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老友记下载:版本 D9 DVD Rip NTSC X264 480P
FRIENDS download: Version D9 DVD Rip NTSC X264 480P
老友记第1季第1集: (备用链接:)
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S01E01 - It All Began
S01E02 - The Sonogram At The End
S01E03 - The Thumb
S01E04 - George Stephanopoulos
S01E05 - The East German Laundry Detergent
S01E06 - The Butt
S01E07 - The Blackout
S01E08 - Nana Dies Twice
S01E09 - The Underdog Gets Away
S01E10 - The Monkey
S01E11 - Mrs Bing
S01E12 - The Dozen Lasagnas
S01E13 - The Boobies
S01E14 - The Candy Hearts
S01E15 - The Stoned Guy
S01E16 - The Two Parts 1 & 2
S01E17 - All The Poker
S01E18 - The Monkey Gets Away
S01E19 - The Evil Orthodontist
S01E20 - Fake Monica
S01E21 - The Ick Factor
S01E22 - The Birth
S01E23 - Rachel Finds Out
S02E01 - Ross_s New Girlfirend
S02E02 - The Breast Milk
S02E03 - Heckles Dies
S02E04 - Phoebe_s Husband
S02E05 - Five Steaks And An Eggplant
S02E06 - The Baby On The Bus
S02E07 - Ross Finds Out
S02E08 - The List
S02E09 - Phoebe_s Dad
S02E10 - Russ
S02E11 - The Lesbian Wedding
S02E12 - The Superbowl Part 1
S02E13 - The Superbowl Part 2
S02E14 - The Prom Video
S02E15 - Ross And Rachel ... You Know
S02E16 - Joey Moves Out
S02E17 - Eddie Moves In
S02E18 - Dr. Ramoray Dies
S02E19 - Eddie Won_t Go
S02E20 - Old Yeller Dies
S02E21 - The Bullies
S02E22 - The Two Parties
S02E23 - The Chicken Pox
S02E24 - Barry And Mindy_s Wedding
03E01 The One with the Princess Leia Fantasy
03E02 The One Where No One_s Ready - AudioComment
03E03 The One with the Jam
03E04 The One with the Metaphorical Tunnel
03E05 The One with Frank Jr
03E06 The One with the Flashback
03E07 The One with the Race Car Bed
03E08 The One with the Giant Poking Device
03E09 The One with the Football - AudioComment
03E10 The One Where Rachel Quits
03E11 The One Where Chandler Can_t Remember Which Sister
03E12 The One with All the Jealousy
03E13 The One Where Monica-Richard Are Just Friends
03E14 The One With Phoebe_s Ex-Partner
03E15 The One Where Ross - Rachel Take a Break
03E16 The One with the Morning After - AudioComment
03E17 The One Without the Ski Trip
03E18 The One with the Hypnosis Tape
03E19 The One with the Tiny T-Shirt
03E20 The One with the Dollhouse
03E21 The One with a Chick and a Duck
03E22 The One with the Screamer.zip
03E23 The One with Ross_s Thing.zip
03E24 The One with the Ultimate Fighting Champion.zip
03E25 The One at the Beach.zip
S04E01 The One With The Jellyfish
S04E02 The One With The Cat
S04E03 The One With The Cuffs
S04E04 The One With The Ballroom Dancing
S04E05 The One With Joey_s New Girl Friend
S04E06 The One With The Dirty Girl
S04E07 The One Where Chandler Crosses The Line
S04E08 The One With Chandler In A Box
S04E09 The One Where They_re Going To PARTY!
