英文歌。歌词带带i am kicking ballsthe door open ,back on the way ,nothing left to say,比较欢快的节奏

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【每日一首好歌 No.18】
Daniel Powter - Am I Still The One
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Daniel Powter - Am I Still The One
今天来怀旧一下 Daniel Powter!想必大家都听过他的《Bad Day》和《Free Loop》没听过的一定要去听听看哦!这两首可是最有代表性的作品了这首歌有着娓娓道来的忧伤 倾诉不尽的哀愁
记得我那一次失恋的时候 就单曲循环这首歌 写下了这篇日志:
但是更多的却是烦恼 总是被他们捧着似乎没有长大
Am I Still The One?
但是我似乎摸不着头脑 曾经孤单加上寂寞是好感
终于明白了更多There's something I've got emptiness all be settled down. 享受现在
现在的我想对你说:每个男人可能都有这么一个女人你以为你找到了真爱想付出一切来爱她、呵护她可是她却没有在乎你 其实这些都不可怕 可怕的是你失去了自我重新站起来 勇敢地去寻找真正属于你的爱情可能男人经历了这些才会成熟为自己心爱的女人撑起一片天空
I don't get much from hero
I don't give them much thought
I crumble on the crashing
may you still around
I don't like my reflection
I don't like what i see
I'm scared of my shadow
You cast this doubt on me
But am I still the one?
Am I still the one?
Am I still the one?
我仍然是那个我嗎?I was still there in the shadow
just to understand your pain
but when I need it
till them rush to left in the other way
I wanted to have comfort
the moment when we have begun
I love you though you love to listen I'm still the one
You call me through the windows
You call them through the floor
You sent these flyers to find me
Now they're kicking down my door
Am I still the one?
Am I still the one?
Am I still the one?
我仍然是那个我吗?I was still there in the shadow
just to understand your pain
but when I need it
till them rush to left in the other way
there's something I've got emptiness all be settled down
I know you wanna me to be with
I'm still the one
我仍然是那个我.So now would you leave angel?
you got me all the wrong
你给了我所有的错误tell me that you'll never leave me again,
now you're sorry 'uhuh uh'
tell me that you'll never leave me again,
now you're sorry 'uhuh uh oh-huh-yo'
tell me that you'll never leave me again,
'all these lovers'
sorry 'oh-huh-yo'
tell me that you'll never leave me again,
'all these lovers'
sorry 'oh-huh-yo'
'all these lovers'
sorry 'oh-huh-yo'
tell me that you'll never leave me again,
'all these lovers'
以下是前几期, 点击跳转:
<p id="rate_3882" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="小新 来偷 东西了!!!!&人气 + 1
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_192" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="满上,稀饭&人气 + 5
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<p id="rate_9524" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="继续给你满上..&人气 + 5
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<p id="rate_4455" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="好听~&人气 + 3
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_6646" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="今天这个果断得支持,日记不错,歌也喜欢过一段日子呢,霸气撒,顺路BS小星偷盗行为&人气 + 7
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_9984" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="果断的把分割线的素材偷走了&人气 + 12
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_3806" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="支持了&人气 + 10
" class="mtn mbn">
<p id="rate_283" onmouseover="showTip(this)" tip="威锋有你更精彩:)&人气 + 5
" class="mtn mbn">
小新 来偷 东西了!!!!
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蓝钻苹果, 积分 13534, 距离下一级还需 466 积分
貌似LZ英文歌很在行啊 哈哈!
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我喜欢他的best of me
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在线时间6308 小时 UID
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感谢投1号 ID:Running.Oa
My creed is.......courage?!
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感谢投1号 ID:Running.Oa
My creed is.......courage?!
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沪ICP备号-1 丨 深公安网监备案号 5
Powered by Discuz!超好听超劲爆的英文歌_百度知道
beat of my heartthe thing things
The Game 歌手HHH
出门在外也不愁  @哥要一个人听
14:57:58  同上,google没有音乐了,不太好找啊  哪位给提供个比较方便下载的网站?  不胜感激!!!  -----------------------------  用酷狗呗,特方便
    613. Reality  1980年,一部法国电影《初吻La Boum》走红,并且让片中年仅14岁的女主角苏菲玛索一举成名,同时,这部电影的主题曲《Reality》也风靡全球,先后在15个国家拿到排行榜冠军。  虽然《Reality》是出自法国电影,但却是一首英文歌曲,演唱者也是英国歌手Richrrd Sanderson。  这首动听的歌曲后来也有很多翻唱版本,大家可以都找来听听。  歌词  Met you by surprise I didn't realize  That my life would change forever  Saw you standing there  I didn't know I cared  There was something special in the air  Dreams are my realize  The only kind of real fantasy  Illusions are a common thing  I try to live in dreams  It seems as it's meant to be  Dreams are my reality  A different kind of reality  I dream of loving in the night  And loving seems a night  Althoughj it's only fantasy  If you do exist honey don't resist  Show me a new way of loving  Tell me that to do show me what to do  I feel shomething special about you  Dreams are my reality  The only kind of reality  May be must fool is ness has past  And may be now at last  I'll see how a real thing can be  Dreams are my reality  A wonderous world where I like to be  I dream of holing you all night and holing you seem try  Perhaps that's my reality  Met you by surprise I didn't realize  That'my life would change forever  Tell me that it's true feelings that are you  I feel something special about you  Dreams are my reality  A wonderous world where I like to be  Illusions are a common thing  Try to live in dreams  Although it's only fantasy  Dreams are my reality  I like to dream of you close to me  I dream of loving the night  And loving you seem try  Perhaps that's my reality  下载/search/song?key=Reality&start=0&size=20
  @挂甲人  23:56:25  3. A La Claire Fontaine  一首非常清新空灵的法语歌,来自加拿大法语区的童谣。有多个版本,前一段上演的电影《面纱The Painted Veil》也以其作为片尾曲。  e la claire fontaine 泉水何其清澈......  -----------------------------  爱德华诺顿
