潮风のfriendshipp relation能合用吗?

& 遇见一个人对我说:爱上一个人是一种煎熬,拥有一个爱你的人是幸福的,我幸福的活在你的煎熬中.
以上网友发言只代表其个人观点,不代表新浪网的观点或立场。  一、常用短语   burst out 突然发生,突然……起来   knock... over (开车)" />
Interpersonal Relationships―Friendship
  一、常用短语 中国论文网 /1/view-5279475.htm  burst out 突然发生,突然……起来   knock... over (开车)撞伤,撞死   lose interest in 对……失去兴趣   from time to time 偶尔,有时   turn round 转过身来   raise money 筹款   on the phone 在通电话   make up 和好,和解   keep in touch 保持联系   lose touch with 与……失去联系   (be) ashamed of 对……感到惭愧 / 羞耻   (be) blessed with 享有……的福气   (be) allergic to 对……过敏   (be) on good terms with 与某人关系很好   (be) nostalgic for 对……很怀念   all at once 突然,忽然   bring... to mind 使……想起   in return 反过来,作为交换   belong to 属于   from the bottom of one’s heart   真心诚意地,发自内心地   二、重点词汇   A.大纲词汇   trust v. 信赖,信任   chat v. 闲谈,聊天   raise v. 筹措(金钱)   count v. 数   quarrel v. & n. 吵架   regret v. 后悔,悔恨   forgive v. 原谅,宽恕   scold v. 责备,申斥   ripen v. 成熟   tear v. 撕破,撕裂   mention v. 提到,涉及   note n. 钞票,纸币   amount n. 数量   sweets n. 糖果   loss n. 损失   cage n. 笼子   harvest n. 收获   broom n. 扫帚   couple n. 夫妇   bottom n. 底部,底端   close adj. 亲密的,亲近的   lively adj. 活泼的,有生气的   hurt adj.(感到)痛苦的,受到伤害的   tiny adj. 细小的,细微的,微小的   damp adj. 潮湿的   perfect adj. 完美的   B. 大纲外常用词汇   swing v.(使)旋转,(使)摆动   confront v. 面对(危险、困难)   betray v. 背叛   swell v. 肿,肿大   slide v. 滑,滑行,滑落   slip v. 滑倒,失足   scratch v. 擦伤,划伤   rewind v. 倒(磁带),倒回去   predict v. 预言,预测   click v. 喜欢(某人),有相同想法   (观点等)   murmur v. 低声说,喃喃道   flee v. 逃跑,逃走   pace v. 踱步走   reiterate v. 反复地说,重述   tread v. 踩,踏   reunite v. 重聚   cloakroom n. 衣帽间,临时寄物处   locker n.(带锁的)衣物柜   fair n. 义卖会   theft n. 偷,盗窃   pine n. 松树   walnut n. 胡桃   squirrel n. 松鼠   loch n.(狭长的)海湾   spray n. 水花,浪花   carpenter n. 木匠,木工   cigar n. 雪茄   heel n. 脚后跟,踵部   underwear n. 内衣   salute n. 致敬,行礼   spy n. 间谍,侦探   privilege n. 权利,特权   pilgrim n. 朝圣者   liar n. 撒谎者   interpersonal adj. 人际关系的,人与人之间的   moody adj. 喜怒无常的   alike adj. 相像的,相似的   considerate adj. 体贴的,考虑周到的   stony adj. 石头的,多石的   acute adj. 剧烈的,急剧的   glowing adj. 炽热的,发光的   financially adv. 财政上地   underneath prep. 在……下面   amid prep. 在……中   三、过渡词汇   无   四、语法   1. having done用作状语;   2. 动词ing形式作宾语与不定式作宾语的区别。
  She may be 80, but she’s still lively.   她也许有八十岁了,但仍然精力充沛。   (2) alive adj. 活着的,有活力的,有生气的,活跃的   The injured man is unconscious but still alive.   伤者不省人事但仍活着。   Although he is eighty, he is still very much alive.   他虽有八十岁了,但仍然充满了活力。   (3) living adj. 活着的;生活的   n. 生活,生计   Every living person has a name.   每一个活着的人都有名字。   Their stardard of living is very low.   他们的生活水平很低。   (4) live adj. 活的,活生生的;实况直播   That is a live fish.   那是一条活鱼。   It wasn’t a recorded show. It was live.   那不是录下来的节目,是直播。   6. quarrel v. 吵架,争吵;吵嘴   n. 口角;争吵;拌嘴   (1) quarrel (with sb) about / over sth   I would rather be laughed at than quarrel with him.   我宁愿被嘲笑也不愿和他吵架。   She quarrelled with her brother over their father’s will.   她和弟弟因父亲遗嘱的事起了争执。   (2) quarrel (with sb / between A and B) about / over sth   He didn’t mention the quarrel with his wife.   