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Stormboard is FREE education pricing until December 31st, 2016! Education plans are designed for teachers using Stormboard in the classroom, and we’re happy to continue helping students become better collaborators! If you’re looking for a whole school or district licence, let us know! We can even integrate with your existing Active Directory to offer instant single sign-on and [&]
& Today Stormboard(TM), officially announced it’s native iPhone(TM), iPad(TM) and Android(TM) apps for both mobile phones and tablets. These native apps interact perfectly with your other team members in real time on their desktop/laptop versions of Stormboard on Chrome, Safari, Internet Explorer, Edge and Firefox. Stormboard for iPhone and Android Mobile Stormboard for iPhone and [&]
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Title: Gems of War - Puzzle RPG
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Release Date: 20 Nov, 2014
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Greeting Matchers,The long-awaited Guild Wars has finally arrived! There's a lot to cover, so let's get to it:GUILD WARSOverviewPlayers can access Guild Wars via the Guild Wars Button on the Guild Menu.RegistrationThe top 2 ranks of guild members are the only ones able to register their guild for Guild Wars.Guilds need to register for the next Guild War before the weekly changeover. If a guild doesn’t register, they are unable to join in during that Guild War. This also means that guilds can chose to opt-out of guild wars by choosing not to register.Registering only requires pushing a single button on the Guild Wars landing page.Registering allows only active Guilds to be in the war. This means guilds will never be matched against inactive or dead guilds.Registering allows the entire week’s match making to be set up on Day 1 (which is also a rest day, the actual wars start on Day 2).ScheduleGuilds participating in a Guild War will be matched up against 6 enemy Guilds, one for each day of the war.Each day in a guild war has a different color associated with it. The color for each day is static and DOESN’T change.Each battle fought by a guild member (in a Guild War) earns points for their guild. Each day, as you square off against a rival guild, your points are tallied, and the side with more at the end of the day wins a small reward! (See the Reward section below.)How do we calculate those points? Well, wins are obviously worth more points than losses, with small bonuses for how well you win! (More on that in the Attack Tab section.)Each day has a color theme for the attackers to try out. On the first day (blue day), you will get bonus points in any guild war battle for each blue troop in your team. Want to maximize your points? Then you'll need to figure out an entirely blue team to do so... but even 1 or 2 blue troops will still give you a (smaller) bonus.Each day gives a player 5 battles. Players can chose whether to spend the battles each day or to wait until later in the Guild War before they start spending their battles. It doesn’t matter to the final score, but if you want to try and win the daily reward, you will need to fight on that day.Players will be able to select a Defense team for each day.Due to some technical limitations, we couldn't put a fully-fledged team-picker in here, but the current version will do the job for now until we can address the technical issues later in the year (more news on that AFTER Guild Wars releases though).Attack TabBATTLESThe number remaining battles is displayed in the top left corner.Each set of 5 battles MUST be spent on the &next& guild in your schedule... so you play 5 battles from WAR 1, then 5 battles from WAR 2, etc... you can't jump back and forth.Battles aren't lost if you don't use them... so you could wait until the final day and play all 30 battles in a row if you like!Battle amount is reset at the start of a new Guild War. So, unused battles are not carried over.NOTE: You cannot purchase more battles... we're not that kind of game!THE OPPONENTSEach Guild battle consist of 5 battles, which get progressively harder as you move through the battles.Each opponent in a Guild battle has a different Guild War Rank. The ranks are: Paragon, Champion, Herald, Vanguard, and Soldier.Each week, based on the previous week's results, all guild members are split into 5 ranks for the guild war (this is separate to the ranks of Guild Master, Lieutenant, etc... that we already have). On week 1 we'll base this on a combination of Guild Rank, Level, & Team Score. After that, it will be based on points earned during the Guild War.There is 1 Paragon, up