求最近有一首歌女生唱的,女生唱的, 歌词里面有location location

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Egil Olsen ,懒散的声音,安静平稳的旋律。。
leave in my heart。location,location,location、always……
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) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 Droop-E,绝对的Drinm hot就连喝了点小酒都会把碍事的小保安给揍了I&#39, fuck a rent-a-cop, I&#39Catch A Fade - E-40&Kendrick Lamar&amp,E-40 看看;m ignorant to wrestle a已经被我修理gorilla in the center of an Acura Integra我当时真是不理智会为此大动干戈I'm pissed off, that&#39, I just want a fair one我缺的不是尊重,而是和大牌们一样平等的机会And it's like that till the sheriffs come 就像检察官给每个人称述的机会不管你几岁Jumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don't approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go, so I piss off rooftops肯定是我太生气了;s subtraction缺货们正一个一个减少There's bosses? He a good dude像我Droop一样,绝世好男人Put him in a bad mood.E.还有我Droop-E(Sick是Droop-E所属厂牌)Your bitch on sacks, in my ear like wax你的马子好久没有爽一爽了吗?and this Landy got her ready to get那就让她准备好it hit from the back迎接巫山云雨吧She chose up chump, salute, give daps她真的是丰乳肥臀or get your face flat, you don't want that揍扁你的脸,你不干And get your nose tapped, you don't want that打歪你的鼻子,你也不乐意Get your life fucked up all over a batch别因为我上了你的马子你不识趣来找茬最后死的很难看Get cropped, get chopped不然我会拿刀on your head like a barber shop像理发师一样削你脑袋Have it out in the parking lot最后把你的头扔在停车场 Jumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don't approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 we can catch a fade那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!)不服就单挑呀
Stay turned, super charged up, stoked继续燥着怎么样Ghetto pass never revoked, mouthpiece哥已不混迹江湖,但江湖faster than a speedboat依然有哥的传说Keep it one hundred like a C-note, pea coat宝刀未老的E-40依然这么牛叉Popo tryna decode lingo让条子们去猜我们倒地说的什么吧Not drunk, but I finna be hella twisted没有喝大但我就喜欢找麻烦Lifted like a toilet seat, grown ass kid我早就长大了不是吗My bitch always telling me, I ain't shit我的马子总说我一无是处She hate me, but she love my dick但她爱我的大屌Trapper factor macker, having money我也捞偏门,也写几首歌去卖like a rapper (rapper)像个说唱歌手 说唱歌手Bumping local talent,偶尔也收拾几个pulling up with the blapper (blapper)管不好自己嘴巴的人Partner want to challenge cause my pockets hella fatter (fatter)总有些外来不懂行情的人见不得我腰缠万贯 But he gon' be unlucky like walking under a ladder (ladder)和我作对绝对没有好下场Put hands on a man, fuck unity (fuck unity)要来找事儿的就像个男人一样自己出来敢作敢当,别拉帮结伙的 Ain't nothing between us, but space and其实我们之间也没什么,但opportunity (space and opportunity)你生不逢时呀 你生不逢时呀Never been a sucker (sucker), never been a lame别整天唯唯诺诺的,一看就知道你怂 Stay in your lane, you can't see me like好好跟家呆着你就看不到我a stealth plan (like a stealth plane)风生水起了 风生水起了 Biatch!混蛋Jumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don't approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though we can catch a fade工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀
(Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!)不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Where you from Droop-E?) {The West}你从哪儿来的?Droop-E 西海岸 (Where you from Kendrick? The West你从哪里来的?Kendrick 也是西海岸 Aye 40, where you from though? (The West)那么40你又是从什么地方来的? 必须是西海岸Who bring it to they front do'? (The West)谁让这些超级屌的东西登堂入室的? 那绝对是西海岸Aye, where they get they game from? (The West)真正的较量来自哪里? 那还是西海岸咯Aye, where they get they slang from? (The West)那些牛逼的口头禅脏口来自什么地方呢? 西边的海岸 Aye, where they get they strength from? (The West)又是谁给他们打了鸡血? 西海岸呗Aye, where they get they greats from (The West, biatch!)最牛逼的歌手来自什么地方呢? 西海岸毫无疑问;m napalm when the beat slap like eight palms我是当红炸子鸡我是凝固汽油弹 就得是这样的鼓动才能让我火力全开And I wear eight charms, every airport alarm在机场过安检时警报响起我以为是我的钻石珠宝什么的惹的祸go off till they tackle me, what I do wrong!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade,Droop-E?结果不是 但这些混蛋为什么还是摁住了我Nigga, it ain't bout the chain, nigga,他们说:“老兄你太高调了所以you the fucking bomb得给你特殊照顾”Bomb on a bitch nigga, then his bitch later把一个混蛋揍成一个混蛋Pull the tm in the party feeling like me就像在派对一样;Droop-EJumping off the front porch with a new approach有什么话就直截了当的说Don't approach me with the bullshit别给我支支吾吾拐弯抹角的I remote to a location where the broom sit我拿起扫帚当武器Here I go.D, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though we can catch a fade工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade, no actors on the team个顶个都是春哥一般的纯爷们儿 Not you, who Droop,我大小通吃S-I-C-K with T,事实bout that action胜于雄辩Ot even want a favor, pack 'em in the cemetery结局都是全部乖乖躺在墓地 Send a scary hit out on your messenger,给我报信的家伙I&#39, street sweeper就如同清道夫一般 Monday to Friday, if not though we can catch a fade工作日的时候将街区好好清理 如果土鳖们赖着不走 那就让我们来一场男人的较量(Catch a fade, factors on the team跟我一起的人,都不分贵贱Real niggas!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 Pulling up and hopping out, shell, problems we solved 'em, look!) Catch a fade不服就单挑呀 不服就单挑呀 (Catch a fade, turn you into goon food不过把我惹毛了只怕你吃不了兜着走I&#39, catch it popping out我雷厉风行胆大心细 明人不做暗事And I ain't never been a Tom or a Jerry, pussy or a rat从来不像张三那样遇事儿就慌张
或是李四那样在背后戳人的脊梁Pussy on my nut sack, carry plenty Kenny Tates刺了很多肯尼的纹身之后我日进斗金Give me that, give me plenty Feddi联邦军队来剿我的话Federales on my back, you a fucking waiter就像我给服务员小费一样自然简单I don&#39
求一首歌,女生唱的,只知道其中歌词有superhero,应该是最近的歌(反正不清楚),但不是some thing Just like this,求名字
I want something just like that
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