
花灯的制作历史悠久,随著时代的变迁,在材质和造型上都有很大的变化。纸、竹、绸缎、木是很常见的传统素材,塑胶、玻璃纸、压克力……等则是现代的材料。其实只要能透光,花灯的制作材料并没有限定,连水果、废弃纸盒、铝罐都可以做材料,所以花灯的变化有无限的想像空间。 一盏盏的灯除了像是黑夜里的小萤火虫,不同的造型也诉说著提灯人在新年的愿望。可爱的小叮当和温馨的维尼熊……等是现代文化的新造型,而传统的十二生肖则配合年节作替换,不断出现许多现代较喜爱的新造型,足可荣登花灯造型的排行冠军,得到人们的喜爱。 作龙是动物里面最难、最复杂的,因为人家说:「画虎、画皮,难画鼓。」因为作人物的话只要左右不对称,看起来就会怪怪的。有些花灯的学员很想要做这个题材,尤其是作观世音神像的时候,花灯师父通常会劝他不要做,不然就是作卡通一点、简化一点,那如果做的很逼真又不正确的话,会变的很难看。 古时后做花灯用的是竹子,如果用铁丝来做的话会发现,这个结构的方式像再盖房子一样,而且你想要做什麼都可以用铁丝把它做出来,就像突然找到一条路,想要做什麼就做什麼,有一种这种感觉,另外一种就是:一调铁丝可以任意的给你形状,而且思考方向不只是一个方向,可能这个方向,要它鼓一点,在这个方向的时候,它却凹一点,一条铁丝它可以有很多的变化,等於说用方向来讲话,它不只是四面八方,是三百六十度无线空间的地方它都可以去旋转、去弯折,这个来训练我们的思考能力应该是蛮不错的。 自制简易花灯(有图)
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& & 单词接龙是一个与我们经常玩的成语接龙相类似的游戏,现在我们己知一组单词,且
给定一个开头的字母,要求出以这个字母开头的最长的“龙”(每个单词都最多在“龙& 中出现两次),在两个单词相连时,其重合部分合为一部分,例如beast和astonish,如果接成一条龙则变为beastonish,另外相邻的两部分不能存在包含关系,例如at和atide间不能相连。
& & 输入的第一行为一个单独的整数n(n&=20)表示单词数,以下n行每行有一个单词,输入的最后一行为一个单个字符,表来“龙”开头的字母。你可以假定以此字母开头的“龙& 一定存在。
& & 只需输出以此字母开头的最长的“龙”的长度样例:
23& && && && && & (连成的“龙”为atoucheatactactouchoose)
char str[200][200];
printf(&please input your string nummber:"
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The program has not been tested even compiled, as a reference for you.
* We can view the all the possible word sequences is a tree, no mater a sequence
* could be connected as dragon or not according to the project specification, i.e.
* each non-leef node has n (number of words) child nodes, and the depth is 2*n.
* All the sequences can be connected as dragons are the subset of the sequences,
* and they are the part of the tree, so it is also a tree with maximum depth is
* 2*n and each of non-leef node has maximum n child nodes and in any path each
* word repeated at most 2 times. The project requires to find the longest dragon.
* The program traveses the tree by depth first and recursively to find the longest
* dragon. If a word to which no more word can append, discard the all subtree after
* the word and make a dragon from root to the word, then, if the dragon is longer
* than previouse longest dragon, keep it as the longest dragon. Thus, the
* the longest dragon is finaly finded after the tree travesing.
* ******************************************************************************/
# include &stdio.h&
# include &string.h&
# include &stdlib.h&
# define& & ENDPATH& & -1
# define& & MAXWORD& & 20& && && && && & /* maximum number of words */
# define& & MAXWLEN& & 20& && && && && & /* maximum length of word&&*/
# define& & MAXDRAG& & MAXWORD*MAXWLEN& &/* maximum length of dragon */
# define& & MAXDPTH& & MAXWORD*2& && && &/* maximum number of words of dragon */
& && && && && && && && && &/* unmber of input words */
char words[MAXWORD][MAXWLEN+1];&&/* to keep input words */
char dragon[MAXDRAG+1];& && && & /* to keep the longest dragon */
int count[MAXWORD];& && && && &&&/* to count the times of each word usage in whole path. must less than 2 for each */
int lookup[MAXWORD][MAXWORD];& & /* lookup table of the number of overlaped characters between any two words */
& && && && && && && &&&/* depth to make dragon */
int path[MAXDPTH+1];& && && && & /* to keep the path of searching */
int overlap[MAXDPTH];& && && && &/* to keep the number of overlaped characters between words in the searching path */
& && && && && && && && && &/* number of overlaped characters between two words
char buffer[MAXDRAG+1];
const int length = MAXDRAG;
* this return the number of maximum overlaped characters between the
* words[w1] and words[w2] accoding to the project specifications.
