i can feel you're fall in love.but i do do feeltha

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created 04&Nov&2014Fall In Love With Your Business, Not Your Business Plan
That business plan, that business plan,
I do not like that business plan.
I do not like the writing part,
I do not even like to start.
I do not like them at a bar,
I do not like them from afar.
~Dharmesh (with h/t to Dr. Seuss, who I read every day to my son)
My feelings on business plans varies: from extreme dislike to just mild irritation.
I don't think business plans are completely useless, just mostly so. And sometimes, they're even dangerous.
Here's why…
1. Business plans are energy-depleting exercises. When I went to MIT Sloan for business school, I took what was (and is) one of the “definitive” classes for entrepreneurs “New Enterprises”. The class was oriented around coming up with ideas, forging a team of classmates around that idea (you had to actually sell them) and then having that team write a business plan during the course. All of this was intermingled with some presentations and some guest lectures. All around, I loved the class but hated the writing of the business plan. It was painful. I had a great team — and it was still painful. We had a real business (what later morphed into my current company, ) — but it was still painful. And, took a lot of time. I'd much rather have been talking to potential customers or building product prototypes — both of those activities, unlike writing business plans, are energizing.
2. You should be committed to your business, not your business plan.
As a way to capture your current plan and thinking about the business, business plans are inefficient. Shortly after you're done writing it (or editing it), you will realize that the plan is a little out-dated and does not reflect your current reality. Startups change constantly, especially in the early days when you're trying to find product market fit. The market changes, you get more feedback from your customers, and your understanding of the opportunity changes. Even more simply, you might just change your mind. In the early days, your startup is likely changing so frequently that going through the effort of making sure your business plan keeps up with your latest thinking is frustrating and futile. You're much, much better off spending that time and energy talking to customers and making the product better. Business plans are often dangerous, because you become overly committed to what you've written down. The risk is that you revise the plan so much, have toiled so many nights getting it just right that you actually start becoming emotionally attached to the plan. It becomes your baby — not the business itself. This can be fatal. You want to stay pragmatic and willing to change. If you have a 100 page tome that you've poured your heart and soul into late into the night, you'll have this small piece of you that begins resisting the change to the plan. That's a Very Bad Thing.
3. Business plans are written in the waterfall method, and you need to be agile. Some entrepreneurs take the “classic” approach to a startup. Have idea. Write business plan. Rewrite business plan. Rewrite busines plan. Pitch plan to investors, team maters, etc. Keep pitching until you get money or fall into the dark abyss. If you raise money, go out and start “executing” on the plan. Later discover that some of the core elements of the plan were flat out wrong. Does those sequence of things sound familiar? If you're a developer, it will sound to you an awful lot like the “waterfall method” of software development. And, in that case, you just listen to your instincts to run screaming in the other direction. Agile is not just for software development, it's for startup development too.
4. Nobody will read your business plan. If you enjoy the act of writing a business plan and like having it, that's fine. Perhaps you like sleeping with it under your pillow because it gives you comfort. That's cool. As long as you don't have some delusional idea that anyone is going to actually read it, you're fine. It's when you expect potential investors, team members and other unsuspecting victims to read your masterful work of brilliance that you have a problem. Once you get through the first few iterations, it's likely that even you won't want to read the plan anymore. You'll become sick of it.
5. It's a work of fiction. The executive summary can be useful (but can be manifested in much better ways), but a lot of the marketing sizing, financial projections and long narratives around go-to-market strategy are usually complete works of fiction. Some plans have more reliable market data than others. Some include more realistic projections than others. But, they're all works of fiction. All that varies is the degree to which the business plan resembles the truth and the degree to which the entrepreneur believes the fiction.
Entrepreneurs that write business plans should receive honorary degrees in creative fiction.
