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/ What is Ho'oponopono?
What is Ho'oponopono?
Ho’oponopono Frequently Asked Questions
Below, are some frequently asked questions. I deal with many of these topics in my books and seminars.
What is Ho’oponopono?
Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. Ho’oponopono is a very ancient Hawaiian art of problem solving. The original Hawaiians, the first people who lived in Hawaii, used to practice it. Morrnah Simeona (Ihaleakalá’s teacher) brought these teachings to us and updated them for modern times.
Who was Morrnah Simeona?
“Clean, erase, erase and find your own PEACE. Where? Within yourself”.
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona (May 19, 1913 – February 11, 1992) was the creator of Self-I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono. She founded Pacifica Seminars in the 1970s. She was recognized as a Kahuna Iapa’au (healer) in Hawaii and honored by the State of Hawaii as a Living Treasure in 1983.
“The main purpose of this process is to discover the Divinity within oneself. Ho’oponopono is a profound gift which allows one to develop a working relationship with the Divinity within and learn to ask that in each moment, our errors in thought, word, deed or action be cleansed. The process is essentially about freedom, complete freedom from the past”, Morrnah said.
Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono uses techniques to create a working partnership among the three parts of the mind or self: subconscious, conscious and superconscious. This allows us to reclaim our personal inner connection with love, our Divine Source, resulting in peace, harmony and freedom.
Morrnah left her updated version of this ancient Hawaiian philosophy of problem solving to mankind as a gift to be shared and practiced.
Before that version, the way to practice Ho’oponopono was with the whole family present. Nobody could be absent. There was a moderator and each member had the chance to ask forgiveness from the others. Nowadays families don’t live close or together as they once did. To reunite the whole family and put them all in a room at the same time would not be simple.
Which is your relationship with Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len?
Dr. Ihaleakalá is my Ho’oponopono teacher. He worked, traveled and presented with Morrnah for years. He also updated the Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono in order to make it even easier and more applicable to modern times. The new process became individualized so that it could be practiced alone. However, it still works very effectively in all our family line. What is erased from us is also erased from our families, relatives and ancestors. 90% of our problems come from our ancestors!
Ihaleakalá once told me: “If I had told you ten years ago that there was nobody out there, you would have run away as fast as you could”. Now we are ready to entertain the idea that it is just our thoughts (memories) of our family. There is really nobody “out there”; everything is inside of us and our memories. I remember one afternoon Ihaleakalá returned from walking with tears in his eyes and told me: “I have just realized that all God is asking from us, is to take good care of ourselves and to say “I’m sorry” as if we were little children. That is it”.
How did you start teaching Ho’oponopono
I took my first seminar with Ihaleakalá in July 1997 in Omaha, N that was when I invited him to come to Los Angeles and realized I had found The Easiest Way I had been looking for.
Throughout the , I traveled with him to Amsterdam, Brussels, France, England, Argentina and many places in the United States. He shared with me all the cleaning tools that would come to him during consultations, training meditations and long walks in Woodland Hills, a suburb in Los Angeles.
Between 2000 and 2001 I felt in my heart that I could teach Ho’oponopono. I asked the Foundation of I, Inc. (Freedom of the Cosmos) and they decided to meditate on it –since the secrets of Ho’oponopono are not rational, but “acquired” by those who live with them- until finally they gave me their blessing. That was when I started teaching it. I taught Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono (SITH) on behalf of the Foundation for many years, until in 2004 I asked permission to create my own Ho’oponopono seminars using the material of the Foundation. That was how I got the permission.
In November 2008, after many years of having a double career, I decided to leave my very stable career as a tax accountant in Los Angeles, not because I had savings or was debt free, on the contrary. But, as always, every time I did illogical things, made non-sense decisions, but trusted, I got the most amazing results. Now I am debt free and travel the world teaching Ho’oponopono in a very practical and down to earth way. The SECRET of Ho’oponopono is applied to the change of paradigms we live in this moment.
Can I teach Ho’oponopono to other people after taking the seminar?