他没有提起和妻子的争吵。   A quarrel between good friends is a very unfortunate thing.   好朋友之间吵架是很不幸的事。   7. regret v. 后悔,悔恨   regret to do 对要做的事感到遗憾(未做)   regret doing 对做过的事感到遗憾、后悔(已做)   I regret to say I cannot accept your suggestion.   我很遗憾不能接受你的建议。   I regret having to make so many staff redudant.   我很遗憾不得不裁减这么多职员。   8. forgive v. 原谅,宽恕   (1) forgive sb sth 原谅某人的某行为   I forgave him his crimes.   我饶恕了他的罪行。   (2) forgive one’s doing sth   Forgive my interrupting you.   抱歉打扰你了。   (3) forgive sb for doing sth 原谅某人做某事   I cannot forgive myself for not seeing my mother before she died.   我不能原谅自己在母亲临终前未去看她。   9. loss n. 损失(可数)   Their losses had been enormous.   他们损失惨重。   The accident caused a great loss of time.   车祸造成大量时间上的损失。   短语:   1) at a loss 不知所措;困惑   2) a sense of loss 失落感   10. scold v. 责备,申斥   scold sb for sth / doing sth 因某事 / 做了某事责备某人   I have never seen him scolded by his parents.   我从未见过他被父母责备。   Did you scold her for breaking it?   她把那件东西打破了,你责骂她了吗?   11. predict v. 预言,预测   It is impossible to predict who will win.   要预测出谁将获胜是不可能的。   It is difficult to predict his reaction because he is so moody.   他如此喜怒无常,所以很难预知其反应如何。   拓展:   prediction n. 预言,预测,预告   predictable adj. 可预见的,可预料的   12. mention v. 提到,涉及   mention用作动词意为“提及,提到”,是及物动词,其后的宾语有三种形式。
  I am sure you would get along very well with him.   我确信你会跟他相处得很好。   18. in return 反过来;作为交换   I bought him a drink in return for his help.   我请他喝酒以酬谢他的帮助.   I’ll take it to my king, who will most likely give me a valuable present in return.   我要把它献给国王,他很可能会赏给我一件非常值钱的礼物作为回应。   19. belong to 属于   Those books belong to the library but this is my own.   那些书是图书馆的,但这本是我自己的。   Chairs and desks inside the classroom belong to our school.   教室里的椅子和书桌是我们学校的。   本模块中having done是非谓语动词中现在分词的完成式。与现在分词一般式doing相比,having done强调在谓语动词之前发生,而doing表示的动作或状态往往与句子谓语动词表示的动作或状态同时发生。   1. having done通常在句中作状语,表示句子主语发生的动作或存在的状态,与主语是主动关系。   Having worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London.   Having promised to stay with my mother, I didn’t accept the invitation to the party.   2. having done作状语,可以变成相应的完成时的状语从句,前提是主句和从句中需要主语一致。   比如上两句可分别变为:   After he had worked there for 30 years, Haydn moved to London.   Because I had promised to stay with my mother, I didn’t accept the invitation to the party.   3. having done及其被动式、否定式作状语的用法。   (1) having done形式表示作状语的动作发生在句子谓语动作之前,强调动作已经完成。   Having watered the vegetables, we began to dig the ground.   我们给菜浇过水之后,就开始挖地。(“给菜浇水”在“开始挖地”之前发生)   (2) having been done表示一个被动动作发生在句子谓语动词所表示的动作之前。   Having been criticized by the teacher, Wang Ming gave up smoking.   受到老师批评后,王明戒烟了。(“王明”和“批评”之间是被动关系,且“批评”在“戒烟”之前发生)   (3) having done的否定形式是在其前加not。   Not having received an answer, he decided to write another letter to them.   由于没收到回信,他决定给他们再写一封。   Not having been informed of the change in the meeting time, Mike arrived late.   由于没有预先得到会议改期的通知,迈克迟到了。   某些动词后接动词ing形式作宾语时与不定式作宾语的区别   动词ing形式作宾语时,在语法上是动名词。有些动词和短语中,两者均可作宾语,但意义不同。   