6. Write a blog, not a business plan. Although I advise against writing the classic business plan, I'm not against writing down your ideas and describing them in a way that is consumable by other humans. In fact, I'm a big fan of that. Just not in the form of a business plan. Instead of writing a business plan, which nobody will read, write a blog instead. Unlike a business plan, a few people will actually read your blog. The blog has the added value of being interactive. People can leave comments on your blog. They can poke at your ideas, tell you about these other 3 startups that sound like they're working on something similar. They can call you an idiot. All of that is useful. The earlier in the process you can get feedback from places other than the voices inside your head that talk to you at 1am in the morning after a long day of work, the better off you are. Unlike a business plan, a blog is useful forever. It pulls people into your business (through things like Google search). It helps people visiting your website to get a better understanding of what's going on in your head. It serves as both a vehicle for crystallizing your thinking and as a tool for marketing. In fact, it's one of the most important inbound marketing tools at your disposal. Every startup should have a blog. &
What do you think? &Have you tried writing a business plan? Do you know of a "friend" that tried to write one, because they thought they needed one for some reason?What's your take?
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[fa icon="home"] &25 First St, Cambridge MAI love you
What to write in an I love you card
When we're near and when we're apart, you will be the only one who holds the keys to my heart. I love you!
Some things may be better left unsaid, but telling you how much I adore and care for you everyday is not one of them. I love you more than words could ever express.
Some people have said that you only fall in love once, but I know it's not true. I've been falling in love with you every single day since we first met. I love you.
Sweetheart when I look at you, I know forever isn't far away. I cherish, adore, and treasure you. I'm absolutely head over heels in love with you.
Like nothing else in this world could - you make everyday brighter, more beautiful, and worth living to the fullest. I love you.
Sweetheart, you're my one and only. I love the way you leave me breathless! Life is never a dull moment with you by my side!
My life has gotten so much better ever since I met you. You truly enrich it in a way I never thought possible. I love you with all my heart!
I never believed that love could exist, until I met you. Now, I know what it's like to love someone so much that it feels overwhelming. May our hearts be overwhelmed forever. I love you.
We met by chance. We became friends by choice. But we couldn't help falling in love with each other. You are the sun in my day, the moon and stars in my night, and the beating in my heart. I love you.
I love the way you make me smile. I love getting to spend all the time in the world with somebody as lovely and special as you, and most of all, I love YOU!
My heart explodes for the all the love I have for you. It truly can't contain it and sometimes all I wish I could do is to climb on a mountain top and shout it to the whole wide world. But then I think of how embarrassed you would be, so I decided to simply write it in this card: I LOVE YOU!
To my everything: whenever I'm with you, I know that there's nowhere else I'd rather be, or anyone I'd rather be with. I love you, and nobody could ever take your place.
My love and devotion for you will never fail, and it will continue to grow for as long as I live. I love you!
The most brilliant sunrise could never compare to the beauty I see when I look at you. You make everyday brighter, happier, and longer when I am with you. I love you.
The first time I saw you, I knew you were something special. My love for you never stops growing, and I hope it never stops. I love you so much, sweetheart.
It took a lifetime to meet you, but only one moment to know that my heart would belong to you forever. You're everything in my life that is worth having. I love you.
I was lost and you found me. I was scared and you reassured me. I was lonely and you kept me company. Now, I'm happy and it is thanks to you. I'm full of life because my life is you. My heart is beating again because it is so madly in love with you! I love you baby!
Sending all my love to the person who makes me smile more than anyone else in the world. Thanks for making my life so special. I love you!
I cannot begin to express just how much you mean to me, however, I can continue to show you my love and affection for the rest of my life. I love you.
Life with you is like living in a romantic movie! You truly make me feel like I'm the luckiest person in the world! I love you so much!
Roses are red, violets are blue - No one else could love you as much as I do. I love you!
Your smile, your touch, your kiss - when I think of all the things I might have missed if I hadn't met you. You are the reason the stars come out at night, the reason my days are so bright, and the reason my life has light. I love you.
You're everything to me: my heart, my joy, my love. You're the most special person in my life, and I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I love you.
