
银河护卫队2勇度牺牲时的背景音乐是什么 煽情神曲让人泪目
  《银河护卫队2》或许少了第一集的那种惊喜及新鲜感,但故事的精彩程度及欢乐的搞笑桥段却是大幅提升,甚至在电影结尾安排有角色牺牲死亡的桥段,并搭配上《Father and Son》一曲,使催泪感人的情绪一瞬间升到极致。
  影片快结束时,&父子哏&的大包袱伴着英国民谣歌手凯特&斯蒂文斯(现名优素福&伊斯拉姆)的代表作《父与子》(father and son)的旋律,让观众体验了一把猝不及防的煽情。
  Father and Son是英国民谣摇滚歌手Cat Stevens(凯特&斯蒂文斯)的经典温情之作,收录在个人第四张录音室专辑《Tea For The Tillerman》(1970年)中。
  歌曲意在表达年轻一辈跟老一辈因观念差距所衍生的代沟以及描绘父子之间难以割舍的亲情。在新西兰电信广告Keep in touch用的就是这首歌曲。
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【独立摇滚】Richie And Ruben - Fountains of Wayne
韦恩喷泉乐队(Fountains Of Wayne)这支有着奇怪名字的乐团由亚当&施辛格(Adam Schlesinger)和克里斯&克林伍德(Chris Collingwood)于1996年组建并推出首张专辑。
1999年,“韦恩喷泉”发布了他们的第二张专辑《Utopia Parkway》,结果大获成功,被多个杂志媒体评选为“年度最佳”之一。2003年发行的第三张专辑《Welcome Interstate Managers》更获得格莱美提名。他们是国际一线的摇滚乐队,在全球有大批拥趸。
【迷幻摇滚】Talkin' Hawkin - Pink Floyd
霍金闲暇时喜欢听音乐,2014年他在英国迷幻摇滚乐队Pink Floyd的专辑《The Endless River》的“Talkin' Hawkin”贡献了自己独特的声音。
【独立摇滚】Cue the Sun!- Daphne Loves Derby
选自美国独立乐队Daphne Loves Derby发行于2007年的专辑《Goodnight, Witness Light》。他们组建时平均年龄不到18岁,其音乐气质自然清新,带有未近世事的浪漫,颇受年轻的独立乐迷推崇。
乐队成员包括:鼓手Stu Clay,贝司兼唱Jason Call,主音兼吉他手Kenny Choi。2005年初发行了乐队首张EP“Closing Down the Pattern Department”备受独立乐迷推崇。时隔半年,乐队推出首张专辑“On the Strength of All Convinced”。
《Cue the Sun!》
If I find my way through the darkest of days如果我有办法熬过这段黑暗的日子Will I laugh about the things that kept me awake我会嘲笑那些曾让我彻夜难眠的一切吗But if my greatest fears paints itself so crystal clear如果我最恐惧的事就这么明明白白的发生了Will I run away or will I hide我会逃离还是闪躲And if I don't come home tonight如果我今夜没有回家
Just know I tried my best to fight就知道我已尽力挣扎Please don't think I plan to lose to the night别以为我会迷失在黑夜里And curse the moon so dull and bright并且咒怨月光如此忽明忽暗My heavy soul can't stand the light我沉重的心灵无法承受这月光It burns me straight to the bones, my bones它把我灼伤&渗入我的骨髓In the desert sun I watched my nerves come undone我看着荒漠里的阳光&紧绷的心得以放松One by one my strings they tangled into knots我心中缠绕不解的一切纠缠成结And ever since that day, deep in Santa Fe从那一天起&我就留恋着圣达菲城I've learned to hate myself for giving everything away因为我放弃了一切&我学会了憎恨自己And if I don't come home tonight如果我今夜没有回家Just know I tried my best to fight就知道我已尽力挣扎Please don't think I plan to lose to the night别以为我会迷失在黑夜里And curse the moon so dull and bright并且咒怨月光如此忽明忽暗My heavy soul can't stand the light我沉重的心灵无法承受这月光It burns me straight to the bones, my bones它把我灼伤&渗入我的骨髓And if I don't come home tonight如果我今夜没有回家Just know I tried my best to fight就知道我已尽力挣扎Please don't think I plan to lose to the night别以为我会迷失在黑夜里And curse the moon so dull and bright并且咒怨月光如此忽明忽暗My heavy soul can't stand the light我沉重的心灵无法承受这月光It burns me straight to the bones, my bones它把我灼伤&渗入我的骨髓
