
发布时间: 18:34:03
这里我们采用的语言是actionscript 3.0,但文章所谈论的技巧适合各种语言。
screen Shot from wildbunny.co.uk
figure 1 from wildbunny.co.uk
* m_HasWorldCollision——是否要进行完整的触碰测试
* m_ApplyGravity——是否要应用地心引力
* m_ApplyFriction——空间触碰是否要应用摩擦力
package Code.Characters
import Code.Maths.Vector2;
public class Skeleton extends Enemy
/// &summary&
/// Apply collision detection only when not hurt
/// &/summary&
public override function get m_HasWorldCollision( ):Boolean
return !IsHurt();
/// &summary&
/// Apply gravity only when not hurt
/// &/summary&
protected override function get m_ApplyGravity( ):Boolean
return !IsHurt();
/// &summary&
/// Apply friction only when not hurt
/// &/summary&
protected override function get m_ApplyFriction( ):Boolean
return !IsHurt();
半径来自Flash IDE——需在MoveableObject构造函数中检验实例物件,这必不可少,这样物理引擎就清楚物件的半径是多少。此半径就会变成半径X半径规格的AABB,因为触碰模型都是AABB结构。
package Code.Physics
import flash.display.*;
import Code.Maths.Vector2;
import Code.*;
import Code.System.*;
import Code.Geometry.*;
import Code.Graphics.*;
import Code.Level.*;
public class MoveableObject extends MovieClip implements IAABB, ICircle
/// &summary&
/// Apply gravity, do collision and integrate position
/// &/summary&
public function Update( dt:Number ):void
if ( m_ApplyGravity )
m_vel.AddYTo( Constants.kGravity );
// clamp max speed
m_vel.m_y = Math.min( m_vel.m_y, Constants.kMaxSpeed*2 );
if ( m_HasWorldCollision )
// do complex world collision
Collision( dt );
// integrate position
m_pos.MulAddScalarTo( m_vel.Add(m_posCorrect), dt );
// force the setter to act
m_Pos = m_
m_posCorrect.Clear( );
* 添加地心引力
* 进行触碰测试
* 结合位置
figrue 2 from wildbunny.co.uk
from wildbunny.co.uk
figure 4 from wildbunny.co.uk
我将运用我前面谈到的技巧Speculative Contacts。别担心虽然这听起来有些复杂,但其实相当简单。
figure 5 from wildbunny.co.uk
要在这里执行Speculative Contacts方式,我们需要能够传递两个AABB距离信息的距离函数。
要做到这点,我们得转投源自Minkowski Difference的技巧。若我们将AABB缩成1个点,然后基于此AABB的规模扩展出另一AABB,问题就变成寻找此点和新AABB的距离。
figure 7 from wildbunny.co.uk
图7:旨在找出AABB A和AABB B间的距离d。
figure 8 from wildbunny.co.uk
figure 9 from wildbunny.co.uk
图9:要找到AABB A和点B的距离,我们要计算A-&B, D的矢量,然后取矢量的Major Axis(长半轴)。也就是说,在标记的单位长度矢量中,填充其中的唯一坐标是原始矢量的最大坐标。
/// &summary&
/// Get the largest coordinate and return a signed, unit vector containing only that coordinate
/// &/summary&
public function get m_MajorAxis( ):Vector2
if ( Math.abs( m_x )&Math.abs( m_y ) )
return new Vector2( Scalar.Sign(m_x), 0 );
return new Vector2( 0, Scalar.Sign(m_y) );
figure 10 from wildbunny.co.uk
图10:Major Axis现在变成触碰的平面法向。通过将法向扩成A的一半尺寸及在空间中添加A的位置,我们得以计算出平面的位置。从点B到此新平面的距离d是点和AABB的最终距离,因此是两个AABB的距离。
Speculative Contacts
figure 4-1 from wildbunny.co.uk
package Code.Physics
import flash.display.*;
import Code.Maths.Vector2;
import Code.*;
import Code.System.*;
import Code.Geometry.*;
import Code.Graphics.*;
import Code.Level.*;
public class MoveableObject extends MovieClip implements IAABB, ICircle
/// &summary&
/// Do collision detection and response for this object
/// &/summary&
protected function Collision( dt:Number ):void
// where are we predicted to be next frame?