int check(const short w1, const short w2) {
& & char *p, *q, *r, *start1, *start2, *end1, *end2;
& & end1 = (sart1 = words[w1])+strlen(words[w1])-1;
& & end2 = (sart2 = words[w2])+strlen(words[w2])-1;
& &&&* conditions p!=start and r!=end are to guarantee 相邻的两部分不能存在包含关系
& &&&* if p == start, word 2 may include word 1
& &&&* if r == end, word 1 may include word 2
& & for (p=end1, k=0; p!=star1; p--) {
& && &&&for (q=p,r=start2; q&=end1&&r!=end2; q++,r++)& &
& && && && &if (*q != *r)
& && &&&if (q&end1) k=p-end1+1;& &
* this function recursively searches the possible pathes by depth first.
* it has no any parameters and local variables for the purpose of stack saving.
* the global varibales:
* l -- index to the last word in path.
* m -- index to the word working on.
void nextDepth() {
& & /* save current path */
& & path[depth] =
& & overlap[depth]=
& & /* reset for next depth */
& & depth++;
& & for (m= m&2*n+1; m++) path[m] = ENDPATH;
& & for (m=0; m&n; m++) count[m] = 0;
& & for (m=0; m& m++) if(path[m] != ENDPATH) count[path[m]]++;
& & /* search the next word to be connected if there is a one */
& & for (m=0; m&n; m++) {
& && &&&if (count[m] & 1)&&/* 每个单词都最多在“龙& 中出现两次, discard */
& && &&&if (!(k=lookup[l][m]))& & /* can't be appended, discard */
& && &&&& && && && && && && &&&/* finded */
& & if (m != n)& & /* finded, then enter next depth*/
& && &&&l =
& && &&&nextDepth();
& & } else {& && & /* no more */
& && &&&buffer[0]=
& && &&&for (m=0; path[m]!=ENDPATH; m++)& & /* concatenate the words in the path */
& && && && &strcpy(buffer, words[path[m]]+overlap[m]); /* 重合部分合为一部分 */
& && &&&if (strlen(dragon) & strlen(buffer))& &/* keep the longest draogn 最长的“龙”*/
& && && && &strcpy(dragon, buffer);& &&&
& & }& &&&
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
& & /* file format: each word per line. the firat line is number of words */
& & char *data = &./inputdata&;& &
& && && && && && && && && && && &&&
& & char *w,
& & FILE *
& & data = argv[0];
& & fp = fopen(data,&r&);
& & if (!fp) {
& && &&&printf(&open file %s error&, data);
& && &&&exit(1);
& & /* set number of words */
& & w = fgets(fp, buffer,length);
& & n = atoi(w);
& & /* set words */
& & for(m=0; m&n; m++) {
& && &&&w=fgets(fp, buffer, length);
& && &&&strcpy(words[m], buffer);
& & for (m=0; m&n; m++)
& && &&&for (k=0; k&n; k++)
& && && && &lookup[m][k] = check(m, k);
& & dragon[0]=& &/* empty */
& & /* initail the root */
& & for (m=0; m&2*n+1; m++) path[m]=ENDPATH;
& & depth = 0;& & /* root depth */
& & l = 0;& & /* the first word as root */
& & k = 0;& & /* no overlap for the first word */
& & nextDepth();
& & printf(&%d& & (连成的“龙”为 %s)&, strlen(dragon),dragon);
& & return 1;
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1. 重要!!!!
There is a mistake must be corrected on line:
& & if (q&end1) k=p-end1+1;
in function check(). It should be
& & if (q&end1) k=end1-p+1;
2. Use index instead of pointer.
The name of an array variable is a pointer to the first element of the array. In our program,
the words is two dimension array, so it is a double pointer. words[k] is the pointer to
(k+1)th word. Words[k][i] is (i+1)th character in (k+1)th word. word[k][i] = *(word[k] + i),
here word[k][i] is the way of index, while *(word[k]+i) is the way of pointer. Pointer
directly accesses the element of array by the address of the element, but index indirectly
by base address + offset, for instance, words[k] is base and i offset.
int check(const short w1, const short w2) {
& & int p, q, r, start1, start2, end1, end2;
& & end1 = (sart1 = 0)+strlen(words[w1])-1;
& & end2 = (sart2 = 0)+strlen(words[w2])-1;
& &&&* conditions p!=start and r!=end2 are to guarantee 相邻的两部分不能存在包含关系
& &&&* if p == start, word 2 may include word 1
& &&&* if r == end, word 1 may include word 2
& & for (p=end1, k=0; p!=star1; p--) {
& && &&&for (q=p,r=start2; q&=end1&&r!=end2; q++,r++)& &
& && && && &if (words[w1][q] != words[w2][r])
& && &&&if (q&end1) k=end1-p+1;& &
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