十万火急 史泰龙!!

  显示器 SCREEN  主机 mainframe  光驱 Virtual Drive 或者 drive  鼠标 mouse  光盘 CD  大堡礁(Great Barrier Reef)是澳大利亚东北海岸外一系列珊瑚岛礁的总称。它纵向分布在离岸16--240千米的珊瑚海上,大致沿昆士兰海岸断续绵延2000多千米,包括约3000个岛礁,分布面积共达34.5万平方千米,是世界上最大的活珊瑚礁群,被誉为“世界第八大奇观”。1981年,联合国教科文组织将大堡礁作为自然遗产,列入《世界遗产名录》。  大堡礁地处昆士兰州以东,南回归线与巴布亚湾之间的热带海域,南北长约2000千米,东西宽20千米--240千米,包括上千个珊瑚岛礁和沙滩,是世界上规模最大、景色最美的珊瑚礁群。令人惊奇的是,在大堡礁的400多个珊瑚礁群中,竟有300多个是活珊瑚。  Great Barrier Reef  Waters with alluring hues of turquoise and aquamarine and an undersea world of colours that artists only dream about.  Washed by the warm waters of the South-West Pacific Ocean the perfect environment is created for the world's largest system of coral reefs. The Great Barrier Reef is of such pristine condition that it was listed by the World Heritage Trust as a protected site and is therefore managed by the Great Barrier Reef Marine Authority to ensure that its beauty is maintained for many generations to come. Visitors in their thousands come to marvel at the spectacular sight seeing opportunities that is unique to our area. The Wet Tropics World Heritage listed Rainforest on one side and the Great Barrier Reef on the other. No other place in the world offers such ecological diversity so close to each other.  Off the Cairns coastline are outer edge ribbon reefs which may be up to 25 kilometres long. This is the outer limits of the continental shoreline of prehistoric times. The ribbon reefs can be seen by taking one of the daily outer reef cruises offered by local operators. One of the best ways to view the reef is to take a low flying scenic flight over it, especially at low tide where you'll see the breadth and diversity of this great living wonder.  The waters of the great barrier reef provide the world's busiest and most varied marine habitats. Marine life is in abundance. From the many species of coral to the sought after Black Marlin and all sizes and species of fish in-between. The varied colours of the reef's fish and other marine life will astound the visitor with colour combinations that artists haven't even dreamed of. It is the largest of the world’s 552 World Heritage Areas, covering 347,000 km There are more than 2800 catalogued reefs in the area.  Although the reef stretches more than 2000 kilometres offshore from Queensland, it is only at Cape Tribulation, just north of Port Douglas that the reef comes right to the shore and meets the tropical rainforests of the Wet Tropics. The Reef has over 1000 islands which are easily accessible from North Queensland and coastal cities like Cairns and Port Douglas. The coral islands are very popular tourist attractions. Some even have varied vegetation including rainforest and are encircled by the coral reefs.  You can enjoy year round activities on the great barrier reef. With the absence of the dreaded box jelly fish (the reef is free of this menace) and the mild winter temperatures, the scene is set for a perfect outing to the Great Barrier Reef.  悉尼歌剧院  位于澳大利亚新南威尔士州得首府悉尼市。这座综合性得艺术中心,在现代建筑史上被认为是巨型雕塑式得典型作品,也是澳大利亚得象征性标志。  悉尼歌剧院座落在悉尼港湾,三面临水,环境开阔,以特色得建筑设计闻名于世,它得外形像三个三角形翘首于河边,屋顶是白色得形状犹如贝壳,因而有翘首遐观得恬静修女之美称。该歌剧院占地2公顷,长183米,宽118米,它包括四个大厅,有2700个座位得音乐厅。1530个座位得歌剧院。550个座位得话剧厅。还有420个座位得室内乐演出厅。以及电影院等,各厅得设备如灯光、音响、舞台上下、设计各不相同,但保持统一与和谐。  除了四大厅外,休息室、化妆室、乐器室、贵宾室、会议室等900多精致房间,应有尽有而且极为完美。以供邀请来得艺术家、指挥家、演唱家、演奏家及艺术团体住宿。  悉尼歌剧院与欧洲一些著名歌剧院那悠久得历史不能相比。在悉尼还没有歌剧院时,一批有志之士一直为建立固定得歌剧表演团体和歌剧院而四处奔走,积极地游说。经过他们不懈得努力,终于得到市政府得拨款和支持。可是,这座歌剧院从破土动工至建造完成,却历经14个年头。当时,为建造悉尼歌剧院,澳大利亚政府在世界各地公开征求设计图样,结果丹麦设计师乌特松以他那反传统得独特设计方案,夺得众多投稿者中得第一名。1959年,剧院奠基破土,但在剧院乳白色贝壳得外形结构完成时,施工者发现原设计方案有某种不切实际得地方。这一发现无疑要将原方案推倒重来。难为得是,这时建造剧院得经费预算已经耗尽,无可奈何,工程只得暂时停顿下来。在一片要我悉尼歌剧院得呼吁下,澳大利亚政府请来了英国得建筑专家对原设计做局部修改,为了筹集资金,澳大利亚政府还发行了彩票,经过一番艰苦得运作,好不容易才凑足了款项,工程继续开工。当剧院建成后,又发生了一件有趣得事,澳大利亚有关当局认为原定拥有1500个座位得音乐厅是全年开放,而拥有2700个座位得歌剧院则是季节性演出厅,使用率不高。为了从经济角度考虑;于是,将原来得音乐厅改换成歌剧院,而原先得歌剧院则装上了拥有一万根音管得大管风琴,使之变成一座音乐厅。这一改变造成了现在歌舞剧场舞台太小得遗憾。当然那音乐厅却气度恢宏,引人注目。  1973年10月,悉尼歌剧院在英国女皇伊丽莎白二世得亲自主持下,举行了隆重得落成典礼。随后,澳大利亚指挥家唐斯挥棒首演了普罗科菲耶夫得《战争与和平》。悉尼从此结束了没有自己歌剧院得历史。这所剧院主要供2个澳大利亚得巡回剧团演出之用,澳大利亚广播公司也常在这里举办各种音乐会。自1976年起,由波宁基接任指挥。澳大利亚广播公司经常用它来举办各种音乐会,它是悉尼市一个重要得文化艺术中心。  Sydney Opera House  The Sydney Opera House is one of the most famous buildings in the world.It is considered to be one of the most recognizable images of the modern world although the building has been open for only about 30 years.The Sydney Opera House is as representative of Australia as the pyramids are of Egypt.  6 225 square meters of glass and 645 kilometers of electric cable were used to build the Opera House.It includes 1 000 rooms.It is 185 meters long and 120 meters wide.The building’s roof sections weigh about 15 tons.There are 1 million tiles on the roof.It provides guided tours to 200 000 people each year.  But do you know the Opera House with a roof was designed by a famous Danish architect,Utzon?In the late 1950s the Australian Government established an appeal fund to finance the construction of the Sydney Opera House,and conducted a competition for its design was chosen.Utzon spent a few years reworking the design and it was 1961 before he had solved the problem of how to build the distinguishing feature—the sails of the roof.The venture experienced cost blowouts.In 1966 the situation reached crisis point and Utzon resigned from the project.The building was finally competed by others in 1973.Sydney Opera House was opened by Queen Elizabeth on 20th October 1973.  The Opera House reaches out into the harbour.Seen from the air or a ferry,the skyline of the Sydney Opera Hose,the blue water of the harbour and the Sydney Harbour Bridge,is beautiful.  楼主
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