1. regret to do 对要做的事感到遗憾 (未做)   regret doing 对做过的事感到遗憾、后悔 (已做)   I regret to have to do this, but I have no choice.   我很遗憾必须这样去做,我实在没有办法。(未做)   I don’t regret telling her what I thought.   我不后悔告诉她我的想法。(已做)   2. forget to do 忘记要去做某事 (未做)   forget doing 忘记做过某事 (已做)   The light in the office is still on. He forgot to turn it off.   办公室的灯还在亮着,他忘记关灯了。(没有做“关灯”的动作)   He forgot turning the light off.   他忘记他已经关了灯了。(已做过“关灯”的动作)   3. remember to do 记得去做某事(未做)   remember doing 记得做过某事(已做)   Remember to go to the post office after school.   记着放学后去趟邮局。(未做)
  A. said B. to say   C. having said D. saying   9. The police told the driver that he had knocked a girl ___ her bicycle and had nearly caused an accident.   A. off B. into   C. over D. on   10. The number of the students in this school ___ by 5% every year.   A. is risen B. are raised   C. rises D. raises   Ⅳ. 阅读理解   Honesty comes in many forms. First there’s self-honesty. Is what people see the real article or do you appear through smoke and mirrors? I find that if I try to be something I’m not, I feel unsure of myself and take out a part from my PBA (personal bank account). I love how singer Judy Garland put it, “Always be a first-class version of yourself, instead of a second-class version of somebody else.”   Then there’s honesty in our actions. Are you honest at school, with your parents, and with your boss? If you’ve ever been dishonest, I think we all have, try being honest, and notice how whole it makes you feel. Remember, you can’t do wrong and feel right. This story by Jeff is a good example of that:   In my second year of study, there were three kids in my math class who didn’t do well. I was really good at it. I would charge them three dollars for each test that I helped them pass. I’d write on a little piece of paper all the right answers, and hand them off.   At first I felt like I was making money, kind of a nice job. I wasn’t thinking about how it could hurt all of us. After a while I realized I shouldn’t do that any more, because I wasn’t really helping them. They weren’t learning anything, and it would only get harder down the road. Cheating (作弊) certainly wasn’t helping me.   It takes courage to be honest when people all around you are getting away with cheating in tests, lying to their parents, and stealing at work. But, remember, every act of honesty is a deposit into your PBA and will build strength.   1. The underlined part “appear through smoke and mirrors” in the first paragraph means “___”.   A. to be honest   B. to be unreal   C. to become clear   D. to come from an imagined world   2. Which of the following can best explain Judy Garland’s words?   A. Be your true self rather than follow others.   B. Don’t copy others or you can’t be the first class.   C. Make efforts to be the first instead of the second.   D. Don’t learn from others unless they’re excellent.   3. What does the author expect to show by Jeff’s story?
