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养娃不易第5-6集英文剧情She is not easy to plot 5 sets is introduced
Force non-success tell mother old He Shu after go home, the new bourgeois let two children not to make trouble, all such as aging, illness well again, and charged 闫娣 son sent over the next day old, boil red jujube millet congee. The next day she began to new factory to factory manager apologized, and said that whatever the outcome of the factory will accept what is, at this time from the factory director know force and had to drop out of school to the sand factory work. Just find force, new she want to bring back the child, the result just said that the family, new she had to agree to let the child to stay to make money, only promise as long as the home conditions improved, will let he go to school again.
Force her illness with the help of jardine matheson obtained the very good control, and when she asked to new fees, 闫娣 son can only say that they have to deal with. Faced with such like li jardine matheson, 闫娣 son and xiangzi thought will force her to jardine matheson is the best arrangement for adoption, but the child, after all, is a new bourgeois, she decided not to. Tony go home at night, and found her sister and brother-in-law played a separation, is very curious, but my sister just said two people is to cultivate feelings.
闫娣 son for his brother is very worried, and sister-in-law is a reluctant to s appearance, she looked at the house can not so troubled, then went to the hospital to look for old town and words of the old royal air passed out. New after she know, took the fruit to apologize the next day, the old royal daughter-in-law originally dont want to open the door, but looking at the new bourgeois sincere attitude, opened the door, but this one is just said Im sorry to hear old royal 闫平, as to what had been blocked by the old royal daughter-in-law back. , new bourgeois told Tony that she was going to not pursue the matter, and shell think of some way to hold up at home.
Righteousness with potent sheng go out to play, meet big head to show off the MPCSC smaller rivals, words also said that his father cannot review inductrial injury because he played the factory director. Force of stubborn temper also came up, two people to play up, big head ran home, pitted found her son was injured, natural gas but want to play on righteousness, and pursuit of pockmark are repairing cabinet also broke. Pitted the door to a new bourgeois pay medical treatment cost, passing and a 闫平 write ious, before and after the money away, have no money more troubled families, this new judas sold has been reluctant to back the bag.
She is not easy to plot 6 sets is introduced
闫娣 son found new she is not only to sell their own package, also secretly run to sell blood, cannot bear to see a new 闫娣 son she so desperately to maintain his family. At night she will force him out, from the hospital with xiangzi sent to jardine matheson, then take back the two bags of rice, one of the bags made xiangzi with cornmeal. Eat rice on the next day she found new home some confusion, to go to the hospital found that children had been 闫娣 son was released from the hospital, but she didnt see children, think 闫娣 sons abnormal, the in the mind the idea of some of the implementation. After 闫娣 son back, mouth from 闫娣 son wait to confirm, when her heart was filled with to their chagrin, she hate her helpless.
New shavings to various places to look for her, but didnt powerful message, after go home, look at the daughter back in rice and the sadness of the heart more deeply into the bottom of my heart. And 闫娣 son said is right, her home, she hang up now, even for children the most basic life safeguard, and force in homes, certainly can get better care. Tony at this time on behalf of the school to home, tell the force of ones status as a student just still, he wanted to go back as soon as possible to read, can not be delayed. When Tony would like to ask more specific things, 闫娣 son let Tony leave their home today.
Xiangzi is led warning because in cornmeal, also let him dont tube zhang again in the future. And Tony to find him, two men sat down, and drink some wine together. New bourgeois condition under the stimulus force of things more worse, 闫娣 son watching sister-in-law, the in the mind is sad, she also loathe to give up, but the status of the home also have no a way. Now new she can do is to let the force has just come back to study, so she went to school to find Tony, just hope he can come forward to help persuade force.
Home kids know li sent a person, mood is not very stable, sheng worried that if the home had a bad, oneself also will be away. Force righteousness is sold in order to find a sister misunderstanding mother sister, Rio has just come back after aunt and mother noisy up for it.最新剧情热门剧情爷们,养娃不易啊!_百度百科


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