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经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
本帖最后由 无言花 于
19:06 编辑
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经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
本帖最后由 无言花 于
19:07 编辑
David Chipperfield 建筑事务所的杭州莫干山路10层高的办公大楼已经建设完工。该办公大楼有着简练板正的几何形体与外观。钢筋混凝土结构上包裹的铜外表皮,让建筑在杂乱的环境中更加气质非凡与引人注目。整个外表皮的设计工整精致,采用直立锁边技术完成高精度设计,最终实现一个优雅而不失活力的外观。
19:07 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
Placed above street level, the volume sits as if on a stage. Together with the modulation of the surrounding exterior space, the raised level allows for diverse transitions from the city into the building. All stone surfaces of the exterior topography are crafted from the same matt grey basalt.
The structure of the building is based on a reinforced concrete frame. The fa.ade is clad with large copper cassettes, reflecting this structure outwards.
Smaller sheet copper elements clad the area around the windows. These smaller elements, which are manually pointed using a standing seam technique, display a degree of refinement and accentuate the surfaces within the overall structure. The rectangular columns along the narrow side of the building enhance the slender appearance, and the lively surface of the bronze cladding gives the fa.ade an elegant, vibrant look.
19:07 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:07 上传
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内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
Along the perimeter of the building the structure allows for a column-free floor plan inside. Each standard floor consists of one large space, which is arranged like a ring around the central core, and each floor can be divided into two separate units. The floor plans allow for single, group or open-plan offices and the lighting of the rooms further supports this flexibility of use. Auxiliary functions are located in the central core. The linearity of the space,the generous ceiling heights and the large windows give the building a loft-like character. While the outer walls are plastered white, oak wood is used for the cladding of the core and the flooring.
19:08 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:08 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
Office building Moganshan Road Hangzhou, China
Project start September 2009
Construction start April 2011
Completion October 2013
Gross floor area 13,200 m2
Client Hangzhou Fanes Baoyuan Real Estate
Architect David Chipperfield Architects, Berlin, Shanghai
Partner Berlin Mark Randel
Shanghai Libin Chen
Project architect Peter von Matuschka – Schematic design,
Design development, Construction documentation, Interior,
Site design supervision
Daniel Koo – Site design supervision
Project team Martina Betzold, Cyril Kriwan, Gunda Schulz, Lijun Shen
Landscape architect Levin Monsigny Landschaftsarchitekten, Berlin
Structural engineer Zhejiang Fanes Institute of Architecture Design and
Management Co. Ltd., Hangzhou
Services engineer Zhejiang Fanes Institute of Architecture Design and
Management Co. Ltd., Hangzhou
Contact architect Zhejiang Fanes Institute of Architecture Design and
Management Co. Ltd., Hangzhou
Photography Simon Menges
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:08 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:08 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:08 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:14 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:15 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
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内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
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经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:15 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
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内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:17 上传
经验1588 点金币141 枚钻石0 颗鲜花243 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华2积分17507阅读权限110UID2510013
内阁学士, 积分 17507, 距离下一级还需 2493 积分
鲜花243 朵钻石0 颗金币141 枚注册时间
19:17 上传
经验86 点金币80 枚钻石0 颗鲜花59 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华0积分3467阅读权限90UID100702
探花, 积分 3467, 距离下一级还需 1533 积分
鲜花59 朵钻石0 颗金币80 枚注册时间
经验0 点金币390 枚钻石0 颗鲜花1026 朵最后登录注册时间帖子精华0积分12410阅读权限100UID3490365
翰林, 积分 12410, 距离下一级还需 2590 积分
鲜花1026 朵钻石0 颗金币390 枚注册时间
Powered byIntroduction
As the master of the world architectural design
戴卫. 奇普菲尔德David Chipperfield戴卫. 奇普菲尔德(爵士),国际顶级建筑设计大师。以其精确、简约、含蓄、低调的设计闻名于世。其成名作“伦敦划船和河流博物馆”曾七次获项英国和国际大奖,“柏林博物馆岛”的改建设计,与贝聿铭的卢浮宫整修方案并称全球两大改建经典。保持英式含蓄的戴卫. 奇普菲尔德不热衷于建立设计上的“焦点”,而喜欢用抽象的形式和素净的色调,与东方的禅宗思想有着奇妙的一致性。因其对建筑所做的贡献,于2004 年被授予英国皇家COB 勋章。Sir David Chipperfield, world-class architect, is renowned for his meticulous, concise,implicit and low-key designs.His famous work the River and Rowing Museum in London received 7 prestigious national and international awards. He also led the expansion of the Neues Museum in Berlin, considered to be one of the world’s two large-scale classic redesigns alongside the renovation of the Louvre Museum.With typical English reserve and modesty, David Chipperfield is not keen on using eye-catching elements in construction. Instead he uses abstract form and plain color to deliver his idea, sharing a wonderful similarity with eastern Zen principles.For his outstanding contribution to contemporary architecture, Sir David was appointed Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2004 and subsequently knighted in 2010.
