高潮好像是share the one day歌词的小星星英文歌词

有一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词高潮部分好像是....the way,...get to say ,大概是这样_百度知道
有一首英文歌,女生唱的,歌词高潮部分好像是....the way,...get to say ,大概是这样
这首歌属于比较欢快的那种 不是艾薇儿的歌 也不是love the way you lie
s never over  So don't lie and say your over me  Don&#39。你说是吧.  Was I not enough stimulation  Hit by a brake the other day  Just when I thought that I&#39.  我正在做任务?;t mean nothing  I't see  And then I change my mind you disagree  I used to be our inspiration  You chase your mind you disappear  And I know it&#39:最佳答案;t mean nothing  I't like my conversation  I can&#39.  你好..;m always getting over you  Do do do do  Do do do do do  Do do do do  Dt call and say your coming back for me  Don's my observation  You could never see it through my eyes  And I't mean nothing  I&#39.,再把介绍说清楚一点;m always getting over you  And don&#39,你的这样大概介绍太模糊了;m always getting over you  Do do do do  Do do do do do  Was it too much aggrevation  Your telling me the way that I won&#39? 歌词,不能确定;m always getting over you  And don'm too tired to try  So don&#39.;t call and say your coming back for me  Don'm okay  You didn&#39,多少首英文歌呢;t come up with something new  It doesn&#39:always getting over you !太多!麻烦,如果是请把我的回答作为;t lie and say your over me  Don&#39!
谢谢了;t mean nothing  I&#39,好找。 是不是;t really matter what I do  So here&#39:Do do do do do  Do do do do  Do do do do do.
虽然不是这首 但是你很用心 采纳了
倒确实有点像Avril的girlfriend,应该不是love the way you lie吧。.. 那首歌是rihanna和eminem唱的啊
有可能是 Love the way you lie
always getting over you
歌名应该是《sealed with a kiss》中文译名是《以吻封缄》你说的那部分是:Though we gotta say good bye
For the summer
当前位置: & 求一首英文歌曲,好像是个女人唱的,挺动感,歌词断断续续
BoA的经典抒情 有可能听到落泪哦1;every heart 犬夜叉最经典的一首片尾曲,歌曲层次分明,感情不断加深.可谓一首感人至深的的歌曲.MV讲述了摩天轮旋转一圈经历了黄昏,黑夜,最后黎明终于到来,拍得非常美,这首歌给我带来过许多欢笑,也带来过许多泪水2;Moon
Sunrise (月光日出)前奏非常好听,不是吗?除了“泪”这个汉字.这首歌饱含了孤独,寂寞,痛苦各种感情.此歌用情至深,催人泪下.为了理解本歌的感情,请务必一边对照中文歌词一边听这首歌.. 3;your color旋律简直美到窒息,再配上BoA完美的演唱..又一抒情大作腾空出世.4;everlasting(永恒)新一代的抒情大作.一路走来,风风雨雨,有笑有泪.终将会永恒,应该没有人不爱这首歌吧,我的同学们甚至爱它爱的死去活来.天天张口Everlasting闭口Everlasting.而对我来说,我的爱也绝不比她们少.因为这首歌真是..太好听了.. 5;My Prayer(我的祈祷)仿佛一个人在深夜回忆,所有的欢笑,泪水,寂寞,在此刻全都浮现在眼前6;If You Wwere Here (如果今天看到你)这首歌的旋律简直是一首神曲7;love can make a miracle (爱可以制造一个奇迹)高潮很经典,很熟悉,不是吗,仿佛在一个圣诞平安夜,全世界都静止了下来,一起倾听这首安详的神曲8;Meri Kuri(圣诞快乐)入选日本100首最催人泪下的歌,圣诞夜,教堂,十字架,雪花````9;jewel song (宝石情歌)美的窒息的WOW..WOW.. WOW..而JS能立刻吸引你.这首歌曾N次把我听哭..歌词美极了.MV把四个季节用电影剪辑的方式展现出来,表达了一种永恒的爱恋,一段刻入灵魂的感情, 而大气的编曲早已不能形容这首歌的美丽.一首让人感动的情歌,前期BoA抒情RB的王道之作.又听一遍,再次为JS所动容.这首歌..实在是说不尽.. 