var predictedPos:Vector2 = Platformer.m_gTempVectorPool.AllocateClone( m_pos ).MulAddScalarTo( m_vel, dt );
// find min/max
var min:Vector2 = m_pos.Min( predictedPos );
var max:Vector2 = m_pos.Max( predictedPos );
// extend by radius
min.SubFrom( m_halfExtents );
max.AddTo( m_halfExtents );
// extend a bit more – this helps when player is very close to boundary of one map cell
// but not intersecting the next one and is up a ladder
min.SubFrom( Constants.kExpand );
max.AddTo( Constants.kExpand );
PreCollisionCode( );
m_map.DoActionToTilesWithinAabb( min, max, InnerCollide, dt );
PostCollisionCode( );
/// &summary&
/// Inner collision response code
/// &/summary&
protected function InnerCollide(tileAabb:AABB, tileType:int, dt:Number, i:int, j:int ):void
// is it collidable?
if ( Map.IsTileObstacle( tileType ) )
// standard collision responce
var collided:Boolean = Collide.AabbVsAabb( this, tileAabb, m_contact, i, j, m_map );
if ( collided )
CollisionResponse( m_contact.m_normal, m_contact.m_dist, dt );
else if ( Map.IsJumpThroughPlatform( tileType ) || Map.IsTileLadderTop(tileType) )
// these type of platforms are handled separately since you can jump through them
collided = Collide.AabbVsAabbTopPlane( this, tileAabb, m_contact );
if ( collided )
CollisionResponse( m_contact.m_normal, m_contact.m_dist, dt );
package Code.Level
import Code.Geometry.AABB;
import Code.System.*;
import Code.Maths.Vector2;
import Code.*;
public class Map
/// &summary&
/// Call out to the action for each tile within the given world space bounds
/// &/summary&
public function DoActionToTilesWithinAabb( min:Vector2, max:Vector2, action:Function, dt:Number ):void
// round down
var minI:int = WorldCoordsToTileX(min.m_x);
var minJ:int = WorldCoordsToTileY(min.m_y);
// round up
var maxI:int = WorldCoordsToTileX(max.m_x+0.5);
var maxJ:int = WorldCoordsToTileY(max.m_y+0.5);
for ( var i:int = minI; i&=maxI; i++ )
for ( var j:int = minJ; j&=maxJ; j++ )
// generate aabb for this tile
FillInTileAabb( i, j, m_aabbTemp );
// call on the mid-ground map (ladders and special objects)
action( m_aabbTemp, GetMidgroundTile( i, j ), dt, i, j );
for ( i = minI; i&=maxI; i++ )
for ( j = minJ; j&=maxJ; j++ )
// generate aabb for this tile
FillInTileAabb( i, j, m_aabbTemp );
// call the delegate on the main collision map
action( m_aabbTemp, GetTile( i, j ), dt, i, j );
Speculative Contacts的有趣之处在于,它在非必要时候就不会进行运作——所以,通过图4的所有黄色方格,我们能够算出当时各点的位置和法向,但函数CollisionResponse就不会进行任何操作,除非下述条件成立:
var nv:Number = m_vel.Dot( normal ) + separation/
if (nv & 0)
// do something
figure 11 from wildbunny.co.uk
figure 12 from wildbunny.co.uk
package Code.Geometry
import Code.System.*;
import Code.Maths.*;
import Code.Geometry.*;
import Code.Characters.C
import Code.Level.*;
import Code.eTileT
import Code.P
import Code.C
public class Collide
/// &summary&
/// Helper function which checks for internal edges
/// &/summary&
static private function IsInternalCollision( tileI:int, tileJ:int, normal:Vector2, map:Map ):Boolean
var nextTileI:int = tileI+normal.m_x;
var nextTileJ:int = tileJ+normal.m_y;
var currentTile:uint = map.GetTile( tileI, tileJ );
var nextTile:uint = map.GetTile( nextTileI, nextTileJ );
var internalEdge:Boolean = Map.IsTileObstacle(nextTile);
return internalE
有些类型的平台游戏是由稳固的平台构成,玩家无法穿越这些平台,但《Newzealand Story》和《Rainbow Islands》所包含的平台,就允许玩家穿越。
图14呈现的是玩家穿越平台B和移动物件A,这是玩家同B顶部平面的距离d,N是长半轴(major axis)。
除常规AABB & AABB代码外,这里还有两个触碰接受条件。
* 长半轴的方向向上,例如这是个地面平台
* 移动物件同平台顶部的距离大于负公差
package Code.Physics
import flash.display.*;
import Code.Maths.Vector2;
import Code.*;
import Code.System.*;
import Code.Geometry.*;
import Code.Graphics.*;
import Code.Level.*;
public class MoveableObject extends MovieClip implements IAABB, ICircle
/// &summary&