代表作:德国柏林新博物馆;英国BBC 苏格兰总部;美国圣路易斯艺术博物馆(Saint Louis Art Museum) 扩建;纽约Medison Avenue 大街DOLCE & GABBANA 旗舰店;西班牙安达卢西亚Cantera 文化中心、意大利米兰Ansaldo 文化城(Ansaldo City Of Cultures) 艺术馆;日本东京晴空塔……Representative works:1 Marbach Museum of Modern Literature, Berlin, Germany2 BBC Scotland Headquarters, UK3 America's Cup Buildong,Valencia,Spain4 Museum of Modern Literature5 Dolce & Gabbanna Madison Avenue flagship store, New York, USA6 Hangzhou Liangzhu Museum,China……
Exterior wall material
人应当重拾对材料的敬重。万物皆有其特定的本质,自然界的材料亦都有生命的秉性。在所有细节精雕细刻的基础上,全球罕有的整楼铜板干挂外立面,更使壹向大楼成为一座具有生命的建筑。每一块铜板皆经专门特制,它将历经时间的淬炼,从初世地的亮泽,至亚光、古铜、棕褐……因阳光与空气的转换产生微妙的变化,直至岁月在其表面积甸下铜元素特有的古翠绿……时空嬗变、生生不息。People should regain the respect of materials. Everything has its specificnature, nature of the material also has a life of nature. Based on all the detailscarved, global rare whole floor plate dry hanging Wailimian, makes one to thebuilding into a living building.Each piece of copper are specially made, it will go through training, from thebeginning of the world to shine, and Matt, bronze, brown...... Have a subtlechange as a result of the conversion of sunlight and air, until the years inspecific surface area of copper elements of malachite green...... Temporal andspatial evolution, life and growth in nature.铜板自然演变过程The natural evolution of copper
Copper plate curtain wall
采用开放式紫铜板幕墙系统,并以严苛到极致的施工工艺控制,保证建筑气质的完美呈现。开放式铜板幕墙系统独有的呼吸层及独特设计, 最大限度地保护内部材料且有效降低室内能耗、节能环保。using open copper plate curtain wall system, and with the harsh construction process control limits, ensure perfect building the present temperament. Respiratory layer and unique design of superior performance, the unique open copper plate curtain wall system, both to protect the internal material and achieve energy conservation and environmental protection.铜板幕墙构造Copper plate curtain wall structure建筑局部细节Architectural details
Public space
Public space
首层地面采用了同室外景观铺地相同的黑色石材,实现了室内到室外的自然过渡,同时从材料上使厚重的平台和被置于平台上外形优雅的建筑产生鲜明的对比。The first layer of the ground with theoutdoor landscape paving the same blackstone, to achieve a natural transitionfrom indoor to outdoor, also make heavyplatform and was placed on the platformele-gant shape of the building have thesharp contrast from the material.大堂内景The Lobby Interior大堂内景The Lobby Interior大堂内景The Lobby Interior大堂内景The Lobby Interior
Office space
无柱式整体空间The overall space no pillar只有让空间、形态回到人基本需求的出发点,才能使空间使用者拥有真正的自由。壹向大楼的办公空间,是无任何结构柱的整体空间,把更多余地和可能性留给了使用者。Only let the starting point of space, form back to the human basic needs,can make the space users have real freedom. One to the building of officespace, is the whole space without any structural column, the more room andpossibility for users.空间的自由模数Free ad space在整体空间中,充分考虑了使用者的需要,既可整体使用,也预留了按照外墙柱距模数(东西6米,南北5.4 米)自由分隔的可能。In the whole space, give full consideration to the needs of users, which can beused, also set aside in accordance with the exterior column modulus (6 meterseast-west, 5.4 meters north-south) free from possible.标准层平面Typical floor plan标准层未布置状态Standard layer is not arranged state
Office space
卓越的空间尺度The spatial scale of excellence卓越的空间尺度给予使用者最大的舒适感,壹向大楼标准层层高达4.59米,净高3.35 米,并配合超大幅窗设计,形成了“让阳光来填满空间”的美好感受。室内流畅的交流与窗外都市的繁华,交汇成至臻的现代办公体验。The spatial scale of excellence gives the user maximum comfort, one to thebuilding standard layers of 4.59 meters high, 3.59 meters in height, and with the large picture window design, form a &good feeling let the sun to fill the space&. Communication with outside urban indoor smooth downtown, where modern office to experience.剖面(空间尺度分析)Profile (spatial scale analysis)
德国OWA 拉网天花吊顶,体现超前的装饰理念。所有管线、空调及新风风口、灯具、消防喷淋及报警、网络无线布点等均隐于吊顶上方,办公空间视觉上纯净极简。Germany OWA net suspended ceiling, reflect advanced decoration ideas. All pipelines, air conditioning and air outlet, lighting, fire sprinkler and alarm, wireless network sites are hidden in the ceiling above, office space visually clean minimalist.
