求助methanol翻译 crossover testes

小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
里面有Ag 纳米粒子,和PVP复合(吡啶含量比较高的高分子材料)作为电催化剂。ORR性质不是很好!!!求助如何改进&&
图1 ORR截图.png
图2 CV活化.png
电解液:NaOH 0.1 M;
:hand::hand::hand::hand::hand: 谢谢回复!!!
:hand::hand::hand::hand::hand: 谢谢回复!!!
扫描下载送金币&&&crossover rate
A Study of the Relationship of Crossover Rate
and Mutation Rate in Genetic Algorithm
The Genetic Algorithms with Adaptive Crossover Rate Based on Individuals' Similarity
The recommended range of crossover rate and mutation rate is given in simple genetic algorithm, and the two rates for selection is not correlative.
基本遗传算法给出了选取交叉率与变异率的推荐范围 ,两种概率的选取是相互独立的 .
The applications show that conclusion is a guide to rational selection of crossover rate and mutation rate.
应用表明 ,这一结论对于合理选取交叉率与变异率有一定的指导意义
A modidfied genetic algorithm is used which can adjust the crossover rate and mutation rate self
adaptively to optimize the membership functions and the initial value of the quantifying factors and to adjust quantifying factors on
line based on the output of control searching table.
采用根据个体适应度来自适应调节交叉率和变异率的遗传算法来优化模糊控制器中的隶属函数和量化因子的初始值 ,并同时根据控制查询表的输出来在线调整量化因子 .
The algorithm is based on the adaptive mutation operator and crossover operator that adjusts the crossover rate and frequency of mutation of each individual, and adopts the gradient of the individual to decide their mutation value.
To solve these problems,isolation mechanism and self adapting technique are studied in this article,and we find isolation mechanism plays important roles in evolution and can actively improve the diversity of populations,while crossover rate and mutation rate are not only related to fitness function value but also affected greatly by evolution eras.
Considering the existence of multi-objective function,nonlinearity,and multiple constraints,an improved genetic algorithm with penalty strategy was proposed,in which the crossover rate and mutation rate were changed according to fitness function,to reduce time complexity greatly compared to the traditional enumeration algorithm.
Result shows that the searching efficiency is most high under population n=20, crossover rate pc =0.5 and mutation rate pm =0.01. the optimization solution is gained under the group of genetic parameter for five different irrigation volume.
结果显示初始群体n=20,交叉概率pc=0.5,变异概率pm=0.01时遗传算法寻优效率最高。 同时在该组最优组合参数下,对模型的5 种灌水量水平进行了优化求解,并得到了模型的最优解。
Adaptive Crossover Rate and Mutation Rate in
Genetic Algorithms
The electrochemical test results showed that compared with the anode catalyst layer without adding pore former,the electrochemical active surface of anode catalyst layer adding pore former increased 26.6%,the current density increased 53% at anode potential of 400 mV,the methanol crossover rate decreased 12.5% at open circuit potential,the peak power density of DMFC increased from 186 mW/cm2 to 235 mW/cm2 at 80 ℃ and 0.2 MPa oxygen condition.
开路电位下的甲醇渗透率降低了12.5%; 在80℃、0.2 MPa氧气条件下,DMFC的最高功率密度由186 mW/cm2提高到235 mW/cm2。
It was found that ethanol shows a lower crossover rate than methanol throughthe Nafion membrane.
During the optimization based on genetic algorithm, this paper simulates the evolution rules of the natural species, adopting the subsection adaptive crossover rate and mutation rate, using the mechanism of simulated annealing algorithm to control the populations' selection, introducing the eugenics principle to strengthen the potential advantage, and describes the optimization parameters with the structur
This dissertation analysis the basic principles and features of Genetic Simulated annealing Algorithm(GSA), GSA avoid the shortcoming of Simulated Annealing slowing and prevent the Genetic Algorithm's premature, according to the distribution network features, this dissertation improves the fitness function, crossover rate and mutation rate.