溜出时代银行的后门&撕开夜幕和喑哑的平原&越过淡季,森林和电&牵引我们黑暗的心&  &在愿望的最后一个季节&解散清晨还有黄昏&在愿望的最后一个季节&记起我曾身藏利刃&  &是谁来自山川湖海&却囿于昼夜,厨房与爱&  &来到自我意识的边疆&看到父亲坐在云端抽烟&他说孩子去和昨天和解吧&就像我们从前那样&  &用无限适用于未来的方法&置换体内的星辰河流&用无限适用于未来的方法&热爱聚合又离散的鸟群&  &是谁来自山川湖海&却囿于昼夜,厨房与爱&  &就在一瞬间&握紧我矛盾密布的手
【独立摇滚】Fake Empire - The National
奥巴马曾选取这首”Fake Empire”作为竞选背景曲目。主唱Matt Berninger独树一帜的磁性男中音,收放自如地唱著自己谱写的黑色韵脚。那是关於现代人特有的集体焦虑,以及存在与否的相关辩证。清醒的黑白琴键贯穿全局,配上两把吉他交织的嘹亮音网,独树一格。
The National乐队于1999年成立俄亥俄州。乐队成员一共五人,分别是主唱Matt Berninger和两对兄弟Aaron Dessner (吉他/贝斯/钢琴)&和 Bryce Dessner (吉他); Scott Devendorf (贝斯/吉他) Bryan Devendorf(鼓)。2004年乐队签入Beggars Banquet厂牌旗下。
【独立摇滚】Best Laid Plans - Stoney
选自英国音乐人Stoney发行于2007年的专辑《The Scene & The Unseen》
《Best Laid Plans 》
There was me with my prideStanding our ground, standing our groundWe stood and yelled at the tideTo turn around, to turn around
Well, that day would outliveOur best laid plans, our best laid plansSomething just had to giveAnd my castle gave itself back to the sand
I was my own and everyone's foolMutton dressed up as lambBut now the emperor's clothes have been tornI can see what I am
So hold my hat for a whileSo I feel the rain, so I feel the rainTake an inch from your mileAnd start again, and start again
Put a little light in my soulYou shine I'll glow, you shine I'll glowSee I'm hollow, coldSo let me be the lantern that you hold
If I take myself seriouslyThen I just get confusedThey say those who can laugh at themselvesNever cease to be amused
I wanna find youI wanna find youFall in love againI wanna find you againI wanna find youThe stillness of contentI wanna find youI wanna find youFall in love againI wanna find you again
【凯尔特摇滚】Reason With Me - Sin&ad O'Connor
一曲凄婉动人的《Reason With Me》,讲述了一个叛逆少年对灵魂和爱人的追寻,坚定而无所畏惧。此曲选自爱尔兰唱作人Sin&ad O'Connor于2012年在Republic of Ireland厂牌下发布的第9张全长专辑《How About I Be Me (And You Be You)?》。
希妮德&奥康娜(Sin&ad O'Connor),90年代最具个性并最富争议的流行音乐巨星之一。14岁便开始创作歌曲,1987年她出版了专辑《狮子与眼镜蛇》,此后她又出了一张《不图奢望》,这张专辑获得了音乐界的很高评价,单曲《Nothing Compares 2U》在欧洲各国都拿下了排行榜冠军并使她赢得了格莱美奖。其曲风植根于合成摇滚、凯尔特民歌与朋克音乐,如同在黑夜中绽放的花朵那般引人注目。
Hello, you don't know me嘿你并不认识我but I stole your laptop and I took your TV可我偷了你的电脑拿走了你的电视I sold your granny's rosary for 50 p我甚至用你奶奶的念珠换了50块