Window curtains
Window curtains
由全球窗帘顶级供应商瑞士格宁斯提供的欧洲全进口隐藏式导轨波形帘系统。其特制工艺使窗帘具有充满韵律的波形效果,外观内敛典雅,使用平滑流畅而静音,极具现代感。Provided by the global top supplier Geningsi curtain Switzerland imported European hidden guide wave curtain system. The special technology to make the curtain has a waveform effect full of rhythm, introverted elegant appearance, the use of smooth and quiet, very modern.
The public part of wood finishes
The public part of wood finishes
大堂及电梯厅等墙面采用北美白橡木饰面,色泽淡雅,表面无任何油漆,纯天然健康环保。Hall and elevator hall wall with white oak veneer, elegant color, the surface without any paint, pure natural healthy environmental protection.
Doors and windows system
Doors and windows system
采用世界五百强企业德国海德鲁70 系列断桥隔热隐框系统窗,5 米(宽)*2.3 米(高),极佳空间视野和采光。独特定制型双层LOW-E 超白玻璃,隔热、隔音性能卓越,内开内倒双模式窗扇,具有无与伦比的通风性。The world five hundred strong enterprises in Germany's 70 series of insulating hidden frame window, 5 m (*2.3 m wide) (high) space, excellent vision and lighting. The unique custom type double-layer LOW-E ultra white glass, heat insulation, sound insulation performance, opened within the inverted double mode window, ventilation is incomparable with the.
The revolving door
The revolving door
由具140 年历史的旋转门生产厂家荷兰宝盾为大楼量身订制的紫铜旋转门,其专业的技术、精湛的工艺、独特的设计将建筑的美与最高程度的灵活性完美结合。The revolving door manufacturers with 140 year history of the Holland shield for copper revolving door building tailored, professional technology, superb technology, a unique design combines beauty with the highest degree of building flexibility perfect.
客梯2 部,货梯1 部。150 年历史的美国奥的斯品牌sky 系列电梯,永磁无齿轮、超静音设计、轿厢专用空调,带来舒适的享受,非凡的乘梯体验。能源再生变频驱动器节省更多的能耗。2 passenger elevators, goods ladder 1. The 150 years history of the United States of America Otis brand sky series elevator, permanent magnet gearless, ultra quiet design, car air conditioner, enjoy the comfort of riding,extraordinary experience. Energy regeneration frequency drive to save more energy consumption.
Hangzhou only poetic canon class office building
世界顶级建筑大师作品历经5 载春秋精工淬炼而成她伫立于城市的繁华中内敛、自然、沉静如诗如典向自然与都市致建筑的生命之礼The world's top architectural masterpiecesAfter 5 years of the spring and autumn Seiko quenching andShe stands in the city's prosperityIntroverted, quiet, naturalThe poem such as codeTo the natural and urban building gift of life
The geographical position
壹向大楼座落于杭州的城市中心,莫干山路266 号,文一路口北侧。建筑直面城市南北主干道莫干山路,距德胜快速路、上塘高架入口仅5分钟车程。可由城市腹地快速接驳萧山国际机场、沪杭甬高速、杭宁高速。Next to the building is located in Hangzhou city center, 266 Moganshan Road, a road on the north side of. The building facing the city north-south trunk road Moganshan Road, Desheng expressway, from Shangtang viaduct entrance only 5 minutes. The city hinterland rapid access Xiaoshan International Airport, Shanghai Hangzhou Ningbo high-speed.
