
有一首歌很好听我想知道歌名,开头是一个小孩说英文然后有个人说唱,其中歌词有你爱他_百度宝宝知道Any Other World--MikaIn any other world(在任何一個的世界)You could tell the
difference(你總可以指出不同)And let it all unfurl(打開你的心房)Into broken
remnants(迎向這殘破的世界吧)Smile like you mean it(試著真心地微笑吧)And let yourself
let go(別想這麼多了)Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter
man(因為一切都在上帝的掌握之中阿)Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in(醒一醒
向曾經是你的一切的小世界說再見吧)Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely
heart(上台一鞠躬,然後好好扮演你的寂寞芳心)Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived
in(醒一醒 向曾經是你的一切的小世界說再見吧)To the world you thought you lived
in(曾經是你的一切的小世界)I tried to live alone(我曾試著一個人堅強)But lonely is lonely,
alone(但一個人的寂寞是如此難熬)So human as I am(身為一個人)I had to give up my
defences(我也只好卸下我的心防)So I smiled and tried to mean
it(所以我試著擠出一個真心微笑)To let myself let go(試著別這麼執著)Cos it's all in the
hands of a bitter, bitter man(因為一切都在上帝的掌握之中阿)Say goodbye to the world you
thought you lived in(醒一醒 向曾經是你的一切的小世界說再見吧)Take a bow, play the part of a
lonely lonely heart(上台一鞠躬,然後好好扮演你的寂寞芳心)Say goodbye to the world you thought
you lived in(醒一醒 向曾經是你的一切的小世界說再見吧)To the world you thought you lived
in(曾經是你的一切的小世界)Cos it's all in the hands of a bitter, bitter
man(因為一切都在上帝的掌握之中)Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in(醒一醒
向曾經是你的一切的小世界說再見吧)Take a bow, play the part of a lonely lonely
heart(上台一鞠躬,然後好好扮演你的寂寞芳心)Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived
in(醒一醒 向曾經是你的一切的小世界說再見吧)To the world you thought you lived
in(曾經是你的一切的小世界)Say goodbye to the world you thought you lived in(醒一醒
向曾經是你的一切的小世界說再見吧)Say goodbye(說再見)In any other world(在任何其他的世界)You
could tell the difference(你總可以指出不同)I never ever, I forget my
story.(我永遠無法忘懷我的過去)My face is not sad, but inside, I am sad.(我不會表現出我的哀傷
但在內心深處 我悲痛欲絕 )
这个答案不定时更新。听到能单曲循环的歌都会来M一下。欢迎关注。&br&&br&&b&Sep 2, 2015更新&/b&&br&感谢大家的赞和关注,好久没有更新新歌了,原因不是因为偷懒,而是这半年我实在是没听到特别满意的歌,但是又不愿意将就着推荐给大家【摊手笑】。今天看到评论区有知友想听歌,那就把我最近一段时间认为“还可以”的英文歌分享给大家~&br&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.56.chqCNO& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Terrified (Acoustic Tribute to Katharine McPhee and Zachary Levi)-Corey Gray, Terrified (Acoustic Tribute to Katharine McPhee and Zachary Levi)MP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&br&&blockquote&You, by the light is the greatest find&br&你像一道光,珍贵的宝藏&br&In a world full wrong you're the thing that's right&br&颠倒的世界,你才是真理&br&Finally made it through the lonely to the other side&br&度过了寂寞,通往未知的殿堂&br&You said it again, my heart's in motion&br&你呢喃着,我的心在触动&br&Every word feels like a shooting star&br&你的每一句话,如划过的流星&br&I'm at the edge of my emotions&br&我站在感情的边缘&br&Watching the shadows burning in the dark&br&看着影子在黑暗中燃烧&br&And I 'm in love and I 'm terrified&br&我坠入了爱河,我惊慌失措&br&For the first time in the last time in my only life&br&只因为由始至终,你是我的真爱&/blockquote&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.xDLdNF& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&This Is What Makes Us Girls-Lana Del Rey, This Is What Makes Us GirlsMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&打雷姐难得有一首歌是节奏强烈的,不过还是让人很舒服~&br&&br&&blockquote&This is what makes us girls&br&We all look for heaven and we put our love first&br&Somethin' that we'd die for, it's our curse&br&Don't cry about it, don't cry about it&br&This is what makes us girls&br&We don't stick together 'cause we put our love first&br&Don't cry about him, don't cry about him&br&It's all gonna happen&/blockquote&&br&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.FeoBsq& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Honeymoon-Lana Del Rey, HoneymoonMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&依然打雷姐,╮(╯▽╰)╭表示这是一首跟young and beautiful差不多的曲子,曲调悲凉歌词却甜蜜。