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佩母德兰湾 Pemuteran Bay
This beautiful bay at the foot of a volcanic mountain range was
an amazing find. The journey from Denpasar is quite long but the
destination is well worth it. We spent 4 days but I think we would
have been happy with at least a week. Some of the back roads are a
bit rough but the main road is good.there a little market to the
west with fresh produce. Time on the water was fantastic with
diving and snorkelling. The trip to Menjangan Island is a must. If
there's one place you must see while in Bal
Un guide presque de rêve ... personne n'est parfait :)
"Easy-Divers.EU" est une petite société de plongée familiale, super
sympa tenu par un ancien des pays de l'EST qui vous fera mourir de
rire (anglais uniquement).
Bonne organisation, matériel propre et en bonne état, et des prix
très correctes.
Question plongée, tout ce fait sur MENJANGAN en plongée dérivante
(courant très faible) ... y a pas mieux.
Sous l'eau le guide est très discret, il vous laisse vivre
pleinement votre plongée, pas de br
I dived with YOS Diving and it was lots of fun. We dived at an
island in the national park and the guide was really helpfull. The
second dive spot was much better but also the first spot was nice.
The Environment is very nice and beer or a coconut after the dive
with the divemasters is kind of a service.
REally friendly staff. I had 3 wonderful days diving with this
company. Much cheaper than booking the dives at the hotels.
i just want to answer to the last review concerning the "dirty
beach", i am leaving in Pemuteran for 7 years and in december, the
rain begin and with the first rain , the current in the sea change
and bring rubbish on the bay.
every hotel and dive center do their best to clean it up at high
tide every day.
the hotel celan the beach and the diveshop clean the sea.
it is the same all around Bali at this time and we do our
otherwise, Pemuteran is the perfect place to saty away from mass
We decided to come to Pemuteran directly from Java to cut up the
journey, and with excellent reviews on trip advisor, we thought it
was a perfect place to stay for a few nights. When We arrived, we
were completely shocked and disappointed to see how dirty the beach
was. We have never seen a beach and water filled with so much
rubbish and filth before in the world. When we asked a local woman
why the beach was so disgusting, she told us it is only this way at
the beginning of the rainy season, so
We are on our second stay in Pemuteran Bay and we just love the
place. It is remote and unspoilt with just a handful of warungs, an
interesting pearl farm to visit and the most beautiful reefs and
fish to see if you take the trip out to Menjangan Island. Even the
reefs off the beach are worth a snorkel but the island has
exceptional sea life in calm, warm waters that even novice
snorkellers can enjoy. Apart from that there is plenty of time to
relax by the pool in the idyllic weather an be looke
Not the prettiest of beaches, black sand and rather narrow but
it is wonderfully peaceful and as clean as any other Bali beach.
Seafront cottages and restaurants NOT blaring out music (with the
exception of some traditional Balinese gamela), very reasonable
prices and good quality in the roadside places away from the beach.
If you want to escape the noise and hustle of the big resorts this
place is great. Oh good snorkeling and diving opportunities
Pemuteran is very little tourism, nature is preserved, both on
land and in the ocean. Tatoo on earth contact Putu passionate about
the forest, he knows all the trees of the mangrove or rainforest,
the importance of preserving nature as it is for the good of Bali.
to contact the ocean experienced divers Pemuteran, they will make
even the wonders of Finding Nemo, thanks to snorkeling and diving
you are at the heart of a colorful, lively, rich and rather unlike
the coast autentic where coral is reb
If you're looking for the best beach in Bali, this is definitely
NOT the beach here is small and narrow-ish.
However, the town is very quiet, with great accommodation options
for reasonable prices, and some good diving centers. There are some
beachfront bungalows that look very inviting.
I would definitely recommend, if you wish to spend a few days "away
from it all" (including beach hawkers), in a beautiful
I'd choose Pemuteran over the apparently more popular Lovina
Nous avons pris le bateau à pemuteran pour aller faire du
snorkeling dans la zone où le corail est désormais protégé et
repousse. L'endroit fut excellent , énormément de poissons à voir
dans une eau plut?t transparente (mais quelques particules en
suspension par endroit). Par contre l'horreur des plages de l'ile
de Pulau Menjangan soi-disant immaculées : une vraie poubelle, sacs
plastiques flottants, honte pour le pays. Apparemment certains
locaux jettent leurs déchets à la mer, et les courants
Ich empfehle, eines der Tauchcenter an der Strasse zu nehmen.
Dort kosten die Tauchg?nge nur die H?lfte dessen, was in den
Beachfront Tauchcentern der Hotels verlangt wird. Wir waren mit
Global Dive unterwegs. Zwei Dives für 550.000 IDR incl. gear und
Lunch in Menjangan. Top!
Pemuteran Bay selbst ist nur für Tauchschüler interessant, weil es
sich hier gut den Tauchschein machen l?sst. Kaum Str?mung und (auch
für Schnorchler) interessante künstliche Riffwelten.
We stayed at Pondak Sari hotel, 4 star hotel but not expensive,
lovely open air bathrooms and chalet rooms with plenty of privacy.
We went snorkeling and diving one day and also went on bird
watching trip to National Park both excellent.
Fantastic breakfast at hotel and reasonable priced evening meals.