Isn't it funny how we say "I love you" so easily these days? However, only when you meet the right person we can finally understand what these three little words truly mean. I love you baby!
I just wanted to let you know how much I love you. I'm so happy and blessed to have met somebody as amazing and special as you are.
I love you. Te amo. Je t'aime. I could write it in all the languages of this world, even the most remote ones. However, the meaning is still the same. I love you always!
Do you even remember how life was before we fell in love? I truly can't because my life without you now seems so trivial and unworthy that I often ask myself how could I ever live without you. Fortunately, we will always be together! I love you!
Every lock has a matching key, and somehow you ended up with the key to my heart! We're a perfect fit, and there's no doubt in my mind that we were made for each other.
You showed me how easy it is to love somebody for who they truly are. I've never had to hide behind a mask with you. You saw my true colors and loved them. Thank you for being so precious. I love you!
The world can be a harsh place without somebody special at your side. Thank you for being that someone and making me happier than I've ever been. I love you.
I cherish you more than I could ever show, and I wanted to make sure you know just how much I truly care - I love you more than words could ever express.
We started as friends close as could be, but now you mean so much more to me. I never imagined that right from the start, that you would be the one who holds my heart. I love you!
The greatest gift in my life is being able to put a smile on your face every single day. I love you.
May our love be like a drop of rain in the ocean, never ending. I swear to love, cherish, and honor you for the rest of all eternity. I love you.
To the one I adore above all others. My love, care, and devotion to you will never fade. I love you So Much!
LOVE. Four simple letters. Yet, they have so much power and meaning that all the other words must be jealous of it. Just like all the other people in the whole world must be jealous that I have you in my life. I love you!
Sweetie, you've changed my life in more ways than I can count. You've found a place in my heart for the rest of my life. I love you more than anything.
Do you know how many love songs are out there? In so many different languages. I wanted to choose one for you, but decided that the best way to truly express how I feel is by writing it in this card: I love you always!
My love for you is like a rose, only its color will never fade and its petals will never wilt or fall. I love you.
I've had many gifts in my life, but you're the best and the one I hold most dear. I love you more and more each day.
Every moment with you is one to cherish, and whenever we're apart, I long to have you with me even more. I love you, sweetheart—no matter what.
YOU plus ME equals US. And US in my world is the best way to live! I love you from the bottom of my heart!
In the time we've been together, I've learned so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of forever learning everything else. I love you.
The Lord has blessed me from above with a special person like you in my life. I thank Him every day because I have found you and you have made my life so much better. I love you!
Every day that we're together, I love you more and more. Even when I close my eyes, I see your face, and even when you're gone, I feel you in my heart. I love you will all my heart.
L is for... ah, who am I kidding? I have never been good with words. Fortunately, there are three that I know how to use and I use them well because I am with you: I love you!
I love you with all my heart and soul baby. You have made me the happiest person in the whole wide world! You truly are the love of my life.
I really wanted to quote a famous poet who, in a much better way than I ever could, properly describes what love is. However, I thought that you should hear it directly from me. I love you!
The world is my garden and you are the most beautiful flower that it contains. I adore and cherish you above anything else in this world. My love and devotion for you will never die or fade away. I love you more than anything else.
My love and devotion for you will never fade, they will only grow stronger as the days go by. I love you.
Just as the sun will always rise on a new day, the tides will always return, and the earth continues to turn - so too will my love for you always burn. I love you.
You are my forever. There is nobody else out there who could truly understand me, who could relate to me so perfectly. We were meant to be. I love you baby!
I love you for who you are and for who I am when I am with you. I love you.
Each look, each touch, every kiss, and every cuddle with you is magic. You're the spark that has ignited my entire life. I love you.
For centuries, the best poets and writers have tried to describe with words this incredible feeling that is love. Although they have come close to define it, it is so precious and so unique that it is true when they say that the best way to express is to simply whisper, I love you!
Before you came into my life, I didn't know just how deeply and completely I could love somebody, but thanks to you, I know. I love you.
