
★ ★ Praise the teacher poem 1:★ ★ Four spring of readiness to stay Several rounds of autumn rain washed the gap.Black hair weave plot cream sun and the moon,Speechless chalk to write the Spring and Autumn.Silk Tu Jin-chun is not old,Zhu Lei ashes autumn is more dense.3000 spring garden peaches and plums,China in autumn to over fruit.★ ★ Praise the teacher poem 2:★ ★ I love my teacher Teachers like Candle,The torch ignited the minds of students,Was burning its own,Until Candle ashes.The teacher as gardener,Nurturing the flowers of our Zhu Zhu,Has worked hard himself,Until exhaustion.We must grow up to become the backbone of the country Ah!The teacher is so selfless!Ah!Teachers we love you!★ ★ Poetry 3 Teacher Praise:★ ★ - Teachers,it is tough Who - the ignorance led us into the spacious classrooms,Taught us a wealth of knowledge?Yes you are!Teacher!Your use of sweat,Nurtured the tender shoots of spring have just ground-breaking.Who - the naughty of us Education into helping others who can be considerate?Yes you are!Teacher!Your care is like the genial spring Warm our hearts and minds.Who - to our young Teenagers grow into mature sensible?Yes you are!Teacher!Let us protect you grow up healthily.Formed in the golden season of autumn fruit.You worked hard!Teacher!In the summer cold in the hard-working people.You worked hard!Teacher!Dedication to young people without Yao.We pay high tribute to you!- You work hard,the teacher!I can only help a teacher here Teachers - You like the rain in spring,Moisture for the flowers,watering the earth,We then forward to sucking a rain Zhuo long to grow.Teachers - You like the touch of autumn wind,Blowing yellow earth,call King of the rice,We received the fruits of harvest.Teacher - in my dark path in life is you I have lit one of t Teacher - and then I murky path in life is you ma Teacher - in my path in life has fallen bumper is you I pointed Teacher - is that you gave me a pair of strong wings,let me surf the world of knowledge!
 Ⅰ.She Walks in Beauty  She walks in beauty, like the night  Of cloudless cli  And all that's best of dark and bright  Meet in her aspect a
who promise me happness the life?who promise me together the life?who can promise?I promise you smile the life.I promise you fall in love the life.I can promise
My love is like the grasses Hidden in the deep mountains.Though its abundance increase,There is none that knows.我的爱情 犹如青草,藏在深山.它郁郁葱葱,却无人知晓.
木心(日 --- 日),原名仰中,号牧心,笔名木心,诗人、文学家、画家.1927年生于乌镇东栅.上海美术专科学校毕业.1982年定居纽约.木心先生在台湾和纽约华人圈中被视为深解中国传统文化的精英和传奇人物.日凌晨3时,木心在故乡浙江乌镇逝世,享年84岁.木心是陈
Life could be a long journey of pursuing happiness.Does happiness have a universal definition I say no.But there must be something in life that makes you realiz
- Amor Vincit Omnia拉丁文的 Love conquers all (爱能征服一切!)- 属于你们的英文歌很多情侣都有属于他们的歌,如果你们有英文的刻上也很特别.- Never to part永不分离- Happily Ever After英文童话里面常常说:当王子战胜邪恶,和公主就 “Happily
有那么一对情侣.女孩很漂亮,非常善解人意,偶尔时不时出些坏点子耍耍男孩.男孩很 聪明,也很懂事,最主要的一点.幽默感很强.总能在2个人相处中找到可以逗女孩发笑的方式 .女孩很喜欢男孩这种乐天派的心情.他们一直相处不错,女孩对男孩的感觉,淡淡的,说男孩象自己的亲人.男孩对女孩爱甚深,非常非常在乎她.所以每当吵架的时候,男
人生如火柴,生命短暂,其价值和意义就在于燃烧,不燃烧就毫无意义.正如爱因斯坦所说:“人只有献身于社会,才能找出那短暂而有风险的生命的意义.”但我们也要分清为谁燃烧.光为自己燃烧,意义有限;为坏人坏事燃烧,只有负面意义;只有为正义燃烧,才有积极意义. 再问: ………再问: 无语你了
China is the examination-oriented education, history and reality and, of course, is examination-oriented education in a large population National talent to choo
One day,a rabbit meets a crocodile in the edge of river.The crocodile is crying,the rabbit feels strange,so he asks him:"Why are you crying?"The crocodile reply
Mandel 曼德尔 德国 指有杏仁眼的人.Marcus 马卡斯 罗马 指有侵略性的人.Marico 马里奥 拉丁 好战的人;苦战 Mark 马克 拉丁 指有侵略性的人.Marlon 马伦 法国 指像小鹰或猎鹰的人.Marsh 玛希 法国 来自草木丛生的地区.Marshall 马歇尔 英国 看守马的人,君王的跟随者.M
Eason 哈哈.这是陈亦迅的英文名 看楼主名字咱最先想到这个.还有楼主是要男名吧.Jason也勉强不然就Christian 轩很像了 宇也有些 不过这名字听着有宗教味道 个人不太喜欢更多就看楼下吧.
