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Far Cry 4 PS4 Versus Xbox One Video Comparison In 1080p: Both Versions Are Almost Identical
The two versions are almost similar, for now.
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Ubisoft have been under fire
for their less than impressive Assassin’s Creed Unity. Unity, which is a current gen exclusive, suffers from poor performance such as stuttering and frame rate issues, although we
out that the PS4 version seems to hold itself well when there is a lot going on the screen. But overall, Unity lacked optimization resulting into a mess across all platforms, especially the PC.
Far Cry 4 is Ubisoft’s last AAA game of 2014 and has a lot riding on its shoulder and according to our initial tests, the development team seems to have done an impressive job across the PS4 and Xbox One versions of the game. In this initial test we haven’t yet compared the resolution and frame rate but the texture quality and level of detail seems to be the same across both the versions.
Both the versions employ custom anti-aliasing solution with similar lighting and shadow effects. There is not much to choose here since side by side both the versions are almost similar visually. We will delve deeper in the coming days to find out more differences but at the moment it seems like a stalemate.
Note: The right portion of the screenshot below is from the PS4 version and the left is from the Xbox One version. Please click the ‘Next Slide’ button to navigate through the comparison images.
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PS4, Xbox One Turned Into Portable Laptop Versions - IGN News
A next-gen feature Sony and Microsoft didn't think of.
For those that wish their new-gen consoles were a little more portable, there is a solution. A gentleman by the name of Ed Zarick makes custom laptop versions of both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. He calls them the
and the Xbook One.
They each have 22-inch 1080p Vizio TVs for displays and come with the same price tag: $1400 if Zarick provides all the hardware. Send him your own console to modify, and the price drops to $1100.
He can add an HDMI out for another $50. Wi-fi still works on the modified consoles. They do not have batteries, though, and will have to be plugged in -- which does limit their portability considerably. The PlayBook comes in black or Destiny white editions. &
IGN RecommendsPS4 leads Xbox One by at least 40% in global sales: Has Sony already won this console generation?
on October 25, 2014 at 12:02 pm
Both the Xbox One and PS4 will celebrate their first birthday next month, and as they head into their second holiday season and first full fourth-quarter availability, it’s interesting to take a look at how the two consoles have performed so far. All evidence suggests a significant advantage for the PlayStation 4, with a sales gap of at least 40% between the two systems, and possibly as large as 100% (2:1 in favor of the PS4).That figure — a total sales gap of 40% between the two consoles — comes , which performed some analysis based on reported sales of all consoles, previous sales figures, and remarks from executives from both Microsoft and Sony. The data, which tallies nicely with , represents the best-case scenario, using figures that maximize the Xbox One sales results and minimize the PS4’s performance. In reality, the PS4 could be running at 2:1 advantage or even more, and that’s before we head into the holiday season.
Is this a problem? In the short term, no. The fact is, the Xbox 360 had an equally large lead over the PS3 for years. Sony’s console wasn’t just plagued by its high price, it was stuck with minimal attach rates and, initially, lower-quality titles. It was difficult to optimize for the PS3’s Cell processor, and a number of its first games struggled to match the Xbox 360’s quality, much less surpass it. Throw in Sony’s epic screwup around rumble (and the unmourned, incredibly-annoying Sixaxis controller), the initially uncertain value of its Blu-ray player, and a host of hubris and jaw-dropping statements, and the Xbox 360 was the odds-on favorite to win the console generation. In reality, the two systems ended up at rough parity with the PS3 actually outselling the Xbox 360 over the very long term.Much ink has been spilled on whether or not the Xbox One is less popular because it can’t handle quite as high a resolution, or because its scaler creates graphical oddities, or because it was . This last hits closest to the mark, but I think the fundamental problem Microsoft is still trying to crawl out from under with Xbox One is that the narrative has been dominated by two threads:What the Xbox One can or can’t do, relative to its own hardware restrictions, DRM policies, Kinect 2.0, many other facets of the console’s design.The fact that its graphics fidelity, load times, install times, etc. are often somewhat worse than the PS4.This lack of focus, this inability to explain why anyone should buy a Xbox One in the first place, is most likely at the heart of the console’s sales problems. It wasn’t for lack of trying, but Microsoft was
it tried to build into the Xbox One as a point of differentiation. Kinect? Killed. Always-on? Turned off. Phoning home? We’re off the hook.Read: This Christmas, the company is turning to Halo — or, rather, to a master collection of multiple previous Halo titles offered up at a price point it hopes will leave fans slobbering their way out of Walmart with new consoles clutched in grubby fingers, visions of Cortana — now rendered in glorious 1080p — dancing in their heads.
Get excited, Xbox One owners (or prospective Xbox One owners). You’ll be play some old Halo games on your Xbox One this Christmas.Should the Halo effect work, Microsoft could close the gap with the PS4 in several giant leaps this holiday season. If it doesn’t, well, we’re playing a long game here. There’s no indication that Microsoft’s Xbox One will drop into the kind of death spiral that might see it blocked out of top tier gaming development.Speaking of consoles that’ve been dumped in a corner and forgotten, this Christmas will be the Wii U’s sink-or-swim moment as well. With a new Smash Brothers release, it’s possible that the fighting game will be the coup de grace that convinces players who’ve been on the fence about new Mario titles or games like Hyrule Warriors to finally leap over and take the
plunge. It’s got to be what Nintendo is betting on — if , the company will be better off pursuing a fast replacement strategy and getting something on the market that consumers will actually want to buy. Before you flame me for that, keep in mind that consoles take 18-24 months to develop — so a Wii U successor that was meant to bring Nintendo up to parity with Sony and Microsoft wouldn’t debut for several years yet. Given the weak sales of the Wii U to date, it’s not unreasonable to say that a failed recovery necesitates the need for a quicker replacement cycle than Nintendo might’ve otherwise preferred.Now read:
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We have updated our PRIVACY POLICY and encourage you to read it by clicking .Project Cars shooting for 1080p 60fps on both Xbox One and PS4 & Eurogamer.net
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Project Cars shooting for 1080p 60fps on both Xbox One and PS4
While the Wii U version might not quite hit those specs.
Published 29/09/2014
The developer of racing game Project Cars is targeting a 1080p resolution and 60 frames per second output for both the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game.While earlier builds of the racing game were running well below 60fps, the build shown at EGX last week hits the target on both consoles - although there's still a little work to do to get the Xbox One version's resolution running in parity with the PS4 version's."On Xbox One it's not quite 1080p at the moment," Slightly Mad Studios' Andy Tudor told Eurogamer at EGX 2014. "But it's not representative of the final quality. We're still aiming to get there."Towards the end of the game you're always optimising, and during development it's a rollercoaster. Sometimes you look at the game and think oh god, that's not working, that's not working. But other days you hit 60fps, and it's awesome.""For a racing game, 60fps is hugely important," Tudor continued. "What people don't know is that the physics underneath runs at 600 times a second. We measure the input you're doing on the controller 250 times per second. Project Cars does that way more than any other game - they're all doing that significantly lower. The screen refreshes 60 times per second - we're measuring the tires, the physics, the suspension, all that stuff, 600 times."Project Cars is due out in the UK on 21st November 2014. That's for PC, PS4 and Xbox One.There's another console version of Project Cars, of course, with the Wii U port due out next year. It won't hit the performance highs of the Xbox One and PS4 versions, though Tudor is happy with the progress Slightly Mad is making."There are significant hurdles that we've had to get over, and that's kind of expected," he said. "But the fact we can have weather, time of day, a significant number of cars on screen, it's actually really promising."
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