电影a robin hood bill的观后感

沙普的挑战  骑士蒂朗  奥马尔传奇  大鼻子情圣  火与剑  浮华荣耀  圣钟  安拉的使者-----默罕莫德  十字军  天方夜谭  马可波罗  终极天将  玛丽与罗宾  龙之心  亨利五世  地狱骑士  万世英雄  皇帝的密使  国王之路  理想国  太阳王公  格林瓦尔德  伊丽沙白一世  太阳王--路易十四  高地人  乱世情缘  守夜人  特里斯坦和伊索尔德  TO KILL A KING(叛徒与英雄)  四个火枪手  游牧战神  MERLIN(梅林的徒弟)[Q]  尼伯龙根的指环  THE MISTS OF AVALON(阿法隆之谜)  海盗传奇  疯狂的贵族  圣战五骑士  匈奴王阿提拉  华伦王子  怪谈  JOAN The Maid(圣女贞德监狱篇)  THE HEADSMAN(刀斧手)  亚历山大·内夫斯基  龙与地下城  鹰狼传奇  WESTENDER  PRINCE CHARMING  时间线  LANCELOT Of THE LAKE(武士兰士诺)  黑狮  WOLFHOUND(猎狼犬)  BEOWULF AND GRENDEL(贝奥武夫与怪兽格兰戴尔)  THE DARK PRINCE(黑暗王子:德古拉)  黑暗时代  黑骑士  THE HEXER(屠龙记)  FIRST KNIGHT(剑侠风流)  麦克白  WARRIOR ANGELS(战士天使)  Gryphon(鹰怪)  东罗马的缔造者-----------君斯坦丁大帝(BBC)  勇敢的心  Artemisia(欲海轮回)  冬狮  JOAN of arc(圣女贞德)  圆桌骑士  勇敢的皇后  蒙哥拉  十三勇士  理查三世  铁血武士  佣兵传奇  罗宾汉历险记  侠盗罗宾汉(BBC剧)  秘密会议  亚瑟王  马丁路德  冷血奇兵  劫后英雄传  第七封印  天国王朝  征服者  Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves(侠盗王子罗宾汉)  亚历山大大帝  蒙乔莘  终极奇兵[Q]  伊凡雷帝  神的战士  万世千秋  The Man Who Would Be King(大战巴墟卡)  铁面人  Profession of Arms(职业武器)  奥马尔传奇  万世英雄  新麦克白  英国战争(BBC)  江山美人  新月与十字架-十字军东征(纪录片)  罪孽的代价  神谴之日  圣战骑士
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出门在外也不愁电影 完美世界 1993 求一段英文的影评 拒绝谷歌直接翻译 不需要太深奥 300词左右
Clint Eastwood's A Perfect World is a competent, engrossing, and very well-acted film. However by the time it's over, you may come to the conclusion that it doesn't have as much to say as it thinks it does. The film has a number of strengths, but it just doesn't gel together as completely as most viewers would hope.The story deals with two escaped criminals who kidnap a young boy and lead the police on a manhunt across Texas for them. The two escapees are hardly alike in their mannerisms and disposition, and soon it is just the intelligent one (Costner) and his young hostage who seems increasingly happy to be along for the ride. Clint Eastwood plays the head of the Texas Rangers (not the baseball team!) who leads a small group in not-so-hot pursuit of Costner and the boy. Laura Dern is along for the ride as a criminologist who keeps wanting to humanize Costner's character. There is also a smarmy FBI agent in the mix that is basically the embodiment of what Hollywood thinks of the US government. If ever there was a paper scarecrow of a character, than this guy is it. As the manhunt progresses, it becomes clear that Eastwood has a past with the Costner character, and would just rather he crossed the state line and became someone else's problem.Costner and the boy, on the other hand, seem to be having a blast getting into one hairy situation after another with various small town types they come in contact with. Honestly, Costner has never been better than with this Butch Haynes character. His chemistry with the boy is exceptional to say the least. The boy has been raised as a Jehova's Witness, which is basically the Taliban wing of Christianity. He has also been without a father, and Costner finally gives him the opportunity to have some fun and bond with an adult male. Things turn very ugly in a surprisingly violent climax at a sharecropper's home. The events which transpire in that house are something you will not see coming.There are some glaring problems with this film, though. Movies and other forms of entertainment have romanticized criminals to no end over the years as far back as the tales of Robin Hood. Costner's Butch Haynes character is just too intelligent and affable to be the kind of criminal he is reputed to be. A person with his charisma would just simply not be rotting away in a prison despite what was done to him at an early age by the authorities and his parents. The film has some glaring lapses in action, and a conclusion that takes WAY too long to work itself out. Eastwood does score points by doing a marvelous job of recreating rural Texas in 1963. It really does feel like you're riding along in the car with Costner and the boy.
Robin Hood was a legendary English outlaw. Some people believe he was a real person but most do not. In the story, Robin Hood lived with his band of merry followers in Sherwood Forest in Nottinghamshire. They wore green suits and pointed caps, and they were gay and bold. Robin Hood and his men had many exciting adventures. The Merry Men robbed the rich and gave money to the poor. Robin Hood fought the sheriff of Nottingham, a corrupt official who treated the poor badly. So he became a hero of the common people. Robin Hood was a great archer. He never missed his target. He travelled around the country in many different disguises so that no one knew who he was. Whenever Robin Hood got into trouble he would blow his horn and his men would come to help him.Friar Tuck, Little John, and Maid Marian were the best-known members of his band. Friar Tuck was a fat, jolly priest. Little John stood more than 7 feet tall and was known for his great skill with a bow and arrow. Maid Marian was Robin Hood’s sweetheart.Although Robin fought and robbed landowners, church leaders and government officials, he and his band respected the ruling king, RichardⅠ. In many stories, the king disguised himself and joined the Merry Men, in order to capture Robin. But the king then discovered that Robin Hood and his fellows were honourable people and pardoned them.


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