歌词I know need to fire IleavetonighttBGM 低音很重,结尾一男人哈哈哈哈哈哈

最近歌荒,本着上知乎找新歌的心态,结果(≧ω≦)作为手机里英文歌几倍于中文歌的人,实在忍不住答一发~~&br&&br&好多喜欢的歌散落在各个答案里,尽管有些被推烂了,还是想来一个大集合(*/ω\*)以下不分年代,不分曲风,旋律是首要判断标准,不专业勿喷~&br&&br&&br&1.Right here waiting——Richard Marx&br&(我是RM的骨灰粉!他一定要放第一!)&br&&br&2.Now and forever——Richard Marx&br&(又是RM的歌,吸吸放一张我叔的照片)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-db_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&640& data-rawheight=&640& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&640& data-original=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-db_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&3.Breathless——Shayne Ward&br&(Shayne的声音很有特点,挑一首代表的)&br&&br&4.Talking to the moon——Brouno Mars&br&(每首情歌后面都有一个动人的故事)&br&&br&5.All of me——John Legend&br&(超级抒情的词曲与迷人的声音)&br&&br&6.Wrecking Ball——Miley Cyrus&br&(大家都喜欢吐槽的麦粒啊唱功还是不容吐槽)&br&&br&7.Back to black——Amy Winehouse&br&(词曲和Amy对这首歌的演绎方式是彻头彻尾的震撼~)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic1.zhimg.com/50/v2-8bca7c0bafcb_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&375& data-rawheight=&256& class=&content_image& width=&375&&&/figure&&br&8.Just one last dance——Sarah Connor&br&(经典)&br&&br&9.Burning——Maria Arredondo&br&(同经典,很美的女声)&br&&br&10.Hero——Maria Carey&br&(这个最经典,哈哈)&br&(David Bowie的Hero最最经典,嗯)&br&&br&11.Diamonds——Rihanna&br&(一定要看2013维密秀的live版!日日的女王气场爆棚,超模全部成为她的陪衬)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-e2737bbf4eccc0cde3c9fff_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1920& data-rawheight=&1080& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1920& data-original=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-e2737bbf4eccc0cde3c9fff_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&12.Price Tag——Jessie J&br&(吴莫愁也翻唱过这首歌)&br&&br&13.Halo——Beyonce&br&(去ktv必唱歌,天后很多歌都是必唱歌)&br&&br&14.God is a girl——Groove Coverage&br&(好唱也好听,现场版的视频很魔性)&br&&br&15.Imagine——John Lennon&br&(约翰列侬,满满都是情怀~)&br&&br&16.Can't take my eyes off you——王若琳&br&(曾经被媒体宣传为“中国的小野丽莎”的王若琳,自从转型做自己喜欢的音乐后掉路人粉无数,同时也吸引了许多真正的铁粉。不过还是更喜欢她之前的歌一些(????`)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-e81d35ea5a086affd87d5aae_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1365& data-rawheight=&2048& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1365& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-e81d35ea5a086affd87d5aae_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&好想拥有Joanna那样的嗓音啊&br&&br&17.Tik tok——Ke$ha&br&(不是小清新歌曲而是魔性的说唱)&br&&br&&br&----------一根直白的分割线----------&br&&br&&br&乐队部分&br&&br&1.Bohemian Rhapsody——Queen&br&(经典的皇后乐队,一定是第一。在Freddie走后,乐队与Adam Lambert的合作也很精彩&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-fb7defd4c98f89b800e9_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&508& data-rawheight=&512& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&508& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-fb7defd4c98f89b800e9_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&2.It's my life——Bon Jovi&br&(其实是一首比较暴躁的歌...但是听完总会产生热血沸腾的感觉——啊!大叔们的青春!)&br&&br&3.Numb——Linkin Park&br&(同上,很喜欢。这首歌还是lol的主题曲)&br&&br&4.Desperado——Westlife&br&
Maybe tomorrow——Westlife&br&
Home——Westlife&br&(西城也被推烂了,不过相比国内的大热歌,个人觉得这些也非常有味道。可惜成员现在都单飞了,宝宝也没能赶上他们的告别演唱会&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-340aa94515abc9ab19e8a_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1500& data-rawheight=&1000& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1500& data-original=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-340aa94515abc9ab19e8a_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&5.Unintended——Muse&br&(十分空灵的歌,旋律抓人)&br&&br&6.Wake me up when september ends——Green Day&br&(绿日的歌都很棒,像21 guns和American Idiot等等~主唱Billie Joe也是超级可爱,还演过电影《如晴天似雨天》里Queen B前男友)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-7a5e530a7b325b6337ad_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&500& data-rawheight=&323& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&500& data-original=&https://pic3.zhimg.com/50/v2-7a5e530a7b325b6337ad_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&啊啊啊8月份绿日又回归了!新单Bang Bang超燃!&br&&br&7.We are young——Fun&br&(好活力!!!)&br&&br&8.Need you now——Lady Antebellum&br&(主唱声音巨有磁性 /星星眼)&br&&br&9.Norwegian Wood——The Beatles&br&(之前老看村上春树,村上老推荐披头士,入坑。相比Yesterday,Let it be,这首歌也很有韵味)&br&&br&10.Hotel California——The Eagles&br&(不必说)&br&&br&&br&---------一根直白的分割线--------&br&&br&&br&不是很懂自己为啥要在期末考试前熬到4点答题(?°?°?)大概这就是爱吧&br&&br&有人看的话再写一下影视原声部分...&br&&br&&br&---------一根直白的分割线--------&br&&br&&br&没人看也更一下影视原声的部分...&br&&br&1.《007:幽灵党》&br&
Writing's on the wall——Sam Smith&br&(啊呀骚姆的声音真是太好听,整个人都会被吸进去)&br&&br&2.《007:大破天幕杀机》&br&
Skyfall——Adele&br&(交响曲即视感,配合MV食用更佳)&br&&br&3.《了不起的盖茨比》&br&Young and Beautiful - Lana Del Ray&br&(许多答主都有推荐的歌,打雷姐的嗓音还是一如既往的迷人~~歌名与女主Daisy的人生迷之契合)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-a0cbf303fca_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1920& data-rawheight=&1200& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1920& data-original=&https://pic4.zhimg.com/50/v2-a0cbf303fca_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&&br&4.《速7》&br&
See you again——Wiz Khalifa&br&(虽然被推烂了~但是依旧好听!)&br&&br&5.《杀手莱昂》&br&
Shape of my heart——Sting&br&(听歌泪目)&br&&br&6.《五十度灰》&br&