Sunshine Queen
  这是唐伯虎的一首诗,名为《桃花庵歌》  全文:  桃花坞里桃花庵,桃花庵下桃花仙.  桃花仙人种桃树,又摘桃花换酒钱.  酒醒只在花前坐,酒醉还来花下眠.  半醉半醒日复日,花落花开年复年.  但愿老死花酒间,不愿鞠躬车马前.  车尘马足显者事,酒盏花枝隐士缘.  若将显者比隐士,一在平地一在天.  若将花酒比车马
After I had read the book'wuthering height',I was deeply moved.And I destressed about the love between Katherine and heathcliff.Their deep love didn't have a ha
Russia,or the Russian Federation,is the largest country in the world and is so vast that it has eleven time zones and a coastline of more than 23,000 miles.Know
you still have lots more to work on.(你还差得远呢.)you'll be sorry.(你会后悔的.)I don't care,(不关我的事,) He laughs best,who laughs last.(别高兴得太早了.)
Nanjing University,one of China`s key comprehensive universities under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Education,dates from 1902 when it was known as
BA是什么意思 BA在线翻译 BA什么意思 BA的意思 BA的翻译 BA的解释 BA的发音 BA的同义词 BA的反义词 BA的例句 BA的相关词组 BA意思是什么
BA英 [?bi:'e?] 美 [?bi:'e?] BA 基本解释名词文学士BA的意思手机查看BA的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 BA 即可BA 相关例句abbr.1. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D1. Susan took a BA in French.&&&&苏珊获得了法语学士学位。BA 网络解释1. 刹车辅助:制动力自动分配(EBD) 有 车身稳定控制系统 刹车辅助(BA)、动态稳定控制系统(DSC),驻车前后距离警示系统(PDC)2. BA是什么意思2. 英国航空公司:T5 longhaul flight moving postponed文件编号:08JL0424-13英国航空公司原定于 4 月 30 日将长途航班转到5号客运大楼的计划现已推迟 英国航空公司 (BA) 和英国机场管理局 (BAA) 已达成协议,推迟此公司长途航班从希斯..3. BA的意思3. 钡:表1 玩具材料中转移元素的最高可溶含量 单位:ppm(mg/kg) 元素铅(Pb) 砷(As) 锑(Sb) 钡(Ba) 镉(Cb) 铬(Cr) 汞(Hg) 硒(Se 含量 90 25 60
60 500 1.3.6 玩具化妆品,液体,糊剂 ,凝胶和粉末---本要求的目的是减少玩具的化妆品和液体,4. 4. ba: 支气管哮喘5. ba: 苯甲醇6. ba: 硼酸7. ba:bui 楼宇自控BA 双语例句1. Methods The effects of increased ICP on flow velo city, diameter of the c erebral bridging veins and pulsatility index were measured by using colo u r Doppler ultrasound in 7 Damsh landrace pigs. ICP was increased stepwise from ba seline (about 1.3kPa) to 2.7kPa and 4.0kPa by infusion of mock CSF into the cisterna magna.&&&&选择7头丹麦白约克猪,通过向枕大池灌注人工脑脊液,逐步增加颅内压,从基础值(大约1.3kPa)到2.7kPa和4.0kPa,用彩色超声多谱勒测量正常和过度换气状态下,颅内压增高对于脑桥静脉的血流速度、直径和脉冲指数的影响。2. As a kind of typical alkaline earth atom, Ba atom has a larger atomic core and much more sensitive valence electrons, so, the study on the spectroscopic prosperities of Ba autoionizing states is significant on the understanding of the complicated configuration and the dynamics process inside the atom. On the experimental side, by introducing external electronic fields the Stark autoionizing states of Ba atom are produced.&&&&Ba原子作为一种典型的碱土金属原子,具有较大的原子实和活泼的价电子,其自电离态的光谱及其在电场下的特性,对人们认识原子的复杂结构和内部动力学过程具有重要的科学意义。3. BA的解释3. Hui County in Gansu Province is located in the south-east, is located in the Qin-Ba mountain logo into a basin, north of Tianshui, west into the county, Nantong, Sichuan, Shaanxi east, the total area of 2772 square kilometers throughout the county, jurisdiction over 15 townships, 249 administrative Village, the total population of 220, 000 people.&&&&徽县位于甘肃东南部,地处秦巴山地中的徽成盆地,北接天水,西连成县,南通四川,东邻陕西,全县总面积2772平方公里,辖15个乡镇、249个行政村,总人口22万人。4. This paper dicusses various reaction conditions based on generating the precipitation BaSO~(2-)_4 by means of reacting SO~(2-)_4 with the precipitator Ba~(2+) and determines exactitude of determination methods.