我在研究tiny wings安卓版到底怎么玩

我在研究Tiny Wings到底怎么玩_浙江吧_百度贴吧
我在研究Tiny Wings到底怎么玩收藏
成就是按鸟窝的方式升级的,一次三个,我就一一说了,前面一些简单就列一下了。1.pocketMoney -
collect 100 coins
获得100金币2.islandhopper – reach the 4th island
到达第四个岛基本上玩两三次就能完成,同时完成100金币3.tinyslides – do 7 great slides in one game 在一次游戏中做7次完美俯冲完美俯冲就是下坡时收翅膀,形成冲刺,上坡时就能飞起来,需要掌握好角度,然后会有一个小箭头提示,所以做7次完美俯冲很简单。4.touchthe clouds - do 1 cloutouch
冲到云上去当小鸟飞的很高时,就能碰到云了,可以额外加分,连续来几次完美俯冲就能冲的高了,连续冲到云上分数会越来越高。5.earlypoints – gain 5000 points on the 1th island 在第一个岛得到5000分不用解释了吧,我目前第一个岛是25000分左右6.tinyfever – be 5s in fever mode
5秒Fever模式Fever模式就是连续三次完美俯冲,小鸟的屁股就会冒星星,这时会连续加分,5秒做到一次Fever就可以了。7.oddnumber slide - do 5 great slides on the 3rd island 在第三个岛做5次完美俯冲稍有一点点难度了,多试几次就行。8.tinyflow – do 1 great slide directly after an island jump 到一个新岛时,做完美俯冲就是第一个岛到第二个岛,第一次着陆时来一次完美俯冲,挺简单的。9.tinypirate – collect 200 coins 获得200金币想吃到200金币,就不能光顾着飞了,尽量贪金币,一般到第5个岛就能完成了,尤其是每个岛最后的金币,收到翅膀往下冲,在快到金币时松一下,小鸟会弹一下,再下去就能吃到所有金币了。10.nervousfever – be 5x in fever mode in one game 在一次游戏中做5次fever模式玩到这时,相信大家已经知道怎么fever了,连续fever才是王道,我目前只能前两个岛连续fever。11.bigpoints – gain 60000 points
获得60000分只要会fever,轻松到60000分12.toofast for me – reach the 5th island withoud speedcoins. 不吃加速到达第五个岛这个成就就很BT了,不吃加速到第五个岛其实没问题,关键是你不想吃,有时自己就掉上去了,所以要先多玩几次,记住加速球的位置,然后尽量的fever,就是飞起来,减少碰到陆地的次数,不断的尝试吧。13.islandjump fever – reach the 4th island being in fever mode 在fever模式中到达第四个岛嗯,第三个岛结尾时要做到fever,飞向第四个岛就可以了。14.giantslides – do 32 great slides in one game在一次游戏中做32次完美俯冲嗯,没错,是32次,不过这时大家到第6个岛已经没问题了,想完成32次,反而不能飞的太快,慢慢飞,明白了吧。15.stairway to heaven – do 2 cloudtouches on the 5th island
在第五个岛冲到两次云第五个岛的地形虽然比较平坦,不过连续几次fever就OK了。16.feverishdream – do 5 cloudtouches in fever mode 在fever模式中冲到5次云这个非常简单,还是那句话,连续fever就行了。17.onecloudtouch per finger – do 10 cloudtouches in one game 第一次游戏中冲10次云嗯,连续云的成就,完成前几个成就,大家一定都知道怎么冲云了。18.greatmoring - do 10 great slides on the 1st island 在第一个岛做10次完美俯冲这个还行,慢点飞就好了,不要一飞出去就不要命了。19.healthyfly – reach the 5th island without fever mode 不能做fever模式到达第五个岛就是到第五个岛之前不能做fever,也就是说两次完美俯冲后就小停一下,还算简单,后面有更BT的。20.heavyfever – be 17s in fever mode 坚持17秒fever模式这就是传说中的连续fever,其实第一个岛就能完成,上来三步完美俯冲到fever,然后会有三次俯冲的机会,就能做到第一个岛全部完美俯冲了。17s不是问题。