Dr. Ihaleakalá Hew Len says: “The material of Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono is spiritual. Using this material implies huge preparation and cleaning. Using copyright material without authorization from the Foundation as a springboard brings very negative consequences. On the other hand, for those who use it for themselves, the benefits are enormous. The decision is yours”.
Personally, before I started teaching Ho’oponopono I probably took the seminar about 200 times, at least. That is why I am surprised when people think that because they took it once, they already know it well and can teach it. That shows and confirms how limited our intellect can be. Besides, Ho’oponopono is not only taught through words. For example, the room has to be prepared in a very special way and we need to have the blessing of the Universe (the permission to transmit) so that it can help us clean (that is why the miracles happen many times during and after the seminar and even to people who take them in absence for the benefit of being there and receiving those blessings). Also, we need to know how to clean automatically in order to c otherwise we could even harm people by giving the wrong information, because we don’t know what is correct and perfect for them. The intellect listens in a very limited way and then makes its own interpretations. Many times it doesn’t even listen because it is very busy thinking and giving its opinion, then when they transmit it is like the game of the broken telephone, when it gets to people, the information has been changed!!
To make it clearer, one of the most important things we learn in the Ho’oponopono seminar is that we are the ones that have to do it. We learn t that what is erased from us is erased from everyone and that when we change, everything and every if we want to help, we have to do the job ourselves!; there is nobody out there. So, who are you going to teach? There you realize that they did not understand it. Not to mention the ones who think they have learnt everything through the Internet and believe they know.
Mabel, I'm writing you to tell you something strange that happened to me today. To start, let me tell you that I am ongoing a trial with a man who was my boss at my previous job. I've been through good times in this commerce, and through bad times where he has disrespected me. This past September 8th I left work completely, because the situation had reached a limit. The trial begins today.
This morning, I got off the bus, walked to my sister’s house and from afar, I saw a man looking at me while my footsteps approached closer to him. There was no one on the sidewalk, just him, ringing the bell to a house. When I got closer, I looked and I recognized his face ... it was him. W in his eyes there was a certain look, a father’s look. I barely looked and said, "How are you, everything fine?" He looked at me and said my name instead of "Hello." He said, "Yamila" (as a way of greeting).
I kept walking, I did not stop at all, and when he turned his back, I began to cry. Tears came out of me and I felt the need to turn around, go over and tell him all the good things he did for me. I felt a pain as if we were a distant father and daughter.
The point is that I didn’t. I turned the corner and still felt I wanted to speak to him again, but I did not. I got to my sister's house and had a sense of melancholy. He is difficult. He is very “Italian”, and “Italians” are traders who push you to the point of th but he also has virtues. There were moments were he made me laugh.
I felt reconciliation with the fact that we looked at each other in peace. The last time I saw him was when we had to come to terms with our lawyers. We ignored each other and I felt hatred towards him and his hatred towards me... we didn’t even greet. Today was a strange day, Mabel, right are the days that I am practicing Ho’oponopono.
God and the Universe are trying to tell me something.
This was no coincidence… no, no...
- Yamila, Argentina
I wanted to share that my 11 year old daughter started school on Monday. She was getting a new teacher, so she was worried. Any of the two possible teachers assigned were labeled as “Mean”, according to her.
I started cleaning and cleaning once I received the news. The result was better than expected! One of the teachers got assigned to teach a different grade level, so they hired a new teacher in the school who was assigned to my daughter's class. She is a very special teacher. The first day of school she played a song called “We are one”, hahaha…She also lets them take a small nap during class. She told them she likes teaching and learning in a funny way. I couldn't believe it! I could never imagine having a teacher like her, hahaha.
Thank you, thank you, thank you
- Fabiana, Uruguay
God always cares for and protects us...
