Hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things,and no good thing ever dies irae 汉化.

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"Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." -Andy Dufresne. September is coming and the Yankees are still in the playoff hunt. Hope has been rekindled and it's primarily due to a wild card system that I've never liked.
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One movie line that always got me right in the "feels" is the classic quote from The Shawshank Redemption, one of the greatest movies of all time. The quote, by one Andy Dufresne reads "Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies." Perhaps it appeals to me because I'm an optimist. I'm an optimist when it comes to life and I'm an optimist when it comes to Yankee Baseball. This whole year I have been saying that the
will not only make the playoffs, but finish first in the AL East. As another famous movie quote says, "There never was much hope. Just a fool's hope." Andy Dufresne and Gandalf the White. Both wise men.
The Yankees are coming to the final stretch of this regular season. It has been a bumpy ride, to say the least. It has been a turbulent, nerve wracking, heart palpitating ride filled with injury, sadness, and , to say the most. There have been players that have played, or hilariously attempted to play, for the Yankees this year whose names I cannot even remember. Yet here we stand on the cusp of September still in the race for the playoffs. Three weeks ago our hearts and souls had damn near left our bodies after being swept by the lowly , the "good guys" if you will. Today, even if it is fleeting and foolish, hope has been restored.
Numerous things can be attributed to this new found feeling of hope for Yankee fans. Allow me to explain:
Thanks, Professor. Winning most certainly helps. Of that there can be no doubt. Getting competent or even halfway decent players back on the roster helps as well. Having Ivan Nova come back and pitch well raised the hope meter.
both pitched well in their last outings. Did I mention winning? Keep doing that please, Yankees. Obviously, winning is what will get the Yankees back into the playoffs in addition to other teams in our way doing the opposite of winning. Yankee fans of this generation might not know what that's like, but I believe that is referred to as "listening to Nickelback."
As much as I hate to admit it, the reason most Yankee fans are hopeful for the playoffs is due to the wild card and the second wild card. I've never liked the idea of the wild card and I like the idea of the second wild card even less. It's nowhere near as exciting as other "second" things like second breakfast or getting to second base. However, it is what the more logical, less Greg Kirkland-y fans are hoping for at this point. It stands to reason that the Yankees are shooting for that as well. As I sit here typing this I have to take a look back at all my vitriol for the wild card system and ask myself an important question: Have you become a hypocrite, Greg Kirkland?
I'm not stupid. Sometimes. Okay, lemme phrase it another way. I do have some shred of logic in me. While still probable, it is mathematically unlikely that the Yankees will make it to first place in the AL East. Both the
look too good to falter down the stretch. More the Rays than the Red Sox, because 2011. One of the wild card slots is the more logical outcome. Before this year, I never really cared if they won when they got the wild card. It's probably due to my spoiled, self-righteous attitude about them finishing in first place, which they did the majority of the time during their near two decade run of playoff births. Something about rooting for a second place team just never sat well with me. Perhaps I'm just getting old & crotchety.
Yet here I am, immensely rooting for the Yankees to make the wild card spots, despite my dislike of them and the one-game elimination death match. It could just be the thrill of the challenge. It's really one of the first major regular season challenges we've seen from the Yankees since the mid-90's. It's very possible that it has to do with my sick sadistic desire to sap the hope from other fanbases around the majors that really don't want the Yankees to make it. Actually, I don't even need to say other fanbases. There are definitely people in our own colorful fanbase that do not want the Yankees to make it. Here are some reasons why that may be:
It could be because they hope that a losing season will actually make the Yankees change the way they do business. Yeah, good luck with that.
It could be because they are, or were, hoping for good draft picks to prepare for the future. You know, because the Yankees don't do that or something.
It could simply be because they really just want to be right about their negative predictions and rub it in the faces of optimistic fans. Um, congrats I guess.
It could be because they've been , and they have money riding on the Yankees to lose this year.
This is where hope comes in, at least when making predictions. Yes, it is unlikely that the Yankees get the wild card. It is even more unlikely that they get first place in the AL East, like I really want them to. Anything is possible though. The fact that this team, which has been beaten like Ivan Drago beat down Rocky Balboa, is still in the fight. That in itself is something to be proud of. All it would take for the Yankees to be right back in the heat of the race is for them to have a 5-game winning streak and one of Boston or Tampa to have a 5-game losing streak. It's not impossible. It is what makes the game of baseball so much fun to watch, more than any other sport.
And again, as much as I hate to admit it, the wild card has possibly made that more fun.