And I even pulled an old hijack我甚至像抢劫一样said I had a hypodermic in me backpack说道,我包里有武器but I was only bluffing但是一切都是我的虚张声势罢了Oh, so long I've been a junkie噢&我一直是个瘾君子I ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys我本不应该这么说,管管自己的淘气I really want to mend my ways我真的想让我的人生走上正轨I'm gonna call that number one of these days总有一天我会打这个电话It's not too late一切还都来得及I'm the one who sits in the backroom我是个沉浸在&自我世界的人I'm the one who doesn't know how to have fun我是一个不懂得如何过得快乐的人I'm the one to smoke amiss all around me我是一个吞云吐雾的人'Cause I don't like no one around me因为我孑然一身'Cause if I love someone, I might lose someone因为如果有人爱上我,我也许最终会失去这个人Oh, so long I've been a junkie噢&我一直是个瘾君子I ought to wrap it up and mind my monkeys我本不应该这么说,管管自己的淘气I really want to mend my ways我真的想让我的人生走上正轨I'm gonna call that number one of these days总有一天我会打这个电话I'm gonna reach a hand out to you我会伸手向你求助say , would you pull me up, now could you?我真的这么做的话,你会拉我一把吗?现在的你会吗?I don't want to waste the life God gave me我并不想浪费上帝赐予我的生命and I don't think that it's too late to save me我也觉得想着拯救自己还不晚It's not too late一切都来得及Reason with me问题在我Let's reason together让我们一起寻找答案Reason with me问题在我Let's reason together让我们一起寻找答案Reason with me问题在我Let's reason together让我们一起寻找答案Reason with me问题在我
【梦幻流行】Bum Raps & Love Taps - Elysian Fields梦幻流行(Dream Pop)是另类摇滚的一个流派,它依靠音速处理音乐质地来表达悦耳的音调。“Elysian Fields就像精彩的诗句,它让你体会紫丁香气味的夜晚和躁动的月光海洋,烟雾弥漫的钢琴酒吧还有冰冷的拥抱。”&
Elysian Fields由Oren Bloedow和Jennifer二人组成。他们为Radioactive录了差不多三年音,出版了一张叫Elysian Fields的EP,还有一张完整的专辑Bleed Your Cedar,&这是赢得评论和喝彩的一张超凡的处女作。
《Bum Raps & Love Taps》
Teardrop on your cheekHow many woes you speakYou’ve been alone for so longWhen did you forget your song?When was your last kiss?How many lovers will you miss?You’re tired and you’re lonely nowYou don’t have to be lonely nowTime will not waitThough you pushed it asideDon’t be afraidOh faded brideLittle bird out on a limbIt’s getting cold outAnd I can’t invite you inBetter not hold outBetter fly away from hereAnd leave behind your fearNothing is certain nowAnd no one can show you howFaith you couldn’t braveFinally you’ve been betrayedOh this dark waveKnocked you down and swept you awayAnd the old 78 is skippingBetter be there when the band starts playingOh ruined maidAll the love you couldn’t saveNow it’s getting lateSlip softly into starlightTime to turn awayThey’ve been waiting on the other sideDon’t be afraidSlip softly into starlightSlip softly into starlightStarlight
【乡村摇滚】Valentine - Richard Hawley
选自Richard Hawley于2007年发行的个人专辑《Lady's Bridge》。沧桑的嗓音,温润浑厚,有钻进听者心灵的魔力。