Last Friday, I was cleaning and asked God to send me a way to come home safely, and suddenly a car stopped and a man said, "I’m on my way to Cárdenas" (this is where I live). I confused the person with a friend’s husband and when I opened the car door, I realized that it was not him, so I thought, "Now what? Oops! ". A strong voice said "Get in and trust, please". The person told me his name and said "I never used to give rides, especially to women. However, I heard a loud voice asking me to pick you up. I saw your face light up. You might not believe me, yet I still feel that beautiful feeling and an incredible vibration, maybe it was God". I said, “It was God, for sure… I was praying, asking a means of transportation to get home and He sent it". Arriving at a stop close to home, he said goodbye and commented: "I’ll tell my wife what happened today, God spoke to me in a special way". I thanked him very much and continued to clean... really, when you let go and trust, God always answers.
Thanks, thanks, thanks.
- Alis – Mexico
Thank you Mabel,
I was listening to one of your interviews on divorce. I have to tell you my personal story: I have been married for 30 years. All these years we've been going through economical issues. I used to tell myself: “Oh my gosh! Something is wrong! The same issues keep coming up.” I would blame my husband. I'm a Virgo, and I had a victim mentality (I cannot live with so much uncertainty). Anyways, lots of problems. Playing with my cell phone I found this technique. Since that moment, my life started changing. All the pieces where falling into place. I realized that many things that had happened to me, I had already thought about them before. Today, after nine months of practicing, although my economic condition still remains, the relationship with my husband is better than ever. There is nobody to blame. My husband became a different person. When I look at him I feel true love, the good kind. We even laugh when its uncertain if we'll afford a trip to the supermarket. Our kids tell us they are happy. They tell us that many people live in worse conditions than ours. So I thank God for putting me through this. Today I know that love is the most wonderful tool in the world. Ho’oponopono did not lead us to a divorce. On the contrary, it got me closer to my husband!
I love you!
- Maria Mercedes, Spain
Just wanted to say again… These last few for me have been such powerful teachings. The advice to Trust God and Clean on the replaying memories and Let go... I just kept cleaning when I could, even though the memories were playing fastball with me. Thank you dear memories, I love you, I embrace you. I was on the floor and God picked me up, dusted me off and said "You can do this" (not in those words or in that way).
The experience was of what it was like to just flow instead of judging, coping, managing, judging, judging, and judging. It is a breakthrough for me and I am so appreciative... so, so, so appreciative and grateful for this. It felt easy, too. I was so busy thinking about how to do everything I was kind of paralyzing Kala, my Unihipili. When it felt like too much, and I finally just cleaned and really let it go and gave it to God, Kala let go, and we had an experience of Peace and Happiness.
Thank you Mabel, for this invaluable Forum and these Q and A's and your Love. Thank you Forum.
Thank you Mary for the unending Love you give on a daily basis to all of us.
Thank you Moonbeam for the Dewdrops of Wisdom you share.
Thank you Morrnah.
Thank you, Thank-you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Hello dear Mabel:
I’ve been thinking about sending to you these two experiences I had with this wonderful technique.
Here is the first one: One day I was cleaning my memories regarding the academic grades from one of my twin sons aged 13, who had to perform well at multiple exams to pass his school year which was about to end. I repeated a “switch word” and suddenly I heard an authoritative voice that said, "Say this tool." My son passed his school year. I had never heard anything in several years I've been doing the cleaning.
The other testimony is this: My other twin son is special. For this situation, I receive school aid from the company I work for, which is part of the state. Last year, when I received the notification that my son would only receive $ 2.000.0000 (Colombian pesos) (much less than half of the previous year), I was shocked, but said, "Thank you, thank you". I talked with the chief in Human Resources and he confirmed that the budget had decreased. Well, I started to clean with my other son, the one I mentioned before, thinking that I would obtain the rest of the money winning the lottery or something like that (because once I needed money for another situation like this, and got it that way. This was long before I practiced Ho'oponopono). But time passed and I did not win anything, so I gave up on how I would get the money. My son told me I would be paid the full amount, and I replied that I wouldn’t, because when state institutions already establish a budget, they cannot change it.