Architectural concept
理想的建筑首先应该忠于人们内心的需要而建造,它经得起时间的考验,能与这个城市、社会与自然和谐共生。理想的办公空间,需要能够打开人们的思维和交流。壹向大楼,就是这一理念在现实中的实践,是基于理想主义的纯写字楼。大楼占地3177 平方米,地上10 层,建筑面积7084 平方米,地下3 层,建筑面积5895 平方米。是世界顶级建筑大师David Chipperfield 在杭州的又一作品。The building covers an area of 3177 square meters, construction area of 7084square meters on the ground, underground construction area of 5895 squaremeters.Ideal building first should be loyal to the people heart and the construction,it can stand the test of time, and the city, society and nature coexist in harmony. The ideal office space, need to be able to open people's thinking and communication. One to the building, is the idea of practice in reality, is pure office building based on idealism. Another works in Hangzhou the world's top architect David Chipperfield.
大堂面积273 平方米&&大堂净高 4.65 米
标准层面积760 平方米&&标准层层高 4.59 米&&标准层净高 3.35 米
楼板承重标准层200 ㎏ / ㎡,局部区域250 ㎏ / ㎡
车位-2 层31 个车位;-3 层33 车位
地下一层自行车库、物业服务中心、弱电机房&&地下二层/ 地下三层&&汽车库、配电房、水泵房
电梯2 部天津OTIS SKY 电梯,速度1.75 m/s,载重1000Kg,轿厢尺寸1500(宽)*1350(深)*2400(高)
消防/ 载货电梯1 部天津OTIS SKY 电梯,速度1.75 m/s,载重1000Kg,轿厢尺寸1600(宽)*1400(深)*2400(高)
空调日本大金VRV Ⅲ户式中央空调
供电系统提供三相10KV 双路供电;电容量约100W/ ㎡(套内建筑面积,空调主机除外)
外墙铜板幕墙、德国海德鲁系统门窗(断桥隔热型材、双层中空钢化LOW-E 玻璃)
&吊顶&&&德国OWA 金属拉网吊顶系统,部分区域吊顶预留&&&入户门&&钢木复合门
&照明&&&LED 灯管照明&&&&&窗帘&&&欧洲进口格宁思窗帘系统
公共部位大堂&&&墙面为橡木饰面板,地面为哑光水洗蒙古黑石材,吊顶采用德国OWA 金属拉网吊顶系统
&电梯厅&&墙面为橡木饰面板,地面为实木复合地板,吊顶采用德国OWA 金属拉网吊顶系统
建筑面积商业面积为624 平方米,其中一层为257 平方米,二层为367 平方米
面宽4.56 米
楼板承重一层350 ㎏ / ㎡,二层200 ㎏ / ㎡,局部250 ㎏ / ㎡
层高一层 5.78m,二层4.59m
电梯1 部天津OTIS GeN2 无机房电梯,速度1 m/s,载重1000kg
空调日本大金VRV Ⅲ户式中央空调
通信服务商 中国电信、中国移动、中国联通、杭州华数
供电系统提供三相10KV 双路供电;电容量约100W/ ㎡(套内建筑面积,空调主机除外)
外墙铜板幕墙、德国海德鲁系统门窗(断桥隔热型材、双层中空钢化LOW-E 玻璃)
development team
开 发 商: 杭州梵石保元房地产开发有限公司建筑设计: 英国 戴卫. 奇普菲尔德(David chipperfield)建筑师事务所室内设计: 英国 戴卫. 奇普菲尔德(David chipperfield)建筑师事务所景观设计: 德国 莱维墨西尼(levin-monsigny)景观设计事务所灯光设计: 美国h.e.banks+associates 灯光设计事务所Developer: Hangzhou Fan Shi Baoyuan Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.Architectural design: The United Kingdom David CHIPP field ArchitectsInterior design: British David CHIPP field ArchitectsLandscape design: Germany Levi Mo Sidney landscape design firmLighting design: The United States h.e.banks+associates lighting design firm


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