Richard Hawley(理查德&霍利),1967年生于英国Sheffield的Richard Hawley,吉他手、歌手、词曲作者。1994年担任BritPop乐队的吉他手,2001年和2003年发表了《Late Night Final》、《Lowedges》两张专辑,到了2005年发表第三张专辑《Cole's Corner》是评价最好的一张个人作品。Hold me in your arms, may they keep me拥我入你怀中一直这么抱着我Sing me a lullaby,&'cause I'm sleepy给我唱首摇篮曲&因为我昏昏欲睡I'm scared you don't need me anymore我害怕你不再需要我Bring me to the light of the morning带着我看看晨光中的希望Take me through this night till the dawning带我穿过这黑夜直到黎明Oh, I see a warning in yours eyes哦&我读懂你眼眸中的预兆
We don't need no valentines, no, no我们无需过情人节Don't need no roses无需艳丽的玫瑰花'Cause it just take me back in time, no, no因为这只会让我回想起往昔Now you're not here如今你不在我身边Hold me just tonight, sleep will tend me今夜就这么抱着我&安眠会让我平息Save me from lonely hours, there's so many将我从漫长孤寂的时光中拯救出来I won't get any sleep tonight我今夜注定无眠And don't need no valentines, no, no无需过情人节Don't need no roses无需艳丽的玫瑰花'Cause it just take me back in time, no, no因为这只会让我回想起往昔Now you're not here anymore, not anymore如今你不在我身边,你已不再Don't need no valentines, no, no无需过情人节Don't need no roses无需艳丽的玫瑰花'Cause it just take me back in time, no, no因为这只会让我回想起往昔When you left me lonely当你离开我&留我孤寂一人And I won't drink no aged wine, no, no我不会喝下非陈酿的酒,绝对不会Now you're not here anymore, not anymore如今你不在我身边,你已不再Not anymore, not anymore你已不再
【英伦摇滚】Free Fall -&The Workday Release
这首歌词略带伤感,旋律自由洒脱的轻摇滚,选自The Workday Release发行于2015年的EP《City Lights》。主唱音色阳刚和轻柔兼具,真假音转换游刃有余。
The Workday Release乐队组建于2009年1月,由主唱David Ottestad发起,&成员还包括Chris White (吉他), Nick Green (贝斯)&以及Johnny Hamilton (鼓手)。
【独立摇滚】Jesus - Brand New
选自Brand New签约Interscope Records旗下于2006年发行的首张主流大厂专辑《The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me》。成熟扎实的乐曲编排,充满年轻活力的朋克力道、挟带EMO 声调表情,引起全美地下独立摇滚界的瞩目。
Brand New由原The Rookie Lot乐团Jesse Lacey、Jesse Lacey、Brian Lane等成员于1990年组建。团名灵感则是取自白人饶舌团队Beastie Boys 1995年EP《Aglio e Olio》中的同名作品。2001年于独立厂牌旗下发行首张专辑《Your Favorite Weapon》,赢得极佳回响。
Jesus Christ, that's a pretty face
The kind you'd find on someone I could save
If they don't put me away
Well, it'll be a miracle
Do you believe you're missing out
That everything good is happening somewhere else?
But with nobody in your bed
The night's hard to get through
And I will die all alone
And when I arrive I won't know anyone
Well, Jesus Christ, I'm alone again
So what did you do those three days you were dead?
'cause this problem's gonna last more than the weekend.
Well, Jesus Christ, I'm not scared to die,
I'm a little bit scared of what comes after
Do I get the gold chariot?
Do I float through the ceiling?
Do I divide and fall apart?
'cause my bright is too slight to hold back all my dark
And the ship went down in sight of land
And at the gates, does Thomas ask to see my hands?