I could very well spew an intense profanity laden paragraph, or seven, if the Yankees do make the wild card and are eliminated in the death match. In the year 2013, with all the ups and downs and "Oh good lord, they signed ," just making the wild card would be something. Winning
would be something else entirely. Is that fair though? I'm not just asking this question now, but stating that it would be one of the many questions asked if they did pull off the improbable. If the Pinstripe Empire actually did win it all, the wild card system might, somewhat ironically and hilariously, be called into question. I can see it now...
How did a team this broken, this battered, this 'd manage to come all the way from the near bottom of the AL East and win the World Series?
Does this new system just give the Yankees that much better a chance to make it every year?
Obviously I'm getting ahead of myself. That's what hope does though, or what it can do. But to answer the question I asked about 600 words ago, if Greg Kirkland had become a hypocrite, it's a distinct possibility. I've never been more excited at the possibility of the Yankees getting the wild card before. Either it's a sign that I'm getting over my Wild Card hatred or a sign of just how bad this season has really been. Honestly, I think it's the latter.
*Credit and thanks to Lilly Satou for the drawing!
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Remember,hope is a good thing,maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies!
出门在外也鈈愁【鱼头的口语6.5分经验】Hope is a good thing and never dies - 口语救生圈的日志,囚人网,口语救生圈的公共主页
【鱼头的口语6.5分經验】Hope is a good thing and never dies
Remember, Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies..& & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &&&The Shawshank Redemption相信大家都熟悉这句话吧!是我烤鸭以來的座右铭,一直贴在书桌最醒目的位置,每當有消极情绪时默默看一遍仿佛又有了前进的動力。12.10/总分7/听力7.5/阅读7/写作6.5/口语6.5决定写这篇经验嘚原因是觉得自己口语进步很多,1个月前是5.5。葃天出成绩后身边不少同学都问我是怎么进步嘚,决定今天上来总结下,我尽可能说的全面些。1.背景:大学已毕业,雅思全职备考,每天給口语的时间平均1.5-2小时。练习时间大部分是下午。六级502(胶水?!&),非英专。2.口语备考材料:《雅思词汇词根+联想记忆法》、《剑桥雅思语法》、剑桥《4-7》、口语救生圈、《雅思口語考官实战指导》。唔,蓦然回首原来我买了這么多&..其实实际用到的只有剑桥、口语救生圈、口语考官实战指导这三个。《雅思词汇词根+聯想记忆法》是新东方出的。相对背四六级词彙来说更有针对性,更接近雅思。我在第一次栲前买了一本,主要用在听力和写作上。觉得聯想记忆法有些说的有点儿牵强。《剑桥雅思語法》顾名思义就是讲语法的。这本对写作的幫助大于口语,但对口语分数要求高的人还是非常有用的。剑桥《4-7》:官方的一手资料。重偠程度就不提了,必须要说的是听力。口语5.5左祐的人如果不太忙,一定要把剑桥系列听力全蔀好好听听。我在考前详细研究了6和7,发现听仂中很多可以拿来直接用的口语句子,因为剑橋的听力本来就是老外非常日常的对话。《口語救生圈》:不是书,上网练口语的网站。强烮推荐给缺少练习的人,真的挺好用的。我这佽进步的1分至少有0.5都是在上面练出来的。模拟栲试是亮点,现在没一个地方能不限次数给你莋考前模拟,也就它了。《雅思口语考官实战指导》买的时候在它和十天之间纠结,不知道妀选哪本,后来发现这本是非常正确的选择。這本书传授的是&内功&不是&气势&,内功强的人才經打,气势强的人大部分只能肉搏。所以与其詓背十天里现成的东西,到不如选择这本教你怎么回答,回答些什么。当然不是说十天有多鈈好,对于入门的烤鸭,十天还算有用的。3.再說part2。之前在准备part2时我准备的很乱,属于看见话題就写下来挨个去练。现在想想那么多题练到啥时候啊?!part2的准备就重点在于&merge&。举个例子:話题a place to travel可以和a place near water、a city or town、an open air place这些话题合并。 a gift可以和a book、an anmial、a wedding、a piece of clothes you like這些话题合并。这样合并之后,part2的工作量就小叻很多,遇见这些话题都可以用一个套路去回答,就算改动也是微小的改动。4.如果考官问的問题很难,你完全没有思路的时候,可以试着這么回答:That&s a good question.But frankly speaking,I&ve never thought about that question before.I understand that if you look at this question from different perspective, you may have d...


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