打雷好像很喜欢这种反差萌的样子~&br&&br&&blockquote&There are violets in your eyes&br&There are guns that blaze around you&br&There are roses in between my thighs&br&And a fire that surrounds you&br&It's no wonder every man in town had neither fought nor found you- &br&everything you do is elusive even to your honey dew&/blockquote&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..vzyLJ7& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Bones-Alex G, BonesMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&这首歌是很久以前听到的,也放进来,也是好听的~&br&&br&&blockquote&You struck me like a bolt of lightening &br&Running through me in the dead of night and I know it I know it. &br&Now I see you when I close my eyes you're &br&The only reason why I live and die, and I know it I know it. &br&And I feel you down in my soul &br&You rattle my bones It's running me over and over &br&And I feel you burning my heart It rattles my bones &br&You're running me over and over &br&Light me up in a burning fire &br&See the smoke written in the sky that I know it I know it. &br&Yeah And I'm never gonna try to fight it &br&You're the reason why I live and die and I know it, I know it. &br&And I feel you down in my soul &br&You rattle my bones It's running me over and over &br&And I feel you burning my heart It rattles my bones &/blockquote&&br&One Republic的counting stars【这首歌已经满天飞了现在,下载地址就不放送了。】&br&觉得歌词特别好。&br&&blockquote&I see this life Like a swinging vine&br&最近生活如一团乱麻&br&Swing my heart across the line&br&  让我无法适从&br&In my face is flashing signs&br&  眼前闪过各种画面&br&Seek it out and ye shall find&br&  求你们要找&br&Old, but I'm not that old&br&我还没有那么年迈&br&Young, but I'm not that bold&br&  年轻的话 ,我还有自知之明&br&And I don't think the world is sold&br&  我不认为这个世界无药可救&br&I'm just doing what we're told&br&  我们只是按部就班&br&I, feel something so right&br&  有时我觉得自己是对的&br&But doing the wrong thing&br&但那只是我自以为是&br&I, feel something so wrong&br&  有时候我认为他是错的&br&But doing the right thing&br&但恰恰事与愿违&br&I could lie, could lie, could lie&br&我可以自欺欺人&br&everything that kills me makes me feel alive&br&  不能断绝之物置之于死地而后生&/blockquote&&br&&b&Mar.6th,2014 &/b&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/Ffm%3Daltg3& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Overboard-Manafest,Overboard在线试听,MP3免费下载,Overboard歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&新增加拿大独立乐队manafest的overboard。最近听的最爽的英文歌,没有之一。&br&&blockquote&DO OR DIE AND TO KEEP IT ALIVE WE GOT A WAKE UP&br&WE GOT TO SAVE US&br&SO BABY HANG ON&br&I'M COMING AFTER YOU I'M DIVING OVERBOARD&br&ANY MOMENT&br&WE COULD LOSE IT&br&I'M JUMPING IN FOR YOU I'M DIVING OVERBOARD&br&S.O.S&/blockquote&&b&July 2nd, 2014&/b&&br&放两首最近单曲循环的歌儿~&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.24.UKsLNn& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Brand New Day 歌曲&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&blockquote&Dream Send me a sign&br&Turn back the clock&br&Give me some time&br&I need to break out&br&&br&And make a new