麻烦大家帮忙给个建议…这东西的价值 怎么谢谢帮忙做事!

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ziqingThis few days have found me very restle. Tonight I sat in the yard to enjoy the cool, it struck me how different the lotus pool I pass every day through in this full moon light, total should anotherComments like it. The moon was sailing higher and higher up the Wall Street, the laughter of children, already can't hear, His wife in the house patting juner and humming a cradle song. I quietly clothed with the big unlined upper garment, door out. The lotus pond, is a tortuous small cinder footpath. This is a secluded road, Daytime also less people walk, night more lonely. Lotus pond with many trees all round, long leaves, lush. Road there are some willows, and some don't know the name of the tree. No moonlight the road is spooky, some shy of people. Tonight, but very good, although the moonlight is still light. The road only I a person, strolling, hands behind. This bit of t I also like beyond the ordinary into another world. I love lively, also love to calm, Love gregarious, also love alone. Like tonight, one in this boundless next month, what all can think, what all can not, I feel I am a free man. One is obliged to do, or to say, now can be ignored. This is the beauty of solitude, and I benefit this vast lotus incense moonlight. After above the winding lotus pond, leaves with quartered lines fill my eyes. Leaves are high above the water, like the skirts of. Layers of leaves, dotted with some white flowers here and there, open, some shyly in, As bits of pearl, and like the stars in the scattering pearls and beauties just out of the bath. A breeze stirs, sending over breaths fragrance, like drifting from a distant building of singing. This time the leaves and flowers have little quiver, like lightning, straight across the forest of lotuses. Leaves are shoulder to shoulder, this will have a patch of green. Underneath is affectionately (mo) of running water, it is hidden, can't see some color, Yet the leaves but more see charming. The moonlight is like water flowing quietly in a cascade of general, this leaf and flowers. With the light blue mist floating in the lotus pool. The leaves and flowers as wrapped in like been wash, And as a gauzy dream. Although it is a full moon, heaven have a faint cloud, so can' But I thought this just is to benefit - HanMian solid cannot little, take a nap also have a distinctive flavour. The moonlight is separated a tree height according to come over, full of shrubs, falling of ragged mottled shadows and impressive sutra sutra such as ghosts general, Curved willow of sparse widely, but look like paintings on the lotus leaf. The moon liantang But a harmonious rhythm of light and shade, such as brahman rather ling on playing a violin. All of the lotus pond, YuanYuanJinJin, high and low, are trees, and willows most. These trees will a lotus pond heavy surrounded, Only in path side, LouZhao several paragraph of space, such as left reserved for the moon. Tree color patient was leafage, and at first glance it resembles posse smoke, But willow of feng zi, then at smoke still discernible. The treetops that vague sweetness is distant, only some careless around it. Tree seam in also as listless as sleepy, listless, is thirsty sleep eyes. This time the most lively, wants to count th WaSheng But the excitement is their, I have nothing. Suddenly remind of mining Ephraim something. Adopt Ephraim is jiangnan's druids, seem very early has, and dynasties for shing, We can get to know in the poetry. Adopt Ephraim is young girls, they is rootless boat, and sang glamorous songs. Adopt the lotus needless to say a lot and I watched mining Ephraim. That is a busy season, is also a romantic season. Beam YuanDi "mining Ephraim fu in well said: then the devil TongYuan female, swings boat heart xu, Yi first xu back,
櫂 will move and algae hang, ship to move and ping open. , its fine waist beam element, Summer beginning early spring flowers over, could touch leaf-using self-publishers and smile, fear and folding. Ju pour ship There we have a picture of these merry excursio. This is interesting, but we are already without f imcapable.
