电影中step sheet datasheet是什么意思思?

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Amy Auger, Parma, OH - Dee Blansett, Concord, OH – Sept 2015
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Sonja Hemmes – August 2015
Sonja Hemmes – August 2015
Sonja Hemmes – August 2015
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Movie Here心灵捕手电影中的俚语有哪些拜托了各位 谢谢_百度知道
心灵捕手电影中的俚语有哪些拜托了各位 谢谢
4. in one’s good graces = in someone's favor or good opinion
受到某人的宠爱 ,也可以表示为
in someone's good books / in the good graces of
Ruth is back in her mother's good graces. 鲁斯重新得到了妈妈的宠爱。
Bill is anxious to get in the boss's good books.比尔渴望在老板那里受宠。
5.MIT Tech 麻省理工学院的校报。
The Tech, first published in 1881, is the oldest and largest campus newspaper at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts.Editions are published on Tuesday and Friday throughout the academic year, daily during freshman orientation period, once a week during January, and occasionally over the summer.
6.Field’s Medal 菲尔兹奖
The Fields Medal is a prize awarded to two, three, or four mathematicians not over 40 years of age at each International Congress of the International Mathematical Union, a meeting that takes place every four years.The Fields Medal is widely viewed as the top honor a mathematician can receive.Founded at the behest of Canadian mathematician John Charles Fields, the medal was first awarded in 1936, to Finnish mathematician Lars Ahlfors and American mathematician Jesse Douglas and has been regularly awarded since 1950.Its purpose is to give recognition and support to younger mathematical researchers who have made major contributions.
7. to make a mockery of something
嘲弄,把 …… 作笑料
You're making a mockery of the court here!
8.rap sheet 美国俚语中指的是“a police arrest record 公安部门的刑事犯登记表”。
9.foster home 抚养孤儿的家庭
10.Motion to dismiss is denied.撤销告诉。
11.bail 保释金。
12.juvie 也写作juvey,是指“少年罪犯(管教所)”。
13.shot in the dark == a wild, unsubstantiated guess 瞎猜
— How did you know I was from America?
— Just a shot in the dark.
14.combinatorial mathematics 组合数学
finite mathematics 有穷数学,有限数学
15.Sounds like a real hoot. “Hoot”本指“猫头鹰的叫声”,或是“表示不满或轻蔑的叫嚣”。
16.serve time 服刑
We couldn't hire him when we learned that he had
served time for robbery.
17.I am afforded the right to speak in my own defense, sir, by the Constitution of the United States.
18.I don't recall meeting anyone who matches that description.I think I'd remember.
19.There's no chance that you're pre-law, is there?
20.Do you buy all these books retail, or do you send away for, like, a &shrink kit&...?
retail零售,零买。kit 整套的东西,shrink (俚) 心理治疗师,
send away for a shrink kit 向某个地方订购一整套的心理治疗的书。
21.That book'll fuckin' knock you on your ass.
“To knock someone on their ass” 是一种很粗鲁很口语化的说法, “使吃惊、震惊,吓坏某人”。
22.you know you'd be better shoving that cigarette up your ass.你最好把烟在你的屁股上捻灭了。
shove 即push的意思,不过语气更强烈一些。
23.It really gets in the way of my yoga.抽烟确实妨碍我练习瑜伽
get in the way 妨碍。
Don’t get in my way! 别妨碍我!
24.Do you work out? work out出去工作→去(健身房)运动。
I really need to work out to lose some weight. 我真得去运动一下减减肥了。
25.Nautilus 一个生产健身器材的品牌,发明了第一台健身器,并有自己的健身学院。在美国也有以此命名的健身俱乐部,是否和该集团有关则不得而知。
26.free weights
Free weights 指一种肌肉训练方法,用哑铃、杠铃等进行训练,和其他的器械训练法相对。通常器械训练是二维训练,即器械的设计使肌肉的运动是在一个平面上。而free weights 是遵循人体正常的肌肉运动方式,即三维训练。通常初学者宜采用器械训练,可以有效避免受伤,进阶者和专业者采用free weights的训练方式,这种方式更有效。
另外Free Weights 也是一个健身器材品牌。在电影中似乎是即指训练方式,又指俱乐部的名称。
27.big time 愉快的时光→很愉快的事。
28.What do you bench?
lift是指“举重”,这个项目的名字叫做“power lifting”。Bench 作为动词,这里是指“仰卧举重,杠铃推举”,正式的名称为bench press,就是“仰卧在长凳上,将杠铃从胸前举至臂伸直处,然后再放低至胸前”。What do you bench 的意思就是“你仰卧举重/杠铃推举重量多少?”
