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ROCK与亲表弟Roman Reigns(罗曼雷恩斯)的合照_巨石强森吧_百度贴吧
ROCK与亲表弟Roman Reigns(罗曼雷恩斯)的合照收藏
RT ROCK与亲表弟The Shield(坚盾)成员 Roman Reigns(罗曼雷恩斯)的1张合照前几天的新闻 The Rock(洛克)在微博上上传了这样一张图片并祝贺自己的堂弟Roman Reigns(罗曼·雷恩斯)生日快乐,Rock写到:生日祝福送给在WWE的堂弟Roman Reigns,不要自大不要自满,为你感到骄傲,未来的WWE冠军。
怪不得罗曼雷恩斯能够上位 在坚盾3人组里头 按罗曼雷恩斯的综合能力来看 口才.演技一般这个不大清楚 摔角技术也一般 能上位原来也是有后台 怪不得呢 有背景 父亲是WWE名人堂成员 表哥是WWE超级巨星+WWF时代的老将.以及好莱坞著名动作片电影明星 The Rock 巨石强森 不过吧 虽然 罗曼雷恩斯 口才.演技.技术可能都不咋地 但是却有很多人 评论说 罗曼雷恩斯很有巨星气质 日后可以慢慢培养其上位 说不定可以当台柱
相对来讲 The Shield其他两位成员 可能就没有罗曼雷恩斯这么好的背景 有自己人了 主要靠自己有实力 塞斯罗林斯 是来自前独立界ROH联盟的技术帝 曾经是ROH的世界冠军 摔角技术不用说 而且相貌长得像WWE超级巨星当家台柱 CM朋克 迪恩·安布罗斯 是来自前CZW硬核摔角联盟的世界重量级冠军 众所周知 CZW也是硬核摔角 一种很残酷 可以用上各种工具各种武器来比赛攻击对手 头破血流那是家常便饭 反正WWE是没有硬核摔角比赛了 而且迪恩的摔角技术也还算不错 最主要是口才也好 演技.表情也相当丰富 现在The Shield发言 一般都是迪恩讲话最多 很多人评论此人以后前途无限量 只要不犯错不违反公司政策条例 例如吸食大麻什么就好了
ROCK和罗曼雷恩斯这张合照来看 ROCK的身板感觉看起来不大 最大的就是他的胳膊 他的手臂 跟大腿一样粗似的 有点健美家的感觉 施瓦辛格的样子 而罗曼雷恩斯的纹身 第一次看到他的纹身 感觉他的纹身好像跟ROCK的纹身的萨摩亚太阳神都几分近似 没想到罗曼雷恩斯果然真是萨摩亚家族的人
再贴一条新闻 5月24号的Rock送Tamina越野车 微博晒照片Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson(“巨石”德韦恩·约翰逊)今天早些时候更新其Twitter,上传了与他远房表亲,WWE女子选手Tamina Snuka(塔米娜·斯努卡)的合照,The Rock送给Tamina一辆全新的SUV,让后者惊喜不已。Rock在博文中写道:“这台SUV刚刚让我堂妹@taminasnuka花容失色,此女子有着一颗冠军的心,真的很了不起,爱你。”
在现役的WWE选手中,The Shield(卫盾军团)成员Roman Reigns(罗曼·雷恩斯)同The Rock为堂兄弟关系。
原来Tamina Snuka(塔米娜·斯诺卡)是ROCK的堂妹
ROCK你在WWE还有多少亲戚啊? 堂妹塔米娜 表弟罗曼雷恩斯
对表哥也下的去手啊         ---  Man always remember love Because of romance only。   
不要脸的剧情 让人家自相残杀
熊.. .[花心] // ---男人和吃饭一样,因为两者进入女人的身体,都能搞大女人的肚子/
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或您的位置: >
Roman Reigns 罗曼·雷恩斯
Roman Reigns
身高:191 cm
体重:120 kg
本名:Leati Joseph Anoa'i
本名:Leati Joseph Anoa'i
身高:191 cm
体重:120 kg
常用招式:Diving Elbow drop
Moment of Silence
Jumping elbow drop
Leaping clothesline
Samoan drop
Superman Punch
简介:橄榄球运动员出身,在2010年7月与签订了一份发展合约,日《强者生存》上,与和组成军团,在一场WWE冠军三重威胁赛上袭击,使得最后压制,也使得CM Punk的434天冠军纪录没有中途夭折。这是他们首次在WWE电视节目上亮相,也是首次提出&正义的猎手&的口号。但是相比卫盾另外两名队员,Roman Reigns的摔角资历尚欠。
冠军次数:FCW佛罗里达双打冠军 x 1
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& WWE双打冠军 x 1
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& WWE世界重量级冠军x2
主要人物:Seth Rollins,Roman Reigns,RKO,Daniel Bryan
影辑字幕:720p高清/ Roman Reigns
on July 3, 2016
A former collegiate football standout, Leati Joseph “Joe” Anoa’i broke out in WWE in 2012 as a terrorizing member of The Shield with
Roman Reigns on PWPIX.net, your go-to source for the latest news, rumors, photos and videos on the football player turned three-time WWE World Heavyweight Champion . . .
