今天听见女神喊了句get shit down,DOWN,什么意思

vi. 调低速档;工作降格 | n. 换低速档 | v...
n. [粗]狗屎;胡说八道;[俚]花里胡哨的废物
And turn that shit down!
Call the trustees. Take that tub of shit down to infirmary.
Or loves someone deemed unsuitable by his or her caregiver? We can tone that shit right down.
Now, well, you're making out after having had dinner, and while you're sitting there making out, food is making its way down Peggy Sue's digestive tract, being turned into shit.
Why should the shit not run down his legs?
On any boat you are continuously measuring and judging the environment, and even down in a hold, working on a shit pump, some part of you is aware of the wind shift.
Not a week out of the hospital, he cracked this illegal Peruvian kid in the face with a hammer and two hours later threw down at the Pathmark because he thought some fool was talking shit about him, popped said fool in the piehole with a weak overhand right before a bunch of us could break it up.
- 来自原声例句
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get down get shit down
【美国成语】get down to business成语:get down to business释义:To start working seriously.例句:Enough playing around. Let's get down to business.【EA每日一句】Did you get down to Florida last summer?Did you get down to Florida last summer?你上個暑假有去佛羅里達嗎?英文中有一點很好玩而且跟中文很像的地方就是, 在中文裏通常我們會說, 我南下高雄, 或是北上台北, 而不單純說我去高雄或我去台北. 英文中也是這麼用的喔! 像是你南下 Florida , 就會說成 get down Florida 或是 ...Singapore Vol.7《Get Down》1 on 1 Hip Hop Dance BattleGet down vol 7 大型街舞比赛第7届开始报名这次比赛会进入到剧场!地点ACJC详情请关注facebook:Get down vol 7街舞爱好者可买票观看比赛'票价$15(10张送一张,欢迎学校组团购票)515space学员请支持这次比赛如要观看比赛来我这里报名拿队服20个名额!注意:朋友们穿着515space队服...英国偶像第9季冠军James Arthur最新单曲《Get Down》MV首播James Andrew Arthur,英国歌手、词曲创作人,2012年参加英国选秀节目x-factor(英国偶像)第九季获得冠军.赛后推出个人首支单曲即大获成功,一举登上英国金曲排行榜冠军.被称为被火所燎过的声音!英国偶像第9季冠军James Arthur最新单曲《Get Down》MV首播!穿透力极强的嗓音...When you get knocked down, will you stay down or get up?never get a solid night's sleep, because the sensation of the pillow on your head is excruciating. You will never be healthy, because your medications ... actually knows how to help my health situation, but they are all doing their best for me. I am still getting back up from being cosmically knocked down. ...Thao with The Get Down Stay DownThao with The Get Down StayDown是一支来自美国旧金山的民谣摇滚乐队.乐队成员有ThaoNguyen(主唱,吉他),Frank Stewart(主音吉他,制作人),Adam Thompson(贝斯)与Willis Thompson(鼓). Thao Nguyen从12岁开始弹奏吉他,并在高中时与同学参与独立民谣风格的组合表...Get indeep enough ,you will never put it down情动至深,便难以割舍此刻,它确定无疑就是你永恒的至爱了.你总想一读再读,每次捧起它都感觉新奇如初,而你也明白:因为内心深处的每一缕思绪都与它这般亲密,你已变得更加美好. Once you get indeep enough, you know you could never put this book down.情动至深那刻,你便知道自己再也将它割舍不下了...Fall 2014 Runway Trends---Get DownGet DownGone are the days of the boring puffer.&The fall collections&have been swarming with cool iterations on the cozy standbyAdam Selman RTW Fall 2014Balenciaga RTW Fall 2014Christopher Kane RTW Fall 2014DKNY RTW Fall 2014Fay RTW Fall 2014Fendi RTW Fall 201【RecordingKing音乐大师汇】Thao with The Get Down Stay DownThao with The Get Down Stay Down 是一支来自美国旧金山的民谣摇滚乐队.乐队成员有Thao Nguyen(主唱,吉他),Frank Stewart(主音吉他,制作人),Adam Thompson(贝斯)与Willis Thompson(鼓).Thao Nguyen从12岁开始弹奏吉他,并在高中时与同学参与独立民谣风格的组合...『兴&音乐』工作周的第一天,为大家送上一首《Get down》不论肩上多少重担,只要信心不倒,就没有服输的理由!不论肩上多少重担,只要信心不倒,就没有服输的理由!喜欢我就关注我吧▼你可以:点击打开链接,待完全打开点击右上角,跳出一个菜单,点击查看公众平台,显示&兴业狮城&,关注即可.你也可以:在微信添加朋友里,查找公众号,输入&兴业狮城&关注即可.你还可以:搜索微信号...
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can get down with that....
Gotta get down on Fridays.
Depressed female inmates in cell lock-down
drill fire fighter follow get down go
chicago image by get directly down flickr
Some morning sketches to get into the
This one is particularly terrifying, as
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