Love me like you do——Ellie Goulding&br&(片子是霸道总裁爱上我,曲子也是满满的少女感)&br&&br&7.《暮光之城》&br&A Thousand Years - Christina Perri&br&(柔美的女声和四三拍的节奏,适合成为各种小清新舞蹈和下午茶的BGM)&br&&br&8.《我的野蛮女友》&br&
I believe——申升勋&br&(歪了个楼...)&br&&br&9.《美国丽人》&br&Don't let it bring you down——Annie Lennox&br&(看完American Beauty后,好不容易找到了大叔与Angela相遇时房间音响播放的音乐。然后单曲循环了一晚上)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-971a35fe1b054fc393d3db0e7b5c5730_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&1680& data-rawheight=&1050& class=&origin_image zh-lightbox-thumb& width=&1680& data-original=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-971a35fe1b054fc393d3db0e7b5c5730_r.jpg&&&/figure&&br&10.《海绵宝宝》&br&SpongeBob SquarePants&br&(来一首欢乐的作为结尾~作为90后的童年回忆,你还记得片尾海绵宝宝在鼻子上吹奏的旋律吗~)&br&&figure&&img src=&https://pic2.zhimg.com/50/v2-4e7ccd521b68b36c6d81d8a5_b.jpg& data-rawwidth=&267& data-rawheight=&220& class=&content_image& width=&267&&&/figure&&br&手机码字不易,喜欢的话点个赞好么(*/ω\*)
最近歌荒,本着上知乎找新歌的心态,结果(≧ω≦)作为手机里英文歌几倍于中文歌的人,实在忍不住答一发~~ 好多喜欢的歌散落在各个答案里,尽管有些被推烂了,还是想来一个大集合(*/ω\*)以下不分年代,不分曲风,旋律是首要判断标准,不专业勿喷~ 1.Ri…
1.the sound of silence&br&2.the streets of london&br&3.california dream&br&4.hotel california&br&5.desteny(scorpions)&br&6.wind of change&br&7.children of the night&br&8.never grow old&br&9.rythm of the rain&br&10.can you feel the love tonight&br&11.reality&br&12.five hundreds mile&br&13.yesterday yes a day&br&14.casablanca&br&15.dust in the wind&br&16.lemon tree&br&17.moonlight shadow&br&18.if you want me&br&19.hero&br&20.vicent&br&还有很多,&br&我想,除了自己,很少人会明白为什么当听到一首歌曲或者旋律时你突然就泪流满面吧?因为,孤独的成长路上,无数个单曲循环的夜晚,无数个关于暗恋,友情,梦想,进步的小故事,并没有人陪你,只有自己对自己的拥抱。&br&这些歌陪了我初中,高中,大学,播放列表里一直有,现在工作了,偶尔听到,仍是泪流满面。
1.the sound of silence 2.the streets of london 3.california dream 4.hotel california 5.desteny(scorpions) 6.wind of change 7.children of the night 8.never grow old 9.rythm of the rain 10.can you feel the love tonight 11.reality 12.five …
作为一个从小就爱听英文歌的孩子,我来斗胆回答下这个问题。小时候特别爱听一些大众经典,比如《Yesterday once more》《My heart will go on》《Big big world》等。这些歌只要了解英文歌的肯定都听过,这里就不再推荐了。最近即将考六级,故淘了各种英文歌来练习听力,以下就推荐一些我觉得好听的英文歌曲。(注:我比较喜欢有节奏感的或者旋律优美的歌曲,如果我推荐的歌大家不喜欢也别喷啊。。。歌曲介绍部分摘自百度百科。)&br&1.Because i love you -Shakin Stevens。被誉为英国新猫王的Shakin Stevens,在英国及欧洲都是家喻户晓的超级巨星, 以演唱老式的Reckabilly为主。在1986年,Shakin Stevens以一首《Because I love you》,红遍海内外。在演绎这首歌时, Shakin Stevens一改昔日活蹦乱跳的演唱风格, 而是诚恳地唱出这首动听情歌以至轰动了整个欧美,也掳获了无数乐迷的心。时至今日,仍有许多年轻男女借这首歌表达彼此心中的爱慕之情。这首歌也是Shakin Stevens最广为人知的一首歌。 &br&2.A thousand miles-Vanessa Carlton一首很有节奏感的女声歌曲,讲述了一个穿过熙熙攘攘的人群千里迢迢去寻找自己的爱人的故事。&br& 3.Breakaway-Kelly Clarkson。Breakaway出自Kelly Clarkson的第二张录音室专辑《Breakaway》。单曲由著名歌手Avril Lavigne为其创作。歌曲还是好莱坞电影《皇室日记2:麻雀变凤凰》的一首插曲。单曲最高全美排名第6。&br& 4.I miss you -Czarina。一首极为温柔安静的歌曲,演唱者也很好的诠释了这首歌,非常适合一个人静静的听。&br&5.Free loop-Daniel Powter。这首歌的旋律大家应该都很熟悉了,没听过赶紧听听吧,绝对不会让你失望的。&br& 6.Gotta have you -The Weepies。一首很温暖的歌曲,有一点乡村风格。轻轻暖暖的节奏,深深浅浅的低唱,让人想到阳光铺陈的咖啡馆,午后,你和我坐拥一片昏黄,被温暖环抱。浓浓的倾诉,深情化不开。你弹起吉他,我浅吟低唱,没有咖啡,没有美酒,只有淡淡的爱情。&br& 7.Home-Westlife。提到westlife,大家想到的可能是他们的My love,Seasons in the sun ,这首Home也是值得大家一听的好歌,歌曲极度悲伤,表达了热切渴望归家的感情。&br&8.I'm yours-Jason Marz。这是一首节奏感极强的英文歌,好声音的冠军李琦曾经也唱过这首歌,这首歌给我的感觉就是听起来好听,但是除非你的英语说的特别溜,不然很难唱好这首歌,你可以试试看哦! &br&9.I konw i love you-Savage Garden。Savage Garden,这支来自澳洲的二人组自1997年轰动入主全球音乐市场以来,绽现出前所未闻的新鲜声音。由电子旋律与放克吉他所营造出放肆的摇滚节拍、甜美的情歌旋律,带 着摇滚精神以丰富的电子实验音符等之完全反叛的另类音乐寻得与主流音乐平衡之立足点。这首“I Knew I Loved You”曲韵甜美细腻,洋溢着寻得真爱的喜悦。&br& 10.Only love-Trademark。Only love是trademark乐队的第三张专辑《Only love》中最好听的一首,低沉而富有磁性的嗓音讲述了又一个令人感动的爱情。 &br&11.I'm alive-Celine Dion。席琳迪翁清亮的嗓音唱的这首I'm alive,再伴上精彩的伴奏,确实能给人一种震撼感。&br& 12.Apologize-Onepublic。 2007年秋天Timbaland将《Apologize》这首由乐团主音Ryan Tedder作曲及填词的单曲重新混音过并收录在他的三次白金专辑《Timbaland Presents: Shock Value》中, 全球售出五百万多张,造成大轰动。在2007年11月《Apologize》成为在英置单曲排行榜上排第三。另外在美国成为电台最高播放率的歌,一星期约有10,331次。&br& 13.Nothing gonna change my love for you 。这首歌 是经典爱情片《廊桥遗梦》主题曲。这首歌演唱版本众多(Glenn Medeiros、杜德伟等等)。原唱是黑人爵士乐手George Benson,令人遗憾的是,在他唱的时候没有走红(而多年以后经过其他歌手多次的翻唱而风靡全球)。那略带沙哑,又充满悲伤的声音,感动着每一位用心聆听人。&br& 14.Pretty boy -M2M。又是一首旋律非常熟悉的歌。小时候非常喜欢听,这首歌洋溢着青春、单纯、美丽。什么都不说了,再回顾一下这首经典吧!&br&15.When you say nothing at all -Ronan Keating。这首歌的版本很多,曾被无数人翻唱,蔡依林也曾经唱过这首歌,包括我推荐的版本也不是原唱,不过这是我最喜欢的版本。&br&16.Satisfy-Vedera。一首女声摇滚。歌曲中透出淡淡的悲伤。正如歌词所说,这个世上还有什么东西能够愉悦你我吗? &br&17.Sitting down here-Lene Marlin。又是一首很有节奏感的歌。歌词中透出淡淡的忧伤,但是歌者却唱出了一种超脱的感觉。&br& 18.Stay here forever-Jewel。我的手机铃声。一首清新俏皮的歌,特别适合在心情愉悦的时候听,心情不好的时候听也会大有奇效哦!&br& 19.Yellow -Coldplay。看那些星辰,看他们如何为你而闪亮。夜晚仰望星空,想着你爱的人,有很多话想对她说,却无法相见亦不能倾诉,只能对着一夜的星辰,抒发念想,这是一种超脱,还是一种无奈?&br&20.Moonlight shadow-Dana Winner。据说,这首1983年问世的曲子原是为纪念甲壳虫乐队被枪杀的主唱约翰·列侬而作。 日,马克·查普曼伪装成一个歌迷,在列侬的公寓旁边徘徊了很久。那天晚上,当列侬从录音棚返回家中的时候,查普曼请列侬在他的签字本上签名。当时他内心曾进行过激烈的斗争,但最后仍然举起手枪朝着列侬的后背连开了4枪。 和Moonlight Shadow中所写的He was shot six times by a man on the run类似。其实,听这首歌不用去管什么背景,这是一首绝对值得你单曲循环n遍的经典。&br&21.Everything i do- Bryan Adams。奥斯卡金曲,《罗宾逊》的主题曲。其中的歌词“Everything i do,I do it for you”广为人知。&br&22.Liekkas-Sofia Jannok。最后推荐的这首歌并不是英文歌,而是瑞典歌。然而我还是要强烈推荐。个人认为,好的歌曲,不分国籍,即使语言不通,你却能听出其中的内涵,这首歌就是如此。轻柔的北欧风格,听这首歌时,感觉自己就像一只翱翔在海上的海鸥。温暖的声音,让所有的不快和烦恼都变得不再那么重要。此刻,让我们放下手下所有的事情,停下你的脚步,安静的聆听这段旋律,相信你肯定会喜欢上的。也许只有这样的音乐才能慰藉自己浮躁的心。这简单的曲子,平缓的节奏,永远听不懂的歌词。有时候深深的夜就需要这些,很简单却很美满。歌曲开场没有前奏音乐,歌手直接用人声起唱,纯净的北欧女声哼唱。这感觉就如午后的阳光洒在身上,懒懒的暖暖的。享受这片刻的安宁,此刻,无需多想。&br&暂时就推荐这么多了,以后有好听的再来补上。(PS:手机打这么多字真不容易啊!)