29.Just the linear and impressionistic mix makes a very muddled composition.It's also a Winslow Homer rip-off
muddled composition构图不清不楚。
to rip off 欺骗, rip-off n. 仿冒品,拙劣的模仿
30. Any port in a storm .
== any solution to a difficult situation (is better than none) 危急之中任何可能的解决办法”
1) John's plan isn't ideal, but
any port in a storm .约翰的计划不是很理想,但有总比没有好。
2) I don't even like him very much, but I had to move out of my flat and he offered me a place to stay. Any port in a storm , as they say.
31.The oars are about to snap.“桨都快断了”,指的是画中所表现的暴风雨之中的危机景象。
32.Bingo 一种常用的口语表达,意思“exactly 完全正确,一点没错”。
33.watch your mouth 说话当心一点。
Watch your mouth! That language is terrible! 注意你说话的态度!你用词很不文雅!
You’d better watch your mouth! 你最好说话当心一点!
34.Watch it right there, chief.
chief 的本意是“酋长,首领”,这里是用来表示称呼,意思是“老大,哥们,朋友”等等。
35.banging some other guy (粗俗的俚语) 与……性交”。
36.It works better if I tell it in the first person.
In the first person 就是以“以第一人称”,这句话的意思就是“如果我以第一人称讲(这个笑话)的话,效果会好些。”“第二人称”和“第三人称”分别是second person 和 third person。
37.I went on a date last week.上周我去约会了。
go on a date 去约会
38. not have the heart to (习) be unable to bring oneself to say or do something
He didn't have the heart to tell her the cat had died.他不忍心告诉她猫已经死了。
have the heart to tell him that his father just had a heart attack.
39. have the goods on
也作 get the goods on
== acquire or possess confidential information about someone, especially of a damaging or incriminating kind掌握某人的机密信息,尤其是可造成伤害的
Trouble is, they've got the goods on me. 麻烦的是,他们掌握了我的机密信息。
It would be terrible if they
have the goods on me.如果他们掌握了我的机密信息就糟糕了。
41.open up = spread out, unfold, 展开;摊开
A green valley opened up before us. 青翠的山谷展现在我们眼前。
42.You gonna take the professor's side on this? take one’s side 站在……一边。
43.Don't give me a line of shit.别和我胡说八道、油嘴滑舌。
line (口) 谎言,谎话
He kept on handing me a line about how busy he is.他不断地对我撒谎,说他很忙。
44.lay brick 砌砖。
45. cop out = back out of a responsi also, take the easy way out
Don' he's been known to fake illness and
cop out .
46.You're chucking me?!
to chuck someone
47.Look at you, you fucking burnout.What winds you're clock? 什么让你高兴/感到有活力?
wind the clock给钟表上发条。
48.you just cash in your chips and walk away...
cash in (牌语) 兑现,脱手
49.Hey, at least I played a hand.
play a hand (玩牌用语) 玩了一局。
50.Some people will lose a big hand like that and have the sack to ante up again.
have the sack = have the balls : have the courage (粗) 有勇气
ante up = to keep going, to go higher/further继续进行,继续前进。
51.See ya, Bo-peep.
Bo-peep 是一种逗小孩的游戏,叫做“ 藏猫猫 ”。
52.You'll never have that kind of relationship in a world
where you're always afraid to take the first step, because all you see is every negative thing ten miles down the road.
53. hook up with = form a tie or association
和 …… 有关联,联系
She had hooked up with the wrong crowd. 她和一帮坏人混在一起。
They gonna hook ya up with a job or what.(他们要)给你找份工作什么的吧。
He never had a decent job until he
hooked up with this company.
54.long division division (数) 除法 long division长除法。
55.probably make some nice bank though. 赚很多钱。
56.I'm going to be a fucking lab rat.