&&&&1前言在环境分析化学工作中,用间接法测定自然界中非金属和阴离子是学科发展的重要内容[1]。利用铬酸钡悬浮液与SO2-4的反应,使其由BaCrO4转化为溶解度更小的BaSO4,用AAS测定CrO2-4,以间接确定SO2-4含量的研究[2]。5. However, the Fe-compound may inhibit the growth in the size of BaSO〓 over the surface. There is only a little influence for the NSC.&&&&而经过100ppm SO〓,NO以及O〓共吸附处理后Pt/BaAl〓O〓-Al〓O〓样品的红外谱图上,有明显的体相BaSO〓特征峰出现,样品的NSC显著下降,硫中毒十分严重。750℃焙烧的Ba-Fe-O复合氧化物样品具有较大的NSC和很好的抗硫性能,具有应用前景。6. 911查询·英语单词6. Otherwise 6 BA had promotive effect when its mass concentration was 0.1~0.8 mg/L, and the most suitable mass concentration of promoion effect was 0.5 mg/L.&&&&6-BA质量浓度≥ 1 mg/L时对绿色巴夫藻有致死作用,质量浓度为 0 。1~ 0 。8mg/L时,对绿色巴夫藻的生长有促进作用,促进生长的最适质量浓度为 0 。5mg/L。7. Results The basilar artery could be demonstrated clearly in 2379 out of 2658 on multi-slice spiral CT images which were obtained by reconstruction at 3mm slice thick using images of 8mm slice thick.&&&&结果 2658 例全部按常规8mm多层CT容积扫描并行3mm 重建,2379 例能清楚显示BA ,共发现16 例符合Smoker 等定义的VBD 的病例,其CT 与临床表现与文献报道相似。8. BA4 SOMETHING, YOUR SURFIX PLEASE BA&&&&4什么?…请告诉我你的后缀9. As a Palestinian uprising surged, Israel blamed Mr. Arafat for not curbing the violence and ba rred him from leaving his West Bank headquarters.&&&&巴勒斯坦人发动起义,以色列指责阿拉法特没有制止暴力,禁止他离开在约旦河西岸的总部。10. LIAO Li-Fu, YAN Shun-Sheng, WU Shou-Ba-Te, WU Min, XU Bing, ZHANG Yong, HOU Yan-Yan, LEI Gang&&&&廖力夫1,燕顺生1,乌守巴特1,吴敏2,徐兵1,张勇2,侯岩岩1,雷刚111. Abstruse Ba Ma's girl this group of hot hot video roll out in this one platform namely.&&&&&&奥巴马女孩这一组热辣视频就是在这一平台推出的。12. It ranges from 10~(-2) to 5×10~(-10) torr. In this paper, the method which extends the upper limit of B-A gauge and the characteristics at high pressure are described.&&&&&&本文介绍此规管在拓宽 BA计上限方面所采取的措施及BA计在高压强时的特性。13. 13. I think it is overjoy ba.&&&&&&我也是。激动的在家里嗷嗷叫。14. Jiao: I dare to say that my emotion to Ju Ba is as deep as the one between them.&&&&&&蛟:我敢说对朱魃的心意不会输给他们,可是。。。15. Result The results indicated that the effects on Qixinghong of gibberellic acid 800 mg/L+spermidine 70 mg/L treatment was obvious, followed with 6benzyladenine 150 mg/L+naphthalene acetic acid 60 mg/L treatment.&&&&&&结果]结果表明,GA 800 mg/L+Spd 70 mg/L处理七星红山茶的效果较好,BA 150 mg/L+NAA 60 mg/L次之;GA 500 mg/L+BA 120 mg/L处理红芙蓉山茶的效果较好,GA800 mg/L+NAA 80 mg/L对红芙蓉山茶有一定的促进作用。16. Thus he is an appropriate objective to investigate the vicissitudinous relations between a writers changeable thoughts and works and the ambience. Thirdly, Ba Jin insists on the spirit of the enlightenment of May Fourth. This is a basic point throughout his life. In this sense, he is a best embodiment of the spiritual values of May fourth in modern China.&&&&&&第三,巴金一直是一个坚持五四启蒙文学精神的作家,一生中虽然不断调整自己的姿态但这个基点一直未变,从这个意义上讲,他更能体现出五四的精神价值在二十世纪的中国所经历的沧桑沉浮。17. The effect of 6-BA 1 mg/L on the regeneration was the best.&&&&&&试管苗复壮以OM + 6-BA 1 mg/L + 2,4-D 1 mg/L 效果最好。18. Learn a dargon dance get ready for Spring Festival make lanterns sweep the floor cook meals ba at work sweep away bad luck help sb.&&&&&&学习 dargon 跳舞为春天做好准备节日的使灯笼扫除成为地板厨师一餐 ba 在工作中离开的扫除不幸帮忙 sb。