With the rapidly escalating fame of Roman Reigns, this has led many WWE fans to search for personal information on the former football player, such as whether or not he has a girlfriend. The 30-year-old WWE Superstar, whose real name is Leati Joseph Anoa’i,
Roman Reigns has it all. He’s built like an ox, has some insane moves, his cousin is
and he’s also a father of an eight-year-old daughter named Joelle.
Apologies in advance to all the ladies out there who swoon over Roman Reigns. Why? It’s because the former Shield powerhouse is a married man.
Roman Reigns Photos
Get a unique look into the life of “The Big Dog” as PWPIX.net unleashes a massive photo gallery, featuring rare images of Roman Reigns — many of which you probably haven’t seen . . .
Valentine’s Day is extra special for Roman Reigns since he went on his first date with his wife, Galina, on that day in 2005.
Just a few weeks before Roman Reigns signed a contract with WWE to join the organization’s developmental system, the former collegiate football standout was arrested in Florida . . .
Roman Reigns is a member of the famed Anoa’i clan, which consists of , Yokozuna, Rikishi,
and , , Umaga, Manu and his father . . .
Unlike most WWE Superstars, Roman Reigns is not particular active on social media. He has a Twitter account, but very rarely posts messages. Is he on Facebook or Instagram?
Oct. 23, 2015 – Roman Reigns admitted that he was not pleased about having his daughter involved in however, he believes WWE did not go over the line . . .
Dec. 15, 2015 – Once the show was over and the WWE World Heavyweight Champion was in his hands, though, Roman Reigns took to Twitter to dedicate the huge win to the birthday girl . . .
Dec. 14, 2015 – With his career hanging in the balance, Roman Reigns capped off a frustrating year of almosts to finally become WWE World Heavyweight Champion. That means
June 15, 2015 – The reason, as it turns out, was simple. Rather than shower Roman Reigns in riddles and half-truths when ordered to explain his actions at Money in the Bank, Bray Wyatt . . .
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For Your Information
– With ‘ rapidly escalating notoriety due to his WWE fame, this has led many grappling fans to search for personal information on the 30-year-old former football player, such as whether or not he has a girlfriend. The former Shield powerhouse is actually married to his college sweetheart, Galina Joelle Becker. The couple have been together since the two attended college at Georgia Tech. Together, they have a daughter, who was born in 2008. Her name is Joelle Anoa’i and she is seven-years-old.
The WWE heavyweight star introduced Becker to the public eye in 2014 as he attended the WWE Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony during WrestleMania 30 weekend in New Orleans, Louisiana with his college sweetheart seated beside him. While Reigns was sidelined from the squared circle with an incarcerated hernia, the longtime couple got married in December 2014. The wedding ceremony took place at Disney’s Castaway Cay, a private island which Disney uses as a regular destination for their cruise line. ()
So just who is Galina Joelle Becker? Now 28-years-old, she was born on March 11, 1987 in Jacksonville, Florida to parents Kevin and Mildred Becker. Becker has two older sisters, Molisa Cooper and Undine Becker. Undine attended Stanford University (2001-05), where she ran track.
Reigns and Becker first met when they attended Georgia Tech, where Reigns was a standout defensive end for the Yellow Jackets. However, the WWE Superstar is not the only athlete of the twosome. Becker actually excelled in track and field in high school and college.
Growing up in San Jose, California, Becker attended Mt. Pleasant High School (2001-05), where she lettered in track and field for three seasons under coach Steve Nelson. During her sophomore and junior seasons, she won region titles in the long and triple jump events. She was the Most Valuable Performer of her team in her freshman, sophomore and junior seasons. She holds Central Coast Section record in the triple jump with a mark of 40+. For one season, Becker lettered in volleyball.
– When a professional wrestler becomes popular, fans will go online to discover as much information about that person as possible. With ‘ booming popularity in WWE, many fans have have discovered that the popular WWE Superstar was arrested in the past. ()
The event in question occurred in the Pensacola, Florida area on June 20, 2010, just a few weeks before the former member of the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets football team had signed a contract with WWE to join the organization’s then-developmental branch, Florida Championship Wrestling. Reigns, who was 25-years-old then, was arrested for disorderly intoxication and affray, unlawful assembly, or riot, according to a public record. In other words, the future WWE Superstar was jailed for appearing drunk in public and participating in a fight. He was later released on $1,000 bond, with charges of $500 for each offence.
Word of his infraction did not become public knowledge until 2014 when his mugshot was uploaded , with the image being labeled as WWE Superstar Roman Reigns. It is not known whether WWE officials were ever informed of his arrest.
– Just who is ? WWE fans still don’t have a clear picture, and insofar as having his gear give us a hint, that’s not happening. When he was in The Shield, he was one-third of a rogue collective of individuals who dressed in SWAT gear because they were hell-bent on using “covert”-style operations to prevent those engaging in unjust behavior.
Now, The Shield is a distant memory and while Seth Rollins’ grappling attire continues to reflect some aspects of his gear in The Shield, it’s more a latex homage to his CrossFit based athleticism. Of course, Dean Ambrose simply wears tank tops, boots and jeans, the closest thing WWE has had to “Stone Cold” Steve Austin as a Superstar and presentation since “The Texas Rattlesnake” was raising hell in the sports-entertainment organization.