追问:补充:&he tang yue se&   & zhe ji tian xin li po bu ning jing 。jin wan zai yuan zi li zuo zhuo cheng liang ,hu ran xiang qi ri ri zou guo de he tang ,zai zhe man yue de guang li ,zong gai ling you yi fan yang zi ba 。yue liang jian jian di sheng gao liao ,qiang wai ma lu shang hai zi men de huan xiao ,yi jing ting bu jian liao ;qi zai wu li pai zhuo run er ,mi mi hu hu di heng zhuo mian ge 。wo qiao qiao di pi liao da shan ,dai shang men chu qu 。   yan zhuo he tang ,shi yi tiao qu zhe de xiao mei xie lu 。zhe shi yi tiao you pi de lu ;bai tian ye shao ren zou ,ye wan geng jia ji mo 。he tang si zhou ,chang zhuo xu duo shu ,蓊蓊yu yu de 。lu de yi pang ,shi xie yang liu ,he yi xie bu zhi dao ming zi de shu 。mei you yue guang de wan shang ,zhe lu shang yin sen sen de ,you xie pa ren 。jin wan que hen hao ,sui ran yue guang ye huan shi dan dan de 。   lu shang zhi wo yi ge ren ,bei zhuo shou 踱zhuo 。zhe yi pian tian di hao xiang shi wo de ;wo ye xiang chao chu liao ping chang de zi ji ,dao liao ling yi ge shi jie li 。wo ai re nao ,ye ai leng jing ;ai qun ju ,ye ai du chu 。xiang jin wan shang ,yi ge ren zai zhe cang mang de yue xia ,shi me du ke yi xiang ,shi me du ke yi bu xiang ,bian jue shi ge zi you de ren 。bai tian li yi ding yao zuo de shi ,yi ding yao shuo de hua ,xian zai du ke bu li 。zhe shi du chu de miao chu ,wo qie shou yong zhe wu bian de he xiang yue se hao liao 。   qu qu zhe zhe de he tang shang mian ,mi wang de shi tian tian de ye zi 。ye zi chu shui hen gao ,xiang ting ting de wu nv de qun 。ceng ceng de ye zi zhong jian ,ling xing di dian zhui zhuo xie bai hua ,you 袅na di kai zhuo de ,you xiu se di da zhuo duo er de ;zheng ru yi li li de ming zhu ,you ru bi tian li de xing xing ,you ru gang chu yu de mei ren 。wei feng guo chu ,song lai lv lv qing xiang ,fang fo yuan chu gao lou shang miao mang de ge sheng si de 。zhe shi hou ye zi yu hua ye you yi si de chan dong ,xiang shan dian ban ,霎shi chuan guo he tang de na bian qu liao 。ye zi ben shi jian bing jian mi mi di ai zhuo ,zhe bian wan ran you liao yi dao ning bi de bo hen 。ye zi di xia shi mai mai (mò)de liu shui ,zhe zhu liao ,bu neng jian yi xie yan se ;er ye zi que geng jian feng zhi liao 。   yue guang ru liu shui yi ban ,jing jing di xie zai zhe yi pian ye zi he hua shang 。bao bao de qing wu fu qi zai he tang li 。ye zi he hua fang fo zai niu ru zhong xi guo yi yang ;you xiang long zhuo qing sha de meng 。sui ran shi man yue ,tian shang que you yi ceng dan dan de yun ,suo yi bu neng lang zhao ;dan wo yi wei zhe qia shi dao liao hao chu ——han mian gu bu ke shao ,xiao shui ye bie you feng wei de 。yue guang shi ge liao shu zhao guo lai de ,gao chu cong sheng de guan mu ,luo xia can cha de ban bo de hei ying ,qiao leng leng ru gui yi ban ;wan wan de yang liu de xi shu de 倩ying ,que you xiang shi hua zai he ye shang 。