lidewij edelwisekoort 是谁

& 国际知名趋势预测家林德威o爱德科特(Lidewij Edelkoort)发布流行趋势报告 雷达表被誉为现代炼金术大师
国际知名趋势预测家林德威o爱德科特(Lidewij Edelkoort)发布流行趋势报告 雷达表被誉为现代炼金术大师
&&&&& [ 品牌新闻]国际知名趋势预测家林德威·爱德科特(Lidewij Edelkoort)将等离子高科技陶瓷选作现代炼金术的绝佳范例,并在其于今年早些时候重磅发布的趋势报告中对此予以重点介绍。
&&&&& 作为一位敏锐的思想家、出版人与趋势预测家,林德威·爱德科特可谓是不断变革的当今世界极富远见与洞察力的观察家之一。她在最新发布的趋势报告中的《现代炼金术——等离子科技魅力》章节中写道:“物质的转化无疑已成为现代创意产业的重要驱动力。全球设计产业正共同见证一场集科学、化学、炼金技术为一身的材料革命。”在该报告的调研过程中,林德威·爱德科特注意到了等离子高科技,并很快将等离子高科技陶瓷及其制作过程选作“现代炼金术”的绝佳范例。
&&&&& 事实上,通过RADO瑞士对于材质与设计创新的执着追求,人们可以轻易捕捉到其现代炼金术的成长印记。炼金术作为一个古老的方式正主导着当今世界不同领域的创意变革:室内设计师不断创造合成材料;纺织品设计师通过各种元素层叠混搭呈现鲜明特色;食品设计师将传统食材打造出全新的饮食体验。在诸多国际设计大奖中屡获殊荣的RADO瑞士最新的”炼金术”始于陶瓷——这一已伴随人类数千年之久的材质。在瑞士雷达表制表师的手中,我们“亲眼见证了高科技陶瓷转化为另一种独特而神秘物质的过程,夺目而不刺眼,无光自辉,光泽由内闪耀。这是一种世人前所未闻、前所未见的全新材质。”(林德威·爱德科特)
&&&&&& RADO瑞士雷达表所使用的等离子高科技陶瓷是一种极具未来感的材质。在等离子特制炉的高温下,白色高科技面的分子结构发生改变,呈现出独特的暖灰色金属光泽。所获得的全新材质看似金属,却未使用任何金属。以等离子高科技陶瓷打造的表款不仅拥有迷人的金属外观更保有高科技陶瓷的所有优点。
&&&&& 林德威·爱德科特深深为RADO瑞士雷达表现代炼金术所陶醉,并亲自掌镜,为瑞士雷达表拍摄了一组由全新HyperChrome皓星系列等离子高科技陶瓷出演且极具魔幻意境的图片。与包括精钢在内的金属材质相比,等离子高科技陶瓷的光泽更为温暖,可与任何肤色及服饰颜色进行搭配。正如这位设计趋势专家所言:“等离子高科技陶瓷材质色泽介于灰色与灰褐色之间,仿佛游走于白昼与黑夜一般,轻松驾驭任何场合。独特的暖灰色金属光泽将带领您在时空中自由穿梭。”瑞士雷达表全新HyperChrome皓星钻石系列采用等离子高科技陶瓷材质,可谓腕表中的“小黑裙”, 满足各种场合与着装,成为当代女性上佳的配饰之选。
关于林德威·爱德科特与流行趋势联合会(Trend Union)
&&&&&& 林德威·爱德科特是世界上最著名的趋势预测家之一。她总部位于巴黎的公司——流行趋势联合会,会提前两年甚至更早编写并发布流行趋势手册,以作为国际品牌战略决策者和设计师们的重要参考。目前,这家公司在纽约与东京皆设有办事处。十多年前,《时代周刊》将她列为全球25位最具影响力的时尚专家之一。1999年至2008年期间,她曾担任著名的荷兰埃因霍温(Eindhoven)设计学院主席一职。更于2012年获颁荷兰最富盛名的文化奖项——伯恩哈德王子文化大奖(Prins Bernhard Cultuurprijs)。林德威·爱德科特最近被认命为纽约新学院大学(New School)与巴黎帕森斯设计学院(Parsons)联合设计研究院院长,并将于2015年秋季上任。
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Dutch design news website
This Time She Means It
Li Edelkoort has announced her departure from Designhuis and Eindhoven's design scene.& She cites anger and disappointment with the government, which she calls ignorant and to blame for being clueless about creativity and how best to nurture design culture.