So, given that Roman Reigns has yet to explain why he continues to wear the SWAT gear, it’s worth mentioning that he does have a history of wrestling without a shirt on. While competing in WWE’s developmental system under the name Leakee (in Florida Championship Wrestling from 2010 to 2012 and briefly in NXT in the latter year), Roman Reigns actually performed in traditional wrestling attire. Will this ever happen again? Perhaps if and when WWE feels the need to revitalize his character, likely as a villain.
– As you might assume, being a professional wrestler comes with some good and some bad (just like any other celebrity). A grueling schedule year round is part of the bad that most grapplers have to endure throughout their years in the industry. Furthermore, the amount of travel these individuals go through over the course of a given year certainly wares on them after a while, and living out of a suitcase surely doesn’t make anything easier. Although, after all the strain comes the perks. The rewarding part for many WWE Superstars is getting the opportunity to head home for a couple of days, and for most of these performers, home is a beautiful place where luxury and relaxation are essential.
Numerous wrestlers call Tampa, Florida home and
is among them. Having grown up in nearby Pensacola, .
– Sure, some WWE Superstars use stage names instead of their actual names, but ‘ real name just might make you do a double-take!
His real name is Leati Joseph “Joe” Anoa’i (last name pronounced an-uh-WHY-ee). The WWE competitor is named after his father, Leati Anoa?i, a former professional wrestler who competed under the name Sika.
is built like a barbarian, has some marvelous maneuvers and, of course, his cousin is Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. But what most people don’t know about this WWE Superstar is that he’s also a father (and a pretty darn good one at that).
Standing at 6+ and weighing in at 265 pounds, . But he does exactly that, and it’s quite adorable.
This is a side to the WWE Superstar fans probably thought they’d never see. But if you liked him before, you’ll like him more now.
– Unlike many of WWE’s Superstars,
is not particular active on social media. He has an account on Twitter at , but very rarely posts messages. Reigns does not have personal accounts on Facebook or Instagram. All accounts posing as the WWE Superstar are fake.
– To many wrestling fans, the age of
is unclear. The WWE Superstar is 30-years-old & he was born on May 25, 1985 in Pensacola, Florida.
At six-foot three inches and a rock-solid 265 pounds,
boasts the physical stature, along with the looks to which WWE officials are instinctively drawn in both male and female performers. He is the son of WWE Hall of Famer Sika of The Wild Samoans and is a member of the legendary Anoa’i wrestling family — this incredible lineage includes intimidating grapplers such as High Chief Peter Maivia, , Yokozuna, Rocky Johnson, the Usos, Umaga, Rikishi, Rosey, Manu and Tonga Kid.
Football Career
Before lacing up his first pair of wrestling boots, Leati Joseph Anoa’i had his sights set on becoming a football player in the NFL. He played football for three years at Pensacola Catholic High School in Pensacola, Florida () and his senior year at Escambia High School in Escambia County, Florida (2002). En route to being named Defensive Player of the Year by the Pensacola News Journal in his senior year, he netted 120 tackles and 12 sacks while forcing six fumbles.
“Joe was as energetic and passionate a football player as he is in the ring,” said Greg Seibert, his coach at Pensacola Catholic High School. “The consummate competitor, Joe’s attitude brought out the best in the players around him.
He was a pleasure to work with as a high school athlete.”
After graduating from high school, Anoa’i attended the Georgia Institute of Technology, where he played defensive tackle for the Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets from 2003 to 2006. Anoa’i improved in college, moving from backup to starter in his sophomore year. By his senior year, where he became a team captain, he had blossomed into a effective force up front for a powerful Yellow Jackets defense. In that final campaign, he recorded 40 tackles (nine for a loss), 4.5 sacks and two recovered fumbles. Anoa’i’s contributions that year earned him first-team all-ACC (Atlantic Coast Conference) honors.
Unlike his teammate Calvin Johnson, who was drafted second overall in the 2007 NFL Draft by the Detroit Lions, he was no surefire prospect.
described Anoa’i as a leader and a player with athleticism. It pointed out a number of his flaws as well.
According to the evaluation, “He is a high energy type who just lacks that instinctive feel for the flow of the ball. He is best when occupying multiple blockers at the line of scrimmage, as he doesn’t have the range to make plays in space.”
In the minds of scouts, Anoa’i was not strong enough, not enough of a force on the line and not fast enough to respond to the chaos of the National Football League. Still, the then-303-pound defensive lineman was projected in the report to be drafted in the sixth round of the 2007 NFL Draft.
After not being invited to the annual NFL Scounting Combine, Anoa’i had only the Georgia Tech Pro Day to impress scouts. He posted a 4.91 in the 40-yard dash, a strong number for a defensive tackle. Anoa’i showed off a 34-inch vertical jump, bench pressed 370 pounds and finished the three-cone drill in 7.29 seconds.
Those numbers weren’t enough. Seven rounds went by without his name being called.
Going undrafted isn’t always the end of an NFL dream. Teams pick up undrafted free agents, and sometimes those players turn out to have successful careers in the NFL. Anoa’i was signed by the Minnesota Vikings in May 2007, but he wasn’t a proverbial diamond in the rough.
