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『WEIP软件组』【aenea】Zombie Party 僵尸聚会
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游戏简介:这款《Zombie Party》是Chillingo为万圣节特别推出的僵尸题材的娱乐游戏。其中包含了4个娱乐性质的对战游戏:坦克、曲棍球、反弹球、还有一个类似冰壶的游戏。赶紧叫上你的朋友,一起来疯狂一把!
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Zombie Party这游戏有人玩过吗
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Title: Zombie Party
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Release Date: 10 Jun, 2016
Buy Zombie Party
Recent updates
I've got a bunch of big news!
First off, I spent a few weeks entirely reworking the networking code and the online play is nearly perfect now! No more lag, graphical glitches, and networking crashes! I need your help this week to test out the online and find bugs. Let me know anything you find!
Second, after nearly a year in Early Access, Zombie Party will be leaving Early Access next Friday (June 10th)!!!! As this is an exciting time, it does not mean that develepment for Zombie Party will stop. The game is at a good size with hours of content, and there's still a bunch of stuff im excited to add to the game! This will mainly allow me to move forward with bringing ZP to consoles!
I need help this week finding all the bugs! Ill be releasing frequent updates and working with you guys to get things compeletely stabalized. Thanks for your patience!
Major notes from 10.1 -
+ HUGE Networking overhaul - online play is 1000x better / lag-free.
+ Play with 4 people online seamlessly - with full controller support!
+ Graphics quality option - use low graphics to get better FPS.
+ Tutorial option is hidden from main menu, once played thru.
+ Left bumper now used to cycle item quickslots.
+ Tons of online fixes and enhancements, let me know what you think!
Major notes from 10 - (never had a formal announcement)
+ Huge graphics overhaul!
+ Pets! Rescue them from bosses, or find them in the dungeons!
+ Dogs, Cats, Faries, Elephants, Pigs, Birds, Robots, Porcupines, Snakes, Jellyfish, and more!
+ Pet Sanctuary! Relax, play with your pets, and check their stats!
+ Randomized Potions!
+ Procedural Melee weapons! Sometimes infused with magic!
+ Thrown weapons - grenades, bombs, firebombs, mines, stickies, etc...!
+ UI redesigned!
+ Funny drinks!
Thank you for everything guys!
This year has been incredible!
Ill soon be releasing a more focused list of the remaining features/content I plan to be adding to zombie party. Stay tuned!! n_n
Also, Check out Zombie Party from 1 year and 6 months ago -
Check out some of these old screenshots!
That was where it all began! :)
A few people were having issues with the pet system. I got all these issues fixed and the game should be in a completely stable state.
let me know if you run into any more issues!
Thanks for your patience guys! n_n
“Zombie Party looks fantastic...If you enjoy twin-stick shooters, get it as soon as possible.”
“A nice way to break up the usual rut of shooting zombies with your twin-sticks...a lot of fun.”
“A lot of fun weapons and powerups.”
About This Game
Zombie Party is a retro rampage of fun and over-the-top action, while still giving the players a deep and engaging Action-RPG Rogue-like experience! Go on a time traveling adventure, or delve deep into procedural dungeons full of gold, loot, and secrets! Unforgiving boss fights that challenge the players skills and abilities! Upgrade your guns with loads of gun mods and artifacts, find magic spell runes, potions, items, melee weapons, explore 10+ unique biomes each with its own enemies and bosses, discover 150+ unique guns and weapons, launch teddy bears that explode into fire, blow up your friends with heat-seeking missiles, and get to the final zone and try to kill the Dance King.
Travel through Time and different Dimensions in Adventure mode!
Online Multiplayer! Play with your steam friends!
Procedural Dungeons and Caves to explore with secrets to find!
Battle Hordes of Enemies and Fantastic Challenging Bosses!
RPG Leveling and permanent stat progression!
150+ unique guns to discover! Every gun is unique.
Animal AI companions! (to love and help you fight)
Items, Potions, and Melee weapons!
Rainbow blaster, huge energy beams, incendiary teddy bear launchers, grenade shotguns, and triple-fire rocket launchers!
Mod and Customize your guns using a modular weapon builder to create unique weapons of destruction!
Full Procedural Magic System with Elements! (used along side weapons)
Steam Leaderboards!
Full Controller Support!
Overwhelmingly Fun Multiplayer Experience!
Profile System that allows for tracking of Stats, Global Gold, Unlocks, and Custom Load-outs!
TONS of fun content to unlock - Characters, Guns, Hats, etc...
Procedurally generated Levels with Destructible Environments!
Intense Gameplay that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and keeps you coming back for more!
Loot! Get all the Gold you can! Buy all kinds of upgrades and unlocks!
Hidden Easter Eggs and Interactive Environments!
5+ total dungeons with big boss fight at the end! (3 Dungeons Currently...)
More PVP modes!
Story elements!
Supergun Creator!
More characters, more gun mods and artifacts, more hats, a little more everything!
Hey guys, I want to make Zombie Party the best game I possibly can, and your support makes this all possible.
You guys are amazing!
NOTE: If you suffer from epilepsy or are sensitive to flashing lights, please be careful when playing Zombie Party--we have a lot of them!