I know you're coming in the night like a thief
But I've had some time alone to hone my lying technique
I know you think that I'm someone you can trust
But I'm scared I'll get scared and I swear I'll try to nail you back up (everyone now)
So do you think that we could work out a sign
So I'll know it's you and that it's over so I won't even try
I know you're coming for the people like me
We all got wood and nails
And tongue-tied at hate factories
We all got wood and nails
And tongue-tied at hate factories
We all got wood and nails
And we sleep inside of this machine
【流金岁月】Nothing Lasts Forever - Echo & the Bunnymen
作为英伦摇滚乐迷,回声与兔人(Echo&The Bunnymen)是一个值得记忆的名字。这个横跨近30年的经典乐队,继续着多年来昏暗悲凉的忧郁,如同他们记忆中那个漫长的后朋克时代。
Echo&The Bunnymen最初成立于1978年夏天的Liverpool,一直顺利地发展自己固定的音乐风格,直至到80年代末随着主唱伊安麦库勒克(Ian McCulloch)的离队及鼓手的意外身亡,乐队开始步入瓶颈,于1990年乐队解散。直到1994年乐队重组,并以崭新的形态回归了乐坛。
《Nothing Lasts Forever》
I want it nowI want it nowNot the promises of what tomorrow bringsI need to live in dreams todayI'm tired of the song that sorrow singsAnd I want more than I can getJust trying to, trying to, trying to forgetI'd walk to you through rings of fireAnd never let you know the way I feelUnder skin is where I hideThe love that always gets me on my kneesAnd I want more than I can getJust trying to, trying to, trying to forgetNothing ever lasts foreverNothing ever lasts foreverNothing ever lasts foreverNothing ever lasts foreverI want it nowI want it nowDon't tell me that my ship is coming inNothing comes to those who waitTime's running out the door you're running inSo, I want more than I can getJust trying to, trying to, trying to forgetNothing ever lasts foreverNothing ever lasts foreverNothing ever lasts foreverNothing ever lasts foreverAll the shadows and the painAre coming to youAll the shadows and the painAre coming to youAll the shadows and the painAre coming to youAll the shadows and the painAre coming to youAll the shadows and the painAre coming to youAll the shadows and the painAre coming to youAll the shadows and the painAre coming to you
【钢琴摇滚】Honesty -& Billy Joel
这首朴素感人的《Honesty》(诚实)是日剧《柏拉图式》主题曲。歌曲出自Billy Joel发布于1978年的专辑52nd Street (52号大街)。这张专辑曾高居Billboard专辑排行榜的冠军宝座长达8周之久,并为他赢得了格莱美“最佳流行男歌手奖”(Best Male Pop Artist)。
Billy&Joel(比利&乔尔),1949年出生于纽约的希克斯维尔,美国著名摇滚歌手、钢琴演奏家、作曲作词家。其作品也大多描写着纽约的生活和纽约客&(New Yorker)。主要专辑有:Piano Man (弹钢琴的人),Streetlife Serenade (街头生活小夜曲),Stranger&(陌生人),52nd Street (52号大街)&等。
If you search for tenderness如果你在寻找温柔It isn't hard to find那并不难寻You can have the love you need to live你可以拥有你需要的爱But if you look truthfulness但如果你在寻找忠实You might just do as well be blind你大概是眼睛瞎了It always seems to be so hard to give那始终是很难给予的