/// Collision Reponse – remove normal velocity
/// &/summary&
protected function CollisionResponse( normal:Vector2, dist:Number, dt:Number ):void
// get the separation and penetration separately, this is to stop pentration
// from causing the objects to ping apart
var separation:Number = Math.max( dist, 0 );
var penetration:Number = Math.min( dist, 0 );
// compute relative normal velocity require to be object to an exact stop at the surface
var nv:Number = m_vel.Dot( normal ) + separation/
// accumulate the penetration correction, this is applied in Update() and ensures
// we don’t add any energy to the system
m_posCorrect.SubFrom( normal.MulScalar( penetration/dt ) );
if ( nv&0 )
// remove normal velocity
m_vel.SubFrom( normal.MulScalar( nv ) );
// is this some ground?
if ( normal.m_y&0 )
m_onGround =
// friction
if ( m_ApplyFriction )
// get the tanget from the normal (perp vector)
var tangent:Vector2 = normal.m_P
// compute the tangential velocity, scale by friction
var tv:Number = m_vel.Dot( tangent )*kGroundF
// subtract that from the main velocity
m_vel.SubFrom( tangent.MulScalar( tv ) );
if (!m_onGroundLast)
// this transition occurs when this object ‘lands’ on the ground
LandingTransition( );
// get the separation and penetration separately, this is to stop pentration
// from causing the objects to ping apart
var separation:Number = Math.max( dist, 0 );
var penetration:Number = Math.min( dist, 0 );
// compute relative normal velocity require to be object to an exact stop at the surface
var nv:Number = m_vel.Dot( normal ) + separation/
// accumulate the penetration correction, this is applied in Update() and ensures
// we don’t add any energy to the system
m_posCorrect.SubFrom( normal.MulScalar( penetration/dt ) );
if ( nv&0 )
// remove normal velocity
m_vel.SubFrom( normal.MulScalar( nv ) );
m_onGround =
// friction
if ( m_ApplyFriction )
// get the tanget from the normal (perp vector)
var tangent:Vector2 = normal.m_P
// compute the tangential velocity, scale by friction
var tv:Number = m_vel.Dot( tangent )*kGroundF
// subtract that from the main velocity
m_vel.SubFrom( tangent.MulScalar( tv ) );
if (!m_onGroundLast)
// this transition occurs when this object ‘lands’ on the ground
LandingTransition( );
figure 13 from wildbunny.co.uk
若你想要了解触碰回应代码的更多细节内容,我建议你阅读《Physics Engines For Dummies》。(本文为游戏邦/编译,拒绝任何不保留版权的转载,如需转载请联系:游戏邦)
How to make a 2d platform game – part 2 collision detection
In this series of articles, I’m talking about the technology behind a platform game.
If you missed part 1 you can check it out here.
The language is actionscript 3.0, but the techniques are applicable to all languages.
In this particular article I’m going to talk about the physics, collision detection and AI aspects of the game.
There is a playable version at the bottom of the post, for those with Flash support in browser.
Class hierarchy
It makes sense at this point to talk about the class hierarchy I’ve used in the game, to represent everything which moves:
Figure 1 shows the class hierarchy – at the very top sits MoveableObject, which is where all the generic collision detection an I say generic because the player does specialised work to handle things like ladders etc.
Each level in the hierarchy represents se for example, Character contains the AnimationController which handles playing the various different animations for each character, SimpleEnemy represents a certain class of enemy character which does no collision detection with the world, and obeys special position markers when it encounters them. The Diamond pickup is a simple object which has no AI, and just collides with the world, so it inherits from the base class, since that’s all the functionality it needs.