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP, Vista, or 7
Memory: 512 MB RAM
Graphics: 1 Ghz or faster processor
2016 Peach Pie Productions
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Very Positive
(376 reviews)
This game is AWESOME! Both myself and my wife love the ???? out of it. The game has zero hand holding so it's up to you to discover and figure everything out.
Let the power of the Rainbows and Teddy Bear cannons shed the blood and entrails of your enemies to clear the path to Salvation. Decent amount of quirky colorful guns, overpowered gun mods and artifacts, and tons of enemies to use it all on. Features a rogue-like system to build your character to be an unstoppable force of annihilation. Pure online multiplayer chaos.And cats to help kill ???? for you :3
Playing the hell out of this game right now. But barely any real server host, it's disappointing (Region Separation?).Insane killer game.
Zombie Party is the best game I've played so far in 2016. I don't need to tell you why. Play the damn game.
Product received for free
I was gifted this game as part of a giveaway, full disclosure, etc. But dont let that fool you. This a great game and I would have bought it if I knew just how awesome it was. It feels familiar, like some old school galliga, but with some serious teeth. This game is tough as nails. You'll progress slowly and play the same levels again and again, but that's fine with me because what makes this game so much fun isn't just the level design (which for a retro style game is pretty great all things considered) it's the unique enemies that instantly get harder and harder with each passing second and the seemingly endless types of weapons you are given to dispatch them. But the makers of the game don't make it easy on you because they limit ammo and health is the rarest of drops. Despite its simplicity, I keep coming back to it to play for about ten to fifteen minutes at a time. This game is worth your time.
Awesome funny game. You shoot zombies with friends. Yeah, just buy it.
Just like a normal party with zombies, except there is zombies at your party.
This game was surprisingly fun. As a big fan of two-stick shooters, I was pleasnatly surprised by the innovations made here and not often seen in other twin-stick shooters.First, you can jump. Being able to jump adds a whole new dynamic to mob kiting. Second, guns are moddable. There's a whole slew of gun mods and special artifacts that modify bullet proprties and bullet elements, respectively. Gunplay becomes incredibly dynamic when you can not only switch between ~10 different shotguns, but also customize the bullets themselves.There's a lot of game here. It's quirky, fairly well produced, and very imaginative. These guys make a great showing. I could make an argument for buying at $6, but it's worth the price at $8 too.
It's worth buy it , its lot of fun . many things to do . If have more money i will buy it for my friends FeelsBadMan BibleThump and it's cheap
This game is .... ????ing amazing ! Firstly, when I brough it years ago, it was a cool little game like rogue like and now .... Omg ! Amazing stuff, lots of weapons, customisation in and out of game, loot, magic, tons of ennemies, local multiplayer (up to 4 players) and now no more slow time due to the mess on the screen. This game is so good ! It's hard to find any default : the lovely old school design matche so well, the sound is great (????ing good music ! ) ... it's one of my best games !
Product received for free
Peach Pie Productions pride themselves on their 16-bit twin shooter, while I was pleased with myself for uninstalling the game and hiding it from my Steam library... To never be seen again.Read more...The game was released on 10th June 2016 by the developer Peach Pie Productions of whom, is just a singular guy called Ben from Kentucky. Zombie Party is aspired to be a 16-bit twin shooter action-RPG and rogue-like. But instead, all I see the game as is a 16-bit shooter with a hint of closing the game.Zombie Party has four different game modes that you can play which include: Adventure, Dungeon, Arcade and Deathmatch.Adventure mode puts you in a variety of different level designs and will continually give you waves of enemies until you reach the boss, of whom you'll then defeat and move onto the next area. Pretty simple gameplay, the boss is the hardest thing about adventure mode.Dungeon is where the game wants the rogue-like experience but it just doesn't fit the shoes, instead you'll run around mindlessly killing off each level and then jump in a hole and repeat. It's extremely mind-dulling and then, of course you'll hit a boss who is relatively hard and you'll continue to play the mind-dulling efforts of dungeon.Arcade is probably only there if you're character's stats are high, as you'll need to defeat 10,000 zombies within 5 minutes, which sounds easy but there are just so many and with a low-level character it's near-impossible. It doesn't help when you can't see your cursor because it's just white and it's in the middle of thousands of bullets somewhere.Deathmatch was probably my favourite mode because it wasn't as mind-dulling, but obviously this mode is pretty shocking when it's just playing with AI in a 1v1v1 on a small and enclosed map. But you can't play multiplayer because it's atrocious.Multiplayer claims it's been in beta since March, and in 3 months of beta I still feel like it shouldn't have been released. Once selecting a game, 8 out of 10 times you'll get an error about how you can't connect or it'll attempt to connect hundreds of times to no avail. And 1 out of 10 times you'll join a game to be greeted with an unfortunate amount of 1s and 0s covering the entire screen and you can't do anything. However, once you're in a game you'll finally think how amazing it is you can finally play with friends! Wrong. Completely wrong.The level of response that the game will give you when you use your controls is extremely slow therefore making the game almost unplayable and a shocking experience as I feel that since there is no depth in the game such as a story where
you'll continually collect coins by playing and buying stats, characters, guns that multiplayer would be the best option and for this game to work at-all, it needs to be worked on with the highest priority.According to people in the user forums and comments on the announcements, this isn't just my computer handling the game, it's a real issue that is in the game due to the development in Game Maker.The graphics are 16-bit and therefore don't look great but they're in the style where they don't look bad so I'll give some credit, although when playing you'll notice that over half of the enemies aren't even zombies, and that's just a let down.The music is fine, but the sound effects are poorly chosen. An example would be that when you pick up ammo you'll just here a click, one that you'll most likely have heard similar in other 16-bit games for when you get hit by a bullet and damaged, but nope. Not this game.The colour scheme for the game is crazy with so many colours it's hard to see what's even going on half the time, and that's only on the menu! Try actually playing the game.Clearly the game needs working on, the developer posted before they reached early access that multiplayer was completely fixed, when in fact it wasn't. Not sure how development is going to go over time but I'd definitely keep watch of this game if you're into 16-bit twin shooters, because there's probably some potential... Somewhere.3/10Zombie Party was released on the 10th of June 2016, and is currently priced at ?5.59 on Steam.Check out my website at:
Whoa! I just fired a bazooka that shot a stream of rainbows and still felt like a hardcore badass.