to 2 Champions, up to 4 Heralds, up to 8 Vanguard, and the rest are Soldiers. In smaller guilds, this is split up differently, and some ranks may not be present, but will be filled in as required by players from other higher or lower ranks.Your first battle will be against a random Soldier. If you win, you progress to fight the Vanguard. If not, you fight a different random Soldier. The enemy rank battle order is Soldier -& Vanguard -& Herald -& Champion -& Paragon.Each time you win and progress, the next battle is worth more points! You can score bonus points on top of these amounts too (remember... using the correct color in the correct WAR will give you some bonus score).This continues until you have used all 5 battles in this WAR. The battles are worth (in order) 50, 100, 200, 400, 750 points. You get bonus points for use of the correct color, and a tiny bonus the more troops you have alive at the end of a game. A loss is worth a small fraction of a win. Quitting or skipping a battle is worth 0 points.SKIPPING GUILDSAt the bottom of the Attack screen is the option to Skip a Guild.This will concede all matches against the current Guild and simply progress to the next one, then you can do so here.This will use up any remaining battles left for the current Guild battle.Skipping a Guild is not reversible, so players will receive a prompt & be warned when they try to do so.Results TabThe Results Tabs displays the results for every Guild member. This will include the number of Wins and Losses they had for each day, their Guild Sentinels contributions, and the total amount of points earned so far. (Your own row will be highlighted in gold so you can pick yourself out amongst your guild mates.)A similar screen will be available for the previous week's results (which guilds will be able to view as a popup from the RANKINGS TAB).At the end of the Guild War, players are assigned a new Rank (Paragon, Champion, Herald, etc...) based on how they ranked with points.Sentinels TabThere are 4 Sentinels in Guild Wars (one for each Skill: Attack, Life, Armor, & Magic), and your guild can interact with them to gain some bonuses in Guild War battles.These bonuses will apply for both offense & defense.Each Sentinel has 5 levels giving:A direct bonus to YOUR troops for Guild Wars battles (your own personal bonuses can be up to +5 for Attack & Magic, and +10 for Armor & Life.)A teeny tiny bonus to all players in the Guild who are of higher rank than YOU! (Those little extras from players on lower ranks can effectively add +25%/+50%/+75%/+100% to Vanguards/Heralds/Champions/Paragons if every member of the guild fully upgrades their Sentinels.)Each of these levels has a cost associated with it... for example, ATTACK:Level 1: 100 GloryLevel 2: 500 GloryLevel 3: 10 GemsLevel 4: 25 GemsLevel 5: 50 GemsOther Sentinels cost different types of currency (Gold for Armor & Life, and Souls for Magic). But the final 3 levels always cost a few Gems. For top end Guilds, it's a pretty good investment, as the top Guild Wars prizes each week contain a nice profit to be made in Gems, and up to 100 copies of the exclusive Guild Wars troop!Rankings TabGuilds are sorted into brackets of 10 guilds. For the first week, we'll sort teams into groups of 10 initially (and, no we're NOT going to tell you exactly how, or we know some of you will try to game the system!). It's as fair as we can manage... If you look at the trophy rankings, it's going to be roughly like that, sd believe. (It's not based ONLY on trophies though!)Guilds will be displayed on the leaderboard in their bracket and current order (based on current amount of points earned). However, you won’t be able to place higher than top of your bracket, or lower than the bottom.The 6 other guilds you will be matched with will all come from your bracket.If you finish near the top of your bracket, it’s LIKELY (but not 100% certain) you will move up the following week, perhaps even more than one bracket. Similarly, if you finish near the bottom you may move down. This all depends on how well you do during the week, and how well the other guilds of similar ranking do too!As previously mentioned, players will be able to access their guild’s results from the previous Guild War. This includes results, rankings & rewards, so you can check the performance of all your Guildmates, and see the rewards you earned.You will be able to see daily rewards earned by your guild and the current Guild Wars ranking rewards. (More on this below).RewardsDAILY REWARDSEach day’s winner (for the daily Guild War) will receive 50 Seals each (that count for your Guild, but do NOT count towards your cap), and a 24 hour 50% XP