19. This is the book two days of practice Fenghua jinfan simultaneous English exercise books on the list of all essay questions, please I'm sure you Bang Bang brother, essay answers to pass these up, brother August 28 is necessary to hand in papers, and demand you big brother definitely help out in this exercise, if you then book the unit test first six major theme of the five-sentence answers to pass up B or better, if answered well, I will Tian Long Ba Bu 63 large or QQ Speed 85 large or DNF forfeit 42 Berserker If there is no whole, the hair can also be a few essays, in short, hope that super-heroes, sent a good answer&&&&&&问题补充:这是风华金帆同步练习册初二上册的英语练习册的所有作文题,请各位一定帮帮小弟,把这些作文的答案传上来,小弟8月28日就要交作业了,求各位大哥一定帮帮忙如果各位再把本练习册的单元测试第6大题的B 五句话的答案传上来就更好了若回答得好,本人将天龙八部63的大号或QQ飞车85的大号或者是地下城与勇士42的狂战士奉上如果没有全的,发几个作文也可以,总之希望各位大侠发来超好的答案20. On Huniu and other representatives of the 1930s fiction writers in the image of the differences between women Abstract: In the 1930s the Chinese Modern Literature is prosperous period novels surge, emerged a large number of outstanding writers, Ba Jin, Mao Dun and Lao She, and Shen Congwen is one of the most representative writer, in the shape of their novels in a series of classic Female images, and in one of the unique image of women - Huniu.&&&&&&急需论文题目和摘要的英文翻译,十分感谢!题目:试论虎妞与三十年代其他代表作家小说中女性形象的差异摘要:三十年代是中国现代文学的繁盛期,长篇小说激增,涌现出大量优秀作家,巴金、茅盾、沈从文和老舍是其中最有代表性的作家,他们在小说中塑造了一系列经典的女性形象,而在其中有一个独树一帜的女性形象——虎妞。BA 词典解释1. 文学士学位&&&&A BA is a first degree in an arts or social science subject. BA is an abbreviation for (缩略=) 'Bachelor of Arts'.&&&&e.g. I did a BA in film making.&&&&&&&&&&&我获得了电影摄制的文学士学位。2. (置于人名后)文学士&&&&BA is written after someone's name to indicate that they have a BA.&&&&e.g. ...Helen Rich, BA (Hons).&&&&&&&&&&&…海伦·里奇(荣誉)文学士BA 单语例句1. Archaeologists call them " Ba and Shu graphics, " but haven't decided yet whether they are characters or symbols for the memory.2. Following the completion of her BA, she completed a master's degree in child psychology at the University of Toronto.3. BA's aim is to lure more business and leisure travelers in China and other Asian countries with enhanced connectivity.4. " This has constrained Chinese banks'ability to generate profits, " Ba said.5. " I think the risks involved with local government debts are controllable and acceptable, " Ba said.6. Date of birth and time are made use of in determining the eight characters, which is known as Ba Zi.7. The Flower Rainbow over the Ba River is a waterfront structure that would enable visitors to experience a magnificent spectacle of flower and water.8. " Qiao Ba is upset and has no appetite when he gets frisky, " Liu said.9. Intelligence information led to the cancellation of BA's Flight 223 from London to Washington on Friday for the second day in a row.10. But Ba did not go into the food business immediately after he graduated.BA是什么意思,BA在线翻译,BA什么意思,BA的意思,BA的翻译,BA的解释,BA的发音,BA的同义词,BA的反义词,BA的例句,BA的相关词组,BA意思是什么,BA怎么翻译,单词BA是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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这个英文名用中文怎么写或读?Eddie Alderson用中文怎么写,或者怎么读?