Anoa’i was one of the many unknown players vying for a spot on the Vikings roster before the start of the NFL season. Though Anoa’i only made it as far as rookie camp, in his mind, he almost made the Vikings.
, “I was as close as you can imagine. It just slipped through the fingers. It wasn’t meant to be.”
After explaining that medical issues led to him failing a physical, Anoa’i added, “I’m convinced I could have made the team.”
. He waited three months before another NFL team gave him a chance.
As brief as his stint with the Vikings was, his run with the Jacksonville Jaguars was even shorter. The
Jags signed him to their roster on August 26, 2007, as a defensive tackle, but cut him five days later.
But before Anoa’i would move on to face the giants who occupy WWE, he took one last stab at a career in professional football. In 2008, he joined the Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian Football League (CFL).
Success came in spurts for Anoa’i as he moved up and down between the main roster and the practice squad. He played in only five games, starting three, and had nine tackles before being released on November 10, 2008.
Roman Reigns Begins His Wrestling Career
Football had been Anoa’i’s first career choice. However, as the son of WWE Hall of Fame Sika and relative of other wrestlers, the squared circle was a back-up plan, just in the case. Every wrestling savvy member of the family recognized that he had the most important quality any WWE Superstar can possess – “the look.”
His football career over, Anoa’i began training for professional wrestling. He lost weight (as a defensive tackle, he weighed as much as 325 pounds) and began tightening his physique.
WWE, which had been aware of Anoa’i for years, didn’t require any arm-twisting to sign him to a developmental contract in July 2010. On September 9, 2010, Anoa’i made his debut in Florida Championship Wrestling, the then-developmental promotion of WWE, under the name Roman Leakee – he lost to Richie Steamboat. Additional losses to Wes Brisco and the future Damien Sandow (then known as Idol Stevens) ensued, before he gained his first victory on September 21, 2010 over Fahd Rakman. Leakee continued wrestling in Florida Championship Wrestling throughout the remainder of 2010 as he largely competed in tag team affairs. On the January 16, 2011 edition of FCW Wrestling, Leakee participated in a 30-Man Grand Royal to earn a shot at the FCW Florida Heavyweight Championship held by Mason Ryan – he was eliminated. Later that year, Leakee aligned himself with Donny Marlow and the duo unsuccessfully challenged Big E Langston and Calvin Raines for the Florida Tag Team Championship on July 8.
On the February 5, 2012 episode of FCW Wrestling, the three men who would become The Shield collided in a Triple Threat Match to name the number one contender to the then-FCW Florida Heavyweight Champion Leo Kruger (now known as Adam Rose). Leakee, as Anoa’i was simply known, defeated Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. The physiques of all three have changed considerably since this match was held. Leakee lost the following week to Kruger. On June 15, 2012 at a Florida Championship Wrestling live event in Palatka, Florida, Leakee and Mike Dalton captured the FCW Florida Tag Team Championship from Corey Graves and Jake Carter. The reign, however, was short-lived as the duo lost the championship the following month to CJ Parker and Jason Jordan.
In September 2012, Anoa’i was renamed Roman Reigns and hyped as a wrestler with the “it factor.” That was an exaggeration. He looked the part before he crushed CJ Parker in his WWE NXT debut on October 31, 2012, but was mediocre in the ring and flat on promos. He did not seem ready for the main stage, even after two years in WWE’s developmental system. From his physical appearance, however, it was obvious he would receive a chance at WWE glory: equipped with “the look,” Reigns was a safer bet for stardom than Ambrose or Rollins.
Roman Reigns Arrives To WWE
In a surprising turn of events, Reigns officially debuted for WWE alongside Ambrose and Rollins on November 18, 2012 during the closing moments of the main event at Survivor Series. Running in, wearing matching black outfits, the heel trio powerbombed Ryback through the announcers’ table after the former Skip Sheffield had Shell Shocked John Cena in the ring. The third man in this Triple Threat Match with Ryback and Cena was WWE Champion CM Punk, who pinned Cena amid the chaos to retain the gold.
On Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling podcast, CM Punk claimed to have devised the concept of The Shield, proposing to WWE officials that the group be made up of former independent wrestling stand-outs Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Kassius Ohno. WWE quickly replaced the latter—better known as Chris Hero—with Reigns, but the promotion clearly chose its man wisely.
“On the real, from the day we started and had this opportunity, it was, ‘Okay, screw everybody else in the world, we’re going to take over this company and this business for the next ten years, what it is,” Ambrose stated in March 2014 to Reminder Publications. “We’ll fight whatever battles we need to fight together and we’ll stick together and have each other’s backs in circumstances.’ It was an all-for-one, one-for-all mentality. And we’ve done that and it’s been successful. I think you see that and it comes off as very real, ’cause it is real.”
“We are very different dudes away from the ring and have different likes when it comes to music, hobbies and women, and, because we have been with each other for a year straight, we do squabble from time to time,” Rollins told Sky Sports in January 2014. “We hang out all the time so we do get sick of each other but that’s how brothers are—and when it comes to going to the ring and kicking ass, we’re one of the same.”