Honesty is such a lonely word真诚是如此寂寞的字眼Everyone is so untrue每个人都如此虚偽Honesty is hardly ever heard真诚已许久不曾听闻And mostly what I need from you也是我希望从你身上得到的I can always find someone我总是会遇到某些人To say the sympathize说他非常同情我If I wear my heart out on my sleeve如果我以真情表白But I don't want some pretty face但我不要美丽的脸孔To tell on the pretty lies告诉我美丽的谎言All I want is someone to believe我要的是可以信任的人Honesty is such a lonely word真诚是如此寂寞的字眼Everyone is so untrue每个人都如此虚偽Honesty is hardly ever heard真诚已许久不曾听闻And Mostly what I need from you也是我希望从你身上得到的I can find a lover我可以找到情人I can find a friend我可以找到朋友I can have security我可以拥有保障Until the bitter end让我直到悲苦的结局Anyone can comfort me with promises again任何人都可以用承诺来安慰我I know I know我明白,我都明白……When I'm deep inside of me当我过度耽溺Don't be too concerned别太担心我I won't ask for nothing while I'm gone当我离去时,我一无所求But when I want sincerity但当我需要忠诚Tell me where else can I turn告诉我该往何处去Coz you're the one that I depend upon只因你是我唯一信赖的人Honesty is such a lonely word真诚是如此寂寞的字眼Everyone is so untrue每个人都如此虚偽Honesty is hardly ever heard真诚已许久不曾听闻And mostly what I need from you也是我希望从你身上得到的
【独立摇滚】Not Quite A Home - The Panics
The Panics(恐慌),澳大利亚独立摇滚乐队。2002年发布了他们的第一&张EP&a self-titled affair&;2003年在英国录制了他们的首张专辑。
Julian Douglas, keyboards, guitars, Jae Laffer, Paul Otway, Drew Wooten, and Myles Wooten, drums
《Not Quite A Home》
In summer when the storm begins在暴风来临的夏日I'm on the outside looking in我在外面注视着里面By the warm glow of the lamp透过暖暖的灯光She is shadow and the window is thin是她薄窗之后的影子Found our stoneroom made of发现我们的石头房子Just one of many in a row只是一排房子中的一间
Have I said that I would leave我说我会离开For I'm nothing if I'm something you own因为我没有什么可以给予你的At her place by the towns在她生活的城镇Watched the sailed ships come in看着缓缓航行的帆船Laid her clothes on the bed把衣服放在床上Saw the sky opening看到天慢慢亮了Wide open, inside敞开心扉吧I don't let you hide我不会让你藏着的But you don't, don't wanna recognize但是你不会&不会承认的But you don't, don't wanna recognize但是你不会&不会承认的I thought I never would belong我以为我永远不会定居于某个地方的So I looked back where I was born所以我回想起我出生的地方Where the paint is always peeling那油漆是否还在脱落And the fires left sweeping up alone还有那火焰留下的痕迹是否消失不见I had traced back again再次回首从前With a chain on a limb如此形单影只I am there when it's dark在夜幕降临的时候我就在那I'm outside looking in在外面注视着里面Wide open, inside敞开心扉吧I don't let you hide我不会让你藏着的But you don't, don't wanna recognize但是你不会&不会承认的But you don't, don't wanna recognize但是你不会&不会承认的Before a time there was no change之前本就没有变化的And the colors stayed the same那颜色还是原来的样子I live there down below我住在楼下But it's not quite a home没有家的感觉Wide open, inside敞开心扉吧I don't let you hide我不会让你藏着的But you don't, don't wanna recognize但是你不会&不会承认的But you don't, don't wanna recognize但是你不会&不会承认的
【独立民谣】Things You've Never Done -& Passenger
Passenger是来自英国的民谣摇滚乐队,于2003年5月在英国Brighton and Hove创建。乐队主要成员是主唱兼词作者Mike Rosenberg、以及作曲者Andrew Phillips。07年发行了首张专辑Wicked Man's Rest,之后团员Andrew Phillips离开,乐队也解散。成员Mike Rosenberg以/Passenger为艺名继续歌唱。
《Things You’ve Never Done》“那些你未做的事情”When you were younger在你还年轻的时候Blue eyed boy wonder那个眼睛湛蓝的小孩心怀好奇