21.upsidedown – turn your device upside down and reach the 5th island :) 把你的iphone倒过来玩,到达第五个岛。这个成就相信很多玩家卡住了吧,我开始也没理解,以为是到第五个岛时把iphone转一下,其实我还是用ipad玩的,试了多次之后想,不会是一直倒着从第一岛玩到第五岛吧,然后试了一下,果然是,真BT。明白了吧,就是倒过来玩。22.megafever – be 34 seconds in fever mode 坚持34秒fever模式这个比17秒难多了,34秒呀,根据不同岛的地形特征,建议大家练习第一个岛到第二个岛的fever,我到不太喜欢第二个岛,地形很烂。。我一般喜欢在第三个岛到第四个岛之间连续fever。掌握好fever的技巧,慢慢练习吧。23.theholy island – reach the 7th island 到达第七个岛这个就真不难了,但是每个岛都要快,如果不小心停住了,一定要尽快的三步飞起来,因为只要在一个岛卡住了,就到不了第七个岛了。24.groundslider – reach the 4th island without doing any great slide 不能作任何完美俯冲到第四个岛看,这才是最BT的,不完美俯冲,就意味着飞不起来,想在冲刺飞的时候不完美俯冲,其实真的非常难,而且一旦不小心来了一次,就前功尽弃,所以我选择了更安全的方法,就是贴着地快跑,就是翅膀不停的张收张收张收。。。。如果时间来不及的话,可以考虑吃加速球飞一两次就OK了。25.byteisland – reach the 8th island 到达第八个岛这不用多说了,一直往前飞,注意每个岛的用时,不能卡住。26.heavypoints – gain 175000 points 获得175000分不光要飞的远,还要多得分,得分就是要fever,尤其是在一个岛到另一个岛时一定要fever,这样会加很多分,还有就是最后的金币,建议大家一个岛一个岛的练,比如我现在第一个岛过完是25000,第二个岛过了是50000多,每个岛都练好了,平均20000分,到第八个岛时,175000分不是问题。我目前是173003,差一点。27.Perfect flow –
5x:do one great slidedirectly an island jump 到新岛时做完美俯冲,五次。跟之前的一个成就一样,只不过要做到5次,正常到第八个岛的话,有七次机会,要成功五次.28.far awwy from home – reach the 9th island到达第9个岛 29.fever king - fly through the 4th island in fever mode在fever模式中穿越第四个岛,首先需要在第三个岛穿越时保持fever模式,然后第四个岛全部完美俯冲,一直fever,就可以达成了。30.no fever no fun - do 20 cloudtouches not being in fever mode.穿20次云,但不能在fever模式中,这个成就还是挺BT的。
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或tiny wings - 必应 词典网络翼飞冲天;小小翅膀;微之羽翼1.翼飞冲天《翼飞冲天》(Tiny Wings):由Andreas Illiger开发。卖出了超过300万份的拷贝,在美国市场里超过两周排名第一。|2.小小翅膀易苹果7月12日讯:之前iOS平台优秀的独立作品《小小翅膀》(Tiny Wings)的制作者在Twitter放出了一段视频,表示“新小翅膀”要来了…|3.微之羽翼手机资源-91手机娱乐门户 ... 果冻防御 Jelly Defense 微之羽翼 Tiny Wings 求合体 Sanlitun ... |4.小小的翅膀最新WP7|WP8游戏_WP7... ... 神奇方块 BoxIt! Pro 小小的翅膀 Tiny Wings 纸团达人 Bin Mania Lite ... |5.飞翔的小鸟...iPhone游戏的软件也包括了可爱的小鸟飞行游戏《飞翔的小鸟(Tiny Wings)》以及单车特技游戏《小轮车的挑战(Touchgrind BMX)》。|6.小鸟学飞小鸟学飞(Tiny Wings)讲的是帮助一只小鸟利用丘陵山坡和风的力量,完成小鸟飞得更高更远的愿望。色彩多样的2D画面,将会随着小鸟 …|7.梦想飞第二款:梦想飞 (Tiny Wings) 类型:简约而不简单,治愈系 适用:IPHONE $0.99 下载地址:/cn/app/tiny-wing…|更多释义收起释义例句释义:全部,翼飞冲天,小小翅膀,微之羽翼类别:全部,口语,书面语,标题,技术来源:全部,字典,网络难度:全部,简单,中等,难更多例句筛选收起例句筛选1.