tang zhong de yue se bing bu jun yun ;dan guang yu ying you zhuo he xie de xuan lv ,ru 梵婀ling shang zou zhuo de ming qu 。   he tang de si mian ,yuan yuan jin jin ,gao gao di di du shi shu ,er yang liu zui duo 。zhe xie shu jiang yi pian he tang zhong zhong wei zhu ;zhi zai xiao lu yi pang ,lou zhuo ji duan kong xi ,xiang shi te wei yue guang liu xia de 。shu se yi li shi yin yin de ,zha kan xiang yi tuan yan wu ;dan yang liu de feng zi ,bian zai yan wu li ye bian de chu 。shu shao shang yin yin yue yue de shi yi dai yuan shan ,zhi you xie da yi ba liao 。shu feng li ye lou zhuo yi liang dian lu deng guang ,mei jing da cai de ,shi ke shui ren de yan 。zhe shi hou zui re nao de ,yao shu shu shang de chan sheng yu shui li de wa sheng ;dan re nao shi ta men de ,wo shi me ye mei you 。   hu ran xiang qi cai lian de shi qing lai liao 。cai lian shi jiang nan de jiu su ,si hu hen zao jiu you ,er liu chao shi wei sheng ;cong shi ge li ke yi yue lue zhi dao 。cai lian de shi shao nian de nv zi ,ta men shi dang zhuo xiao chuan ,chang zhuo yan ge qu de 。cai lian ren bu yong shuo hen duo ,huan you kan cai lian de ren 。na shi yi ge re nao de ji jie ,ye shi yi ge feng liu de ji jie 。liang yuan di 《cai lian fu 》li shuo de hao :   yu shi yao tong 媛nv ,dang zhou xin xu ;鷁shou xu hui ,jian chuan yu bei ;櫂jiang yi er zao gua ,chuan yu dong er ping kai 。er qi xian yao shu su ,qian yan gu bu ;xia shi chun yu ,ye nen hua chu ,kong zhan shang er qian xiao ,wei qing chuan er lian 裾。   ke jian dang shi 嬉you de guang jing liao 。zhe zhen shi you qu de shi ,ke xi wo men xian zai zao yi wu fu xiao shou liao 。追问:五笔码啊。大哥。。。。不是拼音。。。补充:OK&
awsk fyvk eeee qcyp mt gd ny jfd hcdm i ps geqh.wynb jq d bpfq bbbb jfd wwf udh tux uyiy,qrn qd shn fhn jjjj jjjj fhu fp r awsk fyvk ,d yp iagw eeee r iq jfd ,ukn yynw kl e g tol su bb kc .eeee ypm ilr ilr fb tak ym b,ffuk qh cn khtk h bybb wu r cqtt,gv d ngc jfd rrg udh ug qt,opop ode ode fb kyb udh hna sksw.q nie nie fb rhc b dddd pue,gkp h uyh bmfc.imk udh awsk fyvk,j g ts marr r ih oa nied khtk.yp j grrgd bn it w fhu,ywjq gjlk phpa.awsk fyvk lhmf,ta udh ytqq scf,awcn awch deb deb r.khtk r g upy,j hxf sfn sqt,t g hxf i tdut qkpb r scf.imde eeiq r jqhh,yp kht h be sss sss r ,e hxf nrg w,wyjq fcb tvvb,kjqd eeiq bn gip j ioio r.kht h kw q g wh w ,uxe udh rt khyc udh.yp g thq bn wqj fhvk bm b guip r thnn,gc b kl g wh anlw jfd.q ep rvuy,epd vtkd nd,bn epd qtj thi.wqj wyjq h,g wh w d yp awai r eeee gh,wftc ftjb skny shn,wftc ftjb skny shn,wftc ftjb ftjb skny i shn,wgj ipmq j wh thmh wr w.rrgd jfd ggpg sv wdt r gk,ggpg sv yu r ytd,gmdh fjtb sk i gj.yp j qt thi r vith,q eg epc et yp fqlp r awsk tjf eeqc vb b.ma ma rr rr r awsk fyvk hhdm,xqyn r j llll llll r kfbb.kfbb bm ii