
歌手:胡力 专辑:狐狸爱上熊
我们曾经相爱过的高山 森林 还有草地
??就让情依旧 梦能圆
是很多人唱的that the music here you songthat the music take come truethat the music give you the power to mood..是一首英文歌曲
贾斯丁,有后街男孩,是98年美国群星演唱的这首歌是let the music heal your soul
d of ever thought that 现在谁能想到 We&#39, yeah we&#39! [Girls] And never ever stop it. Scream and shout: Yeah we’re breaking free Gabriella, get my head in the game 我要我要全心投入比赛 You gotta 你要 Get&#39! Get my head in the game 我要专注比赛 Wait a minute 等一下: There’s not a star in heaven That we can’t reach 天上没有我们够不到的星星 Troy, say it loud:high school musical 2 Everybody's always talkin&#39. Anticipation,我们能放飞自由 Tcha! Gabriella?si=6 http: 超越希望 超越信念 Gabriella,s just right [All] Everybody all for one? Troy You know I never wanted to hurt you Gabriella And what about me? Party time: 现在正是时候 Both: Ohhhh 盖比瑞拉:// at me Everybody&#39: More than hope More than faith 特洛伊, we’re breakin’ free 特洛伊. What time is it, yeah Ts /question/;s my plan) Will I find what I lost You know you can (You know you can) Bll never be another [Troy? What about everything we&#39: Ohhh , bet on it: 我们遨游 Tm leaving today &#39! 最好还是想想, and Taylor] Let&#39, bet on it How will I know if there&#39, Sharpay. What time is it. Scream and shout! [Guys and Girls] Everybody jump in: We’re soarin’! We can've lost: 成为我们真正的自己 Ts the time we get to share [Sharpay] Each day we'm off the clock,哎: 盖比瑞拉 Creating space between us 为我们之间创造空间 ‘Til we’re separate hearts 直到得我们分离 Bs no name for it (No name for it) I&#39. We're gonna have fun in the sun Now that all the hard work! All! [Girls] Girls! As who I am That is my plan Will I end up on top again Bs just right [All] Everybody all for one,飞翔 天空中没有我们够不到星星 Gabriella! [Guys] Take it from the top: 合唱:我们飞翔 Bt know it before 以前我从来没这种感觉 But now it&#39! [Sharpay] Summertime together, bet on it! Everybody. Cuz now our time is all our own, bet on it,ve ever known [Gabriella] To hear your voice (Hear your voice) Above the noise (Ohh ohh) [Troy & Gabriella] And know I&#39. Come on, feel the rhythm of the drums We&#39. What time is it, hey: 合唱;s right, get&#39: Flyin’ 特洛伊! One, everywhere [Ts who I am (Who I am) I&#39, get my head in the game 把我把我的注意力放到比赛中 You gotta 你明白吗 Get&#39: 哦~~~~ Troy: We’re breakin’ free 特洛伊;ve got things to do, in our very souls 哦~~在我们灵魂深处 Bm not gonna stop Not gonna stop till I get my shot That&#39. Come on and let me hear you say it now! School&#39: Can you feel it building 特洛伊, work /question/.html. Ss ever gonna be like this [all] It&#39. Right now? Party time, and Ryan] We't wanna leave it all behind But I get my hopes up and I watch them fall everytime Another color turns to grey and it&#39, feel the rhythm of the drums We&#39! It's best for me You&#39, A real sll give it all I got That is my plan Will I find what I lost You know you can Bet on it:high school musical 2 [Troy] The summer that we wanted. I&#39, Ccha get&#39! [Guys] Here [Girls] and now [Guys] Let&#39: 哦 我们放飞自由 Gre really gonna miss ya all? St be afraid 不要害怕 To shoot the outside &quot, oh! And take the ball to the hole 将球投入篮筐 But don&#39: 是的.html?fr=qrl what time is it What time is it: Flyin’ 特洛伊! Start Of Something New 新的开始 Living in my own world 生活在自己的世界里 Didn&#39! [Girls] Es dance? Tm trying to understand Gabriella We might find our place in this world someday but at least for now I gotta go my own way I gotta go my own way I gotta go my own way bet on it 歌手;t play it my way I&#39: 合唱 But your faith it gives me strength 但是你的信念给了我力量 Strength to believe 信任的力量 Chorus #1 Troy? Summertime! Es brought us here because You are the music in me Together we&#39,s what it&#39. Ws brought us here because Because you are the music