  3. The knowledge one gets by traveling in a foreign country is often ___ .   A. the second-hand information   B. collected from other sources instead of its inhabitants   C. got from arguments about the country   D. different from what one believed before traveling   B   字数 完成时间 题材 体裁 满分   465 8min 科普类 说明文 8   Do you always forget where you placed your keys or your purse? What was the name of the movie you saw last week? The major cause of your forgetfulness may be linked to what you store in your body, not in your short-term memory bank.   Tests continue to show that people with enough Vitamin B-2 do well in memory exams. The “B” could stand for “brain”, if you’re one of many with limited instant memory. And the number one source of that vitamin is sunflower seeds (种子).   Even when you’re sleeping or relaxing, your brain is still at work. Although it makes up just two percent of your total body weight, it uses up to 30% of the calories (卡路里) you take in each day. For it to work properly, it must be fed. Even if you’re not a breakfast eater, that meal is the best way to prepare your brain for the day. A quick and easy English muffin with peanut and butter in it, a glass of milk, and an orange, might be what your brain may be asking you the first thing in the morning when you feel your head is in a fog. Having sunflower seeds and fruit between meals adds more muscle (肌肉) to that hungry, demanding organ. Vitamin B-1 also helps the memory, and that is found in eggs, meats and nuts. In Chinese culture, walnuts are known as the fruit for a long life because it is believed that they feed both the kidneys and the brain. And according to Chinese culture, if you keep those two important organs in good working order you’ll live longer.   However forgetful you are, just keep in mind the letter “B”, which will help you to “bear in mind almost everything” even on those days when life’s challenges are sending you in a billion directions.   4. The underlined word “muffin” in Paragraph 3 probably means ___ .   A. menu B. dinner   C. calorie D. cookie   5. In the passage, Chinese culture is mentioned to ___ .   A. support the idea of long life   B. show the importance of vitamin B-1   C. warn the readers of two organs   D. remind us of walnuts and sunflower seeds   6. What can we conclude from the passage?   A. What we eat seems more important than what we learn in terms of memory.
  C. Having told D. Having been told   7. ― The light in the office is still on.   ― Oh, I forgot ___ .   A. turning it off B. turn it off   C. to turn it off D. having turned it off   8. She reached the top of the hill and stopped ___ on a big rock.   A. to have rested B. resting   C. to rest D. rest   9. ___ , Mr Wang couldn’t enter his house.   A. Since the key has lost B. Losing the key   C. Lost the key D. Having lost the key   10. It is reported that women ___ only 30% of the work force.   A. fill up B. bring up   C. make up D. set up   Ⅳ. 完形填空   My wife and I had just finished the 150-mile trip home from our daughter’s college. It was the first time in our lives that we would 1 for any length of time. We wondered how other people had 2 it.   Later in bed, I 3 the time I started college. My father had driven me, too. My mother had to stay home to 4 the cattle from getting into the crops. I, the fourth in a line of brothers, was the first to 5 college.   The truck was slow, and I was 6 . I didn’t want to get to the city too soon. I shook hands with my father in the truck and he didn’t say a word. But I knew he was going to make a little 7 . He finally said, “I never went to college and 8 of your brothers did. I can’t say don’t do this or that, because everything is 9 and I don’t know what is going to come up, but I think things will 10 . When you get a job, be sure to be honest and work hard.” I knew that soon I would be 11 in the big city and I would be 12 the life home. Then my father brought 13 the Bible (圣经) that he had read so often. I knew that he would miss it but I must 14 it. He just said, “This can help you 15 you will let it.”   When I finished school I took the Bible 16 to my father. But he said he wanted me to 17 it.   Now, too late, I remember. It would have been so 18 to give it to my daughter when she got out of the car. But I didn’t. My father could give me only a Bible, but I don’t really believe now that I gave her half as 19 as my father gave me. So the next morning I 20 up the book and sent it to her. I wrote a note. “This can help you,” I said, “if you will let it.”   1. A. worry B. separate C. stay D. travel   2. A. left B. stood C. enjoyed D. tried   3. A. wasted B. spent C. remembered D. killed   4. A. defend B. stop C. keep D. protect   5. A. graduate from B. go away to   C. keep out of D. come out of