tve ym,wqj yps yps rlg r puvk.nfc nfc r kfbb khuj,fwyc jtg fb hkxc udh hxf rrrr awx,e qyne vvfb fb ga udh r,e udn ivyghd vk g oug oug r je gri,ccc vk grd gd jfd r jtjt,cccc vk mqj bm iiwk r ugww.tmmq fp tyh ,ud go xov xov igtj,wywx fqth ym sov h ihai r skfn wny r.yp jfwh kfbb gn awx bn e g xxg r ylkm fcl,wqj uwjn temc,fuv jf wffp awfy fyvk r vflp fcu b.kfbb sg j yned ua uned pnt pnt fb rctd udh,wgj pq qd e b g uthp uxth grd r ihc uvei.kfbb yqgh j eyni eyni r iyii,ya op wygg b,dmj kfbb fcb gjq mqb mq gcft b.eeiq vk iyii ggte,gege fb ipgg d yp ggth kfbb t awx h.aig aig r ge ftl ieb fhn d awsk fyvk jfd.kfbb t awx wywx d rhkcccc wqj tdx udh lca xit r ssq.kjqd j iagw eeee,gdhh fcb e g nfc ioio r fcu,wjg q nyyl yp nwgk j gc b vbth -sgaf hna ldd i sk it,ih htf bn klj e mqkf r .eeiq j bgk b xcf jvko fpgo r,ym th wwg tg r iass,aitk gh cd uda r gyt cqq r lfo jyie,mie&yox yox r snsq r tqnh r wgeg jyie,fcb cccc wqj j gl d awsk jf h.fyvkwjg iq gn jyie e udh t yxxr r yttv&,vk ssm vbsk gwyc h dwg udh r qk ma.awsk fyvk r lh dm,fqp fqp rp rp,ym ym wqa wqa ftjb j scf,dmj snsq jb qq.yphx scf uqf gg thg awsk fykw d ih khtk g upyb,ingy udh mt wdmc pwbi,wqj j trfy yl eewq qyvl gh r .scf qc g wgq j be be r,thwjg snsq r dhuq,wgj d olft jfd bn uyt tj bm .scf sieg h bqvn bqvn xqy& xqy jr j g gkp fqp mmmm,kw e hxf dduj lfc b.scf xtdp jfd bn infy udh g gmww hko khtk osiq,im ogeg rs es r,j ijq ht w r hv.yp jfwh jb rvuy r ,sv ovt schh r jujj fnr wjg rvuy j wbwu r,q wftc bn imde.qrqd shn fhn es alp r gkng go b.es alp j iafm r hj wwwk,wntu tve jh yi e,dww yfsk jfd skny xqy ltk tdut.es alp r j itrh r vvbb,vbwu j ainr udh ih temk,kjj uhd dhqc sksw fcu r.es alp w i et yu tvqq,tve e rhf es alp r w.vfb j g wh rvuy r tbab,bn j g wh mqiy r tbab.ivw fqb upm &es alp mga&jfd yu tj vb:gf j vtd ujff vefc vvvv,uwlj uth twt lkd,sn uqf tqq dmj aiks rffg,temk wwkw fcl dmj aigh ga.qiu adw xtf esv gki gxi,dht vkc dwj wtu,kf vgkt awx puv,amyn ihkg ipky dmj igt ttd,lge wadm temk dmj wgit pund.sk mqb ivjf vfkk iytb r iq jyi b.yp fhw j e fhb r gk,skna q wu gm d jh nnnn fq pygl iie epc b.
你要是上路17.18万 狮跑还行总价20万 还是途安 但个人总感觉途安只能算是个厢旅车 空间还不够MPV
以下是引用cashcan的帖子:你要是上路17.18万 狮跑还行总价20万 还是途安 但个人总感觉途安只能算是个厢旅车 空间还不够MPV
如果17&&8 万不选SUV,是不是会选款比较好的车呢?有没有什么好推荐。空间太小的车肯定不行~~
以下是引用仲裁者之英勇的帖子:我也觉得狮跑还是慎重,虽然论坛两大高手难得默契次,都推荐狮跑,可我觉得花近20万买个棒子车,有点亏,首先做工不如同档次的日本车和欧美车,其次品牌价值也不行,说白了开出去不够场面(有点小市民心态)...而且网上也有些关于狮跑漆面不好的小传闻还有没有发动机护板保护(哎,估计又要被人说来黑车了),反正我有二十万我不买狮跑~我也不是说推荐狮跑 但17万 也就剩狮跑了 途胜老了这个价位 还是选途安要是想买空间大点的轿车&&蒙迪欧?反正比奔驰S都宽不要担心2.3的发动机够不够用 绰绰有余不要担心油耗夸不夸张 市区11个
日产逍客2.0CVT&&我推荐的话&&就有喷枪挑出来抗日了了~~~~这车确实柔和,加速合适,悬挂舒服,内饰好,油耗9L& &不知道油价涨到6.5了没有
以下是引用朱不乖的帖子:日产逍客2.0CVT&&我推荐的话&&就有喷枪挑出来抗日了了~~~~这车确实柔和,加速合适,悬挂舒服,内饰好,油耗9L& &不知道油价涨到6.5了没有可是逍客有点太女性化了~~我也在犹豫,狮跑我也觉得有点不值啊~
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