name&br&Let's open our eyes&br&To the brand new day&br&&br&It's the brand new day&/blockquote&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..UKsLNn%26from%3Dsearch_popup_song& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&A Day to Be Alone 歌曲&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&blockquote&Tell me about those nights you stay awake告诉我你的不眠之夜 &br&Tell me about those days you hated me告诉我那些你恨我的日子 &br&Tell me how you'd rather die alone than being stuck &br&here with me告诉我你如何宁愿独自死去也不愿跟我一块 &br&And maybe youve fallen down或许你已经倒下 &br&And maybe you, you took the long way home或许你走了很长的路 &br&Baby, you will never love you like me宝贝,你永远无法如我爱你一般的爱你自己 &br&And one day this will fade away总有一天,伤痛都会消失 &br&In the mirror, youll see your smiling face在镜子里,你将看到自己的笑脸 &br&And standing next to you will always be me, be me站在你身边的人永远是我,是我&/blockquote&&b&Aug. 4th, 2014&/b&&br&今天的一个赞提醒我要更新了233333&br&以下两首歌都来自于 &a data-hash=&fdafa808c1cd57b461a5d& href=&///people/fdafa808c1cd57b461a5d& class=&member_mention& data-editable=&true& data-title=&@Eric Deng& data-tip=&p$b$fdafa808c1cd57b461a5d&&@Eric Deng&/a&同学的推荐。好听得不行不行的。&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..0.3V0HLs& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Jet Lag-Simple Plan, Jet LagMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&jet lag是时差的意思。爱情时差。男女对唱。&&&br&&blockquote&What time is it where you are?&br&你在的城市现在几点?&br&I miss you more than anything&br&我好想你&br&Back at home you feel so far&br&独自回到家 你离我如此遥远&br&Waitin for the phone to ring&br&我等着你的电话&br&It's gettin lonely livin upside down&br&生活一团乱 我感到好孤独&br&I don't even wanna be in this town&br&我根本不想来到这个小镇&br&Tryin to figure out the time zones makin me crazy&br&我试图计算出我们的时差&br&You say good morning&br&你对我说早安&br&When it's midnight&br&在午夜的时候&br&Going out of my head&br&你不在我身边&br&Alone in this bed&br&我一个人孤单地躺着&br&I wake up to your sunset&br&当你那边太阳落下的时候 我正好起床&br&It's drivin me mad&br&我快疯了&br&I miss you so bad&br&我好想你&/blockquote&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.23.OzTMRr& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Rock Mix)-Aerosmith, I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (Rock Mix)MP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&电影《绝世天劫》主题曲。&br&Eric同学推荐的时候说:把这首歌送给所有需要靠着回忆活着的人。&br&&blockquote&Lying close to you feeling your heart beating.我离你是如此的近,都能感觉到你的心跳&br&And I'm wondering what you're dreaming.我想知道你的梦想是什么&br&Wondering if it's me you're seeking.我是否是你寻找的人&br&Then I kiss your eyes & thank God we're together.那么我会吻向你的眼并感谢上帝让我们在一起&br&And I just wanna stay with you.我只想与你在一起&br&In this moment forever,forever & ever.此时此刻永远延续下去&br&I don't wanna miss one smile.我不想错过你温馨的微笑&br&I don't wanna miss one kiss.我不想错过你甜美的吻&br&Well,I just wanna be with you.我只想与你在一起&br&Right here with you,just like this.就这样与你一直在一起&br&I just wanna hold you close.只想紧紧拥着你&br&Feel your heart so close to mine.感觉你的心贴我如此的近&br&And just stay here in this moment.就这样永远在一起&br&For all the rest of time.无时无刻永远在一起&br&Don't wanna close my eyes.不想闭上眼睛&br&Don't wanna fall asleep,yeah不想睡着&br&Don't wanna miss a thing.不想错过任何事&/blockquote&最后贡献两首我最近单曲循环的。&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.34.CuYjVn& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Love Runs Out-OneRepublic, Love Runs OutMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&脑残粉表示,本命啥歌都好听嘤嘤嘤。