
[通过 QQ、MSN 分享给朋友]【美队3预告讨论⑧】“无论想怎么解读他们的关系大家都可以去解读,作为电影制作者,我们不会明确的去定义它。”
―― 晋江文学城网友交流区
№1501&☆☆☆= =于 14:31:26留言☆☆☆ 
A fan stumped the Russos: "If Zola was captured, how did he put the metal arm on Bucky?" Russos: "It'll all make sense in Infinity War."
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导演罗素兄弟在接受采访时表示,《复仇者联盟:无限战争》系列中出现的角色数量不会让大家失望,影片的概念就是漫威宇宙大联合。  时光网讯 对于《银河护卫队》中的角色会否在《复仇者联盟3》中出现的问题,前者的导演詹姆斯?古恩以及后者的导演乔?罗素与安东尼?罗素都从未给出准确答案。但近日罗素兄弟在出席新奥尔良WizardWorld漫展前接受了外媒ComicBook网站的访问,他们在访谈中给出了“强力”暗示称:片中出现的角色数量不会让大家失望。
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№1510 ☆☆☆= =于 15:53:56留言☆☆☆
叉叔那句话,我觉得还有一个可能就是他想kill是指他想做kill这个行为――并且是the one美国队长的。目前的消息不是说他要自爆么,也就是说不特别针对某个人而是引起广泛的恐怖袭击吧。
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=于 16:59:58留言☆☆☆ 
叉叔那句话,我觉得还有一个可能就是他想kill是指他想做kill这个行为――并且是the one美国队长的。目前的消息不是说他要自爆么,也就是说不特别针对某个人而是引起广泛的恐怖袭击吧。
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№1515 ☆☆☆= =于 18:50:02留言☆☆☆
还有可能是组织让他去搞无差别恐怖袭击,但他更想the one队长嘛。
№1517&☆☆☆= =于 20:53:53留言☆☆☆ 
还有可能是组织让他去搞无差别恐怖袭击,但他更想the one队长嘛。
№1517 ☆☆☆= =于 20:53:53留言☆☆☆ 
№1518&☆☆☆= =于 21:05:28留言☆☆☆ 
还有可能是组织让他去搞无差别恐怖袭击,但他更想the one队长嘛。
№1517 ☆☆☆= =于 20:53:53留言☆☆☆ 
№1518 ☆☆☆= =于 21:05:28留言☆☆☆
很显然他选择的乐子就是去the one队长,即使杀不了你也要精神刺激你
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№1518 ☆☆☆= =于 21:05:28留言☆☆☆
№1520 ☆☆☆- -于 23:33:36留言☆☆☆ 
不是已经he remembered you了吗
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excuse me……?
№1528&☆☆☆= =于 19:06:34留言☆☆☆ 
漫画里有peggy carter这个人物吗?我怎么记得在哪儿看过她原本不是漫画里的
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Frank Grillo Talks Captain America: Civil War & Crossbones
Brandon D□□is- 01/11/2016
Over the weekend, several of the cast and crew members from Marvel's upcoming super hero showdown, Captain America: Civil War,&&appeared at Wizard World New Orleans. Among that group: Crossbones, Frank Grillo.
In a rare moment of downtime for Grillo at a packed convention, we took a few minutes to talk with the actor about his role in the upcoming film, which marks his second appearance in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Grillo's first appearance came in the widely beloved Captain America: The Winter Soldier. He played the betrayal role of Brock Rumlow, who, by the end of the film, was left burned, scarred, and almost dead. Did Grillo know when he signed on for the role that he would end up becoming a focal point in a movie as groundbreaking as Captain America: Civil War? "Yes," Grillo says, "When we sat down with Marvel, they knew it was an origin story. They weren't quite sure where they wanted to take Crossbones but they knew they wanted Crossbones in some of these films but they definitely knew that that's where they were going with the character."
Naturally, the New York native went back and researched his new character. "Before I got the job, I started doing some research and I was look, 'Oh, this guy's a bad-ass!' I don't know if I'm gonna live but I want to be that guy," Grillo explains. "I spoke to Brubaker, who created Crossbones who's a graat dude, and I got some of the back issues and stuff and read the origins of Crossbones and where he came from. The thing with Marvel is they don't always follow to the tee what the character did in the comic books. They use him in different ways. You never know what's gonna happen. I know Crossbones in the comics kind of offs Cap at some point and we're probably not gonna see that happen. I'm not gonna kill him yet."
As for Crossbones' objective in Civil War, it's simple - revenge. "Winter Soldier let off and I was in bad shape," says Grillo. "I was just about to kill the Falcon - which is not hard. I think revenge is a big part of... Whatever Rumlow was feeling as far as being torn between which side he should be on, which I think he was, is gone now. I think he's out for one thing and one thing only and that's to revenge what's happened to him."
The actor can't say for sure whether or not he'll be playing Crossbones again the big screen (we're not even sure if he survives this film) but he would love to get back into the super hero headhunting business. "Unlike being Captain America or one of the other super heroes who are absolutely essential for the stories, you never know with the villains," he says. "They could use you, they could not use you, you know. You sign on for a few movies and if they wanna use you, I'm □□ailable."
