linkin park歌词—Victimized中文歌词

Linkin Park(聯合公園) - LIVING THINGS (生命?進化?原點) 專輯 - KKBOX
LIVING THINGS (生命?進化?原點)
歌曲數:12 首
* 囊括2座葛萊美獎+5座全美音樂獎+4座MTV音樂大獎+6座MTV歐洲音樂大獎得主!
* 首支單曲「Burn It ..
* 囊括2座葛萊美獎+5座全美音樂獎+4座MTV音樂大獎+6座MTV歐洲音樂大獎得主!
* 首支單曲「Burn It Down」已強勢登上全美另類榜冠軍+告示牌搖滾歌曲榜亞軍寶座!
* 話題收錄【吸血鬼獵人:林肯總統】電影片尾曲「Powerless」、知名電玩【榮譽勳章:鐵血焊將】預告片主題曲「Lies Greed Misery」!
* 內附中英歌詞
自聯合公園(Linkin Park)早期的兩張專輯《混合理論Hybrid Theory》及《天空之城-美特拉Meteora》,就可以看出其有別於一般的流行音樂團體,他們總是跳脫框架的束縛,敢勇於嘗試各式新的挑戰。然而,當聯合公園的6位團員:Chester Bennington、Rob Bourdon、Brad Delson、Dave ‘Phoenix’ Farrell、Joe Hahn、以及Mike Shinoda獲得全面的成功之後,他們仍毅然決定捨棄自己已創造出的成功模式基礎,力圖尋找新鮮的音符及探索不一樣的意象思緒。於是,聯合公園藉由他們的第三張專輯《末日警鐘 毀滅?新生Minutes To Midnight》,及第四張作品《烈日千陽A Thousand Suns》,向未知的領域勇敢地跨出飛躍步伐。要達成這樣的成長學習曲線是艱困的,但自踏上音樂之路的第一天開始,聯合公園就將他們所喜愛的各式音樂曲風不斷地融合衝撞,逐漸地建構出其具有獨特性的音樂樣貌及自我風格。出道邁向第12年,樂團推出第五張原創專輯《生命?進化?原點LIVING THINGS》, 6人不僅找到了全新的音樂工具讓理念實現,他們也以更自在的姿態,擁抱凝聚他們音樂生涯中的所有點滴歷程。
利用過去一年的時間,樂團將他們所有曾刻劃下的音樂軌跡按圖索驥、再次拼湊連接且盡情活化累積過的所有想法。當《生命?進化?原點LIVING THINGS》的雛形逐漸清晰之時,我們發現,這是聯合公園首次這麼急於使用他們音樂工具箱中的每項工具。專輯中的每首歌曲,他們都使用最前衛與最經典的齒輪來共同啟動,將真誠與滿腔的熱情注入於歌聲中,不斷拆解研究他們對於每首歌的想法。《LIVING THINGS》是張非常個人化的作品,就像專輯名稱一樣,這全新的音符樂章以探討人類情感和彼此的關係為創作中心。這是一張意氣風發、精力充沛,勇敢大膽且不怕將過去、現在和未來互相撞擊的作品。
早已分不清楚Mike與Chester誰是誰的迴音,&Lost In The Echo&在迷失之中相互撞擊著;在血肉模糊之際,不容動搖的靈魂依舊孤傲飄蕩,&In My Remains&裡的勇氣帶著詩意;點燃電氣火焰、蔓延光彩奪目的節奏,首發單曲&Burn It Down&已強勢登上全美另類榜冠軍+告示牌搖滾歌曲榜亞軍寶座;&Lies Greed Misery&將挑戰權威的字句,轉化成一道道音牆,撕裂胸口將怒吼傾瀉而出;拉開視角用漂浮的姿態,&Castle Of Glass&的建造工法層次多元; &Victimized&裡的情緒毫無保留,這部激昂的宣戰謳歌,讓人無法忘懷;蕭瑟的鐘聲縈繞盤旋,末日之戰來臨,&Roads Untraveled&不斷召喚;熟悉的音符降臨,&Skin To Bone&忘卻自我意識無畏無懼;生命經歷不斷進化與回到原點的過程,&Powerless&在毀滅混沌之後重新建構信念,再次突顯人類的渺小。
228 歌曲數:12 首
Copyright & 2014 KKBOX All Rights Reserved.{list plist as item}【Until It Breaks】_Linkin Park-Until It Breaks在线试听_歌词下载-酷我音乐
&Until It Breaks
《Until It Breaks》 - Linkin Park
Until It Breaks
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《Until It Breaks》歌词
- Linkin Park
Until It Breaks
It goes a one, two, three.
(I was born with) the hunger of a lion, the strength of a sun.
I don't need to sweat it when the competition come
Original style like an 808 drum, so I don't run the track.
No, I make the track run.
My mama taught me words, my dad, he built rockets.
I put 'em both together now, tell me what I got.
It's a pretty smart weapon:
I can shoot it, I can drop it.
(But) learn to respect it cause you clearly can't stop it like that.
Yea, cause the sharks on the left side, the snakes on the right.
And anything you do, they wanna get a little bite.
It really doesn't matter if you're wrong or if you're right.
Cause once you get the teeth in, nothing really fights.
Except for me, I do it like I got nothing to lose
and you can run your mouth or you could try to fill my shoes.
But sweaty little solider, I ain't standing next to you.
I'd be laying on the ground before you're even in my view.
Like that.
Give me the strength of the rising sun.
Give me the truth of the words I've sung.