  @挂甲人  16:54:34  40. Amazing Grace  一首福音歌曲,被奉为基督教圣歌。圣洁空灵的旋律,即使是非宗教人士,听一听这首歌也会让你对上苍多一份敬畏和感恩之心。  ......  -----------------------------  这是谁唱的
        614. Red Red Wine  尼尔戴蒙德(Neil Diamond)1941年出生于纽约,在大学期间放弃了很有前途的医学学习而改弦易辙玩音乐,不知后来的罗大佑、黄舒骏等人是否都是受了他的影像?  这首由尼尔戴蒙德自己创作并演唱的Red Red Wine在1968年推出,当时虽然打入了公告牌排行榜,但只位列62名,成绩很一般。不过还是有更多的专业歌手对这首歌报以欣赏并纷纷翻唱,其中包括了Vic Dana 、Tony Tribe、Jimmy James等等。  不过这首歌最经典的翻唱无疑来自雷鬼乐队UB40在80年代推出的翻唱版本,曾先后在美国、英国、爱尔兰等多个国家拿到排行榜冠军,风行全球。  歌词  Red, red wine  Goes to my head  Make me forget that I  Still need her so  Red, red wine  It`s up to you  All I can do, I`ve done  But mem`ries won`t go  Mem`ries won`t go  I`d have thought  That with time  Thoughts of you  Would leave my head  I was wrong  And I find  Just one thing makes me forget  Red, red wine  Stay close to me  Don`t let me be alone  It`s tearin` apart  My blue, blue heart  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  You keep me rocking all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so grand  I feel a million dollars when your just in my hand  Red red wine you make me feel so sad  Any time I see you go it makes me feel bad  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla pon the sweet dep line  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing  Redred wine you really know how fi love  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above  Red red wine I love you right from the start  Right from the start with all of my heart  Red red wine in a 80`s style  Red red wine in a modern beat style, yeah  Red red wine I`m gonna hold to you  Hold on to you cause I know you love true  Red red wine I`m gonna love you till I die  Love you till I die and that`s no lie  Red red wine can`t get you out my mind  Where ever you maybe I`ll surely find  I`ll surely find make no fuss jus` stick with us.  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me little time, help me clear up me mind  Give me Red wine because it make me feel fine  Mek me feel fine all of the time  Red red wine you make me feel so fine  Monkey pack him rizla on the sweet dep line  The line broke, the monkey get choke  Burn bad rizla pon him little rowing boat  Red red wine you really know how fi love  Your kind of loving like a blessing from above  Red red wine I love you right from the start  Right from the start with all of my heart  Red red wine you give me whole heap of zing  Whole heap of zing mek me do me own thing  Red red wine in a 80`s style  下载/search?key=Red%20Red%20Wine&fm=altg4
  615. Red River Valley  经典的北美民谣“红河谷”, 对于这首歌的籍贯是美国还是加拿大至今没有定论。  从文字记载来看,歌曲至少在19世纪六七十年代就已经出现,而目前所发现的最早的录音版本来自1926年美国乡村歌手Kelly Harrell。此后的将近百年来,这首歌曲在全世界有了太多的翻唱,大家可以多找一些不同类型的版本多听听。  歌词  From this valley they say you are going  We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile  For they say you are taking the sunshine  That has brightened our path for a while  Come and sit by my side if you love me  Do not hasten to bid me adieu  But remember the Red River Valley  And the cowboy who loved you so true  From this valley they say you are going  We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile  For they say you are taking the sunshine  That has brightened our path for a while  Come and sit by my side if you love me  Do not hasten to bid me adieu  But remember the Red River Valley  And the cowboy who loved you so true  下载/search?key=Red%20River%20Valley&fm=altg4
    616. Reflection  1998年,迪斯尼拍摄动画片《Mulan花木兰》,对于片中的主题曲《Reflection》他们希望能推出一位新人来演唱,在众多候选人当中,当时还不满18岁的克里斯蒂娜阿奎莱拉Christina Aguilera脱颖而出,拿到了这个机会。  早在13岁的时候,阿奎莱拉就凭借她的演唱天赋加盟了迪斯尼电视台的《米老鼠俱乐部》节目,同期的小演员还有后来鼎鼎大名的布兰妮、贾斯汀等等,但其中唱功最佳的被公认为是阿奎莱拉,当时的她就可以挑战惠特尼休斯顿那些难度较大的高音曲目。  《米老鼠俱乐部》停办后,这些少男少女们各自发展。阿奎莱拉凭借着这首《Reflection》一举走红,并且得以在99年推出了自己的首张专辑《Christina Aguilera》。说来也巧,几年前就互相较着劲的死对头布兰妮也推出处女作《Baby One More Time》(前面62号歌曲介绍过),二人在那届格莱美上为了最佳新人的奖项再次展开竞争,最后以阿奎莱拉的胜出而告终。  初次的交锋也暗示了二人的不同命运,布兰妮后来曾8次获得格莱美提名,但只有一次登顶成功,而阿奎莱拉却已经赢了5次。不过在商业成绩上,大获全胜的又是小甜甜。  歌词  Look at me  You may think you see  who I really am  But you'll never know me  Every day  It's as if I play a part  Now I see  If I wear a mask  I can fool the world  But I cannot fool  my heart  Who is that girl I see  Staring straight back at me?  When will my reflection show  who I am inside?  I am now in a world  where I have to  hide my heart  And what I believe in  But somehow  I will show the world  what's inside my heart  And be loved for who I am  Who is that girl I see  staring straight back at me?  Why is my reflection  someone I don't know?  Must I pretend that I'm  someone else for all time?  When will my reflection show  who I am inside?  There's a heart that must  be free to fly  That burns with a need  to know the reason why  Why must we all conceal  What we think  How we feel?  Must there be a secret me  I'm forced to hide?  I won't pretend that I'm  someone else  For all time  When will my reflection show  who I am inside?  When will my reflection show  who I am inside?  下载/search?key=Reflection&fm=altg4
  话说这个贴子我追了一年多了,虽然现在才浮出来,  不好意思啊楼主,潜了一年多才冒出来。
  A New Day Has Come