Never used to ponder on what life may hide没有想过,生活背后藏着怎样的风浪Now you’re older现在你已长大成人the nights are so much colder长夜也变得冷冽许多Never even told her how you feel inside你从未告诉过她内心的感受You were so proud with your head up in the white clouds你如此得意忘形,被奇思妙想冲昏头脑She’d call you so loud but you’d never know她大声呼唤着你,而你却毫不知觉Now that you’re wiser you’d never compromise her现在你智慧渐长,但从不为她让步妥协Every day you’d realise her每天你都恍然想起她的好But this bird has flown可是,那幸福的青鸟已一飞不返And you’ve blown out all your candles one by one是你亲手将自己的烛火逐一扑灭And you curse yourself for things you never done现在回首往昔未竟的种种,你的心中空余自责&&&She would wait for you她会为你等待守候idolise adore you予你以崇拜和爱意love and reassure you you couldn’t let it be深深爱着你,让你安下心来,而你却留不住这份美好you let it linger你任由它即离不定,徘徊苟延slip on through your fingers从你的指间匆匆流逝so that september she moved across the sea那个九月,她动身去到大洋的彼岸how your face dropped你耷拉着脸,惆怅不已how your heart stopped你的心跳像是戛然而止sitting at the bus stop when they told you that she’d gone呆坐在公车站,耳边尽是旁人细叙纷纷:她已离开了&&&so you run to the harbour你一路奔向那个港湾need to tell her that you love her你要告诉她,你多么爱她as the boat disappears you never felt so alone船只消失于海平线之际,你才发觉自己未曾这般寂寞‘cause you’ve blown out all your candles one by one因为,是你亲手将自己的烛火逐一扑灭And you curse yourself for things you never done现在回首欠下的应做之事,你只能自责不已&&&Where were you when her hour of need had come?在她需要帮助的艰难时刻,请问你又在何方?Now you curse yourself for things you never done现在回首往昔的不作为,你的心中空余懊悔&&&Now your grandson blonde haired blue eyed handsome现在你的孙子金发蓝眼,一表人才Calls you up from London and sits and asks you why从伦敦打电话给你,坐下尽述人生困惑So your answer don’t be scared of failure你的回答是:不要害怕失败For the only failure因为,失败只有一种is never to try。。。那就是,从不放手一试&&&Where were you when her hour of need had come?在她需要帮助的艰难时刻,请问你又在何方?And you curse yourself for things you never done现在回首那些你未做的事情,你的心中空余懊悔&&&
【英伦摇滚】Boy On the Bus &- Nerina Pallot
选自英伦唱作才女Nerina Pallot发行于2014年的EP《Grand Union》。
Nerina Pallot,1975年生于伦敦,由在新泽西州的有一半法国血统的父亲和印度Allahabad出生的母亲培养长大,曾在印度度过一小段有趣的童年时光。出道后迅即获得业界的认可,其唱片多次获白金认证,并赢得全英音乐奖提名。
《Boy On the Bus》
Boy on the bus with the startled face巴士上的男孩满脸惊愕Delicate hands at the difficult age在艰难的岁月里Clutching so hard at a plastic bag纤细的双手紧紧抓住塑料袋A masterpiece in bone and rag但他骨骼惊奇打扮得体Inaminate ghosts on the 4646路车上满是无精打采的老人
The wizened trees look like pick-up sticks窗外凋零的树木像似随地捡起的枯枝Everybody said she's a generous girl每个人都说她是个好女孩Now they're pulling up her body from the black canal如今人们把她从肮脏的河水中救上来Sweet defeat, I wanna leave the city so bad美梦破碎了,我疯狂的想逃离这座城市Dog tired on my feet, I wanna leave the city so bad流浪狗在我脚边睡着了,我疯狂的想逃离这座城市Take everything that we own, turn the lights off and go and never look back打包我们的行李,关上灯就这样一去不回头You just say the word the word the word你只要说出那句话I won't say no我不会拒绝I don't but I've noticed you但是我知道你不会和我们的孩子一起流浪Ain't been walking that way with our boy, it's true这就是现实Everywhere you look it's burial ground你眼中的实在都会沦为废墟Every swirling eddy where your dreams get drowned你心中的向往都将被漩涡淹没They get drowned它们都被淹没Sweet defeat, I wanna leave the city so bad美梦破碎了,我疯狂的想逃离这座城市Dog tired on my feet, I wanna leave the city so bad流浪狗在我脚边睡着,我疯狂的想逃离这座城市Take everything that we own, turn the lights