I received the visit of the new principal advisor, asking about the concerns in this region. I told her about my son’s aid, and she confirmed what I had said to my son, but he insisted that they were going to give me that money. A month after the visit of the advisor, I turned on my computer, and I saw an email announcing 100% for the special aid, but this would be for the term of 2015 (although this was already good news because it was the first time they awarded this percentage which was notified well in advance). I mentioned this to my son, we kept on cleaning, and he insisted that the money would be paid in full. Well, it turned out that on November 29 last year, I called the Human Resources office and they informed me that there was a balance amounting to $ 4,511,000 (Colombian pesos) and had been assigned to my child, receiving a total of $ 6,511,000… More than last year!
With this situation, I learned that problems are opportunities to receive blessings and we should not try to solve things from the intellect.
God bless you for your teachings.
-Lizette - Colombia.
I’m an obstetrician from Cuba, Jalisco. I live with my beautiful 9 years old daughter and my wonderful husband, doctor by profession. He suffers from diabetes with an amputation of his two legs. He is a radiologist, we both work in a clinic. I want to thank Mabel for existing. The day I saw Mabel on a radio interview streamed online, I was able to sleep like a new born baby. I feel more at peace now that I practice Ho’oponopono every day. Our patients also feel the harmony and joy during consultations. We finish work very late and don’t realize how fast time goes by. Our family has true love. Once more, I want to thank Mabel for existing. May God preserve her for many years.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you.
A fraternal embrace,
-D.L. – Mexico
I want to congratulate you for being a
award winner, for your . I haven’t been able to attend any of these events yet. I’m very grateful for the people that are able to attend, and I bless you always. Do you remember me? A few months ago, I desperately shared that I had problems with my 15 year old daughter, my sister, and my mom. I li I cleaned nonstop day and night. First, the relationship with my daughter improved. Then, time went by and my father in law passed away. My mom and dad received the news, and after many months of not seeing each other, they came to see my husband for support. Two days later, my sister gave birth to her first baby. I was very angry at her, but out of nowhere, a few days later I asked my husband if he wanted to go see my sister's baby. We both went, it seems incredible, but I realized all the suffering she had gone through. It was a life lesson. They performed a C-section, it became infected, and she needed to be hospitalized. She wanted me by her side. I told her to say: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you”. I constantly repeated these words to the baby and he gave me a look, sort of understanding what I was saying. He is a very calm baby. Everything ended good, and today we are better than before.
Thank you, thank you, thank you Mabel. I love you, I love you, and I love you.
Oh! I almost forgot! I’m 44 years old, last night I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. I keep cleaning.
- Gabriela, Argentina
Back in August, I decided to go to a nutritionist in order to improve my eating habits. For the first time in my life I don’t feel like I’m on diet. Even better, I choose to eat healthy, which means I don't have to be hungry or suffer!
I lost 15 kg, but I still have some more to go! Last week I got a blood test (It’s something that makes me feel a bit nervous, that even my blood pressure goes down). I repeated "thank you, thank and thank you", before, during and after the blood test. During the test, I didn't even feel the needle. The nurse was very sweet to me. The process didn't leave any marks! I told the little girl inside me it wouldn't hurt, and to be calm. That day in the afternoon I decided to reward her with a delicious snack.
I send you a big hug,
- Gimena, Argentina
Ho'oponopono is a very nice tool that saved my life. Ho'oponopono showed me the way and it fills me with happiness, humility and joy. Ho’oponopono never stops. The most beautiful part is that it’s eternal like the Universe. It teaches us more everyday, and shows us lovely things that live in our hearts and our being. Blessed be the day that I found you Mabel, and you taught me "The Easiest Way". Thank you, I love you.
- Juan Manuel, Chile
Hi everybody!
Some days ago I started practicing Ho'oponopono, moment by moment. The last two days something very special happened to me. Apparently, I kept memories of guilt regarding the relationship with the father of my daughter, because he cheated on me. Suddenly, I read a message, I felt lighter and I repeated “Thank You”. Today, searching on Facebook, I saw an article on how to eliminate stretch marks. I have a few due to my pregnancy. Suddenly, I closed the article and realized how much I love my body, and how grateful I am to have my daughter in my life. Thank youuuu, thank youuuu, and thank you!!!
- Mercedes, Puerto Rico
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