Not only did Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns have each others’ backs, but they were each an education for the other, even before they debuted at the Survivor Series. This benefited the less experienced R Rollins may have been a relative newcomer to WWE, having arrived in developmental at the same time as Reigns, but he had nine years of lower league grind behind him, and in beating Austin Aries to become ROH World Champion on February 13, 2010, obviously had serious skills to offer. Ambrose was no slouch, trained by six-decade veteran Les Thatcher, he competed in ultraviolent matches for Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW), and dabbled with Gabe Sapolsky’s Dragon Gate USA. Between the two, they offered experience of the harsher realities of the professional wrestling industry that would serve as a fine influence on their jock partner.
As a unit, they meshed immediately. Their victory over Ryback and Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match at the following month’s TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs pay-per-view event – their debut match as a unit – was incredible. The weaknesses visible in Reigns’ singles outings on WWE NXT were concealed by the salvo of movement and props: it was the adroit Ambrose and Rolins who kept things moving, and steered Reigns. When the gang communicated with the public, it was the articulate Ambrose who did most of the talking. As one of three, Reigns always had a safety talk. To his credit, though, he took direction well and never embarrassed himself.
In the start/stop era, these three were a welcome exception. Green never turned red: WWE was dedicated to their push.
As a three-man squad, the scored victories over star teams at Elimination Chamber on February 17, 2013 (John Cena, Ryback and Sheamus) and WrestleMania 29 (Big Show, Randy Orton and Sheamus). On the April 26, 2013 episode of SmackDown taped in London, England, they destroyed The Undertaker and blasted him through a table with their now-familiar three-man powerbomb. “The Deadman” didn’t appear at another WWE event all year, something for which The Shield members were periodically given credit by the announcers.
At Extreme Rules on May 19, 2013, Reigns and Rollins defeated Kane and Bryan to capture the WWE Tag Team Championship. Even after The Shield lost a blinding Six-Man Tag Team Match to Orton, Kane and Bryan on the June 14, 2013 episode of SmackDown – their first official defeat by pinfall or submission as a triumvirate – they were reheated at WWE Payback two days later when Ambrose beat Kane by count out, and Rollins and Reigns defeated Bryan and Orton when Rollins pinned Bryan.
Reigns and Rollins were also supplied with an excuse when they dropped the WWE Tag Team Championship to Cody Rhodes and Goldust on October 14, 2013; Big Show interfered just prior to the finish. For newcomers, and heel youngsters at that, the presentation was in stark contrast to every other fresh act in WWE this decade. At Hell in a Cell on October 27, 2013 at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida, Cody Rhodes and Goldust successfully fended off the challenge of Reigns and Rollins and Jimmy and Jey Uso to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship. The brothers emerged victorious from a frenetic match after Rhodes pinned Rollins following a Cross Rhodes. The first seeds of dissension were planted among The Shield when Ambrose said that he was the only member of the group to hold a championship, drawing a cold stare from Reigns. At Survivor Series on November 24, 2013 at the TD Garden in Boston, Massachusetts, The Shield’s main muscle outlasted the competition in a 5-on-5 Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match to become the sole survivor—Reigns pinned Jimmy Uso, Rhodes, Goldust and Rey Mysterio with spears.
After losing to CM Punk in a Handicap Match at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs on December 15, 2013, Reigns triumphed over The Straight Edge Superstar in a singles match on the January 6, 2014 episode of Raw—the match featured interference from Ambrose, causing Punk to lose. With the victory, Reigns became the only member of The Shield to have beaten Punk. Following Punk’s departure from WWE, he revealed in an interview with Colt Cabana that he was constantly reminded by organization officials to make Reigns look “really, really strong” in the Handicap Match at TLC: Tables, Ladders and Chairs even though The Shield was scripted to lose. At the Royal Rumble on January 26, 2014 at the Consol Energy Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Reigns entered the 30-Man Royal Rumble Match at No. 15 and made history by eliminating a record twelve WWE Superstars. He eliminated both of his Shield teammates, and was the runner-up in the contest after being dumped from the ring by Batista. The following night on Raw, Daniel Bryan, John Cena and Sheamus punched their tickets to the Elimination Chamber by defeating The Shield to earn their way into the match. The trio lost the contest via disqualification after all three members of The Wyatt Family interfered and attacked Bryan, Cena and Sheamus.
Handing Over The Reigns
In 2002, WWE promoted Brock Lesnar as “The Next Big Thing,” a title that the Minneapolis native backed up in savage fashion. Debuting on the March 18, 2002 edition of Raw, Lesnar would have his first WWE Championship reigns sewn up within six months, raising the gold at SummerSlam. Initially, fans were unsure of how to respond to him, but killer performances in taking the title from The Rock and then making a bloody mess of The Undertaker at Hell in a Cell more than solidified his standing. Lesnar was quickly a hit, and a genuine star.
Entering 2015, Roman Reigns was the “next big thing” in WWE — the chosen one for the next generation. He had returned to action following three months after surgery to repair an incarcerated hernia, at which point WWE planned to put the rocket underneath him to build a WWE World Heavyweight Championship victory over Lesnar at WrestleMania 31. A feud with Big Show, however, proved a sluggish start to this final, giant push, as crowds reacted inconsistently, and occasionally tepidly, to the former Minnesota Viking.
Allied with a fear that Daniel Bryan’s return at the Royal Rumble might cause a reaction similar to Batista in 2014, even these best laid plans quickly became subject to change.