  1. The National Coalition for the homeless believes that the number of homeless children is about ___ .   A. 350,000 B. 1,500,000   C. 440,000 D. 110,000   2. One part of the homeless population is difficult to estimate. The reason might well be ___ .   A. the homeless children are too young to be counted as children   B. the homeless population is growing rapidly   C. the homeless children usually stay outside school   D. some homeless children are cast away by their families   3. The McKinney Act is mentioned in this passage in order to show that ___ .   A. the educational problems of homeless children are being recognized   B. the estimates on homeless children are hard to determine   C. the address of grade-school children should be located   D. all homeless people have the right to get free education   4. The passage mainly deals with ___ .   A. the legal problems of the homeless children   B. the educational problems of homeless children   C. the social status of older males   D. estimates on the homeless population   B   字数 完成时间 题材 体裁 满分   587 10min 广告类 说明文 10   Crossroads International   How does Crossroads work?   Crossroads is a resource network. We take goods Hong Kong doesn’t want and give them to people who badly need them. We collect those goods and give them out in the welfare arena (福利院) in Hong Kong, Mainland China, elsewhere in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. So Crossroads is just that: a Crossroads between need and resource.   Who do we help?   The welfare agencies we help do not run on large budgets (预算). They are grass-root groups who have seen a need and tried to meet it. They can’t get the job done without back-up, so our task is to help them do their task. Our warehouse is full of goods, from computers to high chairs, clothing to books to medical things, cupboards to dining sets. They send us a list of their needs and we try to match it with the resource we have in stock.   How do we operate?   Crossroads itself also operates on a low budget. We do not buy the goods we send. They are donated. Similarly, rather than raising funds for transportation, we ask transport companies to donate their services. Nobody in our organization receives a salary. Even our full-time staff works on a voluntary basis.   Those that donate goods and services:   ?Factories ?Manufacturers ?Hospitals
  D. Crossroads has collected more goods than needed   Ⅰ. 选词填空   从下列方框里10个单词中选择8个适当单词的正确形式填入下列各句中,使其句意完整。每个单词只使用一次。   allergic bless forgive harvest perfect   predict privilege ripe scold tear   1. He finally ____ her when she expressed her regrets with tears.   2. Jim got away with cheating in the test, while Sam was ____ after the test.   3. Binhai has been ____ with tourist resources and pleasant weather.   4. These dances had ____ by the end of the primitive society.   5. Dr Yuan searched for a way to increase rice ____ without expanding the area of fields.   6. The tree which stood behind the school has been ____ up by the roots by wind.   7. Her examination paper was ____ except for one spelling mistake.   8. It’s really strange, but all her ____ have come true.   Ⅱ. 句子翻译   1. 这么多年来我们一直和邻居相处得很好。   2. 最近几个月我一直很忙,与大多数朋友失去了联系。   3. 这些旧的信件使我想起了许多朋友。   4. 世界上千千万万的人用这种方式相互保持联系。   Ⅲ. 单项选择   1. Henry always forgets things he has done. Yesterday he forgot ___ the letter and looked for it everywhere.   A. to post B. to have posted   C. posting D. having posted   2. ― I’m feeling terrible and lonely all the time, what should I   do?   ― ___ ! Try to talk to your friends, and take good care of   your health.   A. Go ahead B. Take it easy   C. That’s right D. Don’t mention it   3. ― Can you remember ___ some unpleasant things about   her?   ― Yes, but I didn’t mean ___ her.   A. saying; to hurt B. to say; hurting   C. to say; to hurt D. saying; hurting   4. ___ in the cage for half a day, the bird became hungry.   A. Being kept B. Kept   C. Having been kept D. Have been kept   5. “We can’t go out in this weather,” said Bob, ___ out of the window.   A. looking B. to look   C. looked D. having looked   6. I meant to ___ quietly, but your kindness made the parting doubly hard.   A. leave out B. pass on   C. fall out D. go away   7. My mother always get a bit ___ if we don’t arrive when we say we will.   A. weak B. ashamed   C. anxious D. patient   8. ― Why is your face all swollen?   ― I guess I’m ___ that medicine I took last night.   A. blessed with B. ashamed of   C. allergic to D. nostalgic for   9. I can hardly recognize the square because the old houses around have been ___ .