&br&&blockquote&I'll be your light, your match, your burning sun,&br&I'll be the bright, in black, that's making you run.&br&And I feel alright, and we'll feel alright,&br&'Cause we'll work it out, yeah we'll work it out.&br&I'll be doin' this, if you ever doubt,&br&'til the love runs out, 'til the love runs out.&br&&br&I'll be your ghost, your game, your stadium.&br&I'll be your fifty-thousand clapping like one.&br&And I feel alright, and I feel alright,&br&'Cause I worked it out, yeah I worked it out.&br&I'll be doin' this, if you ever doubt,&br&'til the love runs out, 'til the love runs out.&br&&br&I got my mind made up and I can't let go.&br&I'm killing every second 'til it sees my soul.&br&I'll be running, I'll be running,&br&'til the love runs out, 'til the love runs out.&br&And we'll start a fire, and we'll shut it down,&br&'til the love runs out, 'til the love runs out.&/blockquote&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/Fspm%3Da1z1s..UZh3J5%26from%3Dsearch_popup_song& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Caring Is Creepy-The Shins, Caring Is CreepyMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&情归新泽西插曲。听到的时候也是醉了。&br&歌词也相当不错啊。&br&&blockquote&I think i'll go home and mull this over&br&Before i cram it down my throat&br&At long last it's crashed, it's colossal mass&br&Has broken up into bits in my moat.&br&&br&Lift the mattress off the floor&br&Walk the cramps off&br&Go meander in the cold&br&Hail to your dark skin&br&Hiding the fact you're dead again&br&Undeneath the power lines seeking shade&br&Far above our heads are the icy heights that contain all reason&/blockquote&&b&Sep. 6th, 2014 &/b&&br&各位中秋快乐~我又来更新了。。。&br&最近就听到两首让我觉得能单曲循环的好歌。&br&一首是它&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.ZRP3Bn& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Forever Now -Bang Gang, Forever Now MP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&这个乐队来自于冰岛,可能是因为冰岛当地气候的原因,他们的音乐也带着北欧的冷冽。【笑&br&但是这首歌的歌词还是很甜蜜的。。。&br&&blockquote&The evening grabs us in the sounds we are bound&br&we sit and watch the sun moving down&br&it feels so good to have you around&br&wish we could stay forever, have forever now&br&&br&we listen to the silence streaming&br&memories they take us back to the day we met&br&where we ran with kissing&br&will we ever have this feeling again&/blockquote&另一首是它,在LAVA RADIO无意间听到,瞬间单曲循环无法自拔&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..Z2L6Cm& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Healing Touch-Green River Ordinance, Healing TouchMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&blockquote&Honey, heal my broken heart&br&I'm freezing underneath&br&And I've been here waiting patiently&br&&br&Honey, ease my restless mind&br&I cannot get to sleep&br&With your healing touch, healing love&br&You bring back the life in me&br&&br&Fading like a distant star&br&Holding back the missing parts&br&And she found the good in me&br&When I couldn't see&br&&br&Everywhere I go these days&br&She's never really far away&br&With me in my darkest hour&br&&br&And she's moving my feet&/blockquote&听听看,说不定你也爱它。。。&br&&br&&b&Sep. 20th, 2014&/b&&br&QAQ单曲循环到死的摇滚。。。&br&最重要的是听一次燃一次!&br&热血沸腾ing。&br&这首歌中文翻译是:凤凰涅磐。