The company knows what it wants Roman Reigns to be, but will that be enough for the WWE Universe.
There’s no question about it — Reigns’ rise to be considered as the next WWE leading man has been nothing short of meteoric. A college athlete, Reigns, whose real name is Leati Joseph “Joe” Anoa?i, boasts all of the physical attributes that WWE could hope for. Playing as a defensive tackle — typically the role of the largest or most high-impact player on the team — he was an NFL prospect whose forecast was hindered by what the Vikings described as “personal reasons,” preventing him from making a big impression past a later spell in the Canadian Football League (CFL). It would be little over a year before he signed a developmental contract with WWE in July 2010, following an Anoa’i family heritage that includes his father (Sika of The Wild Samoans), his brother (Rosey of 3 Minute Warning) and first cousin (the late Yokozuna).
At 6-foot-3 and 280 pounds, Reigns had the sort of stature that Vince McMahon is known to love. Muscular, handsome, and a with flowing locks, he combined many of the characters that McMahon perceives to be heroic, and for the next two years, he developed his fundamentals in the developmental system (initially in Florida Championship Wrestling, which was re-branded as NXT in August 2012).
“I met Reigns when I got to FCW,” said former colleague Rob Naylor. “Initially, I felt he was a bit of a loner, but one year later, I saw him as one of the best and most humble guys around. He’s a super good dude who has the world of wrestling in his hands for the next decade.”
In an interview with Colt Cabana on the Art of Wrestling podcast in November 2014, CM Punk claimed to have devised the concept of The Shield, proposing to WWE brass that the group be made up of former independent wrestling standouts Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Kassius Ohno. WWE quickly replaced the latter — better known as Chris Hero — with Reigns, but the promotion clearly chose its man wisely.
“On the real, from the day we started and had this opportunity, it was, ‘Okay, screw everybody else in the world, we’re going to take over this company and this business for the next ten years, what it is,” Ambrose said in March 2014 in an interview with Reminder Publications. “We’ll fight whatever battles we need to fight together and we’ll stick together and have each other’s backs in circumstances.’ It was an all-for-one, one-for-all mentality. And we’ve done that and it’s been successful. I think you see that and it comes off as very real, ’cause it is real.”
“We are very different dudes away from the ring and have different likes when it comes to music, hobbies and women, and, because we have been with each other for a year straight, we do squabble from time to time,” Rollins said to Sky Sports in an interview in January 2014. “We hang out all the time so we do get sick of each other but that’s how brothers are—and when it comes to going to the ring and kicking ass, we’re one of the same.”
Not only did Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns have each others’ backs, but they were each an education for the other, even before they debuted at the 2012 Survivor Series. This benefited the less experiences R Rollins may have been a relative newcomer to WWE, having arrived in developmental at the same time as Reigns, but he had nine years of lower league grind behind him, and in beating Austin Aries to become Ring of Honor World Champion on February 13, 2010, obviously had serious skills to offer. Ambrose was no slouch, trained by six-decade veteran Les Thatcher, he competed in ultraviolent bouts for Combat Zone Wrestling (CZW) and dabbled with Gabe Sapolsky’s Dragon Gate USA. Between the two, they offered experience of the harsher realities of the business that would serve as a fine influence on their jock partner.
On air, the trio developed a knack for stealing the show. At Elimination Chamber in 2014, they contested a blistering brawl with The Wyatt Family that arguably should have been reserved for WrestleMania. At Extreme Rules, they followed up with an epic war opposite Evolution members Batista, Randy Orton and Triple H, on a night in which no-one could follow their well-timed high-spots, risky offense and main event storytelling. The triumvirate would combine for the final time on June 1, 2014, again squared off against Evolution, this time in a No Holds Barred Elimination Match in the main event of WWE Payback. The scrap arguably wasn’t of the same standard as their previous contest, but remained a wild, compelling affair, and significantly, much of the match structure and the manner in which certain sequences developed led viewers to believe that a big Triple H versus Roman Reigns singles match was soon to be on the cards. While this situation has still yet to manifest, Reigns did score the concluded pinfall on “The Game,” with the finality of the moment specifically designed to endear him to fans.
Although working as the group’s powerhouse — almost always portrayed by the least seasoned of the performers — it would be wrong not to afford Reigns his fair share of the credit for such exhilarating encounters. His exchanges with Triple H at both pay-per-view encounters were dynamite, as were the closing moments of the 2014 Royal Rumble, when the crowd cheered for him when he and Batista were the final two participants. He certainly isn’t as unsteady as the latter during the first year in the big time.
A massive singles victory came on August 17, 2014, when he cleanly took down Randy Orton at SummerSlam. While the bout was not a five-star classic, Reigns looked incredibly dynamic in the closing moments, demonstrating how well he could do the simple things. Generally, his power moves are successful in looking devastating, and his Spear and Georges St-Pierre-esque Superman punch are explosive finishers that fans are desperate to witness in person and on television.
Contenders For The Kingdom
When The Shield split, it was inevitable that Reigns would receive the lion’s share of WWE’s focus. As CM Punk also emphasized on the Art of Wrestling, it was made clear to him that “you gotta make Roman look really, really strong.”