Amazing game, i love the play style. it reminds me of Nuclear Throne and Enter The Gungeon. would recommend to anyone who likes those 2 games i mentioned above
Product received for free
Really really fun! Didn't expect to enjoy it at all but it's so enjoyable with the amount of guns, mods and progression (saving up to buy pets)
What a great arcade style game. It is a bit expensive but it's honestly really fun and it's a great time killer. The game is updated more frequently than I originally thought it would be at the time I purchased it. I'm also very happy to see that they added an online mode.
This game is lots of fun. i just got started with this game too. so much to look forward too xD i would say this game is worth at least 20-25$
so 8$ is a great deal. i love just using my controller too cuz i can just lay in bed and play.
so far no crashes. the rumble pack stood on i had too restart the game but i was doing lots of random things on my computer and it hasn't happened again since that one time.
dungeon mode was the funnest for me. HAVE FUN!!
The game is fun but its hard to read anything due to the colors being so bright and the text being white.I'd still recommend this game though. Its got fast paced action, and most of the weapon upgrades are fun to use. You will rarely get a weapon upgrade that isnt fun.
HOLY FLYING DRUNK MONKEY BALLS!!!This game is what I can only imagine it would be like to pack your nose full of coke after drinking a glass full of liquid LSD while flying a jet at top burn speed.So yes, this is a enjoyable game.
One word: AWESOME!!!
So much chaos I can never see my cursor9.9/10 - would like to aim
So much chaos I can never see my cursor9.9/10 - would like to aim
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This game was surprisingly fun. As a big fan of two-stick shooters, I was pleasnatly surprised by the innovations made here and not often seen in other twin-stick shooters.First, you can jump. Being able to jump adds a whole new dynamic to mob kiting. Second, guns are moddable. There's a whole slew of gun mods and special artifacts that modify bullet proprties and bullet elements, respectively. Gunplay becomes incredibly dynamic when you can not only switch between ~10 different shotguns, but also customize the bullets themselves.There's a lot of game here. It's quirky, fairly well produced, and very imaginative. These guys make a great showing. I could make an argument for buying at $6, but it's worth the price at $8 too.
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What a great arcade style game. It is a bit expensive but it's honestly really fun and it's a great time killer. The game is updated more frequently than I originally thought it would be at the time I purchased it. I'm also very happy to see that they added an online mode.
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
24.2 hours already.... well.. where do I start?Alright.. first..This is a wonderful Earlly Access game that's already completed.Only reason it's in earlly access is some more wonderful content is being added! A shoot them up bullet hell game at it's very core that provide you with many different guns, magic and upgrades.Very simple to learn and play yet have some good depth if you want to do good in it.Though 20 hours of play the best i can do is reaching around rank 20 on steam leaderboard. I am sure i can do better...Just gota remember to jump those laser beams from disco zombie map...There are also quite a few different game mode that's fun to do.. like a dungeon crawler.. a time attack etc.You also can raise a zoo of pets that each have different ability to help you in dungeon.Pros:Lots of fun guns to use.Lots of great gun upgrade combinations.Nice simple controls.Very smooth game play.More content to be added!!!and reasonable game price!Cons:Coops is very chooppy and laggy at the moment.. recommending fixes before release to the public.some of the maps jumps is important. but it's hard to read depth.... maybe better shadowing to show the landing better?Some minor glich such as pass though walls.some minor gun glich that make it hard to see (like using a weapon that fire bright color bullets but with 3 growth/size up gun upgrade.. you cannot see where you going since bullet u fire is too big).I highly recommend this game as it's really hard to put it down.Score: 8.5/10 Source of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
(for Build 10.1)This rogue-like shooter game with a spark of RPG elements that steals your attention... at least for a while.You have 4 modes to play in. Adventure which throws waves of enemies at you with boss wave at the end, then you go to the next level. Dungeon mode, which is more relaxed and most interesting out of all the modes. You descend levels in order to advance and fight tougher enemies as you go. Walls are destroyable, so it gives you a nice way to strategize your moves. In both of these modes, there are also shopkeepers that let you buy more stuff. Then there is Arcade mode which is more like challenge mode where you need to kill a certain amount of enemies in a particular period of time given. And as last there is Deathmatch which takes players (or AI bots) against each other to decide who is better