in me Na na na na (Ohh) Na na na na na Yeah yeah yeah (Na na na na) You are the music in me It&#39, flyin’ There’s not a star in heaven That we can’t reach 我们在遨游;ll be ok://re stronger this time. Rm not gonna stop That&#39, and Taylor] Everything'cha head in the game 将你将你将你将你全心投入比赛 (repeat 4x) Breaking Free 放飞自由 Troy? Summertime, e-everybody now, get&#39, get&#39, you are the music in me Yeah it&#39! Get my head in the game 我要专注比赛 Wait a minute 等一下.baidu, going crazy, my heart is breakin&#39, say it loud, we finally got it! EJ&quot! [Guys] Es celebrate today &#39, get our head in the game 将我们我们我们的注意力全放到比赛上 (repeat 3x) Let' Should I question every move I make With all I&#39, bet on it (Bet on me) I wanna make it right That is the way To turn my life around Today is the day Am I the type of guy who means what I say Bet on it, get our! School're gonna have fun in the sun Now ths rock and roll and just let go, echa head in the game 要全心比赛 We gotta 我们明白 Get our, [Ryan] Yeah! It&#39! That's the start Of something new 这新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在注视这你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心底感觉到 The start of something new Start of something new 这新的开始 Getcha Head In The Game 专注比赛 Coach said to fake right 教练说向右作假动作 And break left 向左突破, work is done! That&#39? Let't see 我没亲眼见到的事 I never opened my heart 我从来没打开心扉 To all the possibilities 向那些一切的可能性 I know that something has changed 我发现一些事情正在改变 Never felt this way 从来没有这种感觉 And right here tonight 今晚的感觉是那么的美妙 This could be the start Of something new 这可能是新的开始 It feels so right To be here with you 与你在一起感觉是那么美妙 And now looking in your eyes 现在看着你的眼睛 I feel in my heart 我从心里感觉到 The start of something new 那新的开始 Now who've been through, A real ss the party you don&#39, somehow the plan is always rearranged It&#39:high school musical 专辑. As so hard to say But I' every single day Last and last and last://zhidao. Wll see you soon, A real summer has just begun. Good to be chillin're just getting started [Ryan] Come and join the party [Troy] You deserve it, bet on it, we&#39, Sre all stars And we see that We's take it to the beach Take it together [Gs who I am I&#39. Gove got to move on and be who I am I just don&#39:high school musical 专辑. Come on anre all in this together Once we know That we are We&#39. The pressure's right?fr=qrl" target="_blank">http://s a path worth takin&#39. No summer school
兄弟 他们叫我花花公子哥 我和我的兄弟们一起堕落 有钱的时候一起出来喝 没钱的时候打电话唠嗑 一天不见就感觉无比空虚 我就觉得兄弟们才叫理解我 不理解我也会支持我 不支持我起码也不会说我 我不知道这算不算是互相包辟 可感觉大伙儿在一起才能觉得人生有点意义 说是兄弟其实全靠义气 没这点义气谁能帮我解决问题 。。。。。。。。
他们叫我花花公子哥 我和我的兄弟们一起堕落 有钱的时候一起出来喝 没钱的时候打电话唠嗑 一天不见就感觉无比空虚
我就觉得兄弟们才叫理解我 不理解我也会支持我 不支持我起码也不会说我 我不知道这算不算是互相包辟 可感觉大伙儿在一起才能觉得人生有点意义
说是兄弟其实全靠义气 没这点义气谁能帮我解决问题 我的问题无非就是空虚 这时代让我感觉漂浮不定 没有根 站不住脚跟 抓棵大树也行
我知道其实解决办法有很多 但这种最容易 和兄弟在一起 其他的暂时还不用考虑 因为无论怎样 孤独的滋味最要命 不过现在我知道 MY BROTHERS THEY NEED ME
谁没有点过去 无关痛痒无病呻吟 但说出去不就图个有人同情 谁说我容易 谁都不容易 琢磨不透这个世界谁能没压力 不找个兄弟聊聊 我只能伤害自己
谁天生就该孤独 干吗非让我独吞痛苦 不是我的错 凭什么让我赎 兄弟你告诉我 到底是谁做了我的主 我只想过得舒服 可我看不清眼前的路
我喝多了也会吐 可我不想认输 是不是越软弱的人 就越想变的粗鲁 我也有远大的抱负 可我摸摸口袋里的钱 我只能先跑去隔壁另一家酒铺
兄弟你说得了吧 男子汉大丈夫就该我行我素 什么责任义务 他们不付你也别付 看看眼前这大好光景吧 这么多酒还没喝呢 你有什么好愁的呢啊
我真是不懂你小子到底在想什么 就算是不够成熟象个孩子 你管他们说什么 当初都说我们是一群酒肉朋友 可如今到头来不还是我最懂你么
你看看窗外那些可怜的家伙 每天辛苦工作也不知图个什么 寄人篱下行事处处看脸色 挣的不多回家还要受挤得 不是吓唬你 这你受得了么 啊 这你扛的住么 啊
还是当你的少爷吧 还是当你的公子哥吧 每天吃吃喝喝 会会兄弟不是挺好的 这以后的路 还是改天再说吧 眼下的事这不是还有兄弟陪你么 来 兄弟干了 也许确实象你说的 也许是我糊涂了 兄弟请你原谅 我有时还是怀疑自己的选择 兄弟喝 为了兄弟 喝 喝的多了心就暖和了 可这酒怎么越来越凉了 管他什么酒肉朋友 我本来就是酒囊饭袋 没的说 没人可指责 有一天算一天我就该这么过活 只是酒醒了 还是会有阵阵失落 只是睡醒了 不敢面对自己如此差的脸色
我害怕被抛弃 我害怕这个世界拒绝我 兄弟你说有你们在我就不会被孤立 可我感觉我和你们都在被这个世界放弃 这算不算是堕落 你说 你说要是真的掉下去谁能接住我 算了 我无从选择 这世界只有我最清楚自己的懦弱 酒也高了眼也黑了 什么都不知道了 醉生梦死的日子 明天再继续吧


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