Prior to being cast as Brock Rumlow, Grillo's fans hugely wanted him to be cast as The Punisher. That honor has since gone to The Walking Dead alum Jon Bernthal who happens to be a good friend of Grillo's. "Let me tell you, he's a bad-ass," Grillo says of Bernthal. "He's a bad-ass actor. I was with him yesterday, he's a bad-ass dude. He's a fighter and he's a good actor and he's gonna do it right."
Captain America: Civil War hits theaters May 6, 2016.
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№1539&☆☆☆= =于 01:39:04留言☆☆☆ 
Cackling like a cabal of super villains, a group of 50 shady characters recently met in a Manhattan conference room to secretly plot the demise of a major Marvel superhero.
While Doctor Doom and the Green Goblin regularly fumble their evil plans, this group will actually succeed and kill off their intended victim. And it will surely shock fans of the Marvel comics and movies, since it comes at the hands of a fellow costumed hero in a storyline from the upcoming event series, “Civil War II.”
Welcome to Marvel Comics’ secret semi-annual editorial retreat, in which the next few years of the publisher’s comic book storylines are brainstormed.
It’s a top-secret affair, restricted to the writers and editors, but this year a Daily News reporter was invited to observe C with a stern warning against spoiling too much for readers more than six months before they can read the story for themselves. Past retreats yielded “Civil War,” “Age of Ultron” and “Winter Soldier,” all stories that were ultimately adapted for the big screen.
“If you want to really see a road map of where our movies will be (going) in the next five, 10 or 20 years, read the comics,” says Joe Quesada, Marvel’s chief creative officer. “Because they’re almost always a precursor to what’s on the horizon in our cinematic universe and our television universes.”
The top of the agenda: to plot out details for “Civil War II,” a sequel to the best-selling 2007 event series that pitted Iron Man against Captain America in an allegory about national security versus personal liberties. That original story is being turned into a movie, “Captain America: Civil War,” that hits theaters on May 6, a month before the first issue of the sequel will hit stores.
So the stakes are high not to disappoint.
“You want it to be ‘The Godfather, Part II,’ but for every ‘Godfather II,’ there’s a ‘Godfather III,’’’ Marvel publisher Dan Buckley tells The News, referring to the weakest link of the mob trilogy.Comic book superheroes: From the panels to the big screen
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During the retreat, however, optimi□□ abounds among a group that includes The Atlantic correspondent Ta-Nehisi Coates, who is making his comics debut writing the “Black Panther.”
“Civil War 2” writer Brian Michael Bendis and Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso break down the premise.
“A mysterious new Marvel character comes to the attention of the world, one who has the power to calculate the outcome of future events with a high degree of accuracy,” according to the synopsis. “This predictive power divides the Marvel heroes on how best to capitalize on this aggregated information, with Captain Marvel leading the charge to profile future crimes and attacks before they occur, and Iron Man adopting the position that the punishment cannot come before the crime.”
Captain Marvel is a female super hero character that Marvel is looking to showcase more with her own movie slated for a March 2019 release.
“People’s personal accountability is the theme of this one,” Bendis explains to his peers of his project with artist D□□id Marquez. “From the way cops are acting on camera, to the way people talk to each other online.”
As the story unfolds this new seer predicts the hero in question will be the cause of a major incident of destruction in three days, requiring the other good guys to make a tough call. The writer just hasn’t figured what or how bad that catac□□m will be.
“It has to fall somewhere between Hitler and self-defense,” Bendis says.Though they also didn’t immediately settle on a big-name hero to turn into the culprit, Bendis kept referring to the doomed hero as Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man.
“Do you see me worried? I’m not worried,” whispers “Amazing Spider-Man” writer Dan Slott. “This is not my first rodeo. By the end of the afternoon, it won’t be Peter Parker.”
And sure enough, Parker is s□□ed a grim fate by the afternoon as mass opinion shifts attention to other characters.
Another candidate is the Fantastic Four’s Human Torch, but Bendis extinguishes that idea quickly.
“He burns people and that’s so horrible (to illustrate),” the scribe says.
Other ideas are bounced around.
“What if the pressure causes (the hero) to commit suicide,” suggests James Robinson, another Marvel writer, adding that it could be a good way to draw attention to the scourge of cyber-bullying.Marvel's Captain America: Civil War is another comic that's been adapted for big screen and will hit theaters in May.
But editor Tom Brevoort’s Spidey-sense is immediately tingling.
“I don’t think you’d want a Marvel Super hero committing suicide,” he interjects.
After hours of occasionally heated debate, Bendis and Alonso reveal they had a eureka moment during a 10-minute break and came up with the perfect superhero to sacrifice and an even better candidate to murder him. The answer actually gets a loud ovation from the crowd.
“That’s like an epic,” says Robinson. “I’m genuinely shocked.”