&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..0.T67KeY& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&The Phoenix-Fall Out Boy, The PhoenixMP3下载,歌词下载&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&blockquote&Put on your war paintCross walks and crossed hearts and hope-to-dies&br&Silver clouds with grey linings&br&绽放生命焰火&br&穿越, 穿越心的距离&br&为梦想不惧死亡&br&让光芒刺穿云雾&br&&br&So we can take the world back from theheart-attacked&br&One maniac at a time we will take it back&br&You know Time crawls on when you're waiting for the song to start&br&So dance alone to the beat of your heart&br&让我们焕发光彩闪耀世界&br&一个偏执狂一颗执着心&br&你必须忍耐寂寞才能畅怀高歌&br&舞动孤独感受寂寞心跳&br&&br&Hey young blood&br&Doesn't it feel&br&Like our time is running out&br&I'm gonna change you like a remix&br&Then I'll raise you like a phoenix&br&You're wearing our vintage misery&br&No; I think it looked a little better on me&br&I'm gonna change you like a remix&br&Then I'll raise you like a phoenix&br&嘿, 年轻的血&br&涌动奔流&br&时不我待&br&我要谱写生命华彩&br&凤凰涅槃&br&充满痛苦磨难&br&但是, 正是痛苦让我成长&br&我要谱写生命华彩有如凤凰涅槃&/blockquote&
这个答案不定时更新。听到能单曲循环的歌都会来M一下。欢迎关注。Sep 2, 2015更新感谢大家的赞和关注,好久没有更新新歌了,原因不是因为偷懒,而是这半年我实在是没听到特别满意的歌,但是又不愿意将就着推荐给大家【摊手笑】。今天看到评论区有知友想听歌…
都是属于小时候觉得很好听,后来发现词也很有内涵的歌。&br&&br&排名不分先后,歌词翻译均来自百度百科:&br&&br&&br&1 Eagles &Desperado&&br&&br&——出自专辑&Desperado&&br&&img src=&/4a135f440e2f_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&398& data-rawheight=&400& class=&content_image& width=&398&&&br&&blockquote&Desperado是西班牙语中的单词 意为&流亡者,失意者& ,是老鹰乐队的歌曲,westlife曾翻唱过&/blockquote&&br&歌词:&br&Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?&br&失意之人啊~ 你为什么不清醒?&br&You been out ridin'fences for so long now.&br&你在围栏上呆了好久了(意指这人不碰爱情,一直维持在旁观看)&br&Oh, you're a hard one,&br&啊,你真的很难劝动&br&but I know that you've got your reasons.&br&但是我知道你有你的理由&br&These things that are pleasin' you&br&can hurt you somehow.&br&那些令人开心的事情总能伤害到你&br&Don't you draw the queen of diamonds, boy!&br&不要去拿钻石的皇后(扑克牌里的方块Queen)(意指很闪耀的女生)&br&She'll beat you, if she's able.&br&她会打你,如果她可以的话 (她会让你的生活很难受)&br&You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet.&br&你知道红心Queen是你最好的赌注 (意指应该寻找爱你的,你爱的女生)&br&Now it seems to me some fine things&br&have been laid upon your table,&br&在我看来,你的面前有着很好的选择&br&but you only want the ones that you can't get.&br&但是你只要你得不到的那些&br&Desperado, ah, you ain't gettin' no younger.&br&失意之人啊,你已经不年轻了&br&Your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home.&br&你的痛苦和饥饿,它们在把你赶回原点&br&Freedom, oh, freedom. That's just some people talkin'&br&自由,噢自由。那只是有些人说的&br&You're a prisioner walking through this world all alone.&br&你是孤独闯世界的囚犯&br&Don't your feet get cold in the wintertime?&br&难道冬天时,你的双脚不冷吗?&br&The sky won't snow and the sun won't shine.&br&天空不会下雪,太阳也不会照耀&br&It's hard to tell the nighttime from the day.&br&白天和黑夜无法分清&br&You're losin' all your highs and lows.&br&你在失去感到开心和低落的能力&br&Ain't it funny how the feeling goes away?&br&你不觉得那种感觉的失去很奇怪吗?&br&Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?&br&失意之人啊~ 你为什么不清醒?&br&Come down from your fences, open the gate.&br&从围栏上下来,打开(你心中的)闸门吧&br&It may be rainin' , but there's a rainbow above you.&br&现在也许在下雨,但是你头上有一道彩虹&br&You better let somebody love you (2x)&br&before it's too late.