This may seem like a lot of extra complexity for such a simple game, but it really makes adding new enemy types very easy indeed, and simplifies the debugging process because there is so much code shared between each object.
If I had to give one piece of advice from 10 years of game development it would be this: avoid code duplication at all costs. It leads to slow development and bug city whereby you fix a bug in one location, and then forget to fix it in the other duplicated locations.
MoveableObject has certain properties which it requires be implemented by any class which inherits from it:
* m_HasWorldCollision – whether full collision detection should be performed
* m_ApplyGravity – whether gravity should be applied
* m_ApplyFriction – whether the world collision should apply friction
That way, and child class can chose what elements of collision detection it wants enabled.
Consider the following snippet from the Skeleton character:
Its been set up to only do collision detection, apply gravity or friction when its not been ‘hurt’ (i.e punched by the player), this allows it to have the same behaviour as all other creatures when the player kills them.
Ok, so lets talk about the simple physics inside MoveableObject. Every MoveableObject has a position, a velocity and a radius.
This radius comes from the Flash IDE – an object instance called ‘m_flaCollision’ is checked for in the constructor of MoveableObject, and is a requirement, so the physics engine knows what the object’s radius is. This radius is then turned into an AABB of size radius x radius, because the collision shapes are all AABBs.
Position is the position of the object in world space (i.e. pixels) and velocity is pixels/second. The update loop for MoveableObject looks like this:
This is the part which actually calls out to the various features of MoveableObject and depends on the child class’s implementation of those properties I discussed earlier. Child classes call out to this function from their own Update() which contains their specific logic.
This is just your basic physics set-up:
* Add gravity
* Do collision detection
* Integrate position
This is basically all we need for the game as it stands.
Collision detection
When writing the demo above, I did a lot of research on collision detection techniques for platform games because I knew that back in the 1980s when these games first came out, there were no floating point units and collision detection research was in its infancy, so there must be some really easy tricks you can do to get a great result nice and simply.
Update: I wish I’d found this article before I started writing this, its about how the original developers of M.C.Kids on the SNES handled tile based collision detection. In summary its kind of similar to the article I reference below, in that it used collision points, only it goes into more detail about all the ins and outs of the technique.
This article contains the most detailed explanation that I could find, but on implementing it I found there were a few things I didn’ the author advocates using a number of predefined points around the player to help detect collisions and to judge what to do next, like this:
The author writes:
If the point we check on top goes inside a solid block, we move the player downward so that the top point is just below the block it bumped into. If either right point goes inside a solid block, we move the player left until the offending point is just left of the block it bumped into, and so on…
Another benefit of detecting player collision using six points in that hexagon configuration is that if the player is jumping horizontally and the feet hit a corner, the player is automatically bumped if the player falling vertically hits a corner off-center, or steps off a ledge, the player slides off away from the wall. (Try this! It feels much better than it would if the player behaved as a boxy rectangle.)
However, I found that the last part he mentions about the player being automatically bumped onto the surface was very jarring and often left me wondering what had happened while playing the game. I also found that it didn’t help me when the player was moving quickly and became embedded inside a block, because with all points inside the block, there was no clearly correct way to resolve. Also, the amount of code I found I needed was getting excessive so I decided to discard this method – maybe it would have been better if my player character was taller like in his example.
A new way and tiles as a broad-phase
Obviously I needed a new way, but first lets talk about the tile coordinate system and how it makes collision detection nice and easy.
Consider Figure 2 in which the tile coordinates have been numbered 0-6 in the X axis, and 0-5 in the Y. This shows a typical scenario where the player character (shown in red) is jumping up and will hit the green platform at some point between the current frame and the next frame (the player’s velocity is shown as the arrow). In order for the collision system to know which tiles need checking against the player, its a simple matter to enclose the player’s range of motion within an axis aligned bounding box, or AABB.
Figure 3 shows this bounding box overlaid on the scene in blue. If we take that bounding box and highlight every tile which intersects with it, we now know which tiles we need to consider for collision detection against the player.