  4. From the text, we can infer that ___ .   A. anybody can be a successful manager   B. old people are always very rich   C. good luck is always waiting for lucky people   D. kindness can bring a good return   ※ 同阶精读训练   完成每篇阅读所需时间的依据为文章后的题干数乘以2分钟。   A   数字 完成时间 题材 体裁 满分   444 8min 社会类 夹叙夹议 8   We begin this topic by discussing the region of the United States known as the Northeast. This region includes 11 states and a small area called the District of Columbia, which is the home of the national government.   The Northeast is a very important part of the United States, for although it covers only about six percent of the nation’s area, it contains around one-fourth of the country’s population. New York, the most popular city in the United States, and several other large cities lie in this region.   Why are these 11 states so important? In the first place, the Northeast was one of the first sections of the country settled by Europeans. Busy cities developed there when most of America was still sparsely (稀疏地) settled. Many important events in the nation’s early history took place there, such as the Boston Tea Party in 1773, which took place immediately before the Revolutionary War broke out.   Today the Northeast is a great manufacturing (制造业) and trading region. Thousands of factories produce a wide variety of goods and provide other regions of the country with items they need. Many large manufacturing firms have their head offices here. Some of the country’s largest banks, investment agencies, and publishing houses are found in the Northeast. Several of its cities are noted for their fine museums. Some of the country’s best known colleges and universities are also found in this region.   Finally the Northeast is where the major part of the country’s international trade takes place. In the heart of this region, in New York city, is the home of the United Nations.   1. According to the passage, the District of Columbia is _____.   A. the area in which the nation’s capital lies   B. one of the states of the Northeast   C. the most popular city in the United States   D. the home of people working in the government   2. The Northeast at present is described in the passage as ___ .   A. a small area with a small population   B. a large area with a small population   C. a large area with a large population   D. a small area with a large population
  Getting too little sleep can affect your personality. Experts recommend that children get at least nine hours sleep a night.   5. What does the underlined word “recommend” in the last paragraph mean?   A. Suggest. B. Ask.   C. Wish. D. Order.   6. During your sleep, ___ .   ①your body repairs itself from the normal wear and tear of   daily life   ②your brain produces slower-moving waves   ③your dream begins   ④you lose awareness of surroundings   Choose the right order:   A. ①③②④ B. ②④①③   C. ④①③② D. ④③①②   7. Suppose this is the course of your sleep, in which part of the course do you have more dreams?   A. Light sleep.   B. Deep sleep.   C. REM sleep.   D. The first two stages of sleep.   8. Which of the following is right according to the passage?   A. Hormone has nothing to do with your growth.   B. You move a little while you are in REM sleep, dreaming.   C. The closer to morning, the more dreams you have.   D. The whole brain is as active at night as in the day.   Ⅰ. 选词填空   从下列方框里10个单词中选择8个适当单词的正确形式填入下列各句中,使其句意完整。每个单词只使用一次。   belong bottom click flee lie   mention mind pace return reunite   1. She’d felt ever since the first meeting that something had ____ between them.   2. The robbers tried to ____ , but they were caught in the end.   3. She ____ the floor, waiting for the phone to ring.   4. A ____ will not be believed, even when he tells the truth.   5. The huge ship sank, but the couple was saved and ____ thanks to the rescue team.   6. Just remember, don’t ____ my name or you’ll get me into trouble.   7. I refuse to ____ to any club that would have me as a member.   8. The valley was really deep and there was a stream at the ____ .   Ⅱ. 句子翻译   1. 这位母亲衷心感谢那位救了她儿子性命的人。   2. 在警察的帮助下,昨晚她和她的孩子们得以再度团聚。   3. 他给我买了条漂亮的围巾,作为回报,我给他做了顿可口的饭菜。   4. 与一个喜怒无常的人相处很是困难。   Ⅲ. 单项选择   1. I would like to apply for the position ___ in your advertisement in Times of July 22.   A. mentioning B. having mentioned   C. to be mentioned D. mentioned   2. ___ not to miss the flight at 15:00, the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.   A. Telling B. Told   C. To told D. Having told   3. Those animals do no ___ to anyone and it is wrong to ___ them.   A. hurt; harm B. wound; hurt