Here's a great big 'I love you' to the most important person in my life. You're the cherry on top of my sundae! I hope you find this card as sweet as I find you!
Dearest love of my life, I'm forever thankful for every moment we're together. You light up my life and make me the happiest person in the world. I love you.
I love you more than words can express, my one and only! I can't thank you enough for everything you've done for me, and all the happiness you've brought to my life.
My dearest: I love you so much. Not only that, but I love the person that you've helped me to become. I can't wait for our amazing future.
I've thought about what to write in this card for so long. How do you find the right words that truly describe how I feel for you? I think the best and only way is I LOVE YOU!
I wanted to show you how much I hold you dear. I was going to give you a rose, but it would soon fade. I thought to give you chocolates, but they would soon disappear. So I am giving you all my love because it will continue to grow and will last forever. I love you.
When I first met you, I didn't know you'd take me on such an amazing adventure. I know now that you're the best decision I've ever made, and it makes me proud to say that I love you.
I cannot begin to express how much I love and care for you. You are everything that makes my life worth living. I love you.
To my lover and best friend, you are truly a godsend. You have brought happiness and light to the dark shadow that was once my life. I will love you forever and ever, always.
Looking back, I know that every moment we've spent together has been complete perfection. You are everything to me, and I love you.
Every day, I feel like I fall in love with you all over again. Nobody's ever made me feel so whole, and I can't wait to feel like this for the rest of our lives.
I thank God every day for bringing you into my life. He really must have spent a little more time on you. You're heaven sent, and I love you more than anything.
You, my dear, have changed my life in ways I can't describe. I need you to know how much I love you for being a part of it. You're more than I ever could've hoped for.
You are my dearest friend and the one true love of my life. May my love for you forever outshine the sun, moon, and starts above. I love you.
If you think how powerful love truly is, it makes you wonder if we are indeed destined for something bigger than this. Love can break barriers, love can survive death, love can change the world. I love you and you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
If I loved you for all eternity, it would still not be long enough. I love you more than words can express.
I love everything about you from the way you laugh to the way you made me fall in love with you. Thank you for being the best thing that ever happened to me.
I will never get tired of hearing your sweet voice telling me you love me. And I will never get tired of whispering in your ear that you are my life and I love you all the time.
To my love: I can honestly say that we're made for each other. Life would simply be incomplete without you at my side.
Always is a long time. But when it comes to loving you, always is not long enough. I love you and I will love you for the rest of time!
Life makes the world go around, but your love is what makes it worth living. I love you more than anything!
I love you! Three words that can change your whole life. They might be simple but they are the most precious ones. Just like you. I love you baby!
I wanted to take this moment to let you know just how much I love you. You've made my dreams come true, and I treasure you for being the sweet, thoughtful, and amazing person you are.
We might have our differences, but out of all the things we have in common, too, we share the most important thing—a true and profound love for one another!
I may not be the best with words, but I wanted to show you how important you are to me. I love you, and I'm so glad that you're mine.
I have stared at this black card for a while before finally realizing how to properly express how I feel about you: I LOVE YOU. Simple as that!
I love you because you make me happy. I love you because you accept me for who I am. I love you because you care about me. Not sure if you got the message... I love you!
I've found heaven - when I make you smile, when I hold you near, and most of all when I whisper "I love you" in your ear. I love you more than anything.
Have you heard? There is this person who is truly and madly in love with you! Of wait, that's me! I love you baby! Always and forever!
If I only had one wish, I would wish for time to stand still so that I could hold you in my arms forever. I will love you long after the sun, moon, stars, and earth have all faded away. I love you.
"I loved you once. I loved you twice. I love you more than beans and rice." See, even when I express my love for you I make you laugh! Do you know why? Because I LOVE to see you smile! I love you baby!
As I write this, I can truthfully say that I've managed to find the kindest, most thoughtful person in the universe. Thank for being the amazing person I've fallen so deeply in love with.