Specifically, this referred to the 3-on-1 Handicap Match at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs on December 15, 2013. It was a preposterous concept, as Punk looking competitive against a unit that had terrorized trios all year wasn’t believable nor desirable. The fact that he was specifically informed to ensure Reigns’ standing was not harmed, however, spoke volumes about the company’s outlook.
Given that Rollins turned heel to split The Shield, it was initially feared that Ambrose would be the one lost in the shuffle. This did not happen, largely thanks to his ability to
something of a wild man with a sharp tongue and quick wit, he comes across as an unpolished diamond, oozing a dangerous charisma variant. Nonetheless, regardless of this ability and his undeniable effort, it’s clear that Ambrose is not a performer in whome the company has fai he hasn’t won a match on pay-per-view since The Shield dissolved, and his bouts with Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell and Bray Wyatt at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs were marred by ridiculous special effects finishes. In January, Wyatt and Ambrose were still treading water with a series that doesn’t have any sense of direction or impact whatsoever.
Likewise, Dolph Ziggler is over not because the company is enhancing his value with a sustained push or a good storyline, but rather because he connects through his obvious commitment to the cause. Simply, he’s respected by fans because of his athleticism and enthusiasm, and this played out most clearly at Survivor Series, when he was the sole survivor in the Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Tag Team Match between Team Cena and Team Authority. Ziggler looked superb throughout a deeply satisfying 45-minute contest, but he was back to being fodder in a gangrenous Authority angle.
WWE’s concern for fan opinion has never been lower, however, and only after the company realized that WrestleMania 30 would be ruined by Daniel Bryan supporters did it changes its mind about putting the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on Batista.
If the company fails to realize the folly of pushing Reigns too hard at the wrong time, the results will be as spectacularly bad on January 25, 2015 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as they were at the previous Royal Rumble.
The Cena Contrast
In comparison to current franchise player John Cena, WWE has something different in Reigns, and would be well advised to stay away from the template used to create Cena. The latter’s initial surge in popularity during the second half of 2003 largely manifested from him unleashing his inner rapper, with a cocky attitude and the street smarts to back it up. So far, it’s been far more difficult to define Reigns.
“When I first started wrestling, I got a lot of comparisons to a lot of different people,” said Reigns himself in an interview. “Razor Ramon, The Rock . . . I had a bunch of different qualities and characteristics of former guys.
“I’m not trying to be the next anybody. I’m trying to be the very first Roman Reigns — that’s all I can do. I’m not out to be somebody that I’ I know who I am, and I know where I come from, and I know where I want to go. It’s very flattering to be compared to someone who’s worked so hard and been so successful, [but] I don’t want what [Cena] has — I want what I’m going to get.”
One area in which Reigns fails the Cena comparison is in his promos, which in the build to the Royal Rumble felt particularly forced. Those who know the man well, or have seen him radio studios or non-WWE television appearances, recognize him as a sharp and witty talker who needs few words to make his point, and who last year was confident enough in himself to be filmed singing I’m a Little Teapot with his daughter, for a public service announcement on the importance of being a good father. Perhaps not surprisingly, then, he is clearly less comfortable in delivering long, unnatural promos, which is in stark contrast to Cena, who actually seems to relish such monologues, whether they make sense or not.
“So far, I believe Reigns has done well in most of his matches, but as for his on-screen personality, I don’t think long promos are his forte,” said former WWE referee Jimmy Korderas. “That said, I think it is perfectly fine to keep his mic-work short and direct. Just as with in-ring work, not everyone can be Heyman on the mic, but he will get better. Sometimes we as fans have to be a little patient with character development.”
Still, the last thing WWE wants is for Reigns to be afflicted by the same issues that make Cena both WWE’s top babyface and lead heel. The company, therefore, ought to heed the advice of the leader of the previous era, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, whose philosophy is that the most believable characters, who connect the strongest, come from within.
“I disagree with scripting,” Austin said flat-out. “I think the nature of the promo has to come from your heart and your guts, and you have to mean everything that you’re saying. Now is the perfect time to go back to that formula.”
Beware Of The Beast
Potentially, a huge factor in determining Reigns’ short-term future is entirely out of his control, and instead hinges on Brock Lesnar. If the current champion is indeed leaving to take a lucrative mixed martial arts deal, WWE may choose to take the title from him before WrestleMania, to avoid the legions of smart fans in Santa Clara, California from seeing the big picture all too clearly. At worst, such a situation could mirror Lesnar’s first departure from WWE in 2004, where his bout against Bill Goldberg at WrestleMania XX was turned on viciously by savvy Madison Square Garden spectators, who knew both men were talking away from WWE immediately thereafter.
As the world has become more cynical, especially where it comes to the coercive tactics of million dollar corporations, subsequent WWE events have also shown that fans will not necessarily comply to the age-old rule of cheering the babyface and booing the heel. This need not always be a problem, but in this situation, whomever faces Lesnar at WrestleMania must do so with genuine fan support and momentum. Unless WWE practices the long-forgotten art of subtlety, what occurs at WrestleMania is a foregone conclusion.