buff.UNIQUE GUILD WARS TROOPSGuild Wars will reward new Troops, which (currently) will ONLY be available from Guild Wars.The number of copies of the troop will depend on your guild’s rank on the leaderboard when the Guild War ends. So, the Guilds who finish near the top of the table will receive a LOT more.Ultimately, we have planned one Guild War troop for each Kingdom in the game, but with 3.0, we'll only be introducing the first 6 of these new troops (all commons, and will have similar stats & power & level-up requirements to the Guild Guardians found in the Guild Chest).We're also looking at adding old Guild Wars troops to the Guild Chests whenever we release NEW Guild Wars troops (which will be every 3-6 months). So, if you're not getting enough from the Guild Wars, we'll be devising a way that you can still get your hands on them at a reasonable rate.New Spell EffectsStormsStorms are a board affect that lasts 8 Turns (4 for each side). Storms increase the chance of gems dropping depending on the color of the storm. There are 7 different types of storms, one for each gem type:Blue: IcestormGreen: LeafstormRed: FirestormYellow: LightstormPurple: DarkstormBrown: DuststormSkulls: BonestormDispelDispel will remove any positive status effects like Barrier or Enchant on enemy troops (like a reverse Cleanse).Troop Balance ChangesSummoning a Troop type or Kingdom type (upcoming event troop), will not summon the Summoner. E.g., Kruarg can’t summon another Kruag. This also affects transforming troops like Baby Dragon (no more Baby Dragons transforming into Baby Dragons).Flying trait has been renamed to nimble. This allows us to put Entangle immunity on more troops, especially those without wings.AbynissiaSpell Change:Mana cost reduced from 24 to 22Bone DragonSpell Change:Spell now strips up to a max of 25Skull boost ratio reduced from 1:3 to 1:4Skull boost is based on Armor destroyed.Base Skulls created increased from 8 to 9Mana cost increased from 14 to 15CarnexSpell Change: Skull explosion now a flat number 10Armor gain now scales off MagicBase Armor gain changed from 8 to 3DokkalfarSpell Change:Damage now scales with magic, as well as summon level.No longer gains Magic at Levels 2, 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 14, 17, 19Base damage decreased from 10 to 4Mana cost reduced from 13 to 11DRACOS 1337Traits Change:Mech Bond & Armored & Technomancy to Mech Bond & Impervious & TechnomancySpell Change:Mana cost reduced from 17 to 15GhiraleeSpell Change:Damage now scales with magic, as well as random skill point steal.Base damage decreased from 10 to 1Mana cost reduced from 14 to 13Gloom LeafTraits Change:Defender & Huge & Thorns to Huge & Impervious & ThornsSpell Change: Attack Steal increased from 2 to 4Mana cost reduced from 17 to 16Goblin KingSpell Change:Spell changed to summon a random Goblin troop.Mana cost reduced from 16 to 14Base life gain increased from 5 to 8KetrasSpell Change:Mana Cost reduced from 24 to 22Marsh RaptorSpell Change:Damage, now gains x4 boost from Blue Allies (to synergize with Water Link)Change bonus on enemy kill from Attack + Magic buff to Create X Blue Gems if the enemy dies.PlagueTraits Change:Aspect of Plague effect increased from 2 to 3Spell Change:Spell now also poisons all enemiesRocTraits Change:Nimble & Grudge & Arcane to Nimble & Grudge & ArmoredSpell Change:Skill point buff to Attack and Life now scales with Magic.Now gains Magic at levels ShadowbladeSpell Change:Base damage increased from 1 to 3Tankbot 2000Spell Change:Armor steal now scales off magic.WarTraits Change from:Pyromania & Armor Piercing & Aspect of War to Armor Piercing & Infernal Armor & Aspect of WarSpell Change:Now gains an extra turn if he kills the enemy.Mana cost reduced from 24 to 22Where is Gar’Nok’s buff?Grosh-Nak is high on our list for a Kingdom rework, so we’re going to leave Gar’Nok until we tackle Grosh-Nak.GeneralNew splash image on the Loading ScreenAll players will receive a new troop for Khetar, Necrezza in the mail, as a thank you for supporting the game through to 3.0. Necrezza will not be found in chests for 3-4 weeks (like an event troop).Troop RefundThe following troops will be available for refunds until the 10th April 7am GMT:Bone DragonDRACOS 1337Gloom LeafMarsh RaptorRocMajor Bug FixesFixed display issue where troops that have a magic scaling effect, as well as summoning effect, have their magic effect capped at 20 (due to troop level cap of 20 on the summons).Fixed a bug where Enchanted help pop up was displaying as EntangledFixed the Text bracket that was appearing on the Growth Pack menuFixed a bug where summoning spells were not working correctly during Summon events, if players didn’t start with 4 troopsFixed a bug on Android where the device wouldn’t sleep if the game was open.Known IssuesDispel Spell effect doesn’t display help text.Some troops display an empty help box when looking at their spell where the boost should be.As always, we welcome your feedback and would love to have you join the conversation at: Happy Matching,-GoW Team
