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& 4 四月 2015 & Total Lunar Eclipse4 四月 2015 & Total Lunar Eclipse
or , is on April 4, 2015 and will be visible in most of North America, South America, Asia and parts of Australia. The Moon will be totally eclipsed (totality) for about 5 minutes. This is the third eclipse in the .
What This Lunar Eclipse Looked LikeThe animation shows approximately what the eclipse looked like from the night side of the Earth. Live Eclipse Animation will start at: Live Eclipse Animation has ended. & You are using an outdated browser, to view the animation please update or switch to a modern browser. Alternatively you can view the old animation .
Where the Eclipse Was SeenRegions seeing, at least, some parts of the eclipse: Much of Asia, Australia, North America, Much of South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.Expand for cities where at least part of the total eclipse was visibleExpand cities where partial eclipse was visible
This animation requires Flash to be installed. We hope to offer it without needing Flash soon.&1xSDThe animation shows where this total lunar eclipse is visible during the night (dark “wave” slowly moving across the Earth's surface).Shades of darkness Night, moon high up in sky. Moon between 12 and 18 degrees above horizon. Moon between 6 and 12 degrees above horizon. Make sure you have free line of sight. Moon between 0 and 6 degrees above horizon. May be hard to see due to brightness and line of sight. Day, moon and eclipse both not visible.Note:
Twilight will affect the visibility of the eclipse, as well as weather. Entire eclipse was visible from start to end Entire partial and total phases were visible. Missed part of penumbral phase. Entire total phase was visible. Missed part of partial & penumbral phases. Some of the total phase was visible. Missed part of total, partial & penumbral phases. Some of the partial phase was visible. Missed total phase and part of partial & penumbral phases. Some of the penumbral phase was visible. Missed total & partial phases. Eclipse was not visible at all.Note:
Areas with lighter shadings left (West) of the center will experience the eclipse after moonrise/sunset. Areas with lighter shadings right (East) of the center will experience the eclipse until moonset/sunrise. Actual eclipse visibility depends on weather conditions and line of sight to the Moon.When the Eclipse Happened WorldwideLunar eclipses look approximately the same all over the world and happen at the same time. The times displayed are accurate to around 2-3 seconds.EventUTC TimeTime in Nanchang*Visible in NanchangPenumbral eclipse began4 四月, 09:01:284 四月, 17:01:28No, below the horizonPartial eclipse began4 四月, 10:15:484 四月, 18:15:48No, below the horizonFull eclipse began4 四月, 11:57:584 四月, 19:57:58YesMaximum eclipse4 四月, 12:00:174 四月, 20:00:17YesFull eclipse ended4 四月, 12:02:374 四月, 20:02:37YesPartial eclipse ended4 四月, 13:44:484 四月, 21:44:48YesPenumbral eclipse ended4 四月, 14:59:024 四月, 22:59:02Yes* The Moon was below the horizon in Nanchang some of the time, so that part of the eclipse was not visible.The
of the eclipse is 1.001.The penumbral magnitude of the eclipse is 2.079The total duration of the eclipse is 5 hours, 58 minutes.The total duration of the partial phases is 3 hours, 24 minutes.The duration of the full eclipse is 5 minutes.Advertising
Eclipses in Your CityEclipses during year 20154 四月 2015 & Total Lunar Eclipse (this page)Eclipses during year 2016Eclipses during year 2017About Lunar EclipsesAbout Solar Eclipses Share on Facebook
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Everything you need to know about total eclipses of the Sun.
The Sept 27/ 28, 2015 Total Lunar Eclipse is the final eclipse in a series of 4 total eclipses of the Moon called eclipses of the Blood Moon.《 华贸中心超级充电站落成典礼影片》时长:4MIN规格:制作周期:5days
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