
乔治·雷蒙德·理查德·马丁(George Raymond Richard Martin),通常被称为乔治·R·R·马丁或GRRM,是一名擅长撰写奇幻、科幻和恐怖小说题材的美国作家、编辑、电视剧编剧兼制片人,雨果奖、星云奖、轨迹奖、世界科幻奖等文学奖项的多次得主。马丁的作品主要以人物为关注点,描写细腻丰富,突破了幻想文学界固有的创作模式,多次引领阅读潮流。代表作有十大浪漫太空歌剧之一的《光逝》、由雨果奖获奖名篇扩展而成的《风港》、在杂志读者群中深受爱戴的《图夫航行记》,以及当代严肃奇幻的经典《冰与火之歌》(A Song of Ice and Fire)系列等。由于马丁作品的辉煌成就,他被《时代》杂志誉为“美国的托尔金”和“新世纪的海明威”。......查看完整解释1: 马丁:高兴什么?Martin: What about?2: 你需要的是什么,马丁?What do you want, Martin?3: “那么你们谁都没有得到答案,”马丁很失望地说。"So neither one of you found the answer, " Martin said disappointedly.4: 马丁和她在那个问题上发生争执。Martin tangled with her over the question.5: 他正要冲出屋子,马丁一把揪住他的肩头,揪得他转过身来。He was out of the room when Martin caught him and whirled him around.6: 不仅仅如此,马丁说他和火箭队都会让人们惊讶的。More than that, Martin said he and the Rockets will surprise people.7: 马丁安排第二天与他会面。Martin arranged to meet him the next day.8: 而万恩和马丁却坐在最远的后排。While Vaughn and Martin were in back the most.9: 你好马丁,你有看过什么赛事了吗?Hello Martin. Have you been to any events yet?10: “我希望也能像你一样漫不经心地吸取知识,”马丁半小时以后插嘴道。"I wish I could gather knowledge as carelessly," Martin broke out half an hour later.11: 马丁太太对我就像妈妈一样,我决不会那么残忍地对她。Mrs. Martin is like a mother to me. I would never be that cruel.12: 马丁现在是他们班最好的学生之一。Martin is now one of the best students in his class.13: 看到马丁回来大家都很高兴。Everybody was glad to see Martin back.14: 我怎么才能找到马丁的传真号?在你的罗拉代克斯卡上吗?How do I find Martin"s fax number? Is he in your roller desk?15: 马丁从心里知道那是一个奇迹般的事实。In his heart Martin knew that it was the miraculous truth.16: 马丁:你喜欢它吗?Marty : Do you like it?17: 马丁就是以这种古老的原始的方式向露丝求爱的。It was in this old, primitive way that Martin wooed Ruth.18: 我怎么才能找到马丁的传真号?How do I find Martin"s fax number?19: 马丁在公司有很长的工作经历。Martin had a long career at the company.20: 丹尼斯:是的,谢谢你的建议,可马丁是个十足的绅士。Denise: Yes, thank you for your advice, but Martin is a perfect gentleman.21: 那天晚上马丁没有读书。And Martin did no reading that night.22: 我的英语老师是徐先生,他的英文名字是马丁。My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin.23: 米歇尔·马丁:现在(你的)观点是种族与健康状况之间存在一定联系。MARTIN: Now, the idea that there is some link between race and health conditions.24: 但是马丁没有答腔。But Martin made no answer.25: 我怎么才能找到马丁的传真号?在你的罗拉代克斯卡上吗?。How do I find Martin"s fax number? Is he in your rolodex?26: 他向马丁道歉,说不该打他。He apologized to Martin for striking him.27: 辛迪把重点集中在弗兰克所做的事情上,这些事是马丁做不好或最近一直没有做的。She became focused on what Frank did well that Martin either did not do so well or had not done recently.28: 马丁:威廉姆斯先生,我想了解这样一个问题,这也是奥普拉在与她的观众谈论这个问题时说到的。MARTIN: Mr. Williams, I want to pick up on this question, something that Oprah talked about when she talked about this with her audience.29: 朱莉娅:让我想想,我喜欢斯汀和里奇·马丁。Julia: Let me think. I like Sting and Ricky Martin.30: 那是压断了骆驼背脊的最后一根稻草,但马丁仍然抓住椅子扶手,和他交谈了半个小时。It was the last straw, but Martin gripped the arms of his chair and talked and listened for half an hour.31: 她一天比一天进步了,直到马丁怀疑起自己的做法是否得体。