14 December, 2016
Greetings Matchers!Below you will find the Patch Notes for Update 2.2. As always, we would love to hear your feedback and have you join the conversation at: Happy Matching,-Gems of War TeamUpdate 2.2 Patch NotesEvent SystemThere are 3 types of Events that can be run. They may be available all at once, or at different times:Troop Bonus Events:Troop Skills get increased by 25%These events can be based on either Troop Type (like Knight or Dragon), or Troop Kingdom (like Khetar or Adana), or both!The Skill Bonuses will apply to all game modes including the Arena.When multiple Troop Bonus Events are run at the same time, the bonuses will stack.Bonus Resource Events:Using a combination of either Troops, Troop Types, Troop Color, or Troop Kingdoms, construct a team that rewards bonus resources at the end of a victorious battle.These events will sometimes apply to specific game modes and difficulties.Collection Events:Complete specific objectives such as: Killing enemies, killing troops of specific types or kingdoms, summoning troops, or playing treasure maps, to earn points.Based on your point total, collect rewards for the event as you progress. Each event may contain up to 6 rewards.New Shop ItemsSeveral bundles have been added to the Store to give you great new deals just in time for the holidays:Growth PacksThese packs give rewards for reaching certain levels in the game.They may only be purchased once.They will give appropriate rewards instantly, if purchased by a player who has already achieved some/all of the levels.There are 2 types of Growth Packs: Growth Pack I and Growth Pack IIGrowth Pack I:Costs $30 and contains $150 value of rewards.Gives rewards at levels 10, 20, 30, 40, 50.At level 50 gives a bonus random Legendary troop.Growth Pack II:Costs $50 and contains $250 value of rewardsGives rewards at levels 50, 75, 100, 125, 150At level 150 gives a bonus random Mythic troopPath to Glory PacksPath to Glory Packs are 30-day subscription packs that can be purchased once per month.There are 2 types of subscription packs: Path to Glory I and Path to Glory IIPlayers may purchase both subscriptions at the same time if they want.These packs may be repurchased once they expire.You will not miss out if you do not collect them on consecutive days (i.e. if you have collected the Day 5 Reward, and you miss 2 days’ play, then when you log in, the pack will continue from the Day 6 Reward, running all the way up to Day 30).Path to Glory ICosts $15 and contains $75 value of rewardsEach day gives random consumables (Gems, Gold, Souls, etc)On day 30, gives a random Legendary TroopPath to Glory IICosts $50 and contains $250 value of rewardsEach day gives traitstonesOn day 30, gives a random Mythic TroopVIP Bundle$5 Bundle that gives 1 VIP key and a few miscellaneous consumables.VIP keys can be used even if the player isn’t VIP 5.Can be purchased 3 times per accountWeapon BundleCosts $5 and contains an old event weapon along with a few miscellaneous consumables.Typhoon of Keys$100 bundle that has been brought over from the console versionsThis pack contains a huge selection of keys of all types (including VIP)240 Gold Keys120 Glory Keys60 Gem Keys30 Event Keys15 VIP KeysOther Shop UpdatesShop tabs have been reorganised to improve Shop layout. This includes Gold and Soul purchases now sharing a tab.Gem purchases of Gold and Souls now give significantly more rewards.We are changing the weekly rotation of shop bundles to always include the following:Troop BundleWeapon Bundle2 Traitstone bundles of specific colorsBalance ChangesElwynIncreased his boost ratio from x1 to x3Base damage increased from 2 to 6Now gains Magic at level 16GorgothaSpell now cleanses Gorgotha.KrakenHis legendary trait has been corrected to the original version. We’ve fixed the problem that caused his trait not to end the game correctly.ManticoreEmpowered changed to Fast. WulfgarokMana Cost reduced from 24 to 22Withering TouchSpell changed to do Life Steal instead of flat true damage and life gain.Runic BladeSpell changed so that killing an enemy gives +10 to all Stats.GeneralChat is now available in Treasure Hunt mini games.Treasure Hunt now displays the number of turns taken as well as, current number of earned Traitstones.Arena rewards have been increased.Redeem