We also linked up with a driver from the village for next 4 days
for a tour of mountains and east coast of Bali Weedy was his name
and comes highly recommended.
perjalanan saya berlibur k bali sangat menyenangkan, d sana saya
bisa melihat kesenangan dan merasakan ketenangan.
d sana juga terdapat berbagai wisata, seperti: climbing, flying
fox, snorkling, dll
sewaktu saya d sana, saya juga sempat mncoba permainan snorkling
dan itu sangat menyenangkan bagi saya.
kalau masih ada wktu lagi saya ingin sekali berlibur lagi k sana
bersama orang yg saya cintai.
dan anda harus mencoba berlibur k bali !
佩母德兰湾 Pemuteran Bay
Bali, Indonesia罗威纳全部景点观光中排第3名
位于巴厘岛的最西部的门姜岸岛(Menjangan Island) ,为西巴厘国家公园所在地。覆盖面积为750平方公里。国家公园没有院墙,为开放性,与草原、森林、热带雨林和沼泽湿地接壤,也是潜水和浮潜理想之地。是一个无人居住的小岛,是每一个对海洋生物、浮潜和潜水感兴趣的人来到巴厘岛必到的地方之一。
包车抵达Teluk Terima bay后,从Labuan Lalang坐船抵达。
/poi/V2wJZVFkBz9TZQ/您所在的位置: &
潜水假期 郭熙文 
  1999年我在 Asian Diver magazine 中读到一篇文章 & What's new in Bali,Secret Bay--a
new dive location &,当时很好奇这是个什么样的地方呢?
Nusa penida,东北方的 Amed、Tulamben,北方的 Lovina 及西北方的 menjangan island,而整个西海岸终年风浪,不太适合潜水但却是冲浪的好地方。
  至于secret Bay位于何处呢?它位于Bali西北顶端的一个小海湾内,距出名的 menjangan island 车行不到30分钟,目前只有一家潜水店
Dive & Dive's 拥有在此经营潜水店的权力,可能它向政府长期租用且买断专利权吧!此店的 owner 为一日本水底潜摄家 Takamasa
Tonozuka,他已发表许多文章在日本的潜水杂志:marine photo、Dive world,所以此处的客人大多为日本人,且几乎均为水中摄影爱好者。
  Dive & Dive's 在此有一 office 及各种潜水相关设施,来此由 Bali 机场 Denparsar airport 车行3小时可到,此处可以直接收到台湾的行动电话,所以极为方便。住宿之处有2种选择:Dive
lodge I 就在 office 旁及下水处前方,潜水极为方便,但住宿设施较简陋,房间无空调。而 Dive lodge II 位于 office 车行3分钟即可到,也很方便;此处房间设施较好,有空调,可依个人需求而订之。目前国内每天都有多班飞机往返
  Secret Bay 的地形全为浅滩沙地,水深最多10米,所以每次潜水的 bottom time 均超过1小时,而能见度很差 ( 5~10米 ),是一个典型的
muck diving,上下岸很方便,岸潜即可。但事实上此处包括很大的地区,除了 SBDC ( secret bay dive center ) 前方的水域之外,还有右前方的
Kalong island 及正前方远处的小沙洲,可由小船带去而自行由水底游回,所以一天5潜应无问题,反正无论何处水深均不超过10米。上岸后即可立刻冲洗,而相机可泡水,所以各种设施均很方便就手,完全为潜水员着想,在此潜水真是很relax,一天除了吃、睡之外就是潜水及讨论各种奇特的水中生物。日本的潜水员真是很认真,每人都有一本厚厚的水中生物图谱,每次潜完就写笔记做记录,他们的专注及认真,实在值得我们好好学习。
  此处水域位于太平洋及印度洋交会之处,所以水温较 Bali 其它处水温低五度左右,这也造就此处可见各种太平洋及印度洋之海洋生物会聚一处,更有许多突变种之生物可见。在此处可发现之生物如下:海床上
seapen,各种 urchin、nudibranch、anemone、clowfish 及 shrimps、crabs、Dwarflionfish、scorpionfish、pipefish、sand
& snake eels,各种颜色的 seahorse ( 棕、黑、黄 )、frogfish、ornate ghostpipefish,各种颜色的
goby、bobit worm,各种的 dragonet;此外还有奇特的 anglerfish,又名之为 Tono's anglerfish ( 因为是
Dive & Dive's 的主持人 Tonozuka 发现 ),大只 seastar 上可见奇特的 shrimp 及 nudibranch,各种颜色的
firefish ( 白、绿、棕色 ) 及 leaffish ( 白、棕、黄色 )、pufferfish、flouder、squid 及 cuttlefish、blenny,而
octopus 躲在小筒中,此外还有许多其它不知名的鱼种及生物有待你来发现甚至命名之。
  四天的潜水行程很快结束,留下的是令人回味无穷的经验,如此多的海中生物聚集一处, 需要大家好好保护,Dive & Dive's 小心安排行程,避免
over-diving 而遭到破坏。总之,有兴趣的 u/w macrophotographer 绝对不可错过此处,Dive & Dive's 的
manager 是 Mr. Gusti,TEL:( 62-361 ) 288625,Fax:( 62-361 ) 288892,一年四季均可潜水即为方便。我的最佳建议是住在
Dive lodge II,白天在 menjangan island 做2~3潜,而下午及夜间在 secret bay 潜水,广角及微距兼顾,保证令你满载而归。(编辑:yani)
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2014年,孟赞干岛((Menjangan Island,)浮潜费用是多少?


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