
王凌 插画作品
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Journal Entry: Mon Jan 19,
Hi all! Many friends on Deviantart and Facebook ask me for CG painting help like tutorials and video process, some of them said they are willing to support but don't how. Now I think patreon is a good place to share and get support from you! &Only with your support, GhostBlade can go further and I can make the story and art better and better, and I'm willing to share the experiences with my supporters during the creation!Become my patron and you can get the rewards:Read GhostBlade&on:& & & & also find me on:&|&|&&|&&|&&|&&|&|
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Do you do paintings by hand, and if so, do you do commissions?
Beautiful to behold, impeccable use of textures!
Your works are awesome!&&&
Love your art and really enjoy Ghostblade! such great brushstrokes...a show of great talent. Keep it up.&
When i look at your art, it feels as it it has just grabbed my heart straight through my chest, and have ran away with it.I Love it! &3
I'm don't know to to say it by a better way.
I know you must hear this all the time but just to let you know your choices for subject placement color, lighting & overall ambiance is incredible. You are so talented & a great inspiration to other beginning artists ( & us older ones too ! ^^ ) &All the best to you on all your future endeavors &&&&&&&&
Stunning work! Not only are the colors and character poses of your drawings great, but one can feel what the characters must be going through. I love when art can do that. You're are an inspiration. Never stop!
Your work gave me inspiration, thank you. I want to paint and also I want to understand color like you.
I am quite nee here but ya are one reason why I joined ...your pictures are so beautiful and just..wow*-* I love them all especially withe the knight..i saw it on youtube and was carried away.Amazing work*-*
Your Current work has been Plagiarised and Copied without any Credits!
has he done anything about this?why is it that Art thieves and plagerists always go after artists like this one?
Not sure if anything was done about this, that thief havent taken down his "Art" nor even edited and gived credits to Wlop!True, its not like people wouldn't notice, when they copy one of the most popular artist on DA Lol.. they're just hungry for some attention i guess.. disgusting honestly
wouldn't expect anything different at this point
Wow, I just read GhostBlade. It was amazing. Cant wait for more. I really like your style, its one that I would like to learn.&
OMG!!! i love your art!
Oh my, I'm so in love with your art! They're all so beautiful!
Your art is very vivid and beautiful
IF you ever want this into a game, perhaps I can do that for you! Love your artwork and I want to read your comic!
Amazing, and I'm a student from China, too. 希望有一天我也能画的这么好
Notice me senpai&
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