓slate,就是一批即将开拍的影片的合称。派拉蒙和美林开了一个好头,于是这种组合投资计划迅速成为好莱坞的流行做法。2004年,经纪公司Relativity Management宣布建立两支基金,分别支持独立电影和大片。2005年,尝到甜头的美林再度出击和漫画巨头Marvel合作slate financing项目。同年稍晚,华纳和Legendary Pictures也达成类似协议,后者提供的基金总规模达到5亿美元,计划在未来5年内拍摄25部影片,双方各投50%。但华纳和Legendary Pictures的这单合作和其他的slate financing存在一些区别:Legendary Pictures不像其他基金投资者只负责筹资别的都不管,它希望深度参与影片的制作和营销,换句话说,它对介入电影产业的内部运行有兴趣。Legendary Pictures不像其他基金投资者无权选择slate里面的片目,它拥有「挑肥拣瘦」(cherry-pick)的权力,换句话说,它可以拒绝华纳塞过来的鸡肋影片,并要求华纳必须把风险小、赚头大的油水项目放到盘子里来。回到题目,Legendary Pictures到底算一家什么样的片厂,说白了,本质上是家私募基金,但它也希望涉足电影产业的实体运行。此外还有Dune Entertainment,曾经和福克斯签下过28部影片、总金额3.25亿美元的slate financing合约的投资公司,最近刚刚和华纳携手,因为华纳已经和Legendary Pictures分道扬镳。后来发生了我们都知道的次贷危机,年是slate financing合作的低谷,一些对冲基金撤出了好莱坞,并把项目打折卖给新进场的玩家。而不少新的玩家开始将slate financing的方向拓展,不再限于投资影片的制作,而是将触角伸向娱乐业的其他角落,比如有的基金开始投资艺人经纪业务,因为他们发现,即使是大明星,主演的片子也可能票房失败,但从没人见过明星本人蚀本,那投资于明星岂不是更划算的生意?近来也有不少欧美以外的基金摩拳擦掌杀入好莱坞电影产业,比如来自印度、中东和中国的资金。总结:slate financing是21世纪以来好莱坞电影产业融资的新手段,传统电影公司获得了大量外部资金,分担了风险,而且牢牢掌握着创作主动权及海外发行权(和预售海外市场版权等筹资手段之区别)。这种做法本质上是把未来可期的稳定收益转化为一种证券出售给投资者,因为好莱坞电影公司普遍拥有连贯的、优秀的信用记录,以及强大的知识产权变现能力,对外部投资者来说,风险可以控制,收益也较可观,于是,事情就这么成了。
题外话:“Slate financing ”不就是电影项目融资的意思吗?说传奇影业,看看这些年它做的片子,就能知道是家什么样的制片商:2005年 《 蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》2006年 《超人归来》《水中女妖》《别惹蚂蚁》《啤酒节》《我们是马歇尔》2007年 《300斯巴达勇士》2008年 《史前一万年》《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士》2009年 《守望者》《监事与报告》《宿醉I》《别惹小孩》《野兽家园》《忍者刺客》2010年 《诸神之战》《西部英雄:约拿.哈克斯》《盗梦空间》《城中大盗》《预产期》2011年 《宿醉II》《专扁衰仔》2012年 《诸神之怒》《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》2013年 《杰克和巨人》《超人:钢铁之躯》《环太平洋》《宿醉3》《42号传奇》以上是百度出来的数据,准确性有待考证。有人觉得传奇沾了蝙蝠侠的狗屎运,但看看这张表,先是《300》,后是《守望者》。你们以为弗兰克米勒和阿兰摩尔都是傻二吗?若非米勒的《300》拍得好(这可比蝙蝠侠难度要大,300的漫画可就那么几张纸而已),摩老大能把漫画史上空前绝后的《守望者》给传奇?所以,传奇的牛叉在于它的专精,这是一家偏重年轻观众群、专注于ACG领域题材电影的制片商,而且态度很认真,投资手笔又大——人家从一开始就没准备投拍烂片,比那些凭着电影制作烂游戏,或者凭着游戏制作烂电影的,态度要端正得很多。另外,质量效应和魔兽世界的电影版也在传奇手中呢。敢接这两活的,得有点胆量、经验和实力才行吧,因为做烂掉的可能性很高的说……——————以下增补维基资料传奇影业的作品表:Year/Title/
Co-production company(s)/Distributor(s)/Box office/2005$374,218,6732006 / Peters Entertainment$391,081,1922006$72,785,1692006 / $55,181,1292006Gerber Pictures / Cataland Films / $20,387,5972006Thunder Road Films / $43,545,3642007$456,068,1812008$269,784,2012008$1,004,558,4442009 / $185,258,9832009$26,973,5542009Green Hat Films$467,483,9122009—2009 / $100,086,7932009 /
/ Anarchos Productions$61,601,2802010Thunder Road Films / $493,214,9932010Mad Chance / Weed Road Pictures$10,903,3122010$825,532,7642010 / Thunder Road Films$154,026,1362010Green Hat Films$211,780,8242011$89,792,5022011Green Hat Films$581,464,3052012Thunder Road Films$301,970,0832012$1,084,439,0992013 /
/ $197,687,6032013—$95,020,2132013Green Hat Films$350,955,4592013DDY$294,672,3912013$647,329,106(注意:这个表上的累积全球票房超过了80亿)及:传奇影业是第一批从华尔街私募基金集资成立的独立制片商(是不是第一家没说);传奇影业下设“Digital division”,这个是做游戏的;传奇影业下设“Legendary Comics”,这是个做漫画的,第一部作品就是弗兰克米勒的《》,话说传奇把米勒服侍得真好……传奇影业下设“Legendary Television”,这个是做电视的,但是没有看到有作品出来……“Legendary East”,嗯,这个分公司华谊也掺和了,尚没有作品出来……好吧,还是那句话,这是家特别喜欢动漫和游戏的电影公司,简直就是为造福全世界阿宅们而生的。


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