10;Can't Let Go (不能一起走)很绝望的旋律,越听越好听,世界上最遥远的距离莫过于相爱的人不能在一起11;再见 Good-bye高潮超级好听,能听出主角的无奈,心酸,对挚爱挥手说再见,一阵刻骨铭心的痛12;be with you一首很大气的情歌,也是一首相当温暖的歌,给人的感觉是在秋天的落叶下,述说一段华丽的爱情13;Candle Lights听第一个音便知道是神曲了..OH MY GOD!有人不爱这首歌吗?14;キミのとなりで 在你身边应该算是古典和J-POP系抒情歌的结合了吧,里面古典乐非常多.有一种别样的韵味.特别是第一句,有人说不好听吗15;Winter Love(寒冷的爱)基调是悲伤,声音里透着寒气.无奈的,悲伤的,痛苦的,没有结果的爱..『あなたが好きで 会いたてキスが 百亿の雪を护Δ巍徽馐赘璧谋橹涝缫盐薹ㄓ醚杂锢葱稳.我只知道WL是我听的最多的BoA一首歌,也是至今为止唯一一首真正从心眼里打动我的..听着这首歌,明明哭了确不知自己在流泪.. 16;Share your heart听到前奏,想到了1ST LIVE TOUR结束的那个旋律.这是一首非常能勾起回忆的歌,同样是一首很直白的歌,却饱含感情.此时,你只需要用心去听,用心去感受.就能体会到这首歌要表达的温暖的心情..17;The Show Must Go On很悲情的一首歌,听第一句有一种穿越所有回忆的感觉18;Smile again海平面转为平静.宁静,安静,SA里BoA的声音很清晰,感觉离自己的心很近.你会迅速就融入进SA的世界.世界仿佛只有你一个人,站在海岸,吹着海风,BoA面对着你唱歌,那是一个傍晚.你听到BoA在你耳边低语,他说:“Smile again,Try again.”我佩服BoA能把人带入这样一种意境中,仿佛只要用心,就会听到BoA在你耳边低唱,四周很静,你甚至听得到她的呼吸声和心跳声.这真是难以置信,不同寻常.19;We 我们 (“太极旗生死兄弟”日版电影原声带片尾曲)前面不是很容易被接受,听到高潮你才会爱上这首歌,很悲情,也很大气,听多了,你就会发现前面也一样迷人20;waiting好轻,好静,似乎全世界都暂停了,和BoA一起在这座孤岛这棵枯树下,等待心爱的恋人21;Stay In Love(像傻瓜一样吧)在BoA的歌中算一般的,听多了,你才会发现它的魅力22;Song with no name (没有名字的歌)此曲中BoA的声音纯洁无瑕,歌词感人亲切,让人的 心弦为之一动.虽然很短,但全曲所营造出来的氛围让人难以释怀.. 印象深刻.流水声,拨弦声,小提琴幽美的声音.实在是一首美丽的 抒情诗. BoA轻快的歌:1;Happy Birthday听第一句就会让你觉得很舒服,一首从头到尾都超经典轻快的歌,自己去体会吧2;七色の明日五颜六色的歌,快乐的感觉油然而生.好调皮好可爱.唱着这首歌都忍不住开心的笑起来,七色就是这样一首给人带来快乐的歌.无条件喜爱! 3;这个夜晚的印记仿佛在野外开一个很温暖的派对,甚至能听得见萤火虫的声音,超动听哦4;on.1熟悉的旋律响起,大家都仿佛看到了那个面带微笑的少女在东京塔下唱歌跳舞的样子吧,这首歌不用多说.BoA神曲之作.『YOU STILLMY NO.1』..这就是..亚洲天后的魅力. 5;Amazing Kiss (美国的吻)舒服的调子,舒服的声音.正如歌曲所述说的,一个Sweet的,Beautiful的,Amazing的..Kiss! 6;Kissing you前奏是不是很温馨的感觉?7;莩证沥悉膜郡铯肭煽肆Γ煽肆Γ⌒朔芷鹄戳耍_ 我习惯叫这首歌作“巧克力”.很可爱吧.8;long time no see一开始就唱给我一种意外的新鲜感,加上这首歌独有的“泡泡声”.使得整首歌都很舒服.流畅.给人以安逸舒适的感觉.超可爱同时超动听的一首歌 9;Beautiful Flowers一首很有爆发力的励志歌曲,有点类似FIR的风格,不过旋律比FIR的经典得多10;love
honesty (爱与诚)湿湿的,粘粘的.仿佛断断续续,碎碎片片,如梦一般.11;Hey Boy,Hey Girl 12;Shine We Are(大放异彩)13;Atlantis 少女BoA的经典舞曲1;on.1熟悉的旋律响起,大家都仿佛看到了那个面带微笑的少女在东京塔下唱歌跳舞的样子吧,这首歌不用多说.BoA神曲之作.『YOU STILLMY NO.1』..这就是..亚洲天后的魅力. 2;Listen to my Heart(倾听我心)一首再熟悉不过了的歌,是可以跟着唱跟着动的歌,这种感觉就像一阵风,一阵强劲的风.带劲上口的调子,交错间,仿佛少女酷酷的玩着JAZZ.LYMH中BoA的声音还是属于早期低低的音色,这也是我所喜欢的.这便是BoA魅力风的第一波,能量一下子就被注入了.真是再华丽不过了的序幕. 3;valenti (为爱勇敢)“Oh My God!” 有多少人,因为这首歌而 爱上了BoA.每次听,都会有一个感觉.『燃烧吧!我的小宇宙!』 4;BE THE ONE这次是一股强劲的电子风,势气越来越强,我们的主角也越来越霸气. 电吉它,振醒你的脑壳。HEY!全碟的一个高潮.虽然不是快节奏,也不是舞曲,但非常动感,霸气十足,帅啊! 5;soundscape这首歌的一切都是那么的迷人,叫人爱不释手6;My Way,Your Way整首歌仿佛在诉说着一个小场景,恋人之间的分手7;Rock With You (一起摇滚)用爆发来形容这首开场曲一点都不为过.新鲜的ROCK风,疯狂的叫喊,酷到令人发指的声音.8;QUINCY绝对好听的一首舞曲,高潮简直要穿透你的耳膜9;DOUBLE10;girls on top11;Diamond Heart12;MY NAME13;SPARK 光芒14;SO REAL15;MOTO16;AGGRESSIVE17;Sweet Impact18;make a secret19;Do You Love Me20;HeroineLZ一定要一首一首听完 不超好听来找我!!.一首英文歌 开头是吉他独声然后有一个男声说 Sing a love song 后面高潮经常出现歌词 I already know you can be mistakes (音译)有一次在别人手机上听到的 好像是Neyo的 但是没有找到 但是声线挺像 感谢!!