Figure 4 shows the relevant tiles highlighted in yellow.
Because there is a direct 1-&1 mapping between world coordinates and tile coordinates, it becomes incredibly easy to get access to the tiles in order to perform fine grained collision detection against. This is in essence what a broad-phase collision detection system does, and its refreshing to see it arise naturally as a direct consequence of using a tile engine in the first place.
The new way
Because we don’t want the player (or any other fast moving object) passing though platforms if they move too quickly, the fine grained collision detection system, or narrow phase, must be good enough to prevent this from happening.
I’m going to use a technique I first talked about a while back, called Speculative Contacts. Don’t worry if it sounds horribily complex, its actually rather simple.
All it requires to work is a function which can return the distance between any two objects.
The collision shape
Before I go into the details, its important that I talk about how the choice of collision shape will affect the feel of the game. I started out with a circle to represent moving objects, but I soon realised this wasn’t going to work.
The reason is obvious looking at Figure 5; circles tend to roll smoothly off the edges of objects when placed right on them, which is exactly what you don’t want happening when you’re lining yourself up for a jump.
A better choice is the AABB, which naturally cannot rotate and therefore will allow objects to perch right on the edge of platforms without falling off them, as shown in Figure 6.
Distance function
In order to implement Speculative Contacts in this case, we need a distance function which will give us distance between two AABBs.
In order to achieve this we turn to the a technique from the Minkowski Difference. If we shrink one AABB down to a point, and grow the other one by the extents (width and height) of the first, the problem becomes one of finding the distance between the point and the new AABB.
Figure 7: In order to find the distance d, between AABBs A and B…
Figure 8: We shrink B down to a point and expand A by the extents of B, then we can use a simple distance from AABB to point function.
Distance from AABB to point
We actually only need the closest distance in each axis for our purposes, so we’re ignoring the case where the corner of the AABB is the closest to the point.
Figure 9: To find the distance between AABB A and point B we calculate the vector from A-&B, D and then take the Major Axis of this vector. That is, the signed, unit length vector in which the only coordinate filled in represents the largest coordinate of the original vector.
Figure 10: The Major Axis has now become the plane normal for our collision. We can calculate the position of the plane by scaling this normal by the half extents of A and adding on the position of A in world space). The distance d, from point B to this new plane is the final distance between point and AABB, and thus the distance between two AABBs.
Speculative Contacts
Now we have all the tools we need to get this technique working!
Looking back at Figure 4 again, all we have to do now is to query the map to see if any of those tiles highlighted in yellow are collidable and if so, we must calculate the distance to each one and the normal as we did above.
The above snippet shows the relevant code in the MoveabeObject class. The function Collision is the entry point.
The above snippet shows the code which actually does the looping over the tiles in the map shown in Figure 4. You can see that I do two loops, one for the mid-ground tiles and one for the foreground. This is primarily because of ladders which are currently mapped in the mid-ground layer. I would like to explore mapping them solely in foreground in a future version, though as it would make the code smaller.
The interesting thing about Speculative Contacts is that they do no work if they’re not required to – so, for all the yellow tiles in Figure 4 we calculate the distance to each one and the normal at that point, but the function CollisionResponse doesn’t do anything unless the following condition is true:
What this is saying is: if the projection of the velocity of the object onto the contact normal (i.e. the velocity in the normal direction) is less than the closest distance between the objects (divided by the timestep, to convert to the same units), then do nothing. I.e. if the objects can not touch between this frame and next, do nothing.
Figure 11 show this in diagram form, A is heading towards B and the projected velocity is shown (v.n) but is shorter than the distance between objects d and so no collision is possible.
There is one important caveat to mention, in that if the objects are moving fast enough, ghost collisions are possible – whereby one object will appear to hit an object that it shouldn’t have. This occurs because the CollisionResponse code only knows about the infinite plane of the collision point and not the actual geometry (for performance reasons), so a fast moving object will sometimes hit the empty space next to the surface of the object rather than passing through. However, this is not a noticeable artefact in the game shown on this page, particularly because the maximum speed of all objects is clamped.
Internal edges
One of the problems that a lot of collision detection systems face is that of internal edges and unfortunately, this game is no different.