Lab rat 是指实验室里供研究人员研究用的小白鼠。
57.So don't take this the wrong way.不要理解错了、不要误会我的意思。
58.you're sittin' on a winnin' lottery ticket. You're too much of a pussy to cash it in
too much of something 是指“……太多了”,可以指某一特质,也可以指某类事情。
pussy (粗) 懦夫,胆小鬼。
Don't drink too much of Coca Cola Zero.别喝太多0卡路里可乐。
59.from when I pull up to the curb and when I get to your door.
pull up to the curb停车到路边。
Pull over the curb.靠路边停车。
He parked his car along the curb. 他把汽车停靠在路边。
He pulled over to the curb. 他把车子停靠在路边。
出门在外也不愁参考译文1: Marksheet参考译文2: Marksheet参考译文3: Marksheet参考译文4: marksheet语义参照:他成了大花猫
He became a Mimiinterconnected operation
Yes,,, have a strong interest in小劲酒
Small Jin liquorBeautiful My Life
Legal character完结
The end ofhydrating body lotion smooth over body forenriching moisture and sensuous fragrance
保湿润肤乳顺利身体 forenriching 湿度和感性的香味商联超市商品采购模式设计
Commercial Union supermarket goods procurement model design清洁费
Cleaning fee最后面就有我们丝带的色卡
Finally have our Ribbon color cardif you believe that this extract contains any error or omission please advise the a.s.i.c. promptly.
如果你认为这摘录载有任何错误或遗漏a.s.i.c.请提供 迅速。我不太会外语
I'm not foreign languageToxigenic Staphylococcus
产毒葡萄球菌what you are the one I love
你是我所爱的人什么Can a heart still break once it’s stopped beating?
See the teacher came, he blushedcopy cat
Home Gaming蛇绿岩
Ophioliteset subnet
DERMO 平衡Please rest assured that we share your equal concern on the hygiene of our tenant’s premises and our building and your cooperation for keeping the tenant’s premises in clean condition is higly appreciated.
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我是的 rure 太阳形光盘就在那里freight vehicle
货物车College graduate
大学毕业生最后的一首歌 续写最初的一段情
A final song continues writes initial section of sentimentshas it arrived yet
Sizzling beef ricethis is from your cousin
Bouncenot see you dear
看不到你亲爱的I liek fishing,running and playing basketball.They're fun. I muisc,painting or swimming. Ther're boring.
我喜欢钓鱼,跑步和打basketball.They“重新乐趣。我muisc,绘画或游泳。 Ther're枯燥。现在的生活中少不了娱乐活动。现在人们的消费关都不一样。有的比较注重生活,喜欢各种各样的娱乐活动,比如:旅游,登山,户外,还有的喜欢唱歌,跳舞,游泳,好多好多。但是各种各样的娱乐活动对我们的生活也是有利有弊的,积极向上的娱乐活动可以有益于我们的身心健康
Now lives and ultimately, entertainment activities. Now people's Commissioner of customs and consumption is not the same. Some more attention to life, like all kinds of recreational activities, such as: tourism, mountain climbing, outdoor, and others like singing, dancing, swimming, very very many.最近查询:
The Nobel Prize is considered to be one of the most distinguished scientists and writers get greatly honor.
I am now studying at Nanjing tourist vocational college hotel management
toutes peaux 所有皮肤类型
Supports 5 interconnection data exchange, supports power source 9V
Any wish to let psychological or physical become stronger
我的灵魂我的心脏按照自己的命运... ...
周实行非常努力编写的电影。 在他的电影,他花了约3个小时的脚本记住每一天。
Three or four years is not in English, have long forgotten.
Today, I went home
Life is like a train will always goes around even It . there is someone left behind
现在太多 ______ 付给,太多的钱花在饲养宠物,尽管一些国家的人正在挨饿。
But as the rioting of step by step upgrade, this time on the face of conflicts between blacks and police have undergone a qualitative change.