      非常感谢大家的留言支持。下面继续更新。  617. Release Me  二战刚刚结束的1946年,美国的三位音乐人埃迪密勒、罗伯特扬特Robert Yount和詹姆斯佩沃斯James Pebworth一起创作出了这首后来成为永世经典的金曲,但歌曲刚刚写出时并没有得到任何歌手或者唱片公司的青睐。  数年之后,歌曲作者之一的埃迪密勒开始四处推荐这首歌,终于在1952年,由当红女歌手帕蒂佩姬Patti Page在电台节目中演唱了一次,但没有引起丝毫反应。  无奈之下,埃迪密勒只好在1953年自己录制了一个版本,算是抛砖引玉。果然,自1954年开始,Jimmy Heap、雷普莱斯Ray Price 等数名歌手都在自己的唱片中演唱了Release Me这首歌,歌曲开始慢慢了引起一定的反响,但也只能算马马虎虎。  歌曲真正的成功直到它被写出的21年后才真正到来,浪漫歌王英格柏汉柏汀克Engelbert Humperdinck 在1967年的版本轰动一时,曾经因连续56周打入公告牌排行榜而入选吉尼斯世界纪录。  随后,猫王Elvis Presley、杰瑞李刘易斯Jerry Lee Lewis、多莉帕顿Dolly Parton、威利纳尔逊Willie Nelson,以及此前没重视此歌的帕蒂佩姬Patti Page等巨星人物也都纷纷推出了自己的翻唱版本。  可见,到底什么样的歌曲能红,什么样的歌曲才叫好歌,常常也是命运的捉弄。  歌词  Please release me, let me go  For I don't love you anymore  To waste our lives would be a sin  release me and let me love again  I have found a new love dear  And I will always want her near  Her lips are warm while yours are cold  release me my darling,let me go  please release me, let me go  For I don't love you anymore  To waste our lives would be a sin  So release me and let me love again  please release me,can't you see,  you'd be a fool to cling to me  to live a lie would bring us pain  so release me and let me love again  下载/album/7546471
    618. Release Me   又一首名为Release Me 的歌曲,出自我前面在270号歌曲Hold On里详细介绍过的三人女子组合威尔逊菲利浦斯 Wilson Phillips。  Release Me是她们自己的创作,也是她们整个演艺生涯里推出的第二首歌(第一首就是Hold On),曾经在当年的公告牌上连夺三周的冠军。  而当时最神奇的故事就是这首歌曲居然是在录音棚一次成功的。要知道,哪怕是独唱歌手,录制一首歌曲时也要录制很多遍,然后再由制作人从中剪辑修饰,我们才会听到最终唱片里那个相对完美点的声音,而这次是三个人一起演唱,居然如此天衣无缝,完全无需再唱第二遍,这也让为她们制作处女专辑的著名音乐人格伦巴拉德Glen Ballard赞叹不已。  歌词  I know that it’s time for a change  Mmm but when that change comes  Will you still feel the same?  How many times have I tried to turn this love around?  I don’t want to give up  But baby it’s time I had two feet on the ground  Can you release me  Now that you’re gone I can’t help myself from wondering  Oh, if you’d have come down from your high  Would we’ve been all right?  Release me  Come on baby, come on baby  You knew it was time to just let go  ’cause we want to be free  But somehow it’s just not that easy  Come on darlin’, hear me darlin’  ’cause you’re a waste of time for me  I’m trying to make you see  That baby you’ve just got to release me  I’m not going back to you anymore  Finally my weakened heart is healing though very slow  So stop coming around my door  ’cause you’re not gonna find  What you’re looking for  What is this power you’ve got on me  What is this power, oh  What is it,what is it  Will you release me  Ah...release me  下载/search?key=Release+Me+++Wilson+Phillips  视频/v_show/id_XMjE3ODQ4OTQ4.html
  615. Red River Valley  经典的北美民谣“红河谷”, 对于这首歌的籍贯是美国还是加拿大至今没有定论。  从文字记载来看,歌曲至少在19世纪六七十年代就已经出现,而目前所发现的最早的录音版本来自1926年美国乡村歌手Kelly Harrell。此后的将近百年来,这首歌曲在全世界有了太多的翻唱,大家可以多找一些不同类型的版本多听听。  ----------------------------------------------------------------------  我想很多人都看过大时代吧?里面小犹太和方展博一起唱的不就是红河谷改编的吗?
  红河谷  人们说你就要离开村庄   我们将怀念你的微笑   你的眼睛比太阳更明亮   照耀在我们心上  走过来坐在我的身旁   不要离别得这样匆忙   要记住红河谷你的故乡   还有那热爱你的姑娘   你可会想到你的故乡   多么寂寞多么凄凉   想一想你走后我的痛苦   想一想留给我的悲伤   人们说你就要离开村庄   要离开心爱你的姑娘   为什么不让她和你同去   为什么把她留在村庄   亲爱的人我曾经答应你   我绝不让你烦恼   只要你能够重新爱我   我要永远跟在你的身旁   走过来坐在我的身旁   不要离别得这样匆忙   要记住红河谷你的故乡还有那热爱你的姑娘   要记住红河谷你的故乡还有那热爱你的姑娘
    619.Remember The Time  迈克尔杰克逊(Michael Jackson)在1991年推出的《Dangerous》专辑在其演艺生涯中占有着重要地位,这张专辑以及之前的《Thriller》、《Bad》一起,构成了MJ最鼎盛时期的黄金三部曲。在《Dangerous》推出后,格莱美评委就将“Grammy Legend Award(格莱美传奇奖)”这一奖项颁给了他,要知道,那一年的MJ刚刚35岁,而这一奖项一般都是颁给那些德高望重的骨灰级巨擘的。  这张专辑中的Black or White、Heal The World等歌曲前面已经介绍过,这首Remember The Time同样是轰动一时的经典之作,特别是该曲长达9分钟的MV耗巨资打造,美轮美奂、制作精良,并且邀请到了当时同样炙手可热的喜剧明星艾迪墨菲、NBA巨星魔术师约翰逊等人出演,几乎就是一部好莱坞大片的风范。  歌词  Do you remember  When we fell in love  We were young and innocent then  Do you remember  How it all began  It just seemed like heaven so why did it end?  Do you remember  Back in the fall  We'd be together all day long  Do you remember  Us holding hands  In each other's eyes we'd stare  (Tell me) Do you remember the time  When we fell in love  Do you remember the time  When we first met girl  Do you remember the time  When we fell in love  Do you remember the time  Do you remember  How we used to talk  (Ya know)  We'd stay on the phone at night till dawn  Do you remember  All the things we said like  I love you so I'll never let you go  Do you remember  Back in the Spring  Every morning birds would sing  Do you remember  Those special times  They'll just go on and on  In the back of my mind  Do you remember the time  When we fell in love  Do you remember the time  When we first met girl  Do you remember the time  When we fell in love  Do you remember the time  Those sweet memories  Will always be dear to me  And girl no matter what was said  I will never forget what we had  Now baby!  Do you remember the time  When we fell in love  Do you remember the time  Oh Do you remember girl  Do you remember the time  When we fell in love  Do you remember the time  Do do do you remember the time  That we fell in love  Do you remember  When we fell in love girl  That we first met  Do you remember  Do you do you remember the time  Do you remember  Do you remember  下载/song/1167371?fm=altg3  视频.cn/v/b/8531717.html
    620.Return To Innocence  这是德国乐队英格玛(Enigma) 1994年推出的作品,歌曲空灵飘逸,浑然天成,被誉为New Age音乐中的经典神曲,并且作为1996年亚特兰大奥运会的宣传曲而风行全球。  由于歌曲前面的吟唱部分是取自于台湾原住民郭英男老人演唱的山地民谣《老人饮酒歌》,因此当年还闹出了一场轰动一时的国际官司。  顺便说一下,90年代可谓New Age音乐的黄金岁月,不知是否是一种世纪末情怀带来的顿悟和反思,全球众多音乐人都开始在“返璞归真”中挖掘着自己心灵中的那个声音,欧美活跃着恩雅Enya、英格玛Enigma、神秘园Secret Garden、班得瑞Bandari、黑森林Deep Forest等一大批乐队和歌手,大陆则有朱哲琴的横空出世以及窦唯的转型。  歌词  Love-Devotion  Feeling-Emotion  Don'T Be Afraid To Be Weak  Don'T Be Too Proud To Be Strong  Just Look Into Your Heart My Friend  That Will Be The Return To Yourself  The Return To Innocence  The Return To Innocence  If You Want. The Start To Laugh  If You Must.Thenstart To Cry  Be Yourself Don'T Hide  Just Believe In Destiny  Don'T Care What People Say  Just Folllow Your Own Way  Don'T Give Up And Use The Chance  To Ruturn To Innocence  下载/search?fr=ps&key=Return%20To%20Innocence&ie=utf-8  视频/v_show/id_XNDQ4NzAwMTYw.html