in head-to-head.Choose and customize your own character. You have coins which you earn by playing the game and you can either buy stuff for every next run you play (much like Rogue Quest) or you can buy weapons and ammo through shopkeepers during an ongoing run to get bigger chances current playthrough. On the way, you'll discover cages with pets and you can release them and making them helpful. Each pet has different ability and sometimes they are just that tiny help you need in tough situations.Weapons is where this game shines the most. The number of ways you can use attacks and combine them to build your own tactics is astounding. If you had enough Strength, it felt overpowering using just default weapon with spread and piercing mods + laser beam magic, you wouldn't need anything else until boss arrived. Combat seems fluid except few early hiccups where you need to get used to some game mechanics. And sometimes when there are too many enemies and other stuff you lose sight of things like crosshair etc., but that's expected in bullet hell types of games. Enemies are acting in simple attack patterns which will hopefully get more advanced in future updates.All in all, this game is on a good way to become whole package really soon. I would even say it might be ready to come out of the Early access in a month or two. And with friends, you'll have plenty of entertaining moments with this solid title.Rating:7.8/10Pros:Very high replayability - Especially Dungeon mode utilizes this nicely.Characters - lots of them and you can choose hats.Quickslots for extra attacks/magic - Who doesn't love magic.Piles of weaponry - Plus modfications, special weapons etc.Pets - They are useful and it's always nice to have a helping buddy.Possibility of multiplayerEarly Access - Bunch of things will probably be added in future updates.Cons:Framerate slowdown - There is apparent slowdown sometimes (about down to half of the normal speed), especially when the map is big and there are many enemies. Probably needs optimization in that area.AI behavior - Basic movement pattern of AIs when attacking. Most of the enemies do a simple straight line.Bosses - Bosses don't have much of unique strategies also, they all act mostly same. I would appreciate some variety Early Access - Still few minor things to iron out before the release.Hardware InformationHardwareTypeMonitorSamsung 40 LED 3D TVKeyboardC-TECH NereusMouseGenius NX-7000 RedSpeakersCreative Inspire TMotherboardGA-A55M-DS2CPUAMD Athlon II X4 651KGPUGigabyte Radeon HD7770 OCRAM8 GB RAM (Kingston)OSWindows 10 Professional (64bit)HDDSSD Samsung 850 Evo 250GBGame was provided by Peach Pie Productions but it didn't influence my review in any way.
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Game is fun, fresh and enjoyable. What is not fun is frequent crashes anytime you join online and intermittantly during transitions to new sections in the game. The gameplay is some of the most fun my friends and I have had in a long time, just very depressing to have to constantly restart the game. Boom line, would I reccomend this game...YES - Fresh fun whith a very lighthearted feel. Super crazy bullet hell game, just be prepared to struggle with crashes until some more of the bugs get worked out
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
Review Written on Sunday, May 29th, 2016 Review Zombie Party is a top-down shooter with some RGP elements. There are tons of unlockable characters and weapons that can be upgraded. You can also adopt pets to help you in combat. There's also multiple game modes, from the classic defeat horde after horde of zombies to a rogue-like dungeon crawling experience.The game play is solid, both in single player and in local-coop. With items and magic that you can use, weapon mods and upgrades, skill points to assign, expect a small learning curve. I strongly suggest doing the &How to play& tutorial to get a better feel of what the game has to offer. There's a variety of enemies and environment for each stage, and an unique boss that goes along with it, so the experience doesn't get stale. Although, it can still get a bit repetitive over time.Net play, on the other hand, isn't quite ready for prime time. It's laggy and choppy so it makes it hard to enjoy the game online. If you're buying the game for online play, then I suggest you wait until it's closer to the final release. There's no actual story line to the game, although I'm not sure how much this would be needed. The graphics have a nice retro feel but it sometimes make it hard to see what's going on when there's a lot happening on screen.All in all, it's a very enjoyable game for short bursts of shooting mayhem. The fact that you can unlock and permanently upgrade a ton of characters, weapons, and pets should keep you coming back for more.Rating: 8.6/10 Pros:
A plethora of unlockables and upgrades. Multiple game modes. A variety of enemies. Solid single player or local co-op game play. Well done retro graphics.
It's hard to see what you're doing when there's too much happening on screen. No story line. Just jump in and shoot stuff. It can get a bit repetitive over time. Some of the larger texts are actually hard to read. Net play is very laggy at the moment.