作为一个从小就爱听英文歌的孩子,我来斗胆回答下这个问题。小时候特别爱听一些大众经典,比如《Yesterday once more》《My heart will go on》《Big big world》等。这些歌只要了解英文歌的肯定都听过,这里就不再推荐了。最近即将考六级,故淘了各种英文…
&p&1《yesterday once more》&/p&&br&&p&Yesterday Once More是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。&/p&&p&歌曲曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲,现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。&/p&&br&&br&&p&2《Hotel California》Eagles &/p&&br&&p&《加州旅馆》是从小学起就有记忆的歌,所有人的车载音乐应该都有这一首吧。其中经典的吉他旋律也是人们再熟悉不过的。&/p&&p&PS.真的太太太太喜欢Eagles了!可以列表循环几天几夜,能拍着胸脯说没有一首不好听的。&/p&&br&&br&&p&3 枪花的《don't cry》,以前听哭过,跟吉他老师聊的时候,他说他也。好的音乐就是让人有共鸣吧。&/p&&br&&p&&br&4 Unchained Melody-
Maurice Jarre&/p&&p&这首歌曲是由The Righteous Brothers一个二人组合演唱的,后来因电影《人鬼情未了》而流行的著名歌曲,由Air Supply翻唱更是将原版歌演绎达到顶峰,周星驰、刘德华主演的《整蛊专家》片尾曲也用了这首曲子。&/p&&br&&br&&p&5 Beat It - Michael Jackson&/p&&br&&p&关于这首歌还要再说什么吗,没听过的人,……我也不知道说什么好了。&/p&&p&Michael有很多牛逼轰轰的作品,。不过人尽皆知一定是这首了,入围了摇滚名人堂史上500首经典之作之一,同时入围滚石杂志最佳100首摇滚吉他Solo之一,邓丽君、Metallica、Fall Out Boy、吴克羣等歌手都曾经翻唱过这部作品。&/p&&br&&br&&p&6 Without You-
Mariah Carey&br&&/p&&p&Mariah Carey的《Without You》登陆英国榜成为冠军,成为她的传世经典作品之一。&/p&&br&&br&&p&7 That's Why You Go Away - Michael Learns To Rock &br&&/p&&p&迈克学摇滚极受好评的单曲,以前所未有的速度登上榜首。该专辑的全球销量亦超过了120万张。好听。&/p&&br&&br&&p&8 Yesterday - The Beatles &br&&/p&&p&《yesterday》是披头士的巅峰之作,被收录在1965年的专辑《Help!》中,并在《滚石》杂志最伟大的100首英文歌曲中高居百佳之首。根据《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》,《Yesterday》是有史以来翻唱次数最多的歌曲;而BMI唱片公司则声称,光是在20世纪,该曲已经表演超过700万次。维也纳爱乐乐团也改编演奏过这首歌曲,至今仍深受欢迎。&/p&&br&&br&&p&9 Careless Whisper - George Michael &br&&/p&&p&也许许多人不知道George Michael是谁,但这首Careless Whisper(无心快语/无心低语)大家一定耳熟能详。&/p&&p&这首歌讲的是情圣乔治同时爱上了三个女孩,别人在谈论这件事情,他的正式女友知道了这个秘密,结果大家心照不宣,跳最后一个舞。他不敢说话,却在心里唱着歌,交织着悔恨、伤感和表白。&/p&&br&&br&&p&10 Moon River - 奥黛丽·赫本&/p&&p&是由奥黛丽·赫本演唱,第一次亮相于1961年电影《蒂凡尼的早餐》。该曲由强尼·莫瑟负责作词、亨利·曼西尼负责作曲,一举拿下当年奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖与最佳配乐奖 。该曲之后被众多明星翻唱,其中安迪·威廉姆斯的版本最广为流传。&/p&&br&&br&&p&11 The Rose-
WestLife&br&&/p&&br&&p&《The Rose》是一首传唱了几十载的经典老歌,多年来始终深受喜爱,后来相继有多个当红歌手争相翻唱,包括红遍全球的美国天才少女LeAnn Rimes,超人气组合Westlife,英国走红女歌手Natalie Imbruglia,港台老将林忆莲与齐豫、黄莺莺,小天后蔡依林,新生力量阿桑,独立乐团苏打绿,更有日本唱功见长的矢野真纪和很少听到的男声版本平井坚,所有这些版本各具韵味。 &/p&&br&&br&&p&12 Right Here Waiting - Richard Marx&/p&&p&这首歌是理查德·马克斯广为流传的经典情歌。在海湾战争期间,这首歌在美国成了亲朋分别时相互告慰、互祝平安的歌曲。这首歌问世已有整整20年历史,仍传唱不衰,颂扬真情的永恒。&/p&&br&&br&&p&13 More Than I Can Say - Leo Sayer &br&&/p&&br&&p&开始是由Bobby Vee 在1971年唱红的,后来Leo Sayer于1980将之重新诠释。1980年分别获得金唱片奖第二名、美国排行榜6周亚军、成人抒情榜3周冠军和英国榜亚军单曲。&/p&&p&大家可能都听过“陕北民歌王”阿宝翻唱的版本,对陕北民歌王(呵呵)以及他的翻唱不做评价。&/p&&br&&br&&p&14 The Sound Of Silence-
Simon & Garfunkel&/p&&div class=&highlight&&&pre&&code class=&language-text&&the sound of silence是奥斯卡最佳电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是美国流行音乐大师保罗西蒙的代表作品。我相信,一百个人当中会有一百个人喜欢听这歌的。
15 I Just Called To Say I Love You-Stevie Wonder
美国黑人盲歌手Stevie Wonder演唱歌曲,曾用于美国电影《红衣女郎》中。这首歌不仅是当年全美全英排行榜冠军,而且还获得1984年第57届奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲奖。到目前为止史提夫·汪达有9首单曲成为美国年度排行冠军曲,获得过“最佳R&B男歌手”、“最佳流行男歌手”、“最佳专辑”等22座格莱美奖,及一座奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲奖,及2004年度公告牌奖之世纪成就奖。被称为美国乐坛一致公认的“国家一级人物”。
&/code&&/pre&&/div&&br&&p&16 Take My Breath Away - Berlin &/p&&p&该单曲是1986年美国影片《壮志凌云》的主题曲,由柏林乐队演唱。 它获得了第59届奥斯卡最佳原创音乐奖,也成了风靡至今的情歌金曲。&/p&&br&&br&&p&17 Lemon Tree-
Fool's Garden&/p&&br&&p&Lemon Tree是一首由Fool's Garden(愚人花园)于1996年首唱的乡村歌曲,由Fool's Garden填词谱曲,收录在Fool's Garden1995年发行专辑《Dish of the Day》中,使这支原本寂寂无名的德国5人乐队一下子红遍欧洲,在被苏慧伦翻唱后也开始为国人熟知。王若琳翻唱的版本也很好听。&/p&&br&&br&&p&18 Because I Love You -
Shakin' Stevens&/p&&br&&p&被誉为英国新猫王的Shakin Stevens,在英国及欧洲都是家喻户晓的超级巨星。在1986年,Shakin Stevens以一首《Because I love you》,红遍海内外。&/p&&br&&br&&p&19 Shape of My Heart - Sting&/p&&br&&p&是老牌摇滚歌手Sting的经典作品。被收录在其专辑《十个传奇》中。因为电影《这个杀手不太冷》被大家熟知。&/p&&br&&p&&br&20 Love The Way You Lie-
ERihanna&br&&/p&&br&&p&wuli Eminem是一定要有的,这首应该没人没听过吧。&/p&&br&&br&&p&21 Take Me Home,Country Road - John Denver &/p&&br&&p&是由约翰·丹佛于1971年创作并演唱的著名乡村歌曲。&/p&&br&&br&&p&来一首happy ending ↓&br&&/p&&p&&br&
Boom Boom Pow - Black Eyed Peas&/p&&br&&p&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//weixin.qq.com/r/-zofB4bEfNsDrcJk92-t& class=& external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&&span class=&invisible&&http://&/span&&span class=&visible&&weixin.qq.com/r/-zofB4b&/span&&span class=&invisible&&EfNsDrcJk92-t&/span&&span class=&ellipsis&&&/span&&/a& (二维码自动识别)&/p&
1《yesterday once more》 Yesterday Once More是卡朋特乐队演唱的歌曲,始创于1973年。歌曲曾入围奥斯卡百年金曲,现在这首歌已成为永恒畅销单曲之一。 2《Hotel California》Eagles 《加州旅馆》是从小学起就有记忆的歌,所有人的车载音乐应该都有这一首…
&b&嘿,英文歌~~~~~这个问题让我来回答吧!!!&/b&&br&1.stay-Tonya mitchell
这首歌我喜欢了十年,每次换歌都舍不得删掉&br&2.It's not goodbye---高二喜欢到现在,很舒服&br&3.then silence-震撼心灵畅想人生的Then Silence,细细品尝这首歌曲定会触及你的心灵。是我听过的旋律最优美的歌曲了&br&4.It's only the fairy tale--宫村优子的,声音很空灵很空灵,不会令你失望的。&br&5.free loop--daniel powter,前奏一出来就很熟悉了吧,相信很多人听过,高潮部分也成为很多人的手机铃声&br&6.our love will always last--貌似是某部韩剧的歌吧,其实我是不看欧巴剧的,但是这首歌真的很赞,“See the sunrise in the sky Kiss the sunset as we lie”歌词里这两句我印象最深刻。&br&7.Greatest Love Of All--Whitney Houston,这首歌真的很经典了吧,1985年的,那时候我还没出生呢,感谢Whitney Houston为我们诠释了如此深情的歌,上次去KTV一听到这首歌就忍不住循环再循环。&br&8.against all odds--Phil Collins,寓意不错,很喜欢很喜欢!!!!我的微信名字就跟这首歌相关,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~~~~~玛丽亚凯莉翻唱过,很不错!!!!&br&9.what will i do--日剧《悠长假期》里面的歌曲,听了真的很舒服呀!!!你们一定要听呀,不听小心我打你,哈哈哈!!!&br&10.craigie hill-cara
dillon,感动了整个爱尔兰的歌曲!!!!只能说空灵!!!!这个你们也一定要听,妈蛋!!!&b&我觉得我推荐的所有英文歌你们都要听啊!!!!!&/b&还有很多很多呢,我在贴吧开了一个专门推荐好歌的帖子,有空可以去围观一下啦,米娜桑、!!!!!!木有时间了,要上班了,有空过来跟你们分享我喜欢的歌曲呀~~~~~&br&&br&------------------------------------------我又来更新的分界线-----------------------------------------------------&br&11&b&.love in December---Club 8&/b&.这是我最近收的一首歌,当时不知道怎么的逛进了一家淘宝店,衣服无感,倒是BGM惊艳了我,就是这首,很慵懒的感觉,这是我一直都向往的状态,你们听听,相信会喜欢滴~~~&br&12.&b&Mercy-Maria Arredondo&/b&.除了Burning,她的这首歌我也很喜欢,一听前奏就知道是我的菜了~~~~~~&br&13.&b&Careless Whisper---Wham&/b&.中文名字是无心快语,我很喜欢这个翻译,相信很多人都听过,太经典了!!!这首歌讲的是情圣乔治同时爱上了三个女孩,别人在谈论这件事情,他的正式女友知道了这个秘密,结果大家心照不宣,跳最后一个舞……,可是他是爱她的。他不敢说话,却在心里唱着歌,交织着悔恨、伤感和表白,但一切已是无可挽回了,沉默中感情正在趋向破裂。你会发现在人的内心,背叛和忠诚竟然是一对共生的本性 &br&  歌者本人感情也相当细腻,事实上,他是个同性恋者。不管&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//baike.sogou.com/lemma/ShowInnerLink.htm%3FlemmaId%3Dss_c%3Dssc.citiao.link& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&性取向&/a&如何,他的感情是真诚的,爱情永远没有错。。。 来自百度百科。&br&14.&b&Miss You Finally---Trademark&/b&《妙手仁心》大家看过吗?对于在广东土生土长的我来说,TVB的影响可谓深远,其中不少经典好剧,现在依然铭记在心,这首歌我在看《妙手仁心》的时候听到的,当时就喜欢了,很抒情哦~~~~&br&15.&b&Angle Eyes---Ace of Base.&/b&这首歌也是《妙手仁心》里面的配乐,妈呀,不得不说,TVB很多电视剧的配乐都很不错啊,特别是英文歌曲!!超赞!!!&br&16.&b&I'm In Here----Sia&/b&.不多说了,有点安静的感觉。。。。。淡淡的悲伤额~~~&br&17.&b&Christmas in my heart--Sarah Connor&/b&这首歌我貌似还没在这里推荐过吧~~~高二第一次听,当时在跟同学讨论,中文翻译是圣诞在我心呢还是我心中的圣诞节,哈哈,想想都搞笑,anyway,很喜欢很喜欢!!!!&br&18.&b&Tell Me Why---Declan Galbraith&/b&天籁童声!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!震撼人心!!!!!&br&19.&b&Why not me ----Enrique Iglesias.&/b&好听到哭了好吗?????这个男人的声音我太喜欢了!!!!!可以包养你吗?????&br&20.&b&Summer Days In Bloom---Maximilian Hecker&/b&.最后一首,更完滚去吃饭啦啦啦啦~~~~~~~希望你们喜欢~~~~~&br&&br&--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&br&11月的最后一天了,好忧伤~~~~&br&安利一首歌给你们&br&浅倉大介的Sleepless Beauty,&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.kuwo.cn/yinyue/553091/& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&【Sleepless Beauty】&/a&我是被前奏吸引的。。。。。。希望你们喜欢,这是我在沪江学日语的时候课程完了之后的BGM,所以印象比较深刻~~~~~&br&-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&br&俺又来更新啦!!!!!