  621. Reunited  成军于1966年的“桃子和药草Peaches & Herb”是美国的一对男女双人组合,核心人物是男歌手Herb Fame,他的最初搭档是一位叫做Francine Hurd Barker的女歌手,而这个女孩有个叫做“Peaches(桃子)”的绰号,因此这个组合一开始被命名为冗长的“Herb Fame and Francine Peaches Hurd Barker”,而Herb Fame名字中的Herb恰好有香草、药草的含义,因此后来组合的名字改为了更简单好记的“桃子和药草Peaches & Herb”。  自从组合成立后,药草Herb Fame始终不变,但女歌手桃子却先后换了6任,这首Reunited就出自第三任女声Linda Greene在任时的1979年,他们二人珠联璧合的演唱令这首歌曲风行全美,并且连续四周蝉联公告牌R&B榜单的冠军。
  歌词  I was a fool to ever leave your side  Me minus you is such a lonely ride  That breakup we had  Has made me lonesome and sad  I realize I love you  'Cause I want you back,hey, hey  I spent the evening with the radio  Regret the moment that I let you go  Our quarrel was such  A way of learning so much  I know now that I love you  'Cause I need your touch, hey, hey  Reunited, and it feels so good  Reunited, 'cause we understood  There's one perfect fit  And, sugar, this one is it  We both are so excited  'Cause we're reunited, hey, hey  I sat here, staring at the same old wall  Came back to life just when I got your call  I wished I could climb  Right through the telephone line  And give you what you want  So you would still be mine, hey, hey  I can't go cheatin', I can't play  I found it very hard to stay away  As we reminisce  On precious moments like this  I'm glad we're back together  'Cause I missed your kiss, hey, hey  Reunited, and it feels so good  Reunited, 'cause we understood  There's one perfect fit  And, sugar, this one is it  We both are so excited  'Cause we're reunited, hey, hey  Yeah, yeah, yeah  Ba-a-a-by  Lover, lover, this is sudden love  And you're exactly what I'm dreamin' of  All through the day  And all through the night  I'll give you all the love I have  With all my might, hey, hey  Reunited, and it feels so good  Reunited, 'cause we understood  There's one perfect fit  And, sugar, this one is it  We both are so excited  'Cause we're reunited, hey, hey  Listen baby,  I won't ever make you cry  I won't let one day go by without holding you,  Without kissing you, without loving you  Reunited  You're my everying  Only you know how to feel  All the love there is in me  I wanna let you know I won't let you go  I wannt let you know I won't let you go  Reunited,  Feels so good  Reunited, and it feels so good  Reunited, 'cause we understood  There's one perfect fit  And, sugar, this one is it  We both are so excited  'Cause we're reunited, hey, hey
  下载/s?wd=+Reunited&rsv_bp=0&rsv_spt=3&rsv_n=2&rsv_sug3=1&rsv_sug4=63&inputT=656  视频http://my./u/vw/
    622. Rhinestone Cowboy  前面的106首、134首歌曲里面已经介绍过著名的乡村歌手格伦坎贝尔Glen Campbell了,这首“莱茵石牛仔Rhinestone Cowboy”则是他在1975年推出的又一首经典作品。  歌名中的莱茵石Rhinestone是一种装饰用的假钻石,西部牛仔服饰中那些亮闪闪的东西。有趣的是,这首乡村歌曲却是由一位地道的纽约都市歌手Larry Weiss创作并首唱的,只不过反响平平。但格伦坎贝尔偶然听到该曲后大为倾心,于是录制了新的版本,他的这个版本非常成功,在公告牌的总榜单和乡村榜单都拿到冠军,同时在欧洲、澳洲、加拿大、南非等多个国家的排行榜上也风行一时。  歌词  I've been walking these streets so long  Singing the same old song  I know every crack and crevice  out here in Broadway  Where hustle's the name of the game  And white boys get washed down the drain like the snow and the rain  It's easy love compromising  On the road to my horizon  But I wanna be where the lights are shining on me  Like a rhinestone cowboy  Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo  Like a rhinestone cowboy  Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know  And offers coming over the phone  Well, I really don't mind the rain  And a smile can hide all the pain  But you're walkin these streets so long out here in broadway  And i dream of the things I'll do  With a subway token and a dollar tucked into my shoe  It's easy love compromising  On the road to my horizon  But I ganna be where the lights are shining on me  Like a rhinestone cowboy  Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo  Rhinestone cowboy  Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know  And offers coming over the phone  Like a rhinestone cowboy  Riding out on a horse in a star-spangled rodeo  Rhinestone cowboy  Getting cards and letters from people I don't even know  Like a rhinestone cowboy  下载/search?key=Rhinestone%20Cowboy&fm=altg4
    623. Rhythm of the Rain  美国歌坛60年代的瀑布合唱团The Cascades最初只是一群海军士兵业余时间玩票所为,但出人意料地受到了追捧,于是他们在退伍后正式踏入歌坛,结果却又因为英伦摇滚的入侵而成绩惨淡,果然是著意栽花花不发,等闲插柳柳成荫。  瀑布合唱团最经典的作品就是1962年推出的这首Rhythm of the Rain,虽然只是在公告牌上拿到第三,但在全球其他地区、特别是亚太地区则是引起巨大轰动。  对中国歌迷来说,除了港台、日本的大量翻唱以外,最为熟悉的就是澳大利亚歌手杰森多诺文Jason Donovan的版本,而我个人则比较欣赏前面420首歌曲里介绍过的美国歌手丹佛格伯Dan Fogelberg的版本。  歌词  Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain  Telling me just what a fool I've been  I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain  And let me be alone again  The only girl I care about has gone away  Looking for a brand new start  But little does she know that when she left that day  Along with her she took my heart  Rain please tell me know does that seem fair  For her to steal my heart away when she don't care  I can't love another when my heart's somewhere far away  The only girl I care about has gone away  Looking for a brand new start  But little does she know that when she left that day  Along with her she took my heart  Listen to the rhythm of the falling rain  Telling me just what a fool I've been  I wish that it would go and let me cry in vain  And let me be alone again  Oh listen to the falling rain  dilidala di li da oh.....  listen listen falling rain  dilidala di li da oh.....  listen listen falling rain  视频/XoKfCuw1rSrS.shtml  下载/search?key=Rhythm%20Of%20The%20Rain&fm=altg4
  歌词    聆听雨声,告诉我一直是个傻瓜,  我希望它离去,让我徒然哭泣  我再次孤身一人  我关心的女孩已消失  寻找一个全新的开始,    但她不知道,当她离去的那天,    她把我的心带走了  请告诉我这是不是公平的, 她偷走了我的心?  在她走的时候,她不关心。  我不能爱另一个人,当我的心在远处时  我唯一在乎的女孩已经走了  寻找一个全新的开始,  但她一点都不知道,当她离开的那一天  她带走了我的心  聆听雨声  告诉我一直都是个傻瓜,  我希望它会离去,让我徒然哭泣,    让我再次孤身一人  哦聆听雨声  