Disclaimer: Source of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
Review Written on Monday, May 30th, 2016 Review Zombie Party is an enjoyable and carnage filled Rogue-lite Action Arcade and Action-RPG game, via the different 4 modes available. You can tell that they put a lot of effort into the mechanics, with the RPG and Dungeon modes. Both are unique and have lots of variety to keep the game interesting. There are a lot of bosses and extensive challenges that makes this game have a ton of replayability. It progressively gets harder in the waves you encounter in the RPG mode. The Dungeon mode is neat in that it gives you more of a dungeon crawl, so it's a little slower than the standard action or rpg modes.Overall you can really get a lot out of this game with the amount on content already included. With the total carnage and an unending wave of enemies to destroy, you really get a lot of content and neverending arcade action. The game definitely has a lot going for it and I hope that it gets fine-tuned some more down the road. My only gripes is that a lot of the color from the background and foreground seem to get melded together as the action gets crazy, causing you to lose vision of the prospective horde of zombies and particles to avoid. Also the multiplayer still needs more work. If you love insane action games with some rogue-lite and rpg-lite style gameplay, then this game is for you!Rating: 7.3/10 Pros:
A crazy amount of guns at your disposable, with tons of upgrades to make a huge variety of options. Lots of options means lots of replayability, Also tons of great fun to be had with others in multiplayer. Good old arcade value gameplay, with lots of updates to give the game even more content in the future. The developers are constantly working on the game, so it gets lots of updates. Gamepad works great so far, with very tight controls. It also already has leaderboards,
Some of the colors and weapon effects seem to get blended together with the amount of monsters with their own attacks and effects, causing a lack of distinct targets that can be seen. The menu options need some refinement, they are a little hard to read. The text blends too much with the background. Multiplayer mode still needs work, it can lag for some reason. Needs to get a story for RPG mode to make things interesting, maybe some humorous style or combination. :) Early access, so it has some bugs, but that is how things are in that stage of development. It is still pretty well done so far, even if its not complete yet. Disclaimer: Source of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
DISCLAIMER: Peach Pie Productions has provided me a key to try out this game. My review, however, is not affected by this action and will rate this game accordingly. REVIEW
Zombie Party is a rogue-like game with a nice touch of RPG elements. This game honestly caught me by surprise. I thought I’ll be trying it for a couple of rounds, close the game and then write a review. But no, instead I tried all kinds of modes and try to get a higher score on the leader boards. The game is easy and it’s addicting. Every death just makes you want to do a better job on the next one. Even though it was stated from start that this game is still in early access alpha stage, I honestly feel that this game is close to being a complete game. PROSCharacter Selection – No single character is the same as the previous one, each has their own different stats and starting weapons. There are few characters that are recognizable to most like Agent 48, Jason, Daft Punk, Robin Hood, and more.Weapon Variation – With over 150 weapons to choose from, ranging from a generic firearms like handgun to unique weapons shooting rainbows. This game will surely satisfy you.Weapon Modifications – You can add up to three different runes to your weapons such as piercing, additional damage, spread shots and many more. Not only runes, but you can also add artefacts that could burn your enemies on hit or poison them.Enemies/Bosses/Maps – Each map has its own set of enemies and a final boss. With this, it won’t be easily become repetitive as most rogue-like game does.CONSCheckpoints – There are none. Whether you’re in a Dungeon or Adventure mode, once you die, you’ll have to restart again. I know this is a rogue-like game, but maybe atleast give us an option for that? It’s already bad enough that you have to start at the same map, with the same enemies each time you start. Frame Rate Drops – For a game with this kind of graphics, even with the number of projectiles coming at you, I didn’t expect to experience some fps drops.
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
I loved the game Zombie Party, a nice intense, bullets flying all over the screen, zombies trying to chomp on your head.
Loads of buy-able characters, each of them have a unique weapon they come equipped with, whether it's a bow and arrow, a molotov cocktail, or the classic assault rifle.
The game has so many weapons and characters you won't even know what to do.
The game features 4 different game modes, Adventure, dungeon, arcade and deathmatch.
I only really fiddled around in Adventure mode.
The game really has something for everyone, any fan of bullet hellesqe games will be in love.
The game features RPG elements such as upgrading your character skill levels.
You can play this game for hours upon hours of mindlessly casual zombie killing fun.
pros Fun and exciting gameplayfrantic actiondifficult without being overly difficult
Destroy everything... EVERYTHING... cons sometimes the action can be too frantic which makes it difficult to know what's going on.
I suppose that's joy of playing a bullet hellesqe game though.
So I suppose this could go either way.Money is slow going, especially considering how much you need to actually buy all the characters, upgrade all the skills and get all the weapons and upgrades. Multiplayer is like... meh..
but you don't need multiplayer for the game to be really fun. Recommendation I absolutely loved this game, my only problem was I couldn't find enough time to play it.
I can see myself going back and putting hours upon hours into this game.
Don't let my limited play time fool you, this is an amazingly fun game that any fan of running and gunning, zombie slaying, wheeling and dealing, kiss stealing should buy.