&br&你最好让某人爱你(2x)&br&在一切都太迟之前&br&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///%3F__m%3DmboxCtrl.playSong%26__a%3D__o%3D/search%257C%257CsongListIcon%26fr%3D-1%257C%257C-1%26__s%3Dforever%2520young%2520live%23& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&百度音乐盒&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&br&&br&&br&2 Sting &Shape of My Heart &&br&&br&出自专辑&Ten Summoner Tales&&br&&img src=&/8df64f208ffbcb2ab900ff74_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&400& data-rawheight=&400& class=&content_image& width=&400&&&br&&blockquote&&i&Shape of My Heart &/i&是老牌摇滚歌手Sting的经典作品。被收录在其专辑《十个传奇》中。同时此曲还是1994年电影《这个杀手不太冷》中的片尾曲。此曲将纸牌中的四种花色分别对应成权力(梅花)、金钱(方片)、武力(黑桃),心(红桃)。&heart&一语双关,反映了杀手孤独的内心,配合上Sting低沉略带沙哑的声音,被演绎得天衣无缝。&/blockquote&&br&歌词:&br&&br&He deals the cards as a meditation&br&他玩纸牌时似乎在冥想&br&And those he plays never suspect&br&他的对手从来没有怀疑过这点&br&He doesn't play for the money he wins&br&他玩牌并非为了赢得金钱&br&He doesn't play for respect&br&也不是为了得到人们的尊重&br&He deals the cards to find the answer&br&他在牌局中寻觅答案&br&The sacred geometry of chance&br&寻觅神秘的几何概率&br&The hidden law of probable outcome&br&那可能的结果中隐藏的法则&br&The numbers lead a dance&br&牌局中数字决定了一切(字面意思:数字如同引出一场舞蹈)&br&I know the spades are the swords of a soldier&br&我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利剑&br&I know the clubs are weapons of war&br&梅花似战场轰鸣的炮枪&br&I know the diamonds mean money for this art&br&牌局艺术里方块便若到手的金钱(字面意思:我知道那些方块意味着财富)&br&But that's not the shape of my heart&br&但这决不是红桃的形状(字面意思:但那皆非我心之形)&br&He may play the jack of diamonds&br&他可能会出方块J&br&He may lay the queen of spades&br&又或许他会下注黑桃Q&br&He may conceal a king in his hand&br&也可能手里藏了一张K&br&While the memory of it fades&br&然而同局者终将遗忘这张牌(而这些记忆终将消褪)&br&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///%3F__m%3DmboxCtrl.playSong%26__a%3D__o%3D/search%257C%257CsongListIcon%26fr%3D-1%257C%257C-1%26__s%3Dforever%2520young%2520live%23& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&百度音乐盒&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&br&&br&&br&3 U2 &Sometimes You Can't Make It on You Own&&br&&br&出自专辑&How to Dismate an Atomic Bomb&&img src=&/a8e74bb709f1e8e38889_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&500& data-rawheight=&500& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&/a8e74bb709f1e8e38889_r.jpg&&&br&&blockquote&Bono写给过世父亲的一首歌&br&&/blockquote&&br&歌词:&br&&br&&br&Tough&br&you think you've got the stuff&br&你以为你很刚强&br&You're telling me and anyone&br&You're hard enough&br&你总是告诉我和所有的人,你已足够坚强&br&You don't have to put up a fight&br&你没必要奋战到底&br&You don't have to always be right&br&也不必总是追求完美&br&Let me take some of the punches&br&请让我为你分担&br&For you tonight&br&就在今夜&br&Listen to me now&br&听我说&br&I need to let you know&br&我一定要让你明白&br&You don't have to go it alone&br&你不必独自承担一切&br&And it's you when I look in the mirror&br&每当我看到镜中的自己,就像看到了你&br&And it's you when I don't pick up the phone&br&每当我还没拿起电话,就已感觉那是你&br&Sometimes you can't make it on your own&br&有时候,你不能独自承担一切&br&We fight all the time&br&我们一直在对抗&br&You and I...that's alright&br&你和我...好吧&br&We're the same soul&br&我们拥有相同的灵魂&br&I don't need&br&我不需要&br&I don't need to hear you say&br&不需要要听你说&br&That if we weren't so alike&br&如果我们不是如此的相像&br&You'd like me a whole lot more&br&你会喜欢我更多一些&br&Listen to me now&br&现在请听我说&br&I need to let you know&br&我一定要让你明白&br&You don't have to go it alone&br&你不必独自承担一切&br&And it's you when I look in the mirror&br&每当我看到镜中的自己,就像看到了你&br&And it's you when I don't pick up the phone&br&每当我还没拿起电话,就已感觉那是你&br&Sometimes you can't make it on your own&br&有些时候,你不能独自承担一切&br&I know that we don't talk&br&我知道,我们很少交流&br&I'm sick of it all&br&因为我很反感这一切&br&Can - you - hear - me - when - I -&br&你能听到吗?