  Dear Ms Profit,   Your story on Salome Bey is fantastic. Yet we need some relevant materials. Please add those and return the article immediately. We would like to publish your story soon.   Shocked, it took me a long time to 15 . Fear of rejection 16 me dearly. I lost at least five hundred dollars and failed to have my article appear 17 a major magazine. More importantly, I lost years of 18 writing. Today, I have become a full-time writer. Looking back on this 19 , I learned a very important lesson: You can’t 20 to doubt yourself.   1. A. joy B. voice C. speech D. smile   2. A. proud B. confident C. satisfied D.moved   3. A. visited B. emailed C. phoned D. interviewed   4. A. agreed B. refused C. hesitated D. paused   5. A. admitted B. discovered C. explained D. knew   6. A. seriously B. patiently C. nervously D. quietly   7. A. dreaming B. fooling C. inviting D. interrupting   8. A. hardship B. failure C. comment D. pressure   9. A. dropped B. lost C. sent D. tore   10. A. disappeared B. returned C. spread D. improved   11. A. compare B. struggle C. survive D. compete   12. A. ignore B. deliver C. face D. receive   13. A. put down B. found out C. came across D. made up   14. A. disbelief B. anxiety C. doubt D. panic   15. A. recover B. prepare C. escape D. concentrate   16. A. encourage B. cost C. hurt D. scold   17. A. by B. at C. in D. on   18. A. constant B. endless C. typical D. enjoyable   19. A. experience B. success C. benefit D. accident   20. A. attempt B. afford C. expect D. pretend   ※ 同阶精读训练   完成每篇阅读所需时间的依据为文章后的题干数乘以2分钟。   A   时间 字数 题材 体裁 满分   440 8min 科普类 夹叙夹议 8   Rome―Doctors and medical groups around the world last weekend reacted with strong opposition to the news that an Italian specialist is on the brink of cloning the first human baby.   Dr Severino Antinori, who is the head of a hospital in Rome, has been referred to in an Arab newspaper as claiming that one of his patients is eight weeks pregnant with a cloned baby.   Antinori refused to comment on the reports, but he said he hoped to produce a cloned embryo (卵) for implantation (植入) within two years. So far seven different kinds of mammals have already successfully cloned, including sheep, cats and most recently rabbits.   Doctors showed their doubt and were strongly opposed although they admitted that human cloning would finally come true unless there was a worldwide ban on the practice.
  Some friendly relationships can be kept on argument and discussion, but it is usual for close friends to have similar ideas and beliefs, to have attitudes and interests in common―they often talk about “being on the same wavelength”. It generally takes time to reach this point. And the more intimately involved people become, the more they rely on one another. People want to do friends favors and hate to break a promise. Equally, friends have to learn to put up with annoying habits and to tolerate differences in opinion.   Compared with marriage, there are no friendship ceremonies to strengthen the association between two people. But the supporting and understanding of each other that results from shared experiences and emotions does seem to create a powerful connection, which can overcome differences in background, and break down barriers (障碍) of age, class or race.   5. According to the author, ___ .   A. all those who get on well with each other are friends   B. friends are closer than people who just get on well with each other   C. everyone understands clearly how to make friends   D. every student has 6 friends   6. When we make friends, we consider such things as age, race, and background, because ___ .   A. it is not easy to have a friendly relationship with people when there is a big difference in age and background   B. the degree of friendship between two people and the reasons for their shared interest can vary greatly   C. friends need to know all these things   D. these are the most important factors to make friends   7. In Paragraph 2, the underlined words “being on the same wavelength” mean ___ .   A. using the same frequency while talking   B. keeping the same friendly relationship as other people do   C. having similar ideas, beliefs, attitudes and interests   D. having the same background   8. Which of the following is NOT implied in the passage?   A. Even friends may have differences in opinion.   B. Friends never argue with each other.   C. It generally takes time for people to become close friends.   D. Someone’s habits may annoy his friends.   9. To strengthen friendly relationship, people ___ .   A. must hold friendship ceremonies   B. have to get rid of differences in background   C. should make friends with those who are of the same age and of the same race   D. should support and understand each other through shared experiences and emotions


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