Do you remember when we first met? My heart was beating so fast because I couldn't believe that somebody like you would ever want to be with somebody like me. How about now, you might wonder? Well, it still beats just as fast. I love you!
All I want to do is be with you. All I think about is you. All I want to listen to is your voice. I think these are clear signs that I am madly in love with you! XOXO
They say time heals. I don't think that's true. True love heals. My heart had been broken and you have made it all better with your kindness and sweetness. I love you always!
To the sunshine of my life: every day is bright with you. I love you more than you'll ever know. This is the honest truth. You mean more to me than anyone else. Thank you for letting me love you.
One day, you came into my life and changed it forever. Now, all I can do is tell you that my heart has always been and will always be yours. I love you!
I would give up anything in this life, just so I could be with you. I would climb the highest mountains, just so I could reach you. I would write a thousand poems just to express the most innocent and genuine feeling: I love you!
It's funny how quickly you've become the single most important person in my life. I never seem to stop thinking about you, so I just wanted to let you know how much I love you.
I never thought that I would find someone who completes me, who makes my life worth living, who would mean more to me than anything else ever could - but here you are. I love you.
To my sweetheart - You're the best thing that I've ever found in my life. I love you more than anything in this world.
There are very few things in this world that make me feel that God exists. One of them is you. With your love and compassion you show me every day that you must be an angel sent from above. And I am the lucky one who has your heart. I love you!
I love you more than words could ever express, feelings could ever show, or thoughts could begin to imagine. You're the reason my heart beats and my life is worth living. I love you!
A lot of people talk about feeling lucky, but I know I am because I'm in love with my best friend. Nobody else compares to you, and I love you more than I can express.
The day we met is easily the best day of my life. I couldn't forget it if I tried. Without you, my heart would be useless. I love you so much.
There's a sense of comfort and happiness that I only get from you. I can barely go a day without thinking about you. You're truly the center of my world.
Roses are red, violets are blue... yes, I know it sounds cliche and childish, but all I want to say is that I truly love you!
If I had a penny for every time that you crossed my thoughts, I would be the richest person in the world. May you always continue to run rampant through my mind and heart. I love you.
There's a saying that 'true love stories never end'. Now that I have you, I know it's true because there's no end in sight for us! I love you so much!
To the one who possesses my heart, body, and soul. I love you more than I could ever even begin to show. I love you!
I thought I knew what love was, but I really didn't have a clue until you showed me. I couldn't be more thankful for that. I love you more and more each day.
Would you believe me if I told you that I love you? Well, you better because you have stolen my heart and I never want it back! I love you always!
There are three things in life I could never live without: You,... oops, did I say three? I meant only one! I love you and only you!
You are the most adorable, special and lovable person I've ever met. Which is why it was so easy for me to fall in love with you. I love you baby!
I never considered myself the lucky one, but ever since you came into my life, our love makes me feel luckier and happier than anyone in the world. I love you!
I smile because you smile. I'm happy because you make me happy. I love you because you are so special and precious that my heart couldn't help itself but fall deeply in love with you.
Baby, you have no idea what you've done to my life. You've turned it inside out and upside down. And I'll be forever thankful! I love you always and forever!
I could write 'I love you' countless ways, but none would be enough to express how deeply I feel for you. You fell into my life so easily that 'I' became 'we,' and I can honestly say I've changed for the better. I love you.
You amaze me every day. You have given my life a whole new meaning and I don't know how I managed to survive without you. I love you!
There are no words that can truly express how I feel about you. I have tried to write down all the adjectives I could think of that I would associated with you and yes, stubborn was there! Anyway, since the list was too long to write it in a card, I decided to simply say: I LOVE YOU!
Your smile, your touch, your laughter - these are the things that I live for. My love for you will outlast everything else in this world. I love you.
You are my sunshine. You are joy. You are my only one. How can I translate into words what my heart is telling me?! I'm not sure, but I am surely going to try every single day of our life! I love you!
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