    624. Right Here Waiting  理查马科斯Richard Marx ,1963年出生在一个音乐家庭,父亲擅长钢琴和作曲,母亲则是个歌手,从小耳濡目染于此的他想不走上音乐这条路都难。  有意思的是,早期的理查马科斯虽然在音乐创作上的才华得到了肯定,但其演唱能力却一直不被看好,只能给莱昂内尔里奇Lionel Richie等大腕唱唱幕后和音,以至于当时的流行乐教父大卫福斯特David Foster甚至断言理查马科斯将永远得不到演唱合约。  但最终,理查马科斯那种独特的沙哑嗓音还是赢得了歌迷的喜爱,让大卫福斯特不得不承认自己看走了眼。  在理查马科斯的演艺生涯中,其最经典的作品非这首Right Here Waiting莫属。歌曲是写给他的妻子好莱坞演员辛西娅罗兹(Cynthia Rhodes)的,当时二人新婚不久,可惜一个忙于演出,一个忙于出国拍片,因此一直是聚少离多。虽然妻子比自己要大上7岁,但二人感情很好,所以理查马科斯写这首歌诉说对妻子的想念的时候也是情真意切、发自肺腑。  最终这首歌曲蝉联了三周的公告牌冠军,并且在加拿大、澳洲、英国等地也都攻城拔寨、成绩斐然,从而彻底奠定了理查马科斯情歌王子的地位。  歌词  Oceans apart day after day  And I slowly go insane  I hear your voice on the line  But it doesn't stop the pain  If I see you next to never  How can we say forever  Wherever you go  Whatever you do  I will be right here waiting for you  Whatever it takes  Or how my heart breaks  I will be right here waiting for you  I took for granted, all the times  That I though would last somehow  I hear the laughter, I taste the tears  But I can't get near you now  Oh, can't you see it baby  You've got me goin' crazy  Wherever you go  Whatever you do  I will be right here waiting for you  Whatever it takes  Or how my heart breaks  I will be right here waiting for you  I wonder how we can survive  This romance  But in the end if I'm with you  I'll take the chance  Oh, can't you see it baby  You've got me goin' crazy  Wherever you go  Whatever you do  I will be right here waiting for you  Whatever it takes  Or how my heart breaks  I will be right here waiting for you  waiting for you  下载/search?key=Right%20Here%20Waiting&fm=altg4  视频/show/sSPLyDKuEs_BftCHwvibyQ...html
  mark 4
      625. Rivers Of Babylon  The Melodians是活跃于六七十年的牙买加雷鬼乐队,他们在1970年推出了这首《巴比伦河Rivers Of Babylon》,歌曲旋律优美、节奏明快,同时歌词内容又极其哀婉感伤,表现了两千多年前被巴比伦王国所奴役的犹太人的思乡之情。  歌曲推出的两年后,牙买加拍摄的电影《不速之客 The Harder They Come》还收录了此歌,但由于当时的雷鬼风格音乐还不是很走红,因此无论这首歌还是这部电影都没有引起更大反响和重视。  直到1978年,著名组合Boney M的翻唱才改变了这首歌曲的命运。Boney M虽然是德国乐队,但其演艺成员都是来自牙买加以及其他加勒比地区的有色人种,因此对于这首歌曲的把握十分到位,而一手打造出Boney M的制作人Frank Farian又将歌曲融入了当时最走红的迪斯科风格,因此《巴比伦河》终于红遍全球、被众多歌手和乐队演绎。  歌词  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down  ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down  ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.  When the wicked Carried us away in captivity  Required from us a song  Now how shall we sing the lord's song in a strange land  When the wicked Carried us away in captivity  Requiering of us a song  Now how shall we sing the lord's song in a strange land  Let the words of our mouth and the meditations of our heart  be acceptable in thy sight here tonight  Let the words of our mouth and the meditation of our hearts  be acceptable in thy sight here tonight  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down  ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.  By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down  ye-eah we wept, when we remembered Zion.  By the rivers of Babylon (dark tears of Babylon)  there we sat down (You got to sing a song)  ye-eah we wept, (Sing a song of love)  when we remember Zion. (Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah)  By the rivers of Babylon (Rough bits of Babylon)  there we sat down (You hear the people cry)  ye-eah we wept, (They need their God)  when we remember Zion. (Ooh, have the power)  下载/search?key=Rivers%20Of%20Babylon&fm=altg4
  中国好声音全国巡演门票你抢到了吗?第一波在南京、南昌和杭州巡演的抢票活动开始啦,只要你按照要求转发并发布微博,关注@加多宝凉茶,就有机会获得巡演门票2张哦!  详情http://t.cn/zjw6Kvn
    626. Rock Around The Clock  摇滚乐大家都不陌生,但是,史上的第一首摇滚歌曲是哪首呢?  1954年,美国的比尔海利与彗星合唱团(Bill Haley & His Comets)推出了《昼夜摇滚Rock Around The Clock》,这首歌曲也被认为是世界上的第一首摇滚歌曲,但其实早在这首歌之前,比尔海利与彗星合唱团就推出过同样风格的《Crazy Man, Crazy》、《Shake, Rattle And Roll》等歌曲,只不过那些歌曲都没能取得《Rock Around The Clock》的巨大成功,因此一般还都是认为《Rock Around The Clock》才是摇滚时代的开山之作。  《Rock Around The Clock》曾经在公告牌上蝉联8周冠军,到了1956年还被拍为了同名电影。有趣的是,这部电影在英国上映时在很多城市遭到禁映,因为很多古板守旧的英国人无法接受这种流氓气十足的摇滚音乐,发出了强烈的抗议,但谁又能想到此刻还有很多叛逆的英国青少年们正在发狂地迷恋着这种音乐,而数年后英国也将会取代美国成为世界的摇滚中心呢?  歌词  One, two, three o'clock, four o'clock, rock  Five, six, seven o'clock, eight o'clock, rock  Nine, ten, eleven o'clock, twelve o'clock, rock  We're gonna rock around the clock tonight  Put your glad rags on and join me, hon  We'll have some fun when the clock strikes one  We're gonna rock around the clock tonight  We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight  We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight  When the clock strikes two, three and four  If the band slows down we'll yell for more  We're gonna rock around the clock tonight  We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight  We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight  When the chimes ring five, six and seven  We'll be right in seventh heaven  We're gonna rock around the clock tonight  We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight  We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight  When it's eight, nine, ten, eleven too  I'll be goin' strong and so will you  We're gonna rock around the clock tonight  We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight  We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight  When the clock strikes twelve, we'll cool off then  Start a rockin' round the clock again  We're gonna rock around the clock tonight  We're gonna rock, rock, rock, 'til broad daylight  We're gonna rock, gonna rock, around the clock tonight  下载/search?fr=ps&key=Rock%20Around%20The%20Clock&ie=utf-8
  Right Here Waiting for you!