因为他明白她的这一切迁就和努力都是为了他。She improved visibly from day to day, until Martin wondered if he was doing right, for he knew that all her compliance and endeavor was for his sake.32: 由于她不喜欢马丁,所以她邀请他很是令人惊讶。Considering her dislike of Martin, it was surprising that she invited him.33: 我不是马丁·路德·金但我也有一个梦想我想每个人都有不一样的梦想。I am not Martin Luther King but I also have a dream I think everyone has different dream.34: 马丁看起来很不错。我们以前从来没看见他这么好过。Martin looks so well. We"ve never seen him look so well before.35: “我——我写东西,或者说试着给杂志写点东西。”马丁犹豫着回答。"I - I write, or, rather, try to write, for the magazines," Martin faltered.36: “我宁可在热带干活,也不愿洗衣服。”马丁笑着说。"Me for the tropics and no clothes, " Martin laughed.37: 如果你在法语上有问题,就请教马丁博士吧,她对语法很熟悉。If you have a question about grammar, ask Dr. Martin. She knows grammar inside out.38: 马丁:我知道你是波兰人,你是从哪个城市来的?华沙吗?。MARTIN: I know you"re from Poland. What city are you from? Warsaw?39: 我认为,马丁凯利真的为我们做得很好。我记得这个赛季在安菲尔德对阵切尔西时,他是我们最好的球员之一。I think Martin Kelly is doing really well for us. I remember when he played against Chelsea at Anfield this season and was one of our best players.40: 马丁描述了他伟大愿望,他希望所有的人可以得到平等对待,不管他们是什么肤色。Martin described his great wish of all the people could be treated equal, no matter what color they were.41: 真的。马丁先生。不过有一两件小事要查一下。你想现在就核对。还是等吃完午饭?。Yes, Mr. Martin. But one or two small things. Would you like to check them now, or after lunch?42: 黛比:这些是我的人……走吧,请离弃这,马丁!Debbie Edwards: These are my people… Go. Go, Martin, please!43: 莱恩和马丁总结而这很可能解释为什么复杂的生命 --真核生物 --在地球的历史上仅进化了一次。And that, Lane and Martin conclude, may well explain why complex life -- eukaryotes -- only evolved once in all of Earth"s history.44: 中国的朋友大家好,我是凯文马丁,你们的新朋友。为我2011全明星投票吧,不胜感激。Whats up China. I am Kevin Martin, your new friend. Vote me for the 2011 all-stars. Great appreciation.45: 最后,我想感谢我所有的朋友们,感谢他们对我的支持,特殊要感谢马丁米勒,每当我需要他时,他总在我身边。And finally I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support especially to Martin Miller for being there when I needed him.46: 马丁:现在我想让你们两位都来谈一谈因为你们在各自的领域都非常出色。MARTIN: Now, I wanted to call both of you because each of you is accomplished in your field.47: 马丁揭示,在哪些可以追溯到祖先的线粒体基因上,有75%或更多的成分来自当时外来的细菌而非宿主细胞。Martin has shown that, of the eukaryotic genes whose ancestry can be traced, 75 per cent or more came from bacteria rather than the host cell.48: 马丁会立即公布他们的调查结果。Martin would publish their findings at once.49: 你想和谁说话,马丁、彼得、或者安德鲁?Whom do you want to talk to, Martin, Peter or Andrew.50: 马丁:什么是你最……当你回忆以前的生活时,你感到最羞愧的是什么?Martin: What are you most as…when you look back on your life what are you most ashamed of?51: 世界上再也没有比纯粹的无知和认真的愚蠢更危险的了。----小马丁。路德。金。Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. ----Martin Luther King Jr.}


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