&br&&b&21.Heartbeats-Amy Diamond&/b&&br&歌声轻柔深邃,淡淡的忧伤,曾经单曲循环了一天,现在听依旧好喜欢,地址,不知道对不对呢~:&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D2175282& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&22.Shelter-Dash Berlin&/b&&br&,刚听前奏就喜欢了,声音很空灵,大爱~&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&23.Never Grow Old-The Cranberries&/b&&br&听了心里很舒服,never grow old是每个人的梦想,只能是梦想,很记得央视五套有一期的天下足球就是用了这首歌当BGM讲的是巴乔的故事,巴乔是我很尊敬的球星!&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&24.love paradise-陈慧琳&/b&&br&KELLY唱的,也是很好听的英文歌呢~好喜欢&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D213737& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&25.why nobody fights-华晨宇&/b&&br&其实我对这些00后追捧的歌手无感,但是有一天偶然听到华晨宇唱的这首歌,一听就喜欢上了,听说的原创的,不错呀~&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&26.home-michael buble&/b&&br&呜呜,听着就好像漫步在回家的小路上,那种感觉,很舒服,好想家。。。。。&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&27.Promise Don't Come Easy-Caron Nightingale&/b&&br&中文名字是诺言来之不易,记得高中时期好喜欢这首歌,听着听着好像回到中学时代,想一想都过去那么久了,莫名的伤感。。。。&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D2317287& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&28.sealed with a kiss-BobbyVinton&/b&&br&啊~经典就是经典~《Sealed with a kiss》无论听多少次,都觉得好棒o(≧v≦)o~~好棒,中文翻译为《以吻封缄》也是好赞,这是一首很具浪漫色彩的歌曲,夏天来临,主人公要与心爱的人分开一段日子,漫漫长夏,孤独又凄清,但主人公要把空虚填补:他要把每夜之梦写成书信,并以吻封缄,寄给自己心爱的人。&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D1116087& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&29.Disguise--LENE MARLIN&/b&&br&其实我第一次听到这首歌是看偶像剧《千金百分百》,大概是03年的时候,那时候也就10几岁,很迷恋偶像,整天买《时代影视》看,有一期的封面是萧亚轩,萧亚轩又唱了这部剧的插曲还是片头曲,然后就去看这部剧了,听到片尾曲就爱上了,一直喜欢到现在,莲恩玛莲的很多歌都很好听呢~&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&30.Beautiful In White-Westlife&/b&&br&不清楚是不是Westlife唱的,网上查了很多都是这么写的,听了一次便爱上的歌曲,很适合在婚礼上放,到时候我结婚一定要放这首歌,可惜我还是单身汪,哈哈,真的很好听哦~&br&&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/song%3Fid%3D2080139& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&br&&b&这次的音乐都放了链接,最近很喜欢网易云音乐,真的,听歌好棒,我不清楚是否可以播放,但是复制过来的应该没问题,放不了也没关系, 歌手我都写了,感兴趣的可以听听,我觉得都是良心推荐。。。。(doge脸)。。。。&/b&&br&&br&&br&&b&---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------&/b&&br&&b&答应大家很久的列表终于做好啦!!!自己在网易云音乐上弄的,欢迎给下意见~请戳:&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//music.163.com/%23/share/44957& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&网易云音乐 听见好时光&/a&&/b&
嘿,英文歌~~~~~这个问题让我来回答吧!!! 1.stay-Tonya mitchell 这首歌我喜欢了十年,每次换歌都舍不得删掉 2.It's not goodbye---高二喜欢到现在,很舒服 3.then silence-震撼心灵畅想人生的Then Silence,细细品尝这首歌曲定会触及你的心灵。是我听过…
no boundaries &br&&br&wake me up 最近很火的旧式舞曲范&br&&br&let her go 治愈系的歌曲&br&&br&yellow 也不算小众了,推荐过的人里没有不喜欢的&br&&br&all out of love
Air Supply经典歌曲,他可是张雨生和林志炫的偶像,建议把Air Supply的歌全听&br&&br&一下。&br&&br&Goodbye 同上&br&&br&counting star 共和时代成绩很好的一首歌,已经烂大街了,同样,共和时代的歌也推荐都听一下。&br&&br&Crazy 不同的曲风,听了会跟着摇头的,海扁王跟赤雾巡视的时候车里放的歌。&br&&br&ceyin Aerosmith 典型的硬摇,听起来很爽。&br&&br&Daylight Maroon 5 的歌,他们可不是只有一首歌好听,大家懂的。&br&&br&Fire Fly 不管什么风格,好听就行。&br&&br&Goood Time
好像也烂大街了。&br&&br&21 GUNS 绿日的经典&br&&br&I lay My Love On You
西城的情歌,同样,西城的歌也推荐都听一次。&br&&br&La La La 听就是了,没有为什么&br&&br&Soulmate 同上&br&&br&New Soul 女声欢快的歌曲,听吧。&br&&br&Not Looking Back 对这种女低音根本没有任何抗拒的可能啊!!!&br&&br&Somebody That I Used To Know 锅贴哥的大作&br&&br&Sound Of Silence 只提《毕业生》就该一听,我觉得这歌的地位和同桌的你接近吧?&br&&br&Viva La Vida 差点把这歌给忘了。&br&&br&Who You Are 很经典的感情渲泻的歌&br&&br&Carry You Home 上尉可不是只有一首歌。&br&&br&best laid plans 同上。&br&&br&&b&
说是小众,其实这些歌也都挺大众的,不过只要是好歌,不管大众小众都值得一听嘛,希望大家不要盲目点赞,但如果真的有你喜欢的,请您也不要吝啬。&/b&&br&&br&&br&&b&-------------------------------------------------------&/b&&b&割割&/b&&b&割割&/b&&b&----------------------------------------------------------------------&/b&&br&&br&&br&更新,先谢谢大家的认可,过了一年了,更新一些觉得真正冷门的。&br&&br&Springfield (Video Edit)&br&&br&All These Roads (feat. Zella Day & Sam Martin) [FIXYN Remix]&br&&br&It's Time
梦龙应该不算冷门了,不过很少听到这歌&br&&br&What Are You Waiting For?&br&&br&We Own The Night [Chainsmokers Extended]
听说The Wanted 解散了???&br&&br&Monsters
甜美的女声,开口给跪&br&&br&I Am You
一开口我就跪在了地上,这声音听完了像中毒了一样,各种梦幻&br&&br&Rather Be 充满了夏天的清新&br&&br&Blue Skies 听了这首歌才发现原来我那么多喜欢的歌都是一个人唱的----&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=orpheus%3A//orpheus/pub/app.html%23/m/artist/%3Fid%3D64143& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Lenka&/a&&br&&br&I See Fire (Kygo Remix) 括号内的内容说明一切&br&&br&Cut Your Teeth (Kygo Remix)
同上!!!!&br&&br&Blue -----&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=orpheus%3A//orpheus/pub/app.html%23/m/artist/%3Fid%3D911160& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Keith Hanley&/a&&br&&br&Our Own Heaven&br&&br&Wicked Wonderland
终于到这首了,建议看MV&br&&br&Me and My Broken Heart
满满的少女心&br&&br&Didn't Stand A Chance
有一种方大同在唱SEE YOU AGAIN的感觉,不听好听&br&&br&Centuries
&a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=orpheus%3A//orpheus/pub/app.html%23/m/artist/%3Fid%3D56782& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Fall Out Boy&/a& 的歌全部推荐,建议看看MV&br&&br&Soldier&br&&br&Shine&br&&br&Freedom
看过姜弋的都应该知道,如果错过了姜弋,请不要错过这首歌&br&&br&So:Lo &a href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=orpheus%3A//orpheus/pub/app.html%23/m/artist/%3Fid%3D62899& class=& wrap external& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Kate Havnevik&/a&&br&&br&Sleepyhead 网友评论:看着歌词听完整首歌赶脚像是看完了一部童话史诗电影&br&&br&Staring At You 一听这歌就有一种在H&M逛的感觉&br&&br&Crazy Bird&br&&br&Photograph 不知道黄老板的歌能不能算作冷门&br&&br&Butterflies&br&&br&Strangers (feat. Tove Lo)&br&&br&O-o-h Child
《银河护卫队》中的曲子,应该不冷,但我就喜欢这种老旧老旧的感觉&br&&br&The Nights (Original Mix)
算是励志神曲了&br&&br&Need You Now&br&&br&Liekkas
就算是拿来当起床铃也完全不会烦&br&&br&Thinking Out Loud
又一首黄老板&br&&br&The Phoenix
一听前奏就知道又是他们&br&&br&最后一前,可能不冷,但极有可能是我这辈子最喜欢的一首歌:&br&&br&Five Hundred Miles
no boundaries wake me up 最近很火的旧式舞曲范 let her go 治愈系的歌曲 yellow 也不算小众了,推荐过的人里没有不喜欢的 all out of love Air Supply经典歌曲,他可是张雨生和林志炫的偶像,建议把Air Supply的歌全听 一下。 Goodbye 同上 counting star…
谢邀,&br&&br&很多我喜欢的因为不适合在这里列出,因为它出色点在技术,旋律,节奏等方面上,而不在歌词上。不过,歌词好的还是有的,下面给大家分享几首。 因为提问针对英文歌词,我觉得对此问题感兴趣的知友应该都能看懂英文,所以下面歌曲列表以及简洁干脆用英文。&br&&br&列表不是排行榜,而是分类型的。类型不是正常音乐类型(摇滚,爵士,等)而是主题类型。看目录就明白了:&br&&br&&b&Tables of Contents - 目录&/b&&br&&br&Protest Songs 反抗歌曲&br&Social Alienation 社会疏离感歌曲&br&Social Commentary Songs 社会评论歌曲&br&Wordplay Songs 文字游戏歌曲&br&Contemplative Songs 深思歌曲&br&Feminist Songs 女权主义歌曲&br&Love Songs 爱情歌曲&br&Motivational Songs 励志性歌曲&br&Nostalgic Songs 怀旧歌曲&br&&br&&b&Protest Songs - 反抗歌曲&/b&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.Rvrtnx& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Edelweiss - The Sound of Music&/a&&br&The most delicate song of The Sound of Music, but also very masculine, and my favorite. Simple lyrics but full of feeling, Captain Von Trapp sings this song as a love song to his country Austria even as it is taken over by Nazi Germany. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.BWZUJp& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Peruvian Cocaine - Immortal Technique&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&Immortal Technique is a Latino American rapper with very strong political content. This song is about the cocaine trade. In it, he criticizes the US government for its hyprocrisy, fighting a &war against drugs& on the streets while at the same time supporting right-wing dictators in South America who profit from the drug trade&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.7bL& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Fortunate Son - Creedence Clearwater Revival&/a&&br&This is a great rocker, and has powerful political lyrics too. It's about how during the Vietnam War, most of the soldiers forced to go to Vietnam were minorities or lower class, while the sons of rich white men were able to avoid the draft.