    627. Rock DJ  这是英国“坏小子”罗比威廉姆斯(Robbie Williams)的作品,作为前偶像天团Take That的主唱,他的单飞无疑是相当成功的。  这首歌其实是在70年代美国灵歌巨星巴里怀特Barry White的作品《It's Ecstasy When You Lay Down Next to Me》的基础上改编而成,同时借鉴了美国Hip-hop组合 A Tribe Called Quest的作品《Can I Kick It?》,但罗比威廉姆斯的演绎无疑更加成功。  由于该歌曲的 MV前半段情色、后半段血腥,曾经被全球禁播。  歌词  We were the floor show, kicking with your torso  Boys getting high and the girls even more so  Wave your hands if you're not with a man  Can I kick it? (Yes you can)  I got (funk), you got (soul), we got everybody  I got the gift, gonna stick it in the goal  It's time to move your body  Babylon back in business  Can I get a witness, every girl, every man  Houston can you hear me,  Ground control can you feel me  Need permission to land  I don't wanna rock DJ  But you're making me feel so nice  When's it gonna stop DJ,  Cos you're keep me up all night  Singing in the classes, music for your masses  Give no head, no backstage passes  Have a proper giggle, I'll be quite polite  And when I rock the mike, I rock the mike (right)  You got no love then you're with the wrong man  It's time to move your body  If you can't get a girl, but your best friend can  It's time to move your body  I don't wanna be sleazy, baby just tease me  Got no family plans  Houston can you hear me,  Ground control can you feel me  Need permission to land  I don't wanna rock DJ  But you're making me feel so nice  When's it gonna stop DJ  Cos you're keep me up all night  I don't wanna rock DJ  But you're making me feel so nice  When's it gonna stop DJ  Cos you're keep me up all night  Pimpin' ain't easy  Most of them fleece me, every night  Pimpin' ain't easy  but if you're selling, it's alright  COME ON  I don't wanna rock DJ  But you're making me feel so nice  When's it gonna stop DJ  Cos you're keep me up all night  I don't wanna rock DJ  But you're making me feel so nice  When's it gonna stop DJ  Cos you're keep me up all night  I don't wanna rock DJ  But you're making me feel so nice  When's it gonna stop DJ  Cos you're keep me up all night  I don't wanna rock DJ  But you're making me feel so nice  When's it gonna stop DJ  Cos you're keep me up all night  下载/song/2691911?fm=altg3  视频.cn/v/b/1040517.html
  《最经典最动听的1000首欧美金曲(汇总帖)》整?^理?^版  /dir/52093/
  《最经典最动听的1000首欧美金曲(汇总帖)》整^&*a理^&*a版  http://ty.qiniu.cc/dir/52093/
  624。此情可待    ??日复一日,我逐渐陷入疯狂,    我听到你的声音就行了,   但这并不能阻止我的痛苦,  无论你走到哪里,  无论你做什么    我都会在这里等着你    我听见你的笑声,  我尝到苦涩的泪,  但我无法靠近你  哦,你不明白吗?  宝贝,你让我如此痴迷,  无论你走到哪里,  无论你做什么,  我会在这里等着你,    我不知道我们如何能把握这段恋情,  但如果最终我能和你在一起   我会好好把握机会  你让我如此疯狂,  无论你走到哪里,  无论你做什么   我都会在这里等着你 
    628. Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree  布伦达李Brenda Lee是60年代的美国乡村女歌手,在她年仅13岁时就录制了这首《围着圣诞树摇滚Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree》,歌曲融入了当时正在兴起的摇滚风格,节奏明快。  由于最初的布伦达李还是个小童星,因此在这首歌曲首发的1958年圣诞节以及接下来的1959年圣诞节里,歌曲反响平平。但随着布伦达李知名度的逐渐提升,每到圣诞期间,这首歌曲都会取得不错的成绩,在1960年的圣诞节这首歌曲终于拿到了排行榜的第十四名,并且开始被歌迷关注,一直到1965年圣诞时,这首歌拿到了最好成绩第三名。尽管从没获得冠军,但连续多年里年年上榜,也算是一个相当了不起的成绩。  随后的几十年里,每到圣诞期间,这首歌就会被众多歌手们拿来翻唱,迄今至少也有上百个版本,多种韵味和风格,在此就不一一介绍了。其中,2012年的最新版本已经推出的至少有两个,都是来自美国的90后美少女,一个是贝拉索恩(Bella Thorne),另一个是维多利亚嘉丝蒂 (Victoria Justice)。  12月马上就要到了,意味着圣诞也即将来临,让我们的心灵在美妙的音乐中围着圣诞树起舞。  歌词  Rocking around the Christmas tree  At the Christmas party hop  Mistletoe hung where you can see  Every couple tries to stop  Rocking around the Christmas tree,  Let the Christmas spirit ring  Later well have some pumpkin pie  And well do some caroling.  You will get a sentimental  Feeling when you hear  Voices singing lets be jolly,  Deck the halls with boughs of holly  Rocking around the Christmas tree,  Have a happy holiday  Everyones dancing merrily  In the new old-fashioned way.  You will get a sentimental  Feeling when you hear  Voices singing lets be jolly,  Deck the halls with boughs of holly  Rocking around the Christmas tree,  Have a happy holiday  Everyones dancing merrily  In the new old-fashioned way.  Merry Christmas!  2011年美国组合She & Him版本视频/show/CSTGLi3w0ggEFkcr.html  下载/search?fr=ps&key=Rockin'%20Around%20the%20Christmas%20Tree&ie=utf-8
  @挂甲人 23楼   12. A Summer Place  《A Summer Place》是1959年的一部美国电影片名,影片本身反响平平,但电影配乐大师马克斯 斯坦纳Max Steiner(其代表作《乱世佳人》、《金刚》、《卡萨布兰卡》等)为该片谱写的音乐却非常动听,于是当时著名的美国轻音乐团帕西费斯 (Percy Faith)和他的乐队在60年录制了该曲,推出后立刻风靡,连续9周蝉联Billboard冠军(该记录至今无人打破,当然,我指的是纯音乐作品),也一举......  -----------------------------  马克
  Laurel Music - Into The Blue  Lights - The Listening
  @挂甲人 3402楼     613. Reality  1980年,一部法国电影《初吻La Boum》走红,并且让片中年仅14岁的女主角苏菲玛索一举成名,同时,这部电影的主题曲《Reality》也风靡全球,先后在15个国家拿到排行榜冠军。  虽然《Reality》是出自法国电影,但却是一首英文歌曲,演唱者也是英国歌手Richrrd Sanderson。  这首动听的歌曲后来也有很多翻唱版本,大......  -----------------------------  爪
  @挂甲人 谢谢侬!
