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版权所有不良信息举报电话:Vanessa Carlton 凡妮莎·卡尔顿
Vanessa Carlton 凡妮莎·卡尔顿
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 上面是视频的下载链接,以下是听写稿:Vanessa Carlton凡妮莎·卡尔顿AnchorThis year has seen the emergence of a crop of young female artists, who prove that you don't need a tightly choreographed dance routine to be successful. As a former ballet dancer, Vanessa Carlton could easily have carried that off. But instead, along with such contemporaries as and Michelle Branch, she's chosen to sell records by writing great songs. Including the runaway hit, &A Thousand Miles.& 主播今年涌现了许多年轻的女艺术家,她们证明了成功并不需要一个,像严密编排的舞蹈那样的约定俗成的路线。作为以前的芭蕾舞演员,凡妮莎.卡尔顿能够轻松地继续跳下去。但相反,她与同时期的歌手米歇尔·布朗奇一起,选择了写动听的歌曲并卖唱片。其中包括获得巨大成功的《一千英里》。Vanessa Carlton It reminds me of a Chopin piece. 凡妮莎它让我想起肖邦的曲子。Vanessa I don't know, I must have come out in a minute. I was just there. 凡妮莎我不知道,我一定是在一瞬间领悟了。我只是正好在那儿。VanessaBut, it was something that was obviously special, that was waiting to kind of be born. 凡妮莎但是有些东西明显很特别,就好像等待着要诞生那一时刻。VanessaThe music is... it's born out of a clil sensibility. But it's still pop, and there's elements of rock in it and there's elements of ballet in it. 凡妮莎这音乐......它从古典音乐的感觉里衍生出来。但仍然是通俗音乐,里面有摇滚的因素,也有芭蕾的成分。 VanessaThe thing about classical music is that each note has a very important role. There's nothing that is meaningless in the piece, and every note leads to something else. 凡妮莎说它有古典音乐的成份,是指它的每一个音符都有很重要的作用。这首歌曲当中没有什么是可有可无,每个音符都同时有不同的含意。VanessaI wanted to be a ballerina since I was, I don't know, God, about four years old. And going through that whole transition and at the same time growing up, writing these songs -----it's been quite a journey. 凡妮莎我想成为一个芭蕾舞演员,自从我,我不清楚,上帝,也许四岁的时候起。走过这段变迁,我也同时长大成人,我开始写歌--这是一个漫长的旅程。VanessaIt's been more like 21,000 miles to get to where I am. 凡妮莎就好像走了是两万一千英里达到我今天的成就。VanessaTraining to be a ballet dancer was invaluable in terms of kind of honing these survival skills that I have. Nothing compares to a ballet class. 凡妮莎通过芭蕾训练我练就了如今赖以生存的技能,它是我一笔无价的财富。没什么能和一堂芭蕾课比。Vanessa Nothing compares to trying to survive emotionally in the ballet world. It's really inhumane at times. 凡妮莎没什么能和试图在芭蕾的世界里存活相比。有时候,它确实是残忍的。VanessaI needed to hear, &Well, we're going to take you as you are.& I'd have these meetings where they listen to my stuff and they're like, &Well-----how would you feel about not playing the piano?& And I'll be like, &Well what do you want me to play? A guitar?& &No, you just wouldn't play anything at all. And how would you feel about dancing? And dancing with back-up dancers? And cutting your shirt a bit shorter, wearing a short skirt?& I was like, &this is not really why I'm doing this, so I'm going have to you know, thanks for your time.& 凡妮莎我需要听到别人说:“好,我们要感受本来的你。”我举行一些聚会,让人们听我的作品,并提些意见,有人会说,“嗯,你不弹钢琴好不好?”我会说:“那好吧,你想要我弹什么?吉他?”“不,你根本什么也不需要弹。你认为跳舞怎么样?要不和那些背景舞蹈演员一起跳?能否把你的衬衫剪短,换上短裙子?”我就说:“这不是我真正要做的,这点我必须要你们知道,谢谢你的时间。”Vanessa&Ordinary Day& is really one of my favorite songs. It's just a very pure little moment that I had. I wrote that song in one sitting, which I rarely do. There's a drama in that song and there's a romanticism that song. 凡妮莎《平凡的一天》的确是我喜爱的歌曲之一。它是在拥有的片刻纯净的时间写成的。在一瞬间,我写了这首歌,我很少这样。那首歌富有戏剧性还有一点浪漫。VanessaYou could easily imagine a dance to that. And you could easily see the girl singing that song, dancing it. 凡妮莎听着它,你能轻易地想象一个舞蹈。你能轻易地看到一个女孩在唱着那首歌,跳着舞。Vanessa There's this synergy between my dance training and my music training, And it comes together. I think it especially comes together in &Ordinary Day.&凡妮莎在我的舞蹈训练和音乐训练之间有种协同力,把二者融合在了一起。我认为在《平凡的一天》里,它们融合得特别好。 VanessaWhatever it is, that magic that I feel when I'm moving, it lies within the music as well. 凡妮莎不管它是什么,当我舞动的时候,我感到它的魔力,它同样存在于音乐里。VanessaI don't think I would write the songs that I write if I hadn't been a dancer. I love dancing because of the music and because it's just an incredible way to express yourself. 凡妮莎我想如果我没有当过舞蹈演员,我就写不出现在这些歌。我热爱舞蹈,因为音乐,也因为它确实是一个表达你自己的无可比拟的方式。VanessaI love music because it reminds me of dancing. It's all kinds of, they all live in the same world. So I can easily sit at the piano and create something that moves me just as dancing. 凡妮莎我热爱音乐,因为它让我想起舞蹈。各种各样的艺术都存在于同一世界里。因此我能轻松地坐在钢琴边创作,像舞蹈一样令我感动的歌曲。VanessaI love getting on stage. It really is just the best part of my day. 凡妮莎 我喜欢走上舞台。那的确是我生活中的最美好的时刻。VanessaThere's a sense of comradely in that I'm just a human being who is singing a tune that a lot of other human beings can understand. 凡妮莎那是一种亲密感,我只是一个普通人,唱着一首歌,而这首歌被许多其他的人理解。VanessaIt's very important to me to have longevity and not be part of some fleeting trend or not be defined by just one song.凡妮莎能长盛不衰对我而言很重要,不要成为昙花一现的人物或仅仅因一首歌而出名。
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