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.gyyecu& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2) - Pink Floyd&/a&&br&Not only is this a classic rock song, the lyrics are a masterpiece of dark cynicism and anti-establishment angst. &We don't need no education, we don't need no thought patrol&. When I was a graduate student, some professors in my department formed a rock band and played a cover of this song. Don't misunderstand me. This song is not against knowledge or learning. It's against dogmatic and narrow-minded education. Think for yourself.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.25.qCZY46& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&For What It's Worth - Buffalo Springfield&/a&&br&A classic Vietnam War era anthem, in support of the anti-war protestors&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.rJBYU& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Hurricane - Bob Dylan&/a&&br&This song is about an African American boxer who was wrongly accused of murder and sentenced to prison, even though he was innocent. Bob Dylan sang this song to try to publicize his plight and seek justice. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.gpiKIT& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&The Times They Are A-Changin' - Bob Dylan&/a&&br&When Bob Dylan penned this song back in 1964 he was thinking about the Civil Right movement, the sexual revolution, the Vietnam War, and all those momentous social changes. The issues we're invested in today are different, but the message of the song still applies. The times, they're always a changin'.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.UPUIx& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&John Brown - Bob Dylan&/a&&br&This is one of the best anti-war songs ever written. Bob Dylan tells the story of John Brown, a young man who is drafted to go to fight in Vietnam. His mother is so proud of him, and tells all her neighbors that her son is a hero. But when her son returns from the war, disfigured and torn apart, he tells his mother that war is wrong, and that when he saw the Vietnamese enemy, &he could see that his face was just like mine&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.hHDag6& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&With God on Our Side - Bob Dylan&/a&&br&Another anti-war song by the great Bob Dylan, but one with a greater historical scope. Bob Dylan traces all the wars that the United States has fought throughout history, and points his finger at those who think that the US has God on its side and is thus justified. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.WPLDDS& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&The Outcast - Dave van Ronk&/a&&br&This song is speaking for all the immigrants who have been discriminated against, for all the people who have been oppressed and outcast in American history. But it's not a sad or angry song. The singer is happy and laughing the whole time. I think that's what makes this song so interesting. He's actually proud to be an outcast.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.hShdls& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&War - Edwin Starr&/a&&br&One of many great anti-war anthems to emerge in opposition to the Vietnam War. The Vietnam War was terrible, but it did give rise to some great music. &War…what is it good for? Absolutely nothing!&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.wFDbcK& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&American Idiot - Green Day&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&Green Day started off as a childish punk rock group in my home town, but by 2004 they had become a band with a lot more musical and lyrical ideas. They released this album during the peak of George W. Bush's war on Iraq. The lyrics are clearly objecting to the mindset of the day, which was to blindly follow the president and the media. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.yS0Vax& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Gloria - Patti Smith&/a&&br&She hits you like a sledgehammer with that first line &Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine.& For that, Patti cemented herself as a hero in the eyes of those determined to stand up against the dogma of conservative Christianity. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.BVRc& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Redemption Song - Bob Marley&/a&&br&Reggae's greatest artist, Bob Marley was also a religious man. I don't normally praise religious lyrics, but this song is an exception. Bob Marley was a Rastafari, who believe that the the descendants of the people of Israel settled in Ethiopia in Africa, and that Europeans later whitewashed Christianity. The best line is &emancipate yourself from mental slavery&.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.KiXLaX& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Do You Hear the People Sing - Les Misérables&/a&&br&The great protest song of Les Misérables, this is where the student protest leaders join together in unity to fight against what they believe is the corrupt French government.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.NAft& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&We're Not Gonna Take It - Tommy&/a&&br&This is the last song in the musical Tommy, about a deaf, dumb, and blind boy who becomes a pinball wizard (basically, a guy who's really good a pinball, an arcade game). In the process, Tommy attracts a huge following of people (parodying the religious cults of the 1970s) who want to be just like him, so Tommy makes them cover their eyes and plug their ears and mouths. But then they discover that they &can't take it& and sing this song.&br&&br&&b&Social Alienation Songs