And when the large bells ring the poor men sing
"Bring me to kingdom come"
This is something for your people on the block to
back down and rock to
Give you whatcha need like Papa Who shot ya
Separate the weak from the obscure, lead your meek, I creep hard on imposters
Switch styles on the dime Quick witted ya'll Quit tripping
I don't have time for your crying
I grind tough so can you make your mind up,
Are you in the firing squad or are you in the line-up?
Bang bang Little monkey man playing
With the big guns will only get you slayed I ain't playing
I'm just saying
You ain't gotta sliver of a chance
I get ill or I deliver While you quiver in your pants,
So shake shake down Money, here's the break down
You can play the bank I'ma play the bank take down
And no mistakes now I'm coming to getcha
I'm a Banksy You're a Brainwash, get the picture?
It's like that..
We swim against the rising waves and crash against the shore
The body bends until it breaks, the early morning sings no more.
So rest your head, it's time to sleep and dream of what's in store.
The body bends until it breaks, then sings again no more.
Cause time has torn the flesh away, the early morning sings no more...
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专辑信息:+ M: J1 x2 E9 K2 k5 Y# H
艺术家: Linkin Park/林肯公园 & &6 a2 I- @) J5 i8 R/ i- K' B3 V. O
专辑名称: Recharged $ F3 k! |1 Q7 [# v
资源格式: FLAC 2 }9 b+ E+ b. C: ?+ W0 E
$ g" b0 K5 I( x4 L5 f8 e& p0 T
专辑语言: 英语
( e/ F&&T* j0 C- N# W3 b
专辑图片:2 W& Q/ |' {# q* R
142344dphimi7pp5d5v5py.jpg (361.16 KB, 下载次数: 0)
20:06 上传
2 z5 i6 C" Z" O& C/ v! T$ X' d
8 B0 W* {, H+ ~
专辑简介: & [4 q) I: O&&|. ?- Y
/ Q7 l# F8 {% s: G) j
Recharged is the second remix album of recordings by American rock band Linkin Park. The album, which includes remixes of songs from the band‘s fifth studio album Living Things, it was released on October 29, 2013, through Warner Bros. Records and Machine Shop Recordings. The album is entirely produced by Rick Rubin and Mike Shinoda.
专辑曲目:; `$ B3 q7 f& s+ h& g7 }- H
1 A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES (Linkin Park x Steve Aoki)9 x, K/ {: C/ n" z/ L, {) {
2 CASTLE OF GLASS (M. Shinoda Remix)! ~1 K, K$ i7 a0 G: j
3 LOST IN THE ECHO (KillSonik Remix)- v2 J' Z, k$ P1 Q# T
4 VICTIMIZED (M. Shinoda Remix)
5 I‘LL BE GONE (Vice Remix feat. Pusha T)& m" m8 {* Y/ ~, m
6 LIES GREED MISERY (Dirtyphonics Remix)' N! }+ y9 I&&K( X&&G1 f( V
7 ROADS UNTRAVELED (Rad Omen Remix feat. Bun B)
8 POWERLESS (Enferno Remix)
9 BURN IT DOWN (Tom Swoon Remix)
10 UNTIL IT BREAKS (Datsik Remix)
11 SKIN TO BONE (Nick Catchdubs Remix feat. Cody B. Ware and Ryu)8 V9 k8 A2 A, P4 n3 B# N: {7 h
12 I‘LL BE GONE (Schoolboy Remix)
13 UNTIL IT BREAKS (Money Mark Headphone Remix)
14 A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES (Rick Rubin Reboot); y3 z* D- T! O
15 BURN IT DOWN (Paul Van Dyk Remix) *1 K% U3 h* g7 I* A- B&&h8 z& T
! ~& s* u&&M% g/ O
! N! f+ R&&t, |! W
) Y4 F. A; N8 ^
6 l$ s* ^4 _% r7 _2 p
备注:' k1 @4 ~5 |1 A* ^) {% V# ^
1 m/ H2 l8 H' h7 f5 g! d
免责声明:$ x, n5 r8 x- }* M; {
① 本资源的发布系网友个人行为,并不反映任何小米社区之意见,小米社区不为其承担任何法律责任。
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1 V! o& Q. Q8 Y* o( @4 _
梁祝 - 绝响* U7 \+ P7 H* I: {* L3 }" P
试音侃侃 DXD$ U1 g: w&&o: u' U" u8 p/ ]
世界著名交响乐团演奏的古典音乐系列之五 世界著名序曲
2 w! U) ], Z! _
仙剑奇侠传历代游戏音乐精选集:仙籁情深: t2 F1 G/ H7 V
- Z0 Z3 J3 G' ?+ }0 E9 _
汪峰-生来彷徨, o' X% z1 X&&i( x
' b/ Y3 B/ i2 E
2 T7 u" `# V) G3 J, B, K3 S0 D
一人一首成名曲(大陆版)* p* X/ ~: E# s% c1 K
! \/ h9 M& c9 L&&t0 i: H; a
Linkin Park/林肯公园-《Recharged》7 f5 k* `5 R/ B9 _# \
Linkin Park/林肯公园-《Recharged》# d6 o+ p. ~! I1 o4 Z
Linkin Park/林肯公园-《Recharged》6
无损音乐,我今天刚刚进一步了解~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~( d6 v: t2 N2 G( O% ^+ e
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
A LIGHT THAT NEVER COMES (Linkin Park x Steve Aoki)! l4 _" k9 V' e- l
谢谢楼主分享& && && && && && && && &- X, [# N7 X0 M
BURN IT DOWN (Paul Van Dyk Remix) *
加油啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊& x" g. C, b5 A8 m' j% U
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