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
Zombie Party is a shooter game, your task is to clear the waves on each map. There are similiar games with different graphic like nation red and some other but i dont remember the name of those games. Iam pretty sure there are a few with pixel graphic aswell but i dont think i played any.Zombie party is very entertaining, could be played for a short time. The game has a lot deep, the variety of guns and upgrades and the ability to build up your character as you want add a lot of hour to your gameplay. There are a lot of map, plenty of enemy types and bosses, this game offer a lot for its price to anyone who like this genre.Pros:There are plenty of different guns availablemillions of gun upgrade, variety ftwgameplay is ok, not confusingeasy controlsgame is in early access but i dont know why, could be released as it is after a coop patch, so if EA means more content its just another +killing zombies and monsters are allways fun:-)lots of different game modesCons:minor map bugs and annoying jumpcoop not very smooth, laggy and badname choise, no clue why its zombie party, for me it looked so that not even half of the enemies are zombiestoo short resting time between waves, not enough time to spend your coins peacefully or loot upThe game is ok for its genre, you get what you will see on store page, no traps, 8/10 score for its genreSource of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
Zombie Party is a “rogue like” action-RPG that is simple in nature but surprisingly fun and addicting. There are several game modes available, tons of weapons and upgrades, plenty of different enemies (NOT just zombies), procedurally generated destructible environments, single-player and multi-player (both online and local). Game modes:Adventure“A time traveling RPG adventure”. You face 5 waves of enemies with increasing difficulty and a boss fight after that. There is a quick break after each wave when you can buy/sell items, weapons & upgrade your character. Once the boss is dead you teleport to a new world. This mode is equally fun in single-player as well as co-op. Dungeon“A dungeon-crawling rogue-like experience”. Pretty similar to “Adventure”: 5 dungeon levels end with a boss fight. The main difference is that you don’t have to kill all the enemies, you just need to find an entrance to the next level. Although killing everyone and collecting all the loot helps you progress faster and you will definitely need it as it only gets harder the lower you go. Some of the dungeons are quite tight with plenty of narrow passages which makes fighting more challenging. For the same reason I prefer to play this mode solo.
Arcade“Try to kill 10,000 zombies in 5 minutes Go for the high score.” Pretty self-explanatory. Try to survive for 5 minutes against a looot of enemies. Deathmatch3-minute mayhem, 2 to 4 players. This is actually much more fun than it sounds. You start in a relatively small room but massive explosions alter the size and the shape of the room making it bigger. You fight for survival and weapon drops. Player with most kills wins. This is a perfect party mode. You definitely want to play this with friends (you can play with bots as well). Pros:
Nice pixel graphics and great chiptune music (seriously, music is good).
Hundreds of different weapons, mods and upgrades. A lot of different enemies (not just zombies) and unique looking environments. RPG elements (leveling, stats). You level up during a playthrough but also earn coins to improve your character’s stats permanently. Addicting gameplay with a lot of replay value.
Pets that you can find or buy. They will fight and level up alongside you.
Online and local co-op / deathmatch to play with friends and a full controller support.
Cons? I am surprised to say there aren’t many. I haven’t encountered any major issues so I am just nitpicking here to be honest:
My only major complaint is that the game only run at 30 FPS and with so much action and movement going on it could really use 60. Vsync helps eliminate screen tearing.
Depending on the background, text can be impossible to read. Fonts are bulky and awkward looking in general. Inventory window is tiny. I would really love if this game had Steam achievements. According to the developer they are coming in one of the future updates so it’s not a big deal. Bottom line: This feels like a solid complete game, not an early access title. It is fun to play. I have not noticed any major glitches. There is more than enough content as it is to keep you entertained and there are more updates on the way. If you are remotely interested in this type of games, don’t skip Zombie Party. Well-deserved thumbs up. Gameplay video: PC Specs
Hardware Type
CPU Intel Core i7 GHz
GPU Nvidia GTX 970
OS Windows 10 PRO
Disclaimer: A copy of the game was provided for reviewing purposes. However, this did not influence my review in any way. Source of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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Early Access Review
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Review Written on Monday, May 30th, 2016 Review Despite still being in Early Access this is a very polished game - it is very close to complete. Modes include Adventure, Dungeon, Arcade and Deathmatch. An easy game to pick up, and hard to put down, this addictive twin-stick shooter is great fun - particularly in local or online multiplayer. Very much worth the sub-?6 price tag! Rating: 9/10 Pros:
Weapon Choice - A vast array of projectile and melee weapons allows for great variety in play. Soundtrack - Great electronic soundtrack which is easy to listen to and fits well with the gameplay. Learning Curve - Very easy to pick-up and play first time. Within a minute I was playing and surviving the first few rounds. The difficultly arcs quite nicely, and never feels too easy. Weapon Perks - Adding further variety to the massive weapons pool, the weapons powerups stack on individual weapons to
Lack of save game - Even in Adventure mode, youre always starting from the very beginning every time. This is obviously a characteristic of the Rogue-like genre, but this would really be set apart by the ability to save your progress and pick up while you left off.
Hardware Information
Hardware Type
Monitor BenQ GW80
Headphones Logitech Wireless Gaming Headset G930
Keyboard Gamdias HERMES Lite Mechanical Keyboard
Controller Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
Mouse Sharkoon Fireglider
Microphone Logitech Wireless Gaming Headset G930
Motherboard msi sli x99 plus
CPU Intel i7 5820k
GPU GeForce GTX 980
OS Windows 7
HDD 256GB SSD + 2 x 1TB HDD + 1 x 8TB NAS
Disclaimer: Source of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Zombie Party on 5 February, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Product received for free
Received this game in a giveaway last year during Early Access. I've played it on and off, and I really love it. There's multiplayer, exciting boss fights, unique weapons and a really cool ability system for weapons. The dev updates this pretty often, and it's very fun to play. 10/10.EDIT: You can run this game on a toaster.