- 社会疏离感歌曲&/b&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.q3fl& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Hurt - Johnny Cash&/a&&br&This is a cover of a song by Nine Inch Nails, but I think Johnny Cash does it better. The country music legend was 70 years old when he covered this industrial metal song (there aren't many 70 years old doing that). When Trent Renzor of Nine Inch Nails heard Johnny Cash's cover he said &it's his song now&, that's how powerful it was. This song is dark. It's about pain, and how humans either try to block it from their memory, or face it and deal with it.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.FkMeM& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Not Ready Yet - Eels&/a&&br&This song is about a man who is shy and lonely and feels alienated from the world. He wants to join the world but he's just &not ready yet&. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.JsYSXV& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Guest List - Eels&/a&&br&Another Eels song about Alienation. He wants to be included but he's not on the &guest list&. A lot people can probably relate to this song.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.13.XmFL29& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Creep - Radiohead&/a&&br&I love Radiohead, but mostly for the music. Their lyrics are often sparse. Creep is an exception, a beautiful song about alienation and not belonging. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.pdeWgx& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Gollum's Song - Emiliana Torrini&/a&&br&The music of the Lord of the Rings is beautiful. Most of the songs are instrumental. The Enya songs at the end of The Fellowship of the Ring and The Return of the King are good, but the lyrics aren't that special. The lyrics of this song, however, are haunting. Gollum is my favorite character (one of the most complex and &human&, if you can believe that) and this song is sung from his perspective. Poor Gollum.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.13.xo97Wa& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Bullet With Butterfly Wings - The Smashing Pumpkins&/a&&br&This song was an anthem of teenagers when I was in middle school. Besides their style of alternative rock, the Smashing Pumpkins spoke to my generation with their disaffected, bleak lyrics. One interpretation is that this song is about trying to make art and music in a world controlled by executives and media sharks and lawyers.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.mGdOs& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Loser - Beck&/a&&br&The lyrics to this early Beck song are quite ridiculous, but they rhyme and are terrific fun. For all those Chinese 吊丝, this song is for you! The lyrics, by the way, were completely improvised. Beck felt embarrassed that they were so bad that he improvised the line &I'm a loser baby so why don't you kill me?&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.JVqZCd& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Add It Up - Violent Femmes&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&Experimental alternative rock song about a frustrated teenage virgin who can't get laid. Who hasn't been there?&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.13.Ta4BXw& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Mad World - Tears for Fears&/a&&br&A song about alienation and depression. Haunting lyrics with penetrate into your soul… &the dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had&. Gary Jules covered this song for the movie Donnie Darko, making it even more dark and gloomy. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.YgadVJ& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd&/a&&br&The most lyrically powerful of Pink Floyd's songs, and sonically gorgeous as well. Clear drug references, about what happens when you get so lost in a world of drugs you can't tell the fantasy from reality.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.36.KXn1Lv& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&I Dreamed a Dream- Les Misérables &/a&&br&From the musical Les Misérables, a real heartjerker. For Fantine, nothing's going right for her. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.cpd9& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&On My Own-Claude - Les Misérables&/a&&br&Also from the musical Les Misérables, Eponine's showstopper about unrequited love.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.WpVHcf& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&One Song Glory - Rent&/a&&br&From the rock musical Rent, Roger's tortured ballad about searching for meaning in life when he knows he's dying of AIDS.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.13.kCPNRN& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Memory - Cats&/a&&br&From the musical Cats, the last ditch effort of Grizabella, the now washed-up star, to reclaim her former glory&br&&br&&b&Social Commentary Songs - 社会评论歌曲&/b&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.VwAY8f& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Dance With the Devil - Immortal Technique&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&Another song by Immortal Technique. This one is really heavy content, I don't recommend it for everyone. It's the story about a boy who is seduced by materialism and joins a gang and has to commit a terrible crime. The message of the song is against materialism and violence, but it's intense.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.Eh5Zr& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Liberation - OutKast&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&One of the more poignant rap songs I've heard. Outkast have always been lyrical, and the contrast between Andre and Big Boi's style here is used to maximum effect. A sexy, surreal, and eternally cool song musing on the nature of fame and materialism.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.XwsR& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Imagine - John Lennon&/a&&br&This song I'm guessing most of you know. John Lennon is singing about how religion and materialism and war have created pain and suffering and misery, and wouldn't life be so much better if we all stopped caring about dogma and fighting and showing off, and just loving each other instead. Extremely simple, but truly profound lyrics. John Lennon, wherever you are, I agree with you.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.JE6xUL& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&7 O'Clock News/Silent Night - Simon & Garfunkel&/a&&br&It's hard not to have chills down your spine when you listen to this song. Simon & Garfunkel chose a single broadcast of the nightly news, talking about the Vietnam War and racism, and juxtaposed with with the Christmas song Silent Night. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.UrSzC& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Heroin - The Velvet Underground&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&I don't recommend this song for everyone. It's intense and it's about taking drugs. Heroin, the worst drug of all. Lou Reed, the lead singer of the Velvet Underground, was a heroin user. These lyrics are his first person account of what it's like to take this drug. I'm not endorsing use of heroin. But as a piece of art, this song is pretty powerful. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.DnA172& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan&/a&&br&This is Bob Dylan's most famous song. It's about his ex-girlfriend, a golddigger. Bob Dylan is mocking all those people who are shallow and arrogant and materialistic.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.gkgYIz& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Blowin' in the Wind - Bob Dylan&/a&&br&Have you noticed that I've included lots of Bob Dylan songs here? That's because he's one of the greatest songwriters in history. There's so much rich meaning in this song. &How many times must a man look up before he can see the sky?