Positively speaking, Reigns’ return at WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs was greeted with a surge of enthusiasm from a receptive crowd. Dishing out a Superman Punch and Spear through a table on Big Show, Reigns saved John Cena from a loss to Seth Rollins, and immediately catapulted himself back to where he was before his injury. The following night on Raw, he interrupted a Fandango promo, before being confronted again by Big Show, punching the gargantuan grappler in the face to end the segment, much to fans’ delight.
WWE had some luck here, though, because this was a crowd that greeted Brock Lesnar as if he were a megastar, and cheered loudly for Cena, too. It was a good time to reintegrate Reigns back into storylines, but not every audience has been so receptive.
The Christmas-themed Raw that aired on December 22, 2014 boasted a match for which few found themselves excited: Reigns versus Big Show. The mood was very flat for the majority of the contest, as some fans amused themselves with chants of “Daniel Bryan! and even “Boring!” They did react once the power moves came into play, and the action spilled to the outside. Overall, though, Reigns received a mixed response, which he seemed capable overturning, until a count-out result turned cheers to groans.
Things turned from bad to worse the following week, when Reigns squared off against Seth Rollins. At least briefly considered to be the WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match at WrestleMania 31, the bout was shockingly bereft of spark until the final few minutes, after which Big Show interfered for the lame disqualification.
In terms of crowd response, there was no comparison to Daniel Bryan’s subsequent announcement that he would be competing in the 2015 Royal Rumble Match.
Ready To Rumble
At this point, given his shortcomings and the fragile relationship the company-backed babyfaces have with live crowds, it will an impressive effort on WWE’s part to reach its original WrestleMania goal. Whether it’s through showcasing Reigns’ personality in a more organic manner, developing a promo that works for him, or via tweaking his in-ring output, he will have to outperform other WWE talents who audiences believe are under-rewarded, such as the aforementioned Ambrose, Ziggler and Daniel Bryan.
“I think Brock versus Reigns should be the WrestleMania match,” Jimmy Korderas asserted. “This has been the direction they have been going in since August, and they have booked Reigns as the guys. You can debate whether or not he is ready yet, but if you pull the rug out from under him now, he may not recover, so now may be the time to pull the trigger against the one who put the one in 21-1.”
With the Royal Rumble imminent, Roman Reigns is a very impressive highlight reel, who has several attention-grabbing maneuvers at his disposal, and an edge that you cannot teach. Combined with his natural charisma, the potential is there for him to become that elusive “” a performer with enough force to appeal to more discerning fans, and a superhero to take over John Cena’s Make-A-Wish commitments.
“He’s an incredible promo that people have yet to realized,” explained Rob Naylor. “Plus, his in-ring has improved exponentially in all facets since I first met him. He is the future. Reign he’s going to shock people!”
It’s no secret that Roman Reigns has a rough dynamic with fans. His 30-day suspension for a violation of the WWE Talent Wellness Program isn’t going to help the mixed reaction he gets from the fans.
He’s going to have a very steep hill to climb when he returns to television at WWE Battleground on July 24, 2016. Vince McMahon, however, has a specific plan in place for his return.
According to Wade Keller of the Pro Wrestling Torch, The Chairman is planning a “redemption” storyline for Reigns once he returns to WWE programming.
McMahon wants to tell the story of how “the controversy” put Reigns down. He would then have to find a way to work his way back to what he was before and be even better than he was. McMahon feels if he creates a story in the way he would want it told, it may finally get fans to buy into Reigns and cheer for him.
This story is backed up after WWE told the world on Raw about Reigns’ suspension. Stephanie McMahon even called his failure an embarrassment to WWE. She’s not far off either as Reigns’ suspension surely didn’t make WWE look good. Roman was all over the news, and with WWE positioning him as their top guy, he let them down.
June 29, 2016 – There was a little more anticipation for the beginning of Raw than usual this week. Roman Reigns had been suspended for violating WWE’s Talent Wellness Program, but plans remain in place for him to compete in the Triple Threat Match at Battleground against Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins for the WWE Championship. To the surprise of many, and unlike many cases in the past, WWE decided to address the elephant in the room right off the bat.
Rollins did the honors by calling out Reigns’ indiscretion first, with Stephanie McMahon chiming in later in the segment. Both Seth and Stephanie called it an embarrassment. Fortunately, by addressing the suspension early, they were able to transition from Reigns to the night’ storylines. Shane McMahon’s absence allowed Stephanie to run the show, and the spotlight shifted to how the main event might change with Reigns unable to appear during the build-up.
Outside of Shane no-showing and Stephanie assuming full control for a night, the most interesting McMahon in regards to the whole Reigns fiasco backstage is Vince. He wanted to sweep Reigns’ Wellness Policy violation under the rug and almost pretend it never happened entirely. This possibly explains why the decision was made to keep Reigns in the WWE Championship Match at Battleground, even though there’s plenty of time to reverse course and an easy backup match to fall back on.
As far what caused the suspension, it is rumored that an amphetamine was detected in Reigns’ system. , it is a prohibited drug.
B. Stimulants
The non-medical use of amphetamine, methamphetamine, Ecstasy (MDMA), Eve (MDEA), MDA, PMA, Phentermine and other amphetamine derivatives and related compounds is prohibited.
Reigns is also rumored to have tested positive for marijuana, but that only carries a fine and not a suspension.
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