to the body2.Big
tiny .4.Yet
by tiny 5.when
to go on6.
8.Bending ,
their monstrous 必应词典应用准确权威无广告下 载 手 机 版 必 应 词 典体 验 P C 版 必 应 词 典tiny wings破解版下载|tiny wingsios版下载_v2.0.2_手机游戏下载解析手机游戏《Tiny Wings》开发步骤(一)
发布时间: 08:54:12
相信很多人都不会对《Tiny Wings》感到陌生,都知道它是一款由Andreas Illiger开发的热门手机游戏,其玩法就是控制一只小鸟,让它借助坡度在日落前飞向终点。
许多开发者都对这款人气游戏及其开发技巧抱有极大兴趣,本文是根据由Sergey Tikhonov编写的样本对象而撰写的开发教程,主要包括三个环节:
1.必备条件:首先要查看《How To Creat Dynamic Textures with CCRenderTexture》这篇教程,掌握创建山丘及背景纹理的方法。
2.第一部分:本篇将教您创建《Tiny Wings》运行过程中的动态小山丘。
请先下载Sergey Tikhonov创建的样本对象有关资料。
然后根据File\New\New File的路径创建一个山丘分类,选择iOS\Cocoa Touch\Objective-C class路径,并点击“Next”,创建一个CCNode的子类,点击“Next”,将其命名为Terrain.m,
这里要说明一下,有个名为 _hillKeyPoints 的阵列代表我们过后将保存的所有小丘顶峰,以及一个用于控制山丘滚动距离的偏移。
另外,当你在更新时调用setTextureRect on _background时,就意味着你想以0.7的数值增加偏移,以便让背景滚动速度比山丘更慢。
看到山丘滚动方式,你可能就会发现这并不是理想的《Ting Wings》游戏运行效果。由于我们是随机性选择Y轴,所以这些山丘有时不是太大就是太小。而且X轴也缺乏足够的变化。
·从屏幕最左侧开始,将第二个点硬编至(0, winSize.height/2),这样山丘就会从屏幕左侧开始呈现
How To Create A Game Like Tiny Wings Part 1
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Learn how to create a game like Tiny Wings!
Tiny Wings is an extremely popular game by Andreas Illiger involving a bird who tries to fly by catching a ride on hills.
At first glance, the gameplay of Tiny Wings looks very simple, but there are a lot of tricks going on under the hood. The hills and their textures are dynamically generated, and the game uses Box2D physics to simulate the movement of the bird.
Due to the popularity of the game and the cool technical tricks within, a lot of developers have been curious about how things are implemented.
Including you guys! You guys said you wanted this tutorial in the sidebar vote a few weeks back – well you want it, you got it! :]
This tutorial series is based on an excellent demo project written by Sergey Tikhonov that demonstrates how to implement some of the trickiest features of Tiny Wings. Thanks Sergey!
This tutorial series is split into three parts:
Prerequisite: First review the How To Create Dynamic Textures with CCRenderTexture tutorial, which shows you how to create the hill and background textures you’ll be using in this tutorial.
Part 1: You are here! This part will show you how to create the dynamic hills that you’ll need for a game like Tiny Wings.