/ 21-01-2010
What follows is a translated and edited version of the open letter Lidewij Edelkoort addressed to friends, volunteers, journalists and staff of the Designhuis.& It was sent out on Tuesday January 12th 2010.&& Next week will follow up with an editorial feature on the issue with reactions from designers, the government, educators and other affected parties.&
As of January 1, 2010 I stepped down as art director of Designhuis. However, I will remain owner of the concept, name and brand Designhuis.??The reason for this early departure (as we were supposed to have three years to figure out whether Eindhoven needed an initiative like this) can be found in the present political situation in Eindhoven and its policies regarding design.??Recent developments are proving to be a dangerous step in the wrong direction for the city, the Design Academy and the autonomous designers in the area. It was a tremendous battle to have policymakers accept design in this city that had always prided itself for its technological edge.& For ten years I made it my personal cultural battle to fight for acknowledgement of this discipline and for more opportunities. This took up a lot of time during my term as chairwoman of the Design Academy and as a result Eindhoven is now known as a city of the avant-garde.Rebranding the Design Academy, organizing the school&s Graduation Galleries (which now attract 20.000 visitors), the incubators, the lab, the shows in Milan, Tokyo and New York, exchanges with cities like St. Etienne and Cape Town are just few of the initiatives taken, and which were often realized by me. It even earned me honorary citizenship of the city.??Today Eindhoven has three claims to fame: sport (the PSV football club), technology (TU), and design (Design Academy Eindhoven).??Right now I feel all this energy I spent is being negated. Design takes a prominent place in society these days. All cities in the Netherlands are in love with the creative industries and the field has become politicized because it is felt that in the future it will become increasingly prosperous.&& As a result, a takeover by marketing and management forces that are ignorant of the subject looms dark overhead. They are trying to control the creative process using the language of marketing with no realization that the creative process is by its very nature elusive. Because of their ignorance, what they are doing is actually undermining the strength of the world of design. The creative elites are being turned into the beasts of burden by city branding.& ??Through a forced marriage with local, technological small and medium-sized enterprises, the design industry is being incorporated into, and becoming the victim of, these enterprises. This is all the result of a lack of respect, stemming from ignorance. These compulsive measures have caused the international media to talk about a growing discrepancy between the oft-celebrated Dutch Design and Dutch Design Week.& It&s been made very clear that DDW is being more connected to technology and business (Interni). Even worse is the speculation at home and abroad (International Herald Tribune) about the downfall of Dutch Design.??The recent takeover by the firm Brainport of the principle and name &Dutch Design& is the most telling and frightening example. How can a local company focused on stimulating technology annex the entire national design effort by adopting the name Dutch Design Brainport? It&s a disgrace.??The policies and decisions made so far suggest that this merger will be forced and that a small but very successful piece of local, autonomous design will disappear from view in Eindhoven and thus from the international aura of the city. It should be known that the last three pitches by Brainport were unsuccessful, which should leave us wondering whether the city should put its faith in Brainport. ??I don&t think so. ??The forced seizure of Designhuis into this vision is the direct reason for my departure. Creating the Salle Polyvalente, a kind of social club where every institute in turn can do &its thing& without any artistic direction or supervision will mean the number of visitors will drop and in the end the initiative will disappear altogether. ??It is with a lot of regret that I am choosing to withdraw. With this departure I feel a great solidarity with the staff, the volunteers and Yksi who must all have been personally damaged by this chaotic close/open/close/open policy of the city. I didn&t know that such an inhumane human resource policy would be allowed. ??Thank you. ??What will happen next with the old courthouse is unclear. As is the case with my next moves in Holland or outside.??For the time being I will leave my home country for the second time.??This is a sad moment.
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