雷且尔.莫莫[ˈreitʃəl] 再问: 额...我还没学这个东西,不会拼... 再答: 音与汉字差不多
BobKK:[]DJ:[]n.鲍勃 (男子名)bob1KK:[]DJ:[]vt.1.使上下(或来回)快速摆动[O]A little bird was bobbing its head up and down.一只小鸟把头上下快速摆动着.2.剪短(头发);截短(尾巴)She had her hair bobbed.她把头
Johny 译名佐尼; 若尼.解释上帝是至高的 慈善的
Fantasy ['f&ntəsi] 有白日梦,幻想等意思.而中文也可以直译音为“范特西”(个人比较喜欢这个,感觉较流行)Morpheus [希神]摩尔莆神(睡梦之神)Vision有梦想,幻象,梦想,美景的意思.Dream梦
Rachel Chen根据惯例,姓氏应该保留为汉语拼音这个名字与你的中文名字最为谐音,且寓意不错,非常适合你:Rachel 瑞绍儿 希伯来 母羊或小羊;和善的、彬彬有礼的
My surname is Ge; first name is Yin.My name is Ge Yin.And I also have a English name.You are welcome to call me Peter.英文名还是用简单点的好.其实说这么多就差不多了.最开始问名字的问题都不算分.决定分数
KENNETH的简称KENNETH来自于COINNEACH 和 CIN&AED.最初来源于苏格兰国王Kenneth (Cináed) mac Alpin,他在公元9世纪统一了苏格兰人和皮克特人.还有英国小说家 Kenneth Grahame ,写了《柳林风声》.
你是中国人 怎么会有英文名字呢?即使是香港人 澳门人有英文名字的 也只是叫叫而已他们护照上都是用港式拼音写的中国名字比如张柏芝 就是 Cheung Pak Chi但是她的英文名字就Cecilia 可是护照上并没有显示除非你哪天入了外国国籍 你可以改成洋名字 再带个中国姓就可以了Charlie ChangYu Lee(李
伊丽莎白 源于希伯来语的基督教女子教名伊丽莎白”这个名字起源于希伯来语人名以利沙巴(אֱלִישֶׁבַע‎),在旧约中这是亚伦的妻子的名字.“以利沙巴”一词的字面意思是“以上
We are the world日下午,近百名美国明星齐聚吉姆·汉森在好莱坞的音乐工作室,重新翻唱并录制迈克尔·杰克逊在25年前的经典之作《we are the world》,再次携手为海地献爱心.此次合唱可谓巨星云集,席琳·迪翁,芭芭拉·史翠珊,詹妮弗·哈德森,凯耶·维斯特,乔纳斯兄弟,阿肯,亚瑟小子
Hello everyone,I'm Ning Yue,my English name is Betty.I'm 18.I am a little short but I don't feel inferior .I'm an enthusiastic girl who like helping others if I
fan是什么意思 fan在线翻译 fan什么意思 fan的意思 fan的翻译 fan的解释 fan的发音 fan的同义词 fan的反义词 fan的例句 fan的相关词组
fan英 [faen] 美 [faen] 第三人称单数:第三人称复数:现在分词:过去分词:过去式:fan 基本解释fan的反义词名词扇子,风扇; 迷,粉丝; 扇形物; 扬谷机及物动词扇动; 吹拂,扬去不及物动词成扇形手机查看fan的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 fan 即可fan 相关例句及物动词1. The breeze fanned her hair.&&&&微风吹拂着她的头发。2. 2. The soldiers fanned out across the hillside.&&&&士兵们成扇形散开在山坡上。3. The guard fan ned him for weapon.&&&&守卫员搜查他是否身带武器。不及物动词1. A great many picnickers fanned out along the highways.&&&&很多野餐的人象展开扇子似地布满在公路上。名词1. She cooled herself with a fan.&&&&她用扇子纳凉。fan 网络解释1. 通风机:通风机(fan)是依靠输入的机械能,提高气体压力并排送气体的机械,它是一种从动的流体机械.