Part 2: Coming soon! This part will show you how to add the Box2D gameplay that you’ll need for a game like Tiny Wings.
This tutorial assumes you are familiar with Cocos2D. If you are new to Cocos2D, you should check out some of the other Cocos2D tutorials on this site first.
Getting Started
If you don’t have it already, download the sample project where we left it off in the previous tutorial.
Next, create a class for the terrain by going to File\New\New File, choosing iOS\Cocoa Touch\Objective-C class, and clicking Next. Make the class a subclass of CCNode, click Next, name the class Terrain.m, and click Save.
Then open up Terrain.h and replace its contents with the following:
This declares an array called _hillKeyPoints where we’ll store all of the points representing the peak of each hill, and an offset for how far the terrain is currently being scrolled.
Next we’re going to start implementing Terrain.m. I’m going to explain it step by step, so go ahead and delete everything currently in Terrain.m and add the following code section by section.
This is a method to generate the key points for some random hills. This is an extremely simple implementation just so we can have a starting point.
The first point is the left-side of the screen, in the middle along the y-axis. Each point after that moves half the width of the screen along the x-axis, and is set to a random value along the y-axis, from 0 up to the height of the screen.
The init method calls generateHills to set up the hills, and the draw method simply draws lines between each of the points for debugging, so we can easily visualize them on the screen.
Think about how the terrain moves – as our hero advances along the x-axis of the terrain, the terrain is sliding to the left. So we have to multiply the offset by -1 here – and don’t forget to take into consideration the scale!
Almost time to test this. Switch to HelloWorldLayer.h and make the following changes:
Then switch to HelloWorldLayer.m and make the following changes:
Note this sets the stripes texture on the Terrain to a new random stripes texture each time you tap, which is handy for testing.
Also, when calling setTextureRect on _background in update, you might wish to multiply the offset by 0.7 to get the background to scroll slower than the terrain.
And that’s it! Compile and run your code, and now you should see some lines drawn across the scene representing where the tops of your hills will eventually be:
As you watch your hills scroll by, you’ll probably realize pretty quickly that these wouldn’t work very well for a Tiny Wings game. Due to picking the y-coordinate randomly, sometimes the hills are too big and sometimes they are too small. There’s also not enough variance in the x-axis.
But now that you have this test code working and a good way to visualize and debug it, it’s simply a matter of dreaming up a better algorithm!
You can either take a few moments and come up with your own hill algorithm, replacing the code in generateHills, or you can use Sergey’s implementation, shown in the next section!
A Better Hills Algorithm
If you choose to use Sergey’s implementation, replace generateHills in Terrain.m with the following:
The strategy in this algorithm is the following:
Increment x-axis in the range of 160 + a random number between 0-40
Increment y-axis in the range of 60 + a random number between 0-40
Except: reverse the y-axis offset every other time.
Don’t let the y value get too close to the top or bottom (paddingTop, paddingBottom)
Start offscreen to the left, and hardcode the second point to (0, winSize.height/2), so there’s a hill coming up from the left offscreen.
Compile and run, and now you’ll see a much better hill algorithm, that looks like maybe a properly motivated seal might be able to fly off these!
Drawing Part at a Time
Before we go much further, we need to make a major performance optimization. Right now, we’re drawing all 1000 key points of the hills, even though only a few of them are visible on the screen at once!
So we could save a lot of time by simply calculating which key points to display based on the screen area, and display just those, as you can see below:
Let’s try this out. Start by adding two instance variables to Terrain.h:
Then add a new method called resetHillVertices above the init method in Terrain.h that looks like the following:
Here we loop through each of the key points (staring with 0) and look at their x-coordinates.
Whatever the current offset is set to maps to the left edge of the screen. So we take that and subtract the winSize.width/8. If the value is less than that, we keep advancing till we find one that’s greater. That’s our from keypoint, and we follow a similar process for the toKeypoint.