In Figure 12, the red ball will be judged for collision against the blue block, and the distance function will return the unit vector N as the closest direction, this is correct in isolation, but considering there are other blocks on either side and this is in fact one continuous surface, problems arise. If nothing is done to prevent this, the player will get stuck on the gap between blocks and will even be able to stand the gaps between vertical blocks.
To prevent this from happening, I have some special code in the collision detection system which checks for internal edges.
What this does is to simply check the map to see if there is another collide-able tile ‘next to’ the current one. ‘Next to’ is defined as one tile along from the current one in the direction of the collision normal. If there is a tile there which is an obstacle, this collision is marked as an internal edge and the system discards it.
Going back to Figure 12, the block which is checked is the one pointed to by the normal, this is a collide-able block and so the collision is discarded correctly.
Jump-through platforms
Some types of platform game are built of completely solid platforms which you cannot jump through, but others like The Newzealand Story and Rainbow Islands are built entirely of platforms that the player can jump through.
To make this game engine as flexible as possible I wanted to support both.
In order to achieve this I needed a distance function which would give me the distance between an point and just the top plane of another (remember we shrunk down one AABB to a point and grew the other). Even still, I only want to consider colliding with this if the moving object was sufficiently close to the top plane of the AABB – if not, the collision is discarded.
Figure 14 shows jump-through platform B and movable object A, which is d distance to the top plane of B and N is the major axis.
There are two collision acceptance conditions on top of the regular AABB vs AABB code.
* If the major axis is pointing up, i.e. this is a ground platform
* If the distance of the moving object to the top of the platform is greater than some negative tolerance
If these conditions are satisfied then the collision is accepted. If not, its rejected. The negative tolerance is to handle the transition between being just under the top of the platform and being on it. Its negative because when the moving object is below the platform, the distanc it grows less and less negative as the object moves up until its 0 right on the platform, then it becomes positive again. This tolerance is shown as the blue bar in Figure 14.
Figure 15 shows one discarded case, where the moving object is too far below the blue bar of tolerance.
Collision Response
The collision response at work here is just to remove the normal velocity of the moving object completely upon collision (and also correct for any penetration which occurs). This means objects do not bounce, but for this game, that is an acceptable compromise.
The first few lines compute the separation and penetration (positive or negative components of the distance between objects)
Then, I compute the relative normal velocity and accumulate the position correction vector which handles penetration resolution:
If the normal velocity is less than 0, i.e the objects will touch between this frame and next, remove the normal velocity from the moving object:
If this is a piece of ground we’re going to collide with, record that fact, and then if we need to apply friction, do so:
If we weren’t recorded as being on the ground in the last collision, then call out to some code which handles landing on the ground (this is user definable code):
And that’s it! The only slightly hairy part is the friction calculation, but even that is relatively simple – it just gets the unit length vector perpendicular to the normal (i.e. the sliding vector), calculates the object’s velocity in the sliding direction, scales that down by some friction coefficient and then subtracts that from the total velocity.
Figure 13 shows the computation of the if you were to remove this tangential velocity from the full velocity you would have infinite friction.
If you would like more in-depth details of the collision response code, I suggest you read Physics Engines For Dummies, which covers this in great detail.
End of part 2
Wow, I thought I would have space to talk about the AI in this article, but obviously not! There was an unexpectedly large amount of collision detection to discuss. Ok, so next time I will definitely talk more about the AI and the software engineering behind it all.
As ever, if you want, you can buy the source-code for the entire game (or even try a version for free), including all the assets and levels you see above. It will require Adobe Flash CS4+, the Adobe Flex Compiler 4.0+ and either Amethyst, or Flash Develop to get it to build. And you’ll want Mappy or some alternative in order to create your own levels!
Following on from feedback from the Angry Birds article, I’ve included a Flash Develop project as well as an Amethyst project inside the .zip file, to help you get started more quickly, no matter which development environment you have.
You are free to use it for whatever purposes you see fit, even for commercial games or in multiple projects, the only thing I ask is that you don’t spread/redistribute the source-code around. Please note that you will need some programming and design skills in order to make the best use of this!(Source:)
CopyRight Since 2010 GamerBoom All rights reserved &&闽ICP备&号-1}


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