& tells us that we're often blind to what's right in front of us. &How many years can a mountain exist before it's washed to the sea?& makes us ponder the longevity of our existence on earth. And &how many deaths will it take till he knows that too many people have died?& is a clear message against the Vietnam War.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.IfziEn& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Apeman - The Kinks&/a&&br&This is a funny song by one of the pioneering groups in rock music, the Kinks. It's about disillusionment with modern urban life, and how life would be happier if humans returned to their primitive state in the jungle as &apemen&.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.xr7CDc& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&The Ballad of Edward Abbey - Tom Russell&/a&&br&Tom Russell poignantly tells the tale of Edward Abbey, an American environmental activist who lived against the grain, a real unique soul. The critique of suburban housing tracts in the end really rings true.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.CslCq5& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&God Bless The Child - Billie Holiday&/a&&br&Billie Holiday was one of the greatest female singers in jazz music. The lyrics of this song are deep and powerful, talking about economic inequality and the power that money has over people. She sang this back in 1939, during the Great Depression, but it's message still rings clear and true today in this new age of economic excess.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.Y4bF& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&The Lizards - Phish&/a&&br&Phish is a great jam band. Mainly I like them for their instrumental music. But I want to introduce them to you, and the lyrics to this song are pretty interesting, telling a fantastical story about a strange people called the Lizards. It's sort of an allegory for a society which doesn't allow freedom of thinking.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.12.MlIf9B& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Jesus the Missing Years - John Prine&/a&&br&This is an example of how not everyone in the US treats Christianity with terrible seriousness. John Prine noticed that the story of Jesus in the Bible has a big gap during his youth. So he decided to &fill in& the story with this funny song.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.hRf40B& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Minority - Green Day&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&An anthem to individuality. Don't be like everyone else. Be different. There's nothing to be ashamed of being a minority.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.CeQTJ& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Date Rape - Sublime&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&This song is a warning to guys not to commit date rape. A bit childish, but it was quite revolutionary at the time (1992) for male musicians to be singing about such topics. Plus, it's a damn catchy ska song.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.qpstU2& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Nothing But Sunshine - Atmosphere&/a&&br&*explicit lyrics warning*&br&This rapper has a lot of anger, much of it from his difficult childhood. In this song he explains why his childhood was messed up, and in the process confronts his pain and shows that he's dealing with it. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.13.NkE0YY& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Sympathy for the Devil - The Rolling Stones&/a&&br&Easily my favorite Rolling Stones song. When this song came out, a lot of Christians thought it was evil and satanic. Although it is told from the perspective of the devil, if you look closely at the lyrics you'll realize it's actually a very profound song which is not condoning evil, but pointing out that evil is our own doing. The song lists several historical events, from the cruxifiction of Jesus Christ, to the murder of the Czar, to the assassination of John F Kennedy. But the devil points out that it wasn't him who did these things, it was humans. Same goes for war? Who is responsible for most wars in human history? Humans, and most of them fighting on behalf of one &God& or another. Clearly, the real evil in our world is not that of some fictitious devil, but in ourselves.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.pTEXI& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&One Tin Soldier - Bushmen &/a&&br&This classic hippie song is about people who live on a mountain who have a treasure buried underneath a stone, and people who live in the valley who covet the treasure, so they attack the mountain people and kill them all, but when they turn the stone over, &Peace on Earth& is all it says. When I was a kid at summer camp, we used to sing this song and its powerful message has always stuck with me.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.MnFYp& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Cats In The Cradle - Harry Chapin&/a&&br&Another song I learned around the campfire at summer camp. A really poignant story about a boy whose father is always too busy to spend time with him when he's growing up. Then, when the boy grows up and has a family of his own, and the father is an and old man and wants to see his son, his son is too busy. Karma's a bitch.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.ELE& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Sam Stone - John Prine&/a&&br&A powerful folk song about a soldier who is injured in the Vietnam War, and becomes addicted to drugs, much to the dismay of his family. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.mS2IK& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&This Land Is Your Land - Woody Guthrie&/a&&br&This is a truly great American song. I wish that this were our song were our national anthem instead of the bombastic wreck of a song we're currently stuck with. This song is about sharing the bounty of our land and resources with our brothers and sisters. Woody Guthrie wrote this song during the Great Depression, and it has clear egalitarian, even socialist, leanings. It speaks of the beauty of the American continent, and makes it clear that it shouldn't belong to corporations or millionaires but to you and me. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..0.IM2s0r& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Montage, Pt. 1&/a&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..0.IM2s0r& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&- Chorus Line&/a&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..0.IM2s0r& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Montage, Pt. 2 &/a&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..0.IM2s0r& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&- Chorus Line&/a&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s..0.IM2s0r& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Montage, Pt. 3 - Chorus Line&/a&&br&A Chorus Line is a terrific Broadway musical about actors and dancers struggling to get jobs on the &chorus line& (i.e. in the background) of a broad musical. In it they sing about their lives, loves, failures, hopes, and fears. It's a real slice-of-life musical, and this three-part Montage is one of the lyrical highlights of the show. Keep in mind, A Chorus Line came out in 1975, so several of the references to celebrities and such are dated today.