通风机广泛用于工厂、矿井、隧道、冷却塔、车辆、船舶和建筑物的通风、排尘和冷却;锅炉和工业炉窑的通风和引风;空气调节设备和家用电器设备中的冷却和通风;2. 粉丝:我不是龙珠Z粉丝(fan). 这个前瞻也不会讨论关于悟空头发有多少根刺或游戏的环境里有什么树木放错地方. 更糟糕的是我也不是什么打斗游戏的粉丝(fan). 我一生中玩过很多次街头霸王2,一点死或生2和3,差不多那样了.3. 球迷:最近,与扇子谈起了arseblog的专栏(columns)的一篇帖子<<Are You a Fan>>中关于fan和supporter的区别,这位帖子作者讲述了一个听起来有些凄惨的故事,通过故事,似乎作者有为fan这一词正名的意思:这个热刺朋友真是球迷(fan)的典范,但他不是一个supporter,4. fan:f 流动网络分析法5. fan: 游离氨基酸氮6. fan:federac 全国土地联合会7. \u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD7. fan: 防己诺宁fan 双语例句1. fan1. A new power saving pumping unit with fan-shaped crown sheave and flexible connecting rod is developed based on the conventional beam pumping unit. By means of large swing of the crown sheave, the pumping unit can operate with long stroke, resulting in a remarkable reduction of the power consumption.&&&&在常规游梁式抽油机的基础上,设计了一种新型柔性连杆变矩节能扇形抽油机,其特点是结构简单紧凑,天车轮可以实现大摆角,易实现长冲程,节能效果显著。2. We play the ferris wheel first, the ferris wheel may arrive at the very high place, afterward we played the pirate ship, about the pirate ship sway stimulate, we also had play revolve very likely coffee cup's amusement facility, this amusement facility was amusing, if has not held an arm rest straight skid to slide, this point i thought am very interesting, we also had play the imperial crown swing, this amusement facility will not stimulate very much, revolving time had the breeze blow slightly to come, this feeling on was blowing the electric fan probably, but, its nature's electric fan, except this some amusing was also interestingoutside amusement facility, but also many amusing amusement facility!&&&&们先去玩摩天轮,摩天轮可以到很高的地方,后来们去玩海盗船,海盗船左右摇晃非常刺激,们还有去玩很像旋转咖啡杯的游乐设施,这项游乐设施非常好玩,如果没有扶好扶手就会一直滑来滑去,这一点就觉得很有趣,们还有去玩皇冠秋千,这一项游乐设施不会很刺激,旋转的时候有微微的风吹过来,这个感觉就好像在吹电风扇,不过,它大自然的电风扇,除了这一些好玩又有趣的游乐设施外,还有好多好玩的游乐设施喔!3. Then there are those stylist outdoor ceiling fan blades made up of washable sail cloth stretched over a frame.&&&&当然,也有一些设计师户外吊扇叶片成立水洗帆布stretchedover帧。4. 4. In recent years, according to market demand enterprises have developed the 5-50 million tons/year of compound fertilizer for high-temperature exhaust fan and fan, HTD series furnace fan, SGGSGY series of circulating fluidized bed boiler, and other special fan, a high market share, Praised by users, including high-temperature fan shell liner technology, transmission oil spill prevention technology group won the national patent.&&&&近年来,企业根据市场需求先后开发了5-50万吨/年复合肥专用高温风机和尾气风机、HTD系列化铁炉风机、SGGSGY系列循环流化床锅炉等专用风机,产品市场占有率极高,深受用户好评,其中高温风机外壳衬层技术、传动组防漏油技术荣获国家专利。5. Lao She's Shen Tan, Fu Lei taking poison, Shen Congwen bend, is charged fan, or fan&&&&老舍沉潭,傅雷服毒,沈从文改向,是帆落,还是帆张?6. fan在线翻译6. If the fan speed slower, charge at once.&&&&如果发现风扇转速缓慢,请立即充电。7. 7. After the Song-Taizong s time, the person who has the experience of Fan-di will be the strong candidate of the general of San-ya.&&&&宋太宗以后,藩邸背景成为入选三衙将帅的重要条件,而对能力和素质却往往忽略,这就不可避免地产生了极大的消极影响。8. In alkaline environment (minerals, the relative composition of inorganic salts, and organic components of relatively small) in the red-brick building, as a result of capillary action, up to the surface of the water absorption of the salts dissolved in water at the same time increase in deposition from ground range of 0.5m-1.5m, the formation of a salt-rich region, the red brick of which are physical and chemical corrosion, combined with the expansion of water ice, weathering, such as the role of rain, the course of time will form a red brick Fan zone as early as in the failure of other parts of the body.