各路大神 有没有7.0 能用的EZ package disable下载

又一款无root禁用软件的,比吧里上架的package disabler pro好看一些
EZ Package Disabler is the best app to disable any packages on your Samsung without root. It means all the unwanted applications that come pre-installed on your phone can now be marked unavailable from running and updating. This process was previously only available for rooted devices but now can be performed on your stock Samsung in one or two simple steps.
In term of usages, this pro app let you disable all bloatware or other pre-installed packages that you don’t need. It results in a better battery life, smoother app experience and general improvement for your already awesome Samsung devices.
To assist you while disabling, we are doing an extensive research on the purposes of pre-installed packages. Their details can be read inside the app so you can quickly decide whether to block a suspect application. Since there are many Samsung devices and different carriers, your feedback is always welcome so we can have more and better descriptions.
For Gear VR lovers, you can now use your virtual reality headset with cardboard apps without launching the default Gear VR package. All you have to do is to (temporarily) disable the Gear VR service. As a result, the Gear VR app will not be auto-launched until you enable them again.
Beside unused softwares debloat and cardboard app enabler, this app can also assist your business in various ways. For instance, you can disable some tracking apps so your personal and corporate information stays secure. In addition, EZ package disabler can prevent people from using certain apps by not only making the apps impossible to run but also hide them from any launcher. It means better privacy, enhanced security and the possibility to use as a parental control app. If you have some specific needs regarding this debloater app,feel free to contact us.
**NOTE**- Please enable all packages, even apps that you consider bloat ware before a system update.- The easy way to uninstall this debloat software is to open the app, tap on the hamburger button at the top left corner and tap on “Uninstall this app”.- If you still have problems with uninstalling, try deactivate admin access of this debloater app by going to “SETTINGS” -& “SECURITY” -& DEVICE ADMINISTRATOR -& Disable admin access for “EZ Package Disabler”.- It is advised to backup your devices before disabling packages. Unless you are sure that the disabled packages are bloat ware and will not cause any problems to the system and other non bloat apps.
**DISCLAIMER**Make sure that you understand what you are doing while disabling any packages or possible bloatware in your phones. You are recommended to backup your device data and we hold no responsibility for any damage you may cause.
If you have any problems, questions or feedback regarding EZ package disabler, please contact &ez.package.& for support.
If you can help to translate this app, please send us an email to the same email above, we might be able to give you a small gift !
For business enquiry regarding EZ Package Disabler or other related apps, please visit our website
for more information.
form>div>textarea" data-dock="left" data-placement="top">
form>div>textarea" data-dock="left"
form').submit();">回复Finally working Nvidia Optimus in Fedora | CORETECH
› Finally working Nvidia Optimus in&Fedora
Notes: This applies to Fedora 17 & 18 with latest updates and was tested on Asus K93SV laptop with GT540M GPU (wrongly reported as GT555M by lspci in F17).
Now there is also an official page on Fedora wiki on this topic here:
1. Get latest bumblebee sources (3.0.1) from
2. Get latest bbswitch sources (0.5)
3. Install libbsd-devel, kmod-nvidia and dkms as root or with sudo if they are not already installed:
sudo yum install libbsd-devel kmod-nvidia dkms
After installing kmod-nvidia, remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf, /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf and /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau to continue using nouveau driver by default.
sudo rm -f xorg.conf
sudo rm -f /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf
sudo rm -f /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-nouveau.conf
I also removed “nouveau.modeset=0 rd.driver.blacklist=nouveau” kernel parameters from /etc/grub2.cfg for current kernel.
4. Compile bbswitch and install it with DKMS
From directory where you downloaded bbswitch:
tar xvzf bbswitch-0.5.tar.gz
sudo cp -Rv
bbswitch-0.5 /usr/src
sudo ln -s /usr/src/bbswitch-0.5/dkms/dkms.conf /usr/src/bbswitch-0.5/dkms.conf
sudo dkms add -m bbswitch -v 0.5
sudo dkms build -m bbswitch -v 0.5
sudo dkms install -m bbswitch -v 0.5
5. Download and install latest VirtualGL RPM from here:
sudo yum localinstall VirtualGL-2.3.1.x86_64.rpm
or install directly with yum from ‘updates-testing’ repo in Fedora 18:
sudo yum --enablerepo=updates-testing install VirtualGL
6. Compile & install bumblebee
tar xvzf bumblebee-3.0.1.tar.gz
cd bumblebee-3.0.1
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
sudo make install
sudo cp scripts/systemd/bumblebeed.service /lib/systemd/system
Edit /lib/systemd/system/bumblebeed.service line 7 to read:
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/bumblebeed --config /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf
Edit /etc/bumblebee/bumblebee.conf and change:
and in section [driver-nvidia]:
Edit /etc/bumblebee/xorg.conf.nvidia and add the following at the begining:
Section "Files"
and the following at the end:
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen1"
Device "Device1"
Create bumblebee group and add you to the group:
sudo groupadd bumblebee
sudo usermod -a -G bumblebee $USER
Enable and start bumblebeed service:
sudo systemctl enable bumblebeed.service
sudo systemctl start bumblebeed.service
7. Nvidia modules path fix (Thanks Tomash Brechko)
This completely separates intel and nvidia stuff for main and bumblebee screens respectively. Note that it moves files originating from RPMs around, so repeating the fix will likely be required after next yum update.