当我唱起这首歌&br&Sing you're the reason I sing&br&你是我歌唱的理由&br&You're the reason why the opera is in me...&br&你是我爱上歌剧的原因&br&Where are we now?&br&我们这是怎么了?&br&I've got to let you know&br&我一定要让你明白&br&A house still doesn't make a home&br&一所房子,未必就是一个家&br&Don't leave me here alone...&br&不要让我孤单一个人……&br&And it's you when I look in the mirror&br&每当我看到镜中的自己,就像看到了你&br&And it's you that makes it hard to let go&br&是你让我难以放手&br&Sometimes you can't make it on your own&br&有时候,你不能独自承担一切&br&Sometimes you can't make it&br&有时候,你无法做到&br&The best you can do is to fake it&br&对你来说,最好的选择是伪装&br&Sometimes you can't make it on your own&br&有些时候,你不能独自承担一切&br&&br&&a href=&///?target=http%3A///%3F__m%3DmboxCtrl.playSong%26__a%3D__o%3D/search%257C%257CsongListIcon%26fr%3D-1%257C%257C-1%26__s%3Dforever%2520young%2520live%23& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&百度音乐盒&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&&br&&br&&br&4Bob Dylan&Forever Young&&br&&br&——出自专辑&Planet Waves&(1974)&br&&img src=&/cea208a50_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&425& data-rawheight=&425& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&425& data-original=&/cea208a50_r.jpg&&&br&&br&歌词:&br&&br&May God bless and keep you always, &br&愿上帝的庇护与你同在&br&May your wishes all come true,&br&愿你能够梦想成真&br&May you always do for others &br&愿你为永远帮助别人&br&And let others do for you.&br&也接受别人的恩惠&br&May you build a ladder to the stars &br&愿你可以造一把采摘繁星的云梯&br&And climb on every rung, &br&然后摘下属于你的那颗&br&May you stay forever young, &br&愿你永远年轻 &br&Forever young, forever young, &br&永远年轻,永远年轻&br&May you stay forever young. &br&愿你永远年轻&br&&br&May you grow up to be righteous, &br&愿你长大后正直无私&br&May you grow up to be true, &br&愿你懂事时真实善良&br&May you always know the truth &br&愿你永远了解真理的方向&br&And see the lights surrounding you. &br&所到之处都有高灯明照&br&&br&May you always be courageous, &br&愿你永远勇敢无畏 &br&Stand upright and be strong, &br&坚韧不拔,意志坚强&br&May you stay forever young, &br&愿你永远年轻 &br&Forever young, forever young, &br&永远年轻,永远年轻&br&May you stay forever young. &br&愿你永远年轻&br&&br&May your hands always be busy, &br&愿你总是忙碌充实&br&May your feet always be swift, &br&愿你的脚步永远轻盈敏捷&br&May you have a strong foundation &br&愿你有一个坚强的信念,屹立不倒&br&When the winds of changes shift. &br&当暴风骤雨来临时&br&&br&May your heart always be joyful, &br&愿你的心总是充满快乐&br&May your song always be sung, &br&愿你的歌曲能够永远被人传唱&br&May you stay forever young, &br&愿你永远年轻 &br&Forever young, forever young, &br&永远年轻,永远年轻 &br&May you stay forever young. &br&愿你永远年轻&br&&br&Bob Dylan版:&a href=&///?target=http%3A///%3F__m%3DmboxCtrl.playSong%26__a%3D__o%3D/search%257C%257CsongListIcon%26fr%3D-1%257C%257C-1%26__s%3Dforever%2520young%2520live%23& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&百度音乐盒&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&&br&Joan Baez现场版:&a href=&///?target=http%3A///%3F__m%3DmboxCtrl.playSong%26__a%3D__o%3D/search%257C%257CsongListIcon%26fr%3D-1%257C%257C-1%26__s%3Dforever%2520young%2520live%23& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&百度音乐盒&i class=&icon-external&&&/i&&/a&(此人是Bob Dylan和乔布斯得的女友)&br&&br&&br&&br&(若是受欢迎,我再补充)
都是属于小时候觉得很好听,后来发现词也很有内涵的歌。排名不分先后,歌词翻译均来自百度百科:1 Eagles &Desperado&——出自专辑&Desperado&Desperado是西班牙语中的单词 意为"流亡者,失意者" ,是老鹰乐队的歌曲,westlife曾翻唱过歌词:Desperado, why…


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