我的尺子长于VBA 我数组学的不好 我想问下ARRTEMP 什么意思(我看别人写的奇数行复制到工作表2 3 中看到的)_百度知道
VBA 我数组学的不好 我想问下ARRTEMP 什么意思(我看别人写的奇数行复制到工作表2 3 中看到的)
Sub CopyCont() Dim Arr Dim i&, j% Arr = Sheet1.UsedRange.Value If UBound(Arr) & 0 Then
ReDim arrtemp(1 To Int(UBound(Arr) / 2) + 1, 1 To UBound(Arr, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(Arr) Step 2
For j = 1 To UBound(Arr, 2)
arrtemp((i + 1) / 2, j) = Arr(i, j)
Next i End If Sheet2.ClearArrows Sheet2.Range(&a1&).Resize(UBound(arrtemp), UBound(arrtemp, 2)) = arrtemp Sheet3.ClearArrows Sheet3.Range(&a1&).Resize(UBound(arrtemp), UBound(arrtemp, 2)) = arrtemp End Sub
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take a rash step是什么意思
take a rash step是什么意思 take a rash step在线翻译 take a rash step什么意思 take a rash step的意思 take a rash step的翻译 take a rash step的解释
take a rash steptake a rash step 基本解释 急躁, 做错, 失策take a rash step 网络解释1. 急躁, 做错, 失策& & take a bold step 采取果断措施 | take a rash step 急躁, 做错, 失策 | take steps 设法; 采取措施take a rash step 网络例句1. When difficult cases occur, they are difficult chiefly because while we have them under consideration, all the reasons pro and con are not present to the mind at the same time … To get over this, my way is to divide half a sheet of paper by a l writing over the one &Pro&, and the other &Con&. Then … I put down under the different heads short hints of the different motives … for and against the measure … I endeavour to estimate thei where I find one on each side that seem equal, I strike them both out. If I find a reason pro equal to two reasons con, I strike out three … and thus proceeding I find at length where the balance lies … And, though the weight of reasons cannot be taken with the precision of algebraic quantities, yet when each is thus considered, separately and comparatively, and the whole lies before me, I think I can judge better, and am less liable to take a rash step. & &当困难情形出现时,之所以困难主要是因为当我们把他们置于考虑之列时,所有赞成和反对的因素并不会因此同时跃然于胸……对于该问题,我的解决之道是将一张纸划线一分为二,一边写&赞成&,一边写&反对&,然后在相应位置根据赞成或反对的意图写下简短提示……我努力评估他们各自的重要性;当一边各有一个要素相当时,就把这两个划掉;如果&赞成&的一个要素与&反对&的两个要素相当,就划掉三个……这样下去直到最后两边平衡为止……虽然要素的重要性不能和代数数量的精确性等量齐观,但每一个要素都要单独和比较权衡而定,当所有要素呈现在面前时,我想我能够很好的做出判断,而不至于匆促决定。2. When difficult cases occur, they are difficult chiefly because while we have them under consideration, all the reasons pro and con are not present to the mind at the same time … To get over this, my way is to divide half a sheet of paper by a l writing over the one &Pro&, and the other &Con&. Then … I put down under the different heads short hints of the different motives … for and against the measure … I endeavour to estimate thei where I find one on each side that seem equal, I strike them both out. If I find a reason pro equal to two reasons con, I strike out three … and thus proceeding I find at length where the balance lies … And, though the weight of reasons cannot be taken with the precision of algebraic quantities, yet when each is thus considered, separately and comparatively, and the whole lies before me, I think I can judge better, and am less liable t o take a rash step. & &当困难情形出现时,之所以困难主要是因为当我们把他们置于考虑之列时,所有赞成和反对的因素并不会因此同时跃然于胸……对于该问题,我的解决之道是将一张纸划线一分为二,一边写&赞成&,一边写&反对&,然后在相应位置根据赞成或反对的意图写下简短提示……我努力评估他们各自的重要性;当一边各有一个要素相当时,就把这两个划掉;如果&赞成&的一个要素与&反对&的两个要素相当,就划掉三个……这样下去直到最后两边平衡为止……虽然要素的重要性不能和代数数量的精确性等量齐观,但每一个要素都要单独和比较权衡而定,当所有要素呈现在面前时,我想我能够很好的做出判断,而不至于匆促决定。take a rash step是什么意思,take a rash step在线翻译,take a rash step什么意思,take a rash step的意思,take a rash step的翻译,take a rash step的解释,take a rash step的发音,take a rash step的同义词,take a rash step的反义词,take a rash step的例句,take a rash step的相关词组,take a rash step意思是什么,take a rash step怎么翻译,单词take a rash step是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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