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Vedete questo piccolo gatto? Lui mi ha salvato la vita quando tutti mi hanno abbandonato quando ero sola e depressa. ? arrivato avendo qualcuno di cui occuparmi mi sono distratta da quella che era la vita quotidiana. Vi presento Miele | We Heart It
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(C) All images are copyrighted by their respective authors.What motivates you? | A conversation
Toronto, Ontario
National Channel Manager, Citrix Systems
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What motivates you?
Take away all the bills, the mortgage payments, the kids college funds etc.
I want to know what compells us to drive forward each day.
What inspires us to get out of bed in the morning and do what we do?
What internal thing do some of us have that others do not.
Why do some succeed where others fail, and why do some of those who fail keep trying until they succeed.
What compels each of us to achieve dreams and face fears while others accept mediocrity and fate as the status quo?
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