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.12.CZ6tYi& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Superstar - Jesus Christ Superstar&/a&&br&This is my favorite song from the rock musical Jesus Christ Superstar. In this song, Judas Iscariot is criticizing Jesus for his behavior, and saying he should have come to Earth two thousand years later when mass communication would have made his impact much greater.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.fx1aCa& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&America - West Side Story&/a&&br&This song is song between two groups: The boys of the Puerto Rican gang The Sharks, and their girlfriends. The girls' lyrics talk about how much they love life in America (they were recent immigrants at the time), but the boys respond with the opposite argument, that they are treated like dirt in America and would rather go back home to Puerto Rico. Sounds like a serious song, but it's quite fun. For the full effect, you should see the movie. The dance moves in this Latin number are fantastic.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.I2lvq& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Gee, Officer Krupke - West Side Story&/a&&br&In the musical West Side Story, members of the teenage street gang The Jets take out their frustrations by singing this comical song in, in which they purport to beg Officer Krupke not to arrest them, giving excuses for why they're so bad. In the course of the song, the boys are sent from the police to the judge, to a psychiatrist, to a social worker, who finally pronounces them simply &no good&! I was in this musical in high school and played the Judge in this song. For the full effect, you should watch the movie West Side Story. The staging of the song is brilliant.&br&&br&&b&Wordplay Songs - 文字游戏歌曲&/b&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.Ncy5ns& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Subterranean Homesick Blues - Bob Dylan&/a&&br&These are not Bob Dylan's deepest lyrics, but they are a lot of fun. The music video is a classic.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.FHgH& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&It's the End of the World as We Know It (And I Feel Fine) - R.E.M&/a&&br&This is one of the most fun songs you'll ever hear. It's a fast song, full of lyrics, seemingly disconnected. Try to sing along this song in KTV, it's a real challenge! This song is actually poking fun at students in debate club who are always trying to say so much in a short period of time, and who tend to make grand claims such as &if you don't do this….it's going to be the end of the world&. Well, REM's Michael Stipe's response is &I'm not that worried, even if it's the &so-called end of the world& I feel fine&.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.23.scTf7s& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Alphabet Aerobics - Blackalicious&/a&&br&This is a really fun rap song. Each verse makes use of words starting with each letter of the alphabet, in consecutive order. Blackalicious is brilliant at word play, and shows that rap music can be intelligent and eloquent. The song speeds up gradually until he gets to the letter Z.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.uNf9oi& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Me Gustas Tu - Manu Chao&/a&&br&Okay, this song isn't English, but it's one of my favorites. Manu Chao is a Spanish singer, and the lyrics of this are are really simple but really cute (or, as you like to say, 萌). Here, I'll translate some of them for you:&br&&I like airplanes, I like you.&br&I like to travel, I like you.&br&I like the morning, I like you.&br&I like the wind, I like you.&br&I like to dream, I like you.&br&I like the sea, I like you.&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.1.ik7BIM& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Rapper's Delight - Sugarhill Gang&/a&&br&This was one of the first hit rap songs, back in the early 1980s (before I was born). At 8 minutes, it's a long song, but it's got a great beat and the raps are fun and clever. These guys influenced every other rap act that came after.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.ivx8rX& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&I'm Too Sexy - Right Said Fred&/a&&br&File this one hit wonder in the category of &ridiculous lyrics&. Still, one of the catchiest, most irresistible pieces of pop music ever made. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.hyuC3& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&I've Been Everywhere - Johnny Cash&/a&&br&This song is kind of like a geography lesson. Johnny sings about all the places he's been. He names nearly a hundred different cities in the USA, and makes them all rhyme.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/%3Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.fCOP5x& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Light My Candle - Rent&/a&&br&This song some of the best lyrics in the rock musical Rent. Roger's power is out, and the girl down the hall Mimi knocks on his door looking for a candle. Lots more ensures in this clever, sexy, and funny song.&br&&br&&b&Contemplative Songs - 深思&/b&&b&歌曲&/b&&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.24.Sf7ATd& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&The Sound of Silence - Simon & Garfunkel&/a&&br&My favorite Simon & Garfunkel song, the lyrics are simply phenomenal. From the opening line &Hello darkness my old friend& to crescendos like &the words of a prophets are written on the subway walls& these words move me to no end.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.XZ9ngI& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&All Things Must Pass - George Harrison&/a&&br&A moving song by my favorite member of the Beatles. George actually wrote this song when the Beatles were still together but it came out after they broke up. The song really reflects that period in his career and life, that the Beatles must come to an end, that all things come to an end eventually, but that life will go on. Simple lyrics, but beautifully sung. &br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.CSK2Um& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&Let It Be - The Beatles&/a&&br&This message of this song is similar to All Things Must Pass, and also comes at the end of the Beatles' career, but this one is from Paul McCartney. Not as deep as All Things Must Pass, but the song overall is better, and the lyrics are easy to remember which makes this a good KTV song.&br&&br&&a class=& wrap external& href=&//link.zhihu.com/?target=http%3A//www.xiami.com/song/Fspm%3Da1z1s.09997.2.TEM6s0& target=&_blank& rel=&nofollow noreferrer&&While My Guitar Gently Weeps - The Beatles&/a&&br&Another great George Harrison song. I jus}


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