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Early Access Review
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50% Crazy, 50% Colors, 100% Fun Early AccessThis game is still in early access, but unlike almost every other early access title, this one feels complete. There is a very high level of polish to the game, tons of weapons, 2 great gameplay modes, lots of replay value. I might have only 4 hours played on my account, but I played a lot in local coop at a friends house and will play a lot more once I get the time.About the gameZombie Party is a rogue-lite action-rpg where you fights tons of monsters at the same time. There is currently several game modes to the game:Adventure: It is a fast-paced battle in an arena where you fight waves of enemies in a restricted area.Dungeon: It is a mode that gives you more freedom to walk, explore and battle at your own pace.Arcade: Try to kill 10k enemies as fast as possibleDeathmatch: PVP mode to play against your friends.The adventure mode is the one I played the most, you customize your character with weapons and stats that you can upgrade using the money you earn by killing waves of monsters. Every 5th wave is a boss wave with a special monster battle that will challenge you in different ways. There is also a shop keeper that appears between each waves to let you buy ammunitions, food and weapons to help you survive as long as possible. The only downside is that you have to start the adventure mode from scratch every time you play it. Having a way to start from the first stage after a boss wave would be really appreciated.Pros:
Lots of replay value Great multiplayer fun Fun weapons Breakable environement Tons of monsters to kill Classic and Dungeon modes Cons:
Online multiplayer is a bit laggy Having to restart every time you die, the adventure mode could be split in chapters to solve this It takes a lot of time to gather money to buy things, not casual player friendly Rating:8.5/10 Disclaimer: Source of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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Product received for free
I got this game for free as part of a giveaway but would have gladly paid full price for it. Really fun and fast paced bullet hell twin stick shooter with lots of replayability, every run is different from the last. I haven't tried multiplayer yet but the singleplayer is good enough that you wouldn't need it.
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I haven't played it for long yet but the concept is obvious. You know that horrible phone game that is supremely well made and charges you out the ??? for upgrades? You know what I mean. That one action game that got past your radar because it's got everything you want - mindless fun, internal consistency to the classes of enemies that lets you make up little stories for them in your head while you play, beautiful animation.Of course, it was a phone game, so there was a catch - the little spaceman outfit you thought would be so cute was $20 of hard-earned cash. And let's not even talk about what it cost you to get that sniper rifle - you'd have to do the walk of shame out of the room while your friends laughed at your dejected rear end. (Yes, your butt would be dejected too. It's attached to the person who spent $99 to play their game, the way they wanted.)Zombie Party is that game. Minus the butt of shame. Well made, perfectly animated, would be in classic videogame toplists if it was made 25 years ago. Just some shooting, satisfying booms, careful adrenaline flow (some crazy parts, some less so), and strategy to boot. Pop it in, play it for five minutes, and your sleepy eyes will turn into bright awake and with a smile.It's like an energy drink as a video game, but with lots of customization and no real money to have to spend after you buy it.
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
EARLY ACCESS REVIEW---I received this game from the developer in order to review it. You will get my honest feelings about the game (both good and bad).---Review Written on Thursday, May 26th, 2016ReviewThis review is based on my time playing with update #10. The game is considered to be a Stable Early Access Alpha.This is a great game at this point and seems to be getting better by the day. If you look at the user tags on the store page, you will find there are quite a few listed. I find the major tags are Action, Adventure, Twin Stick Shooter and Dungeon Crawler. When you first start the game you are presented with a menu which gives options to start a game, take a tutorial, visit the pet sanctuary, edit options and see your statistics. The 4 options to play once you start a game are adventure. dungeon, arcade and deathmatch. Each different game type gives you a different type of gaming experience depending on what you want. The main idea of the game (at least for me) is to collect coins in game in order to unlock characters and upgrade stats while surviving the mobs of enemies attacking you. There are other things to spend your gold on but these things were what I really wanted to concentrate on. There are a load of things to collect and do while in game such as collecting weapons and weapon mods to make your guns even more powerful. There are runes to collect which give you magic abilities and even pets to unlock which will fight by your side (see more on this in the cons section). The replay factor here is massive as there are a boat load of things to unlock and the gold doesnt exactly come easily.In the following section I will try and touch on a few of the things that make this game so great and also a few of the things that could still use a little bit of work. Please keep in mind that the game is still considered an EA Alpha game and there will be things that need work but this game has come quite far from where it started and the developer is constantly releasing updates for bug fixes and new features. I expect that within a few more months it will be ready to come out of Early Access and have all the bugs worked out.Rating:8.5/10Pros:The replayability of this game is quite high. There are many things to unlock and with the online multiplayer just recently introduced the sky is the limit with this game!Weapon variety is massive here. With over 150 different weapons at this point plus weapon mods, there is practically an unlimited number of ways to destroy your enemies.Having Steam Leader Boards is a great way to keep people coming back to try and smash those highscores.This game was built to be used with a controller. I played a bit with the keyboard and mouse and it was all right but when I got going using the controller, it just seemed so much more smooth and easy to play.The developer is actually listening to the community and adding new features, new game modes and