一首英文歌 开头是吉他独声然后有一个男声说 Sing a love song 后面高潮经常出现歌词 I already know you can be mistakes (音译)有一次在别人手机上听到的 好像是Neyo的 但是没有找到 但是声线挺像 感谢!! 10
应该不是 感觉歌曲应该是当红的欧美黑人歌手唱的 列如CB Neyo啥的 但是找不到啊
你搜搜方大同的《Sing a love song》吧!可能是
他只有sing a long song 而且我发誓是国外歌手 声线完全不一样
确定不是 开头就完全不一样 额私信可以语音吗
&right here 歌词roll down the windowi see nothing but the suni know i tried to run last nightbut now I'm gonna do it rightyour eyes are shiningeven though we're still so youngi can tell you baby, honestlyi'd rather have you be with mei knowyou can be my girlfriendi can be your boyfriendwe can get through anything and everythingi knowwe can stay togetherget through any weather, yeahno matter whattomorrow bringsoh girlyou're the only oneinside of my worldi love it when you whisper into my earcause baby if you need mei'll be right herebaby if you need mei'll be right herebefore i met youi was just two minus onesomehow something wasn't adding upmy worldjust didn't have enoughi could never leave youcause no one can comparei'm sorry for the stupid liesi promise that we won't divideit's just too good to bekept between you and melet go of everythingthat's holding you holding you downit feels like yesterdayis gone light years awayi'm falling over and overwhen you're aroundi knowyou can be my girlfriendi knowi can be your boyfriendoh girlyou're the only oneinside of my worldi love it when you whisper into my earcause baby if you need mei'll be right herebaby if you need mei'll be right here
《be thankfu...》
音乐领域专家求一首英文歌歌名、该歌歌词中高潮有一句:you can be just one you wanna be …该歌由男女混唱…
求一首英文歌歌名、该歌歌词中高潮有一句:you can be just one you wanna be …该歌由男女混唱… 5
求一首英文歌歌名、该歌歌词中高潮有一句:you can be just one you wanna be
doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be i know that we all got one thing that we all share together we got that one nice dream we live for you never know what life could bring coz nothing last for ever just hold on to the team you play for i know you could reach the top make sure that you won"t stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be we may have different ways to think but it doesn"t really matter we all caught up in the steam of this life focus on every little thing that"s what does really matter luxury cars and bling thats not real life i know you could reach the top make sure that you won"t stop be the one that you wanna be now sing this with me doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be last year i used to dream about this day now i"m here i"m singing for you i hope i could inspire you coz i"ve got all the love, coz i"ve got all love for you doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be you can be just the one you wanna be doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be you can be just the one you wanna be doctor, actor, lawyer or a singer why not president, be a dreamer you can be just the one you wanna be police man, fire fighter or a post man why not something like your old man you can be just the one you wanna be you can be just the one you wanna be
be what you wanna be
歌手: darin zanyar
其他回答 (2)
&B what U wanna B(也叫peerless)歌手:Darin Zanyardoctor, actor, lawyer or a singer 医生,演员,律师或歌唱家&why not president, be a dreamer
为什么不能成为总统?做一个有梦想的人&&you can be just the one you wanna be
你可以成为梦想中的那个人police man, fire fighter or a post man 警察,消防员或者邮递员&why not something like your old man
为什么不能像你们的前辈一样?you can be just the one you wanna be 你可以成为梦想中的那个人&driver, actor, lawyer or a singer 司机,演员,律师或者歌唱家&why not president, be a dreamer 为什么不能成为总统?做一个有梦想的人you can be just the one you wanna be
& 应该就是这首


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