Now let’s see if this works! Modify your draw method like the following:
Now instead of drawing all of the points, we only draw the visible ones by using the indices we calculated earlier. We also change the color of the line to red to make it a bit easier to see.
Next make a few more mods to Terrain.m to call resetHillVertices:
One more thing – to make this easy to see, go to the bottom of your init method in HelloWorldLayer.mm and add the following:
Compile and run your code, and you should see the line segments pop in when it is time for them to be drawn!
Making Smooth Slopes
So far so good, but we have one big problem – those don’t look like hills at all! In real life, hills don’t go up and down in straight lines – they have slopes.
But how can we make our hills curved? Well one way to do it is with our friend cosine that we learned about back in high school!
As a quick refresher, here’s what a cosine curve looks like:
So it starts at 1, and every PI it curves down to -1.
But how can we make use of this function to create a nice curve connecting the keypoints? Let’s think about just two of them, as shown in the diagram below:
First, we need to draw the line in segments, so we’ll create one segment every 10 points. Similarly, we want a complete cosine curve, so we can divide PI by the number of segments to get the delta angle at each point.
Then, we want to map cos(0) to the y-coordinate of p0, and cos(PI) to the y-coordinate of p1. To do this, we’ll call cos(angle), and multiply the result by half the distance between p1 and p0 (called ampl in the diagram).
Since cos(0) = 1 and cos(PI) = -1, this gives us ampl at p0 and -ampl at p1. We can add that to the position of the midpoint to give us the y-coordinate we need!
Let’s see what this looks like in code. First add the definition of the segment length to the top of Terrain.h:
Then add the following to your draw method, right after the call to ccDrawLine:
This runs through the strategy we outlined in the diagram above. Take a minute and think through the code and make sure you understand how this works, because we’ll be building on this from here.
One last thing – we don’t need to zoom out anymore, so back in HelloWorldLayer.mm replace the scale in init back to 1.0:
Compile and run, and now you should see a curvy line connecting the hills!
Drawing the Hill
Now that we know how to get the curve representing the top of the hill, it’s fairly simple to write the code to draw the hill using the striped texture we generated in the last tutorial!
The plan is for each segment of the hill, we’ll compute the two triangles needed to render the hill, as you can see in the diagram below:
We’ll also set the texture coordinate at each point. For the x-coordinate, we’ll simply divide it by the texture’s width (since the texture repeats). For the y-coordinate though, we’ll map the bottom of the hill to 0 and the top of the hill to 1, distributing the full height of the texture along the strip.
To implement this, first make a few modifications to Terrain.h:
Then add the following code at the bottom of resetHillVertices in Terrain.m:
Much of this will look familiar, since we already covered it in the previous section when drawing the hill curve with cosine.
The new part is we’re now filling up an array with the vertices for each segment of the hill, as explained in the strategy part above. Each strip requires four vertices and four texture coords.
With that in place, you can now add the following code to the top of your draw method to make use of it:
This binds the stripes texture as the texture to use, passes in the array of vertices and texture coordinates made earlier, and draws the arrays as a triangle strip.
Also, you should comment out the lines of code that draw the hill lines and curve, since you’re about to see something awesome and don’t want debug drawing to spoil it! :]
Compile and run your code, and you should now see some awesome looking hills!
If you look closely at the hills, you may notice some imperfections such as this:
Some people in the Cocos2D forums seem to indicate that you can get this problem to go away by adding more vertical segments (instead of the 1 segment we have now).
However, I’ve personally found that while adding vertical segments doesn’t help the quality, increasing the horizontal segments does. Open up Terrain.h and modify kHillSegmentWidth like the following
Run again, and you’ll see your hills look much better! Of course, the tradeoff is processing time.
Where To Go From Here?
Here is a sample project with all of the code from the above tutorial.
Stay tuned for part 2 of this tutorial, where finally we’ll add some gameplay code so you can make one lucky seal start to fly! ()
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