Comic fans, though, are cynical about publishers killing off their heroes. Once-dead heroes like Captain America and Spider-Man h□□e made miraculous recoveries. Rival DC made headlines in 1992 by killing off the mostly indestructible Superman C and then promptly brought him back in a single bound a year later.
“The death is the marketing hook,” admits Buckley. “The thing that’s really compelling is whether or not there’s a story afterwards that’s going to connect with readers and sustain it.”
Buckley, Quesada and Alonso are confident, however, that if the storyline made it through the gauntlet of writers and editors at the editorial retreat, then it will be good enough for fickle comic readers.
This crowdsourcing of ideas model has worked for the company before.
“It’s a black magic alchemy of putting the right people in the room,” says Quesada. “Those of us who work here are creative trust fund babies, because we h□□e inherited an incredible chest full of toys that we get to play with. It does end up being like a bunch of kids in a room throwing s--- against the wall.”
№1540&☆☆☆= =于 08:36:11留言☆☆☆ 
Russos On CIVIL WAR Presence Of HYDRA, ‘General Ross’ And “Special” ‘Spider-Man’ Relationship
It seems like directors Anthony and Joe Russo h□□e lately been talking up a storm in anticipation of Captain America: Civil War and its forthcoming summer release date. And fortunately for us, that marvel-ous chatter won’t be ending anytime soon, or at least not today, as yet another lengthy interview with the filmmaking duo has surfaced with more intriguing details about the threequel. During this video interview, which appears to h□□e taken place a couple weeks ago while the Russos were promoting their new film studio in China, the siblings discuss the Winter Soldier’s importance to Civil War and Captain America’s journey, as well as General Ross’ return and whether he’ll become the Red Hulk, and also the presence of HYDRA and a relationship Spider-Man develops.
“HYDRA isn't central to the third movie as it has been in the past, like in The Winter Soldier, but the legacy of HYDRA is still there” said Anthony Russo of the terrorist organization that sprouted in Captain America: The First □□enger. “Even though HYDRA has been sort of vanquished, so to speak, it left a legacy that is still complicating our characters' lives. So they do h□□e a presence in the movie, even if they're not central to the film.” That legacy is likely to be driven by Crossbones. Anyhow, another character who’ll surely complicate the □□engers’ lives is General Thaddeus Ross, who the Civil War directors assure has a big presence in the movie. “He's a character who was ham-fisted in his approach in The Incredible Hulk, and that's probably a polite way to put it,” said Joe Russo of actor William Hurt’s character. “And I think he's learned from his over-aggressiveness in that movie and he's become more of a politician. He's much s□□vier now. And he's cornering the □□engers [because] superheroes h□□e always been a [problem] he's not a fan of them. So now he's come at them strategically by aligning the world against them. So, he's gotten much s□□vier and I think you'll find that he's grown as a character, he's different than he was in The Incredible Hulk. And he's more formidable and political opponent to them.” Could that mean we’ll see Ross become the Red Hulk as rumors h□□e claimed? “There's always a chance at Marvel that you can see anything,” said Joe before Anthony reassured, “there’s no Red Hulk in Civil War.”
“Spider-Man enters the movie after the □□engers sort of pick sides,” said Anthony Russo of the Web-Slinger played by Tom Holland. “He's doesn't h□□e a huge investment politically, but he develops a very personal relationship while he picks his side. I won't talk about the personal relationship he develops, but it's very interesting. One of the most special parts of the movie.” While there’s a Civil War hooding making the rounds with a potential first look at Spidey’s new suit design, the Russos wouldn’t say if we’ll see him before May 6. “Who knows?” they shrugged.
Next, the Russo brothers were asked about the Winter Soldier’s importance to Civil War, and how it will affect Captain America’s journey, which they imply might end with the Super Soldier retiring. “He's a very important character to this storytelling,” said Joe Russo of Sebastian Stan’s Bucky. “The thing about Civil War is we did not want the movie become exclusively about politics and characters arguing about politics. That's very boring. You go to see that movie [in theaters] and you start throwing your candy at the screen because it's not a movie that's very compelling to see. What's compelling to see is when characters emotionally invested in the storytelling and it was very important to us that there be an emotional engine that drives the characters in the movie. The thing that is very emotional to Cap is his relationship to Bucky, his long-lost brother who'd been tortured by HYDRA, had his mind wiped, has done horrible things, and don't know how to come back from those things. And Cap doesn't know if it's possible to make that character whole again or not, if they'll ever get back anything that he's lost.” Russo continued, “Captain America is a character who has suffered great lost. The journey that he goes on through Winter Soldier and Civil War is a journey back to himself and trying to decide whether or not his allegiance should be to himself and to the things that he holds dear, or whether it should still be to the patriotic duty that he signed up for all those years ago. And whether he can still treat it with the same reverence that he did when he signed up. So, it's a very emotional journey for the character and it is his movie.” Sounds like we might see Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers retire as Cap by the end of Civil War before he lifts his shield once more for Infinity War. What do you think?
№1541&☆☆☆= =于 09:28:48留言☆☆☆ 


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