&&&&摘 要:处于碱性环境(矿物质,无机盐类成分相对多,有机物成分相对少)中的红砖建筑,由于毛细作用,将地表的水分往上吸收,溶解在水中的盐类同时上升,沉积在离地面0.5m-1.5m的范围内,形成一个盐类富集区域,其中的红砖受到物理和化学腐蚀作用,再结合水分结冰膨胀,风化,雨淋等作用,日久会形成一个红砖粉化带,早于其他部位的失效。9. 9. Mr. Fan Jing Xing, Vice Secretary General·China Surface Engineering Association&&&&樊景星先生,委员会副秘书长·中国表面工程协会10. Any chess fan will certainly like beautiful and truly high-quality graphics (even if you have a phone with a monochrome display).&&&&任何国际象棋一定会像范美丽和真正高品质的图形(即使你有一个手机有一个单色显示)。11. Chess Fan Xiao Zhao of our class is a chess fan. He can play all kinds of chesses.&&&&&&Chess Fan-棋迷我们班小召是一个棋迷,他棋下得非常好。12. fan在线翻译12. Chess Fan Xiao Zhao of our class is a chess fan.&&&&&&我们班小召是一个棋迷,他棋下得非常好。13. fan在线翻译13. Patrick Wolff, twice US chess champion, will again be in the mall playing blindfolded against all comers. He tells me that he has never tried to play more than four games simultaneously while handicapped this way but might try to bump that limit to five or six this year. If you're a chess fan, take Patrick on -- but be sure to check his blindfold before your first move.&&&&&&Patrick Wolff-美国棋两度冠军,也会再度在会场蒙眼与所有挑战者对奕,他向我透露,他从来没有这样与四位以上的对手下棋,不过他今年会试着挑战同时对付五位甚至是六位对手,如果你也是个棋迷,记得到现场找 Patrick 挑战,但在下棋前记得要确定他的眼睛是否真的蒙住了。14. He is a chess fan, so he will find other old men to play chess with, sometime doesn't come home till midnight.&&&&&&老头子是个棋迷,她找别的老头儿去下棋,有时半夜三经才回来。15. fan15. I'm not a big fan of Velcro straps though.&&&&&&虽然我不是V跨带的爱好者。16. But i believe 2007 will be even better because all of my fan friends are still around supporting me.&&&&&&呵呵呵,你们是最棒的,你们就是我所需要和珍惜的一切。。。17. 17. If I was a sportswriter, if I was a fan, I would have been very, very upset.&&&&&&如果我是记者,如果我是球迷,我会对此感到非常非常的难过。18. 18. I think I've mentioned here before that I'm a big fan of chocolate.&&&&&&我想之前我已经提过我是一个巧克力迷。19. Jie-du-shi was the leader of Guiyijun regime and also held a concurrently other officials such as Guan-cha-shi, Zhi-du-shi, Ying-tian-shi, and Ya-fan-luo-shi, through which he controlled the power of military, civil administration, finance and minority nationality.&&&&&&节度使是归义军藩镇的最高军政长官,同时兼领观察、支度、营田、押蕃落等使,控制着归义军的军事、民政、财政及对境内少数民族的管理大权。20. A fan used especially in India, made of a palm frond or strip of cloth hung from the ceiling and moved by a servant.&&&&&&薄葵扇尤指在印度用的一种由棕榈叶或一块布制成的扇子,挂在天花板上并由一个仆人扇动fan 词典解释1. 迷(尤指对某位名人或某项体育运动极为喜爱和感兴趣的人)&&&&If you are a fan of someone or something, especially a famous person or a sport, you like them very much and are very interested in them.&&&&e.g. If you're a Billy Crystal fan, you'll love this movie...&&&&&&&&&&&如果你是比利·克里斯托的影迷,你会喜爱这部影片。&&&&e.g. As a boy he was a Manchester United fan...&&&&&&&&&&&小时候,他是曼联队的球迷。2. 扇子&&&&A fan is a flat object that you hold in your hand and wave in order to move the air and make yourself feel cooler.3. 给…扇风&&&&If you fan yourself or your face when you are hot, you wave a fan or other flat object in order to make yourself feel cooler.&&&&e.g. She would have to wait in the truck, fanning herself with a piece of cardboard...&&&&&&&&&&&她只得在卡车里等着,用一块纸板给自己扇风。&&&&e.g. Mo kept bringing me out refreshments and fanning me as it was that hot.&&&&&&&&&&&天气太热了,莫不停地给我拿饮料出来,还拿扇子给我扇风。4. 电扇;风扇&&&&A fan is a piece of electrical or mechanical equipment with blades that go round and round. It keeps a room or machine cool or gets rid of unpleasant smells.&&&&e.g. He cools himself in front of an electric fan.&&&&&&&&&&&他在电扇前让自己凉快些。&&&&e.g. ...an extractor fan.&&&&&&&&&&&排风扇5. 