S04E10 The One With The Girl From Poughkeepsie
S04E11 The One With Phoebe_s Uterus
S04E12 The One With The Embryos
S04E13 The One With Rachel_s Crush
S04E14 The One With Joey_s Dirty Day
S04E15 The One With All The Rugby
S04E16 The One With The Fake Party
S04E17 The One With The Free Porn
S04E18 The One With Rachel_s New Dress
S04E19 The One With All The Haste
S04E20 The One With All The Wedding Dresses
S04E21 The One With The Invitation
S04E22 The One With The Worst Best Man Ever
S04E23-24 The One With Ross_s Wedding
S05E01 - After Ross Says Rachel
S05E02 - All The Kissing
S05E03 - Hundredth
S05E04 - Phoebe Hates PBS
S05E05 - All The Kips
S05E06 - The Yeti
S05E07 - Ross Moves In
S05E08 - The Thanksgiving Flashbacks
S05E09 - Ross's Sandwich
S05E10 - The Inappropriate Sister
S05E11 - All The Resolutions
S5E12 - Chandler_s Work Laugh.D9
S5E13 - Joey_s Bag.D9
S5E14 - Everyone Finds Out.D9
S5E15 - The Girl Who Hits Joey.D9
S5E16 - A Cop.D9
S5E17 - Rachel_s Inadvertent Kiss.D9
S5E18 - Rachel Smokes.D9
S5E19 - Ross Can_t Flirt.D9
S5E20 - The Ride Along.D9
S5E21 - The Ball.D9
S5E22 - Joey_s Big Break.D9
S5E23-24 - The One In Vegas.D9
S06E01 The One After Vegas
S06E02 The One Where Ross Hugs Rachel
S06E03 The One With Rosss Denial
S06E04 The One Where Joey Loses His Insurance
S06E05 The One With Joeys Porsche
S06E06 The One On The Last Night
S06E07 The One Where Phoebe Runs
S06E08 The One With Rosss Teeth
S06E09 The One Where Ross Got High
S06E10 The One With The Routine
S06E11 The One With The Apothecary Table
S06E12 The One With The Joke
S06E13 The One With Rachels Sister
S06E14 The One Where Chandler Can't Cry
S06E15-16 The One That Could Have Been
S06E17 The One With Unagi
S06E18 The One Where Ross Dates a Student
S06E19 The One With Joeys Fridge
S06E20 The One With Mac And CHEESE
S06E21 The One Where Ross Meets Elizabeths Dad
S06E22 The One Where Pauls The Man
S06E23 The One With The Ring
S06E24-25 The One With The Proposal
S07E01 The One With Monicas Thunder
S07E02 The One With Rachels Book
S07E03 The One With Phoebes Cookies
S07E04 The One With Rachels Assistant
S07E05 The One With The Engagement Picture
S07E06 The One With The Nap Partners
S07E07 The One With Rosss Library Book
S07E08 The One Where Chandler Doesnt Like Dogs
S07E09 The One With All The Candy
S07E10 The One With the Holiday Armadillo
S07E11 The One With All The Cheesecakes
S07E12 The One Where Theyre Up All Night
S07E13 The One Where Rosita Dies
7E14 The One Where They All Turn Thirty
7E15 The One With Joeys New Brain
7E16 The One With The Truth About London
7E17 The One With The Cheap Wedding Dress
7E18 The One With Joeys Award
7E19 The One With Ross and Monicas Cousin
7E20 The One With Rachels Big Kiss
7E21 The One With The Vows
7E22 The One With Chandlers Dad
7E23-24 The One With Chandler And Monicas Wedding
S08E01 The One After I Do
S08E02 The One With The Red Sweater
S08E03 The One Where Rachel Tells
S08E04 The One With The Video Tape
S08E05 The One With Rachels Date
S08E06 The One With The Halloween Party
S08E07 The One With The Stain
S08E08 The One With The Stripper
S08E09 The One With The Rumor
S08E10 The One With Monicas Boots
S08E11 The One With Ross Step Forward
S08E12 The One Where Joey Dates Rachel
S08E13 The One Where Chandler Takes a Bath
S08E14 The One With The Secret Closet
S08E15 The One With The Birthing Video
S08E16 The One Where Joey Tells Rachel
S08E17 The One With The Tea Leaves
S08E18 The One In Massapequa
S08E19 The One With Joeys Interview
S08E20 The One With The Baby Shower
S08E21 The One With The Cooking Class
S08E22 The One Where Rachel is Late
S08E23-24 The One Where Rachel Has a Baby
S09E01 The One Where No One Proposes
S09E02 The One Where Emma Cries
S09E03 The One With the Pediatrician
S09E04 The One With the Sharks
S09E05 The One With Phoebes Birthday Dinner
S09E06 The One With the Male Nanny
S09E07 The One With Rosss Inappropriate Song
S09E08 The One With Rachels Other Sister
S09E09 The One With Rachels Phone Number
S09E10 The One With Christmas in Tulsa
S09E11 The One Where Rachel Goes Back To Work
S09E12 The One With Phoebes Rats
S09E13 The One Where Monica Sings
S09E14 The One With The Blind Dates
S09E15 The One With The Mugging
S09E16 The One With The Boob Job
S09E17 The One With The Memorial Service
S09E18 The One With The Lottery
S09E19 The One With Rachels Dream
S09E20 The One With The Soap Opera Party
S09E21 The One With The Fertility Test
S09E22 The One With The Donor
S09E23-24 The One In Barbados
S10E01 The One After Joey and Rachel Kiss The One Where Joey Speaks French
S10E02 The One Where Ross Is Fine
S10E03 The One With Ross's Tan
S10E04 The One With The Cake
S10E05 The One Where Rachels Sister Babysits
S10E06 The One with Ross's Grant
S10E07 The One With The Home Study
S10E08 The One With The Late Thanksgiving
S10E09 The One with the Birth Mothe
S10E10 The One Where Chandler Gets Caught
S10E11 The One Where The Stripper Cries
S10E12 The One With Phoebe's Wedding
S10E13 The One Where Joey Speaks French
S10E14 The One with Princess Consuela
S10E15 The One Where Estelle Dies
S10E16 The One With Rachel's Going Away Party
S10E17-18 The Last One
S10Extras Friends Final Thoughts
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