fixing bugs as they appear. With the work put in so far and the list of things to come, I cant see this not being a huge hit and we the players benefit most.Cons:Not sure if this is an issue for just me or not but I can't seem to get anything to do with pets working. The game crashes when I go into the pet sanctuary at the opening menu. Also if I play the game and a pet drops and I free it from its crate, the game crashes and I lose all my coins saved up to that point. Even though it says this issue has been addressed at this point, It hasn't for me.There is alot to spend coins on but there are not many coins awarded based on how long you play. Maybe increase the coin drop rate a bit but not too much because if you unlock everything too quick then the main reason to keep playing deminishes.This isn't a major con but steam achievements and trading cards would be beneficial. Everyone loves collecting trading cards and not that it is needed but steam achievements would be another reason to keep playing!Another suggestion would be to get 4 packs of this game to sell on steam. The game at its core is much better to play with friends. It is even in the title &Zombie PARTY& What is a party with no friends???Disclaimer:Source of Consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
Review Written on Thursday, May 26th, 2016 Review Zombie Party is a fast paced all action shooter where you get to kill various baddies with an impressive array of weapons and spells. There are 6 modes of play at the moment including Adventure, Dungeon, Arcade, Deathmatch, Online Beta and pet sanctuary. The game is in ALPHA at the moment but it is surprisingly playable for an alpha game. I think this shows how much the potential the game has if it is this good in alpha. The playability is wonderful and the dev really has captured the perfect speed and movement of the character. They are not too slow or too fast and you always feel like you are in control of the character. A really important ingredient in any shooter. You can choose from 5 characters who each possess a different skill set. The skills are Strength, Hit Points, Speed, Magazine size, Fire power and Luck. I can recommend this game in its current state especially as the developer is actively seeking suggestions and bug reports. A great chance to add a feature you might see as fun. The game is quite difficult but not impossible. There are obviously a few bugs flying around especially in the multi player online side and this needs to be developed. The game at the moment lacks replayability in my mind as even though it is great fun blasting baddies with massive explosions and an impressive arsenal of weapons, each mode feels like the same thing again and I found that once I got killed I couldnt be bothered to start all over again from the start. I have suggested that there should be some mode where you can continue the game and I hope that is implemented. Rating: 7.0/10 Pros:
Great Playability - The characters have the perfect speed and manoeuvrability. Online play - Even if it is a bit broken at the moment. Online Leaderboards A willing developer who wants to hear your suggestions and fix bugs. A great array of weapons and the sight of multiple explosions is impressive to see.
Maybe a bit repetitive at the moment Bugs are present and certain modes are in development but it is still a playable game now and it is in alpha!
Hardware Information
Hardware Type
Headphones Turtle Beach Earforce X12
Keyboard Corsair Raptor K40
Controller Microsoft Xbox 360
Mouse Trust GXT 25
Microphone Turtle Beach Earforce X12
Motherboard ASRock Z97 Extreme 6
CPU QuadCore Intel Core i7- MHz 44 x 100
GPU Gigabyte GeForce GTX 760
OS Windows 81
HDD Crucial M550 512GB SSD
Disclaimer: Source of consideration: PeachpieProductions
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Early Access Review
Product received for free
Review Written on Sunday, May 26nd, 2016 Review I see a game that reminds me of my days in the arcades.
Flashing colors, 8 bits of sound and pixels and that youthful feeling when I look at this game.
Zombie Party in every way feels like an old arcade game, replace keyboard with a few buttons and mouse with a joystick and your feeling nostalgic all over again. Zombie Party comes crashing at us with everything you could want in a classic arcade game with different modes from standard arcade mode where your met with several waves then need to defeat a boss to make it to the next level, to survival see how long you can hold out against a nonstop hoard for 5 minutes, to a dungeon run where you go down levels to find new items and new waves of harder and harder baddies.
Add the fact that there are tons of weapons and weapon customizations with a few dozen characters and you have hours of good grinding at your disposal.
Level up get pets and beat your way to the high score.
Want even more fun, well what fun is a party without friends to join in on the action. The multiplayer mode (currently not stable) gives you the same feeling but with your friends making for more intense firefights and fast paced gameplay. Want even more fun, well what fun is a party without friends to join in on the action. The multiplayer mode (currently not stable) gives you the same feeling but with your friends making for more intense firefights and fast paced gameplay.
While this game still feels very alpha, the mechanics are tried and true and will keep you entertained for many hours. Great game for maybe around a $10 price range, and probably would be made better if steam allowed it to be sold in a 4 pack so friends can instantly gift it to their friends and start a Zombie Party all their own.Rating: 7/10 Pros:
Skill points to increase your favorite character Pets make collecting loot and perfoming other functions all that much better when your dispatching hoards of enemies Dozens of characters so your not stuck with just a few choiceslevels change from play to play, leaving the game feeling less grindy and more challenging
Customizable weaponry coupled with items and magic make sure you have plenty of ways to dispose of your foes. Cons:
Many flashes tend to make the game hard to see at times. options menu tends to be a little hard to see with the way the dark text is on the dark background.enemies feel a tad flat and the same from level to level. Hardware Information
Hardware Type
Monitor xerox analog 16 inch DVI-D
Headphones Afterglow prismatic 51 wireless
Keyboard Patriot Viper
Controller Controller
Mouse Patriot Viper
Microphone Afterglow prismatic 5.1 wireless
Motherboard ASUS 970 pro gamingaura
CPU AMD ghz 8core
GPU asus GTX750 Titan overclocked
RAM 3X4gb patriot 1600
OS windows 8.1
HDD 2 WDD 2TB HDD Hitatchi 1TB
Disclaimer: Source of consideration: Peach Pie Productions
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