扇形&&&&You can describe anything that has the shape of a wide 'V' with a curved part above it as a fan .&&&&e.g. ...its fan of tail feathers.&&&&&&&&&&&它扇形的尾羽&&&&e.g. ...a conservatory with an ornate fan-shaped roof.&&&&&&&&&&&有华丽扇形屋顶的温室6. 把(火)扇旺;把(火)吹旺&&&&If you fan a fire, you wave something flat next to it in order to make it burn more strongly. If a wind fans a fire, it blows on it and makes it burn more strongly.&&&&e.g. Kneeling in front of the open hearth, old Maria was fanning the smoldering fire...&&&&&&&&&&&老玛丽亚跪在壁炉前的空地上,扇着闷燃的炉火。&&&&e.g. During the afternoon, hot winds fan the flames.&&&&&&&&&&&下午,热风使火苗越燃越旺。7. (故意)煽动,激发(恐惧、仇恨、热情等)&&&&If someone fans an emotion such as fear, hatred, or passion, they deliberately do things to make people feel the emotion more strongly.&&&&e.g. He said students were fanning social unrest with their violent protests.&&&&&&&&&&&他说学生们的暴力抗议会煽动起社会动乱。&&&&e.g. ...economic problems which often fan hatred.&&&&&&&&&&&那些常常煽起仇恨的经济问题8. to fan the flames -> see &&&&the shit hit the fan -> see 9. 四散;散开&&&&If a group of people or things fan out, they move forwards away from a particular point in different directions.&&&&e.g. The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west...&&&&&&&&&&&英、美、法部队的主力已经向西面散开。&&&&e.g. We fanned out from the farmhouse in twos and threes.&&&&&&&&&&&我们三三两两从农舍散去。10. (使)展开(或打开)成圆形(或半圆形)&&&&If something fans out, or if you fan it out, it spreads out or opens out into the shape of a circle or half circle.&&&&e.g. She suddenly raised her arms and spun, so the dress's full skirt fanned out in a bright circle...&&&&&&&&&&&她突然举起双臂旋转起来,连衣裙的裙身呈圆形完全展开,明艳照人。&&&&e.g. Korontzis picked up his hand slowly and fanned out the cards one by one...&&&&&&&&&&&科龙奇斯慢慢抬起手,一张一张地把牌展开。相关词组:fan 单语例句1. Spokesman Fan Yifei claimed the bank's major business indicators had been close to the medium or higher levels of the world's top 100 banks.2. It nominated Fan Ru as deputy general manager in charge of flight business in August.3. The author Mo Fan is an independent contributor to China Business Weekly.4. Fan also said it was a good time to buy shares in the top Chinese portal as its share prices were low.5. The department is investigating and will decide whether to take disciplinary action against Fan.6. Fan has seen many cadaveric livers that could have been transplanted to save lives if dying people's relatives didn't object.7. It quoted Fan Yun of Taiwan University as saying that the scholars will officially make the call at a news conference on Saturday.8. Juventus'Serie A clash at home to Parma on Sunday was called off following the death of a visiting fan at a service station.9. Instead of losing his fan base, he actually won more hearts by his candor.10. The former'Desperate Housewives'actress is a huge fan of the late blonde beauty as she just oozed beauty and sex appeal.fan 英英释义noun1. a device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces2. an ardent follower and admirer&&&&Synonym: 3. an enthusiastic devotee of sports&&&&Synonym: verb1. make (an emotion) fiercer&&&&e.g. fan hatred2. strike out (a batter), (of a pitcher)3. separate the chaff from by using air currents&&&&e.g. She stood there winnowing chaff all day in the field&&&&Synonym: 4. agitate the airfan是什么意思,fan在线翻译,fan什么意思,fan的意思,fan的翻译,fan的解释,fan的发音,fan的同义词,fan的反义词,fan的例句,fan的相关词组,fan意思是什么,fan怎么翻译,单词fan是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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