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为了更好的帮助您理解掌握查询词或其译词在地道英语中的实际用法,我们为您准备了出自英文原文的大量英语例句,供您参考。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Direct torque control (DTC) is the simplest torque control of induction machines for industrial application.The key components of DTC is the state selector.In this paper,we will discuss to train the neural network using a genetic algorithm.The neural network is used to simulate the state selector of the conventional DTC.The simulations that have been performed were obtained using the trained state selector neural network instead of the conventional DTC for the same machine.The simulation results are satisfy... &&&&&&&&&&&&直接转矩控制(DTC)是工业应用感应电机的最简单的控制.它的关键部件是状态选择器.本文将讨论用神经网络来模拟通常的DTC的状态选择器,并区用遗传算法训练该神经网络.然后用训练好的神经网络代替状态选择器,在同一台机器上进行了仿真比较,得到满意结果.另外,还粗略地试验了遗传算法中一些参数对算法性能的影响.&&&&&&&& In this paper,genetic algorithm is applied to inverse problem of manipulator kinematics.Operating method of selection and crossover
is analysed,and the algorithm is given.The methods are proposed for offset crossover points in multi-point crossover,the effect of crossover rate and mutation rate is analysed.The method presented in this paper is tested and proved reasonable and feasible through its application to the underwater manipulator“SIWR-Ⅱ”. &&&&&&&&&&&&遗传算法应用于机械手运动学逆问题求解,对选择、突然变异等操作进行分析并给出相应的算法.提出了转换编码及多点交叉操作中交叉点偏置的方法,并对交叉率和变异率的影响规律进行了分析和探讨.通过SIWR-Ⅱ型水下机械手的实例计算,验证了所提出的方法的有效性和可行性.&&&&&&&& Genetic algorithm has been deemed a powerful tool for searching global optimality in power system problems. But it has a weakness in taking too much time to reach a fine satisfactory solution. This paper proposes to use fuzzy logic controller to speed up the convergence of the crossover and mutation process. In this paper, two fuzzy logic controllers are implemented to adaptively adjust the crossover rate and mutation rate during the optimization process. The method was tested by an ... &&&&&&&&&&&&遗传算法被认为是解决全球电力系统问题的有效工具。但使用它来得到满意的答案却有着耗时过多的缺点。本文的目的在于引进模糊逻辑控制器来加快交叉与突变过程的收敛速度。这种方法已经过电力系统经济调度问题的测试,并且已被证明比随机方法更胜一筹。&nbsp&&&&&&&&相关查询:
2008 CNKI-中国知网
北京市公安局海淀分局 备案号:110 1081725
&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
求助(ORR抗甲醇中毒)Methanol crossover testes
为什么我在用时间电流曲线测商业Pt/C催化剂的Methanol crossover testes 时,当在150S时加入甲醇会出现下面的情况,电流增大,而不是像文献那样出现正的甲醇氧化电流:cry::cry::cry:
请问你的电极几何面积是多大, 如果是直径5mm的GC电极, ORR电流不到1mA, 可能催Pt/C催化剂已经部分的脱落.
首先Pt/C 催化剂要将GC电极覆盖完全, 这个需要控制分散剂的使用, 一般使用水或者乙醇和水的混合溶剂, 同时控制挥发速率,保证催化剂均匀的分布在电极表面,有个日本的小组专门研究这个电极修饰的问题.
第二要加适当的Nafion溶液,同时保证Nafion 干了之后避免氧气的传质受阻,也就是厚度不能太厚, 这个有具体的文献报道,可以查询.
第三做ORR 要保证氧气一直饱和.
Effect of loading level in platinum-dispersed carbon black electrocatalysts on oxygen reduction activity evaluated by rotating disk electrode&&
作者: Higuchi, E; Uchida, H; Watanabe, M
JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY&&卷: 583& &期: 1& &页: 69-76& &出版年: SEP 1 2005
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, 1 August 1998, Pages 211–218
Investigation of methanol crossover and single electrode performance during PEMDMFC operation: A study using a solid polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell system,
Institut f&r Physikalische Chemie, Universit&t Bonn, Wegelerstr. 12, 53115 Bonn, GermanyDirect Methanol Fuel Cells (DMFC) employing Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) electrolytes have recently gained considerable interest because they are attractive candidates for vehicular applications. A manifold of potential sources of performance losses exists for these systems, a very serious one being methanol crossover across the membrane electrolyte. This work is focused on the dependence of crossover on reaction conditions, such as temperature and methanol concentration. Anode performances are also evaluated. Results are given for the establishment of single electrode potentials during cell heat-up and of single electrode performances during operation under various conditions. Additionally, a cyclic voltammetry technique is presented, which allows the evaluation of methanol crossover in a fuel cell under operating conditions.KeywordsDirect Methanol Fuel Cell (DMFC); Polymer Electrolyte Membrane (PEM) fuel cell; Methanol crossover; Fuel cell performance; Methanol anode polarization; Fuel cell cyclic voltammetry
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