sudo rm /etc/ld.so.conf.d/nvidia-lib64.conf
sudo ldconfig
sudo cp -R /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia /usr/lib64/xorg
sudo rm -rf /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions/nvidia
Re-run above commands after each kernel & kmod-nvidia upgrade.
Here is the output of dmesg succesfull message:
[ ] NVRM: loading NVIDIA UNIX x86_64 Kernel Module
2 18:41:39 PDT 2012
[ ] bbswitch: disabling discrete graphics
[ ] bbswitch: Result of Optimus _DSM call:
[ ] pci .0: Refused to change power state, currently in D0
[ ] pci .0: power state changed by ACPI to D3
[ ] bbswitch: enabling discrete graphics
[ ] pci .0: power state changed by ACPI to D0
[ ] pci .0: power state changed by ACPI to D0
[ ] vgaarb: device changed decodes: PCI:.0,olddecodes=none,decodes=none:owns=none
8. Run applications on Nvidia GPU with optirun
optirun glxgears
1111 frames in 5.0 seconds = 222.122 FPS
1030 frames in 5.0 seconds = 205.921 FPS
1009 frames in 5.0 seconds = 201.757 FPS
Frame rates are on dual monitor 80 in Fedora17 with Gnome session.
Thanks to the developers of Bumblebee Project.
For speed imrovements you can use primus from. Download, extract and compile, then run:
vblank_mode=0 ./primusrun glxgears
23359 frames in 5.0 seconds =
23650 frames in 5.0 seconds =
23659 frames in 5.0 seconds =
Seems to be a big step forward. This is a replacement for VirtualGL.
Step 7 should be repeated on every kernel (and kmod-nvidia) upgrade.
Keep an eye on /etc/X11 and remove xorg.conf installed by kmod-nvidia. Also /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/00-nvidia.conf (installed also by kmod-nvidia) should be removed.
Updated to bbswitch 0.5 and use kmod-nvidia. Step 5 is optional when using Primus. Tested on Fedora 18 and works OK.
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Designed by7E使用一月 省电心得及Package Disable Pro禁用列表分享!_三星s7吧_百度贴吧
7E使用一月 省电心得及Package Disable Pro禁用列表分享!收藏
一楼防止吞楼!刚才发得累死 系统直接吞了 不知道什么意思!
继续 ? ﹏﹏ From Samsung Galaxy(TM) S7 Edge Based on Google Android(R) Marshmallow 6.0.1 ﹏﹏ ?
先上 电量图!
本人 后台自启开了7个,平时使用时开普通省电!打游戏时关掉!7个自启动项目为
京东,腾讯充值,微信,QQ,讯飞语音,邮箱大师,淘宝基本都是使用4G网络 单位没有wifi!其实重中之重是 Package Disable Pro的禁用列表!摸索了很久!因为如果禁用不好 会导致很多东西用不了,比如支付宝指纹验证会出问题!下面开始上 禁用表图片给大家参考!
补充一些禁用关联1.有的人比如喜欢系统自带的天气 就不要禁用,我是用的墨迹天气,所以系统自带的天气我禁用了2.有的朋友喜欢三星自带商店的 记得除了商店以外,三星账户也不要禁用,我就是只用三星商店的如果你也一样可以照抄我的3.FIDO UAF ASM, FIDO UAF Client
2个协议是安全类协议支付宝指纹验证必须使用,不要禁用!我的这一套 保留了侧屏,及很多常用软件,所有软件正常使用重启无任何问题,支付宝指纹支付正常使用,SamSung PAY 正常使用!其他有什么问题的 可以单独M我
收藏了 别删帖
楼主在吗 可以把你的xml列表发给我么
楼主截这么多图辛苦了,感谢 ?﹏﹏ 楼主,老夫夜观星象,决定给你赐名:车視,你看如何?
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