Codes have been disabled in the Store due to issues with First Party terms.New load screen has been added to game start up.Chest menu now always defaults to the Gold chest screen, rather than highest chest that players have keys for (like gem or event).Bug FixesFixed an issue where Guild Statue levels weren’t displaying above 100.Fixed the issue where Kraken’s original 3rd trait would cause the game to get stuck if used to end the battle.Fixed Guild chat messages – they no longer disappear when typing multiple lines.Fixed Infernal King’s 3rd Trait triggering despite being stunned when he is killed.Fixed various Avatar visual issuesImproved load times on Android and iOS devices.Fixed an issue where guild tasks were not resetting correctly if a player was not in a guild when the weekly reset happens.Fixed an issue where PVP Defences show as 0 PVP points.Fixed a guild issue were number of guild members were sometimes displaying 1 more than actual guild members.Fixed an issue where a player could start a new battle while in the middle of a battle through chat, causing the game to crash.Adjusted team scores to take into account any Guild Stat bonuses.Fixed an Avatar issue where the headwear displayed was matching costume Armor, instead of the selected custom headwearImproved the load time of the News menu when the game first loads.Fixed an issue where currency in Treasure or Arena intro was overlapping the menu popup on 4:3 devicesKnown IssuesA “ghost” Orbweaver Hero may be triggered when it summons a Giant Spider on damage that caused death. (This doesn’t affect the game – it’s just a visual issue)Summoned Troops' traits are sometimes not triggering correctly for some players.Troops summoned by the AI can occasionally have higher Skills than normal (particularly on higher Warlord difficulties). Transformed enemy's traits are sometimes still triggering after being transformed for some players. Guild Rewards may not be sent out correctly for some players when too many players complete tasks at once, particularly after Weekly Reset.The Lion and Tiger Weapon is not working correctly for some players especially on older or slower devices.Troops that get summoned into a team slot, where a troop had previously been killed by a status effect (such as burning), may very occasionally be inflicted with the same status effect.
About This Game
Welcome to Gems of Wars, the newest Puzzle-RPG hybrid from the creators of Puzzle Quest, the original Match 3 RPG! KEY FEATURESCOLLECT and STRATEGIZE – Equip your hero with weapons and armor and lead a team of fantastical monsters into battle. Think strategically, upgrading your units and utilizing their unique abilities to defeat powerful bosses.TEAM UP – Join a guild, chat with friends, and work together to unlock powerful buffs.COMPETE – Participate in weekly events and PvP tournaments to win exclusive prizes.JOURNEY – Fight your way through a vast array of quests, each with a distinctive story and game-changing rewards.PLAY ANYWHERE – Link your account and play across devices and platforms. THE FANS HAVE SPOKEN“This game is Awesome! Challenging and entertaining. Not just some gem or gummy game. Terrific find!”“I think this is the best &match 3& game out there. It's got a ton of RPG elements to it that makes it very deep. It reminds me a lot of Hearthstone.”“Got to love a good mix of bejeweled and magic the gathering in an app. Love it!”“Basically this game takes my favorite elements of Ascension and Hearthstone and gives them a different, and I think improved, foundation.”“My wife teases me that Gems of War is Candy Crush for boys. It's an intriguing combination of a gem game and a collectable card game. I like the campaign and the guild play.”“This is like the version of Puzzle Quest I never knew I wanted. Oodles of quests, challenges, guild activities, cool monsters, arena fights, ranked fights, and man I could just play that treasure mini game all day.”
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: XP SP2, Vista SP2, Windows 7 or higherProcessor: 2.33 GHz or faster x86 CPU, or Intel Atom 1.6Hz or faster CPUMemory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: Radeon X700 series or better, GeForce 6 series or better (Pixel Shader 2 support required)Network: Broadband Internet connectionStorage: 700 MB available spaceSound Card: Required
Published by 505 Games, Developed by Infinity Plus 2. 505 Games and the 505 Games logo are registered trademarks of 505 Games S.r.l. and its affiliates. 505 Mobile and the 505 Mobile logo are trademarks of 505 Mobile SRL or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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