    629. Rockstar  加拿大摇滚乐队五分钱Nickelback前面已经介绍过了,这首Rockstar是他们在2006年推出的作品,歌曲对摇滚艺人以及整个娱乐圈进行了犀利的讽刺。  当然,如果仅仅是抨击一下娱乐艺人那还是远远不够的,看过MV后你就会发现,他们讽刺的是整个社会五行八作所有人的浮躁与肤浅。  娱乐圈越来越恶俗,艺人和商人们的责任自然跑不掉,但广大人民群众的追逐名利之心以及恶俗品味,又何尝不也是一种原因?  歌词  I'm through with standing in line  to clubs we'll never get in  It's like the bottom of the ninth  and I'm never gonna win  This life hasn't turned out  quite the way I want it to be  I want a brand new house  on an episode of Cribs  And a bathroom I can play baseball in  And a king size tub big enough  for ten plus me  I'll need a credit card that's got no limit  And a big black jet with a bedroom in it  Gonna join the mile high club  At thirty-seven thousand feet  I want a new tour bus full of old guitars  My own star on Hollywood Boulevard  Somewhere between Cher and  James Dean is fine for me  I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame  I'd even cut my hair and change my name  'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars  And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars  The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap  We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat  And we'll hang out in the coolest bars  In the VIP with the movie stars  Every good gold digger's  Gonna wind up there  Every Playboy bunny  With her bleach blond hair  Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar  Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar
  I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels  Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes  Sign a couple autographs  So I can eat my meals for free  I'm gonna dress my ass  with the latest fashion  Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion  Gonna date a centerfold that loves to  blow my money for me  I'm gonna trade this life  For fortune and fame  I'd even cut my hair  And change my name  'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars  And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars  The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap  We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat  And we'll hang out in the coolest bars  In the VIP with the movie stars  Every good gold digger's  Gonna wind up there  Every Playboy bunny  With her bleach blond hair  And we'll hide out in the private rooms  With the latest dictionary and  today's who's who  They'll get you anything  with that evil smile  Everybody's got a  drug dealer on speed dial  Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar  I'm gonna sing those songs  that offend the censors  Gonna pop my pills  from a pez dispenser  I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs  Lip sync em every night so I don't get 'em wrong  Well we all just wanna be big rockstars  And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars  The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap  We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat  And we'll hang out in the coolest bars  In the VIP with the movie stars  Every good gold digger's  Gonna wind up there  Every Playboy bunny  With her bleach blond hair  And we'll hide out in the private rooms  With the latest dictionary and  today's who's who  They'll get you anything  with that evil smile  Everybody's got a  drug dealer on speed dial  Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar  Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar  下载/search?key=Rockstar&fm=altg4  视频.cn/p/music/v/.html
  我想要一间全新的房子和一间浴室,我可以在那里玩棒球   还有一个特大号的浴缸  我需要一张没有限制的信用卡  我要在好莱坞星光大道上留下自己的脚印,  介于雪儿和詹姆斯·迪恩之间  我想要一辆新的旅游巴士,  我要用生活来交换财富和名利,    因为我们都只是想成为摇滚明星  我们将在最酷的酒吧里玩  嘿,嘿,我想成为一个摇滚明星   嘿,嘿,我想成为一个摇滚明星
    630. Rolling in the deep  英国女歌手阿黛尔Adele,嗓音醇厚、性感,气场十足,由于她是当今歌坛最炙手可热的超级天后,因此各种媒体对于她的介绍已经很多了,在此就不再赘述了。  这首Rolling in the deep就是她今年年初横扫格莱美的力作,将分量最重的年度最佳歌曲、最佳制作以及最佳短MV都揽于怀中。  歌词  There's a fire starting in my heart  Reaching a fever pitch  it's bringing me out the dark  Finally I can see you crystal clear  Go head and sell me out  and I'll lay your shit bare  See how I leave with every piece of you  Don't underestimate the things that I will do  There's a fire starting in my heart  Reaching a fever pitch  and it's bring me out the dark  The scars of your love remind me of us  They keep me thinking that we almost had it all  The scars of your love they leave me breathless  I can't help feeling  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  And you played it  To the beat  Baby I have no story to be told  But I've heard one of you,  and I'm gonna make your head burn  Think of me in the depths of your despair  Making a home down there,  reminds you of the home we shared  The scars of your love remind me of us  They keep me thinking that we almost had it all  The scars of your love they leave me breathless  I can't help feeling  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  And you played it  To the beat  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  But you played it  With the beat  Throw your soul through every open door  Count your blessings to find what you look for  Turned my sorrow into treasured gold  You pay me back in kind and reap just what you sow  We could have had it all  We could have had it all  It all, it all it all,  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  And you played it  To the beat  We could have had it all  Rolling in the deep  You had my heart inside of your hand  But you played it,played it, played it,played it  To the beat  下载/song/?fm=altg3  视频/show/xaGeg3xweVnOKyF9.html
    631. Rose garden  这首歌曲的作者及原唱叫乔绍斯Joe South,他是美国六七十年代著名的乡村音乐人,创作、演唱、吉他演奏都很出色,出生于1940年的他三个月前刚刚去世。  1969年时,美国出版了一本畅销书《I Never Promised You a Rose Garden》,曾经轰动一时,乔绍斯则受到了这本书名的启发,写出了《Rose Garden》这首歌曲,并将其收录在自己的新专辑《Introspect》里面。  不过《Rose Garden》并没有走红,因为这张专辑里面还有一首叫做《Games People Play》的歌曲更为出彩,《Games People Play》为乔绍斯赢得了当年的格莱美年度最佳歌曲、最佳当代歌曲两项分量很重的大奖。(格莱美最佳当代歌曲Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Song这个奖项在1971年以后就取消了)  但好歌是不会被埋没的,一年后,乡村女歌手琳安德森Lynn Anderson看上了《Rose Garden》,她力争将这首歌曲收录到了自己的新专辑,结果歌曲不仅在公告牌乡村榜上蝉联五周冠军,更是为琳安德森赢得了格莱美最佳乡村歌手的殊荣。  这首歌走红后有很多翻唱版本,我个人推荐安迪威廉姆斯Andy Williams的翻唱。  歌词  I beg your pardon  I never promised you a rose garden  Along with the sunshine  There's gotta be a little rain some time  When you take you gotta give so live and let live  Or let go oh-whoa-whoa-whoa  I beg your pardon  I never promised you a rose garden  I could promise you things like big diamond rings  But you don't find roses growin' on stalks of clover  So you better think it over  Well if sweet-talkin' you could make it come true  I would give you the world right now on a silver platter  But what would it matter  So smile for a while and let's be jolly  Love shouldn't be so melancholy  Come along and share the good times while we can  I beg your pardon  I never promised you a rose garden  Along with the sunshine  There's gotta be a little rain some time  I beg your pardon  I never promised you a rose garden  I could sing you a tune and promise you the moon  But if that's what it takes to hold you  I'd just as soon let you go  But there's one thing I want you to know  You better look before you leap, still waters run deep  And there won't always be someone there to pull you out  And you know what I'm talkin' about  So smile for a while and let's be jolly  Love shouldn't be so melancholy  Come along and share the good times while we can  I beg your pardon  I never promised you a rose garden  Along with the sunshine  There's gotta be a little rain some time  下载/search?key=Rose%20Garden&fm=altg4
    632. Run For The Roses  民谣诗人丹佛格伯Dan Fogelberg前面已经介绍过,这里不多说了。这首Run For The Roses是他的又一代表作,词曲意境深远,清新质朴,十分耐听。  歌词  Born in the valley  And raised in the trees  Of Western Kentucky  On wobbly knees  With mama beside you  To help you along  You'll soon be a growing up strong.  All the long, lazy mornings  In pastures of green  The sun on your withers  The wind in your mane  Could never prepare you  For what lies ahead  The run for the roses so red  And it's run for the roses  As fast as you can  Your fate is delivered  Your moment's at hand  It's the chance of a lifetime  In a lifetime of chance  And it's high time you joined in the dance  It's high time you joined in the dance  From sire to sire  It's born in the blood  The fire of a mare  And the strength of a stud  It's breeding and it's training  And it's something unknown  That drives you and carries you home.  And it's run for the roses  As fast as you can  Your fate is delivered  Your moment's at hand  It's the chance of a lifetime  In a lifetime of chance  And it's high time you joined in the dance  It's high time you joined in the dance  下载/search?key=Run+For+The+Roses
    633. Run to Me  比吉斯兄弟(Bee Gees)已经多次出现了,不多介绍,这首动听的Run to Me是他们70年代时的经典作品,在港台乐坛也曾被多次翻唱。  歌词  If ever you got rain in your heart,  someone has hurt you, and torn you apart,  am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me?  And let it be like they said it would be -  me loving you girl, and you loving me.  Am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me?  Run to me whenever you're lonely. (to love me)  Run to me if you need a shoulder  Now and then, you need someone older,  so darling, you run to me.  And when you're out in the cold,  no one beside you, and no one to hold,  And when you've got nothing to lose,  nothing to pay for, nothing to choose,  am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me  Now and then you need someone older,  下载/box?__m=mboxCtrl.playSong&__a=1341689&__o=/search_songListIcon#loaded
  @挂甲人 3491楼     633. Run to Me  比吉斯兄弟(Bee Gees)已经多次出现了,不多介绍,这首动听的Run to Me是他们70年代时的经典作品,在港台乐坛也曾被多次翻唱。  歌词  If ever you got rain in your heart,  someone has hurt you, and torn you apart,  am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me?  And let it be like they said it would be -  me lov......  -----------------------------  链接发错了呀,是上首歌的,呵呵。。。
  @小栗子 3493楼   链接发错了呀,是上首歌的,呵呵。。。  -----------------------------  是这个/search?fr=ps&key=Run%20to%20Me&ie=utf-8
    634. Run to you  有好几首歌曲都以《Run to you》为名,包括了布莱恩亚当斯Bryan Adams、洛克塞特Roxette、摩登语录Modern Talking等歌手或乐队,各具特色,今天介绍的则是来自今年去世的天后惠特妮休斯顿Whitney Houston的版本。  这首歌是惠特妮休斯顿主演的电影《保镖The Bodyguard》中的插曲,曾经获得第65届奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲的提名,可惜最终败给了前面第17首介绍过的动画片《阿拉丁》主题歌《A Whole New World》(《保镖》中脍炙人口的《I Will Always Love You》则因为是翻唱歌曲而未能入围)。  歌词  I know that when you look at me  There's so much that you just don't see  But if you would only take the time  I know in my heart you'd find  A girl who's scared sometimes  Who isn't always strong  Can't you see the hurt in me?  I feel so all alone  I wanna run to you (oooh)  I wanna run to you (oooh)  Won't you hold me in your arms  And keep me safe from harm  I wanna run to you (oooh)  But if I come to you (oooh)  Tell me, will you stay or will you run away  Each day, each day I play the role  Of someone always in control  But at night I come home and turn the key  There's nobody there, no one cares for me  What's the sense of trying hard to find your dreams  Without someone to share it with  Tell me what does it mean?  I wanna run to you (oooh)  I wanna run to you (oooh)  Won't you hold me in your arms  And keep me safe from harm  I wanna run to you (oooh)  But if I come to you (oooh)  Tell me, will you stay or will you run away  run away  I need you here  I need you here to wipe away my tears  To kiss away my fears  If you only knew  how much I wanna run to you  I wanna run to you (oooh)  Won't you hold me in your arms  And keep me safe from harm  I wanna run to you (oooh)  But if I come to you (oooh)  Tell me, will you stay or will you run away  下载/search?key=Run%20To%20You&fm=altg4  视频.cn/v/b/7059874.html


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