off and go and never look back打包我们的行李,关上灯就这样一去不回头You just say the word the word the word你只要说出那句话Sweet defeat美梦破碎了I wanna leave the city so bad我疯狂的想逃离这座城市Dog tired on my feet流浪狗在我脚边睡着I wanna leave the city so bad我疯狂的想逃离这座城市All the lonely streets所有寂寞&的街道I wanna leave the city so bad我疯狂的想逃离这座城市Dog tired on my feet, on my feet流浪狗在我脚边睡着I wanna leave, I wanna leave, I wanna leave, yeah我想逃,我想逃,我好想逃Take everything that we own, turn the lights off and go and never look back never look back打包我们的行李,关上灯就这样一去不回头Everything that we own, turn the lights off and go and never look back打包我们的行李,关上灯就这样一去不回头You just say the word the word the word你只要说出那句话Come on you just say the word the word the word说吧,你只要说出那句话I won't say no我不会拒绝Boy on the bus boy on the bus boy on the bus巴士上的男孩啊,巴士上的男孩I won't say no我不会拒绝
【英伦摇滚】Just Say Yes - Snow Patrol
选自Snow Patrol发行于2009年的精选大碟《Up to Now》。抒情动感的旋律,配上主唱Gary Lightbody乐器一般表现力丰富的嗓音,仿佛初雪在抚慰大地。
Snow Patrol(雪地巡游者)&,北爱尔兰另类摇滚乐队;1998年签约于厂牌Jeepster并发行了首张专辑。该团曾五次获爱尔兰流行音乐大奖,三次获全英音乐奖提名。
《Just Say Yes》&
I'm running out of ways to make you see为了让你知道我想要你留在我身边I want you to stay here beside me都快试了千方万法I won't be ok and I won't pretend I am不愿将就也不想妥协So just tell me today and take my hand所以今天就给我答复拉住我的手
Please take my hand说你愿意Please take my hand与我执手吧Just say yes, just say there's nothing holding you back就只要说你愿意,就直说你不会有任何犹豫It's not a test, nor a trick of the mind这不是个考验,也不是玩笑的试探Only love只是爱意It's so simple and you know it is你知道这个选择多么简单You know it is, yeah你知道的We can't be to and fro like this我们不能一直如此若即若离All our lives直到再没有机会You're the only way to me走向你是我唯一的终点The path is clear前路再无疑障What do I have to say to you还要我再怎么说给你听For Gods sake, dear亲爱的For Gods sake, dear亲爱的For Gods sake, dear亲爱的For Gods sake, dear还要我再怎么说给你听For Gods sake, dearJust say yes, just say there's nothing holding you back就只要说你愿意,就直说你不会有任何犹豫It's not a test, nor a trick of the mind这不是个考验,也不是玩笑的试探Only love只是爱Just say yes, coz I'm aching and I know you are too快同意吧,因为我知道你也和我一样渴望For the touch of your warm skin渴望指尖你温暖皮肤的温度As I breathe you in渴望鼻间你的气息I can feel your heart beat through my shirt透过T恤便感受到你的心跳This was all I wanted, all I want我想要的就只是这些,再无其他It's all I want再无其他It's all I want再无其他It's all I want我想要的就只是这些It's all I want再无其他Just say yes, just say there's nothing holding you back就只要说你愿意,就直说你不会有任何犹豫It's not a test, nor a trick of the mind这不是个考验,也不是玩笑的试探Only love只是爱Just say yes, coz I'm aching and I know you are too快同意吧,因为我知道你也和我一样渴望For the touch of your warm skin渴望埋首于你颈间时的呼吸As I breathe you in怀中你温暖的身体
【英伦摇滚】Free Like You Make Me - Cary Brothers
CaryBrothers,1974年出生於美国Nashville。他从小就喜爱英国音乐,接受The Cure和The Smiths的影响,并对Coldplay和U2有很大兴趣与青睐。
tell me a story编造谎言tell me the violence歪曲事实and were there noises?噪音环绕and were there sirens?警笛四起it'll be ok不用担心and i'll make it right我会让一切都好起来
cuz i know what's coming我知道什么将会来临and i know why我知道because tonight is far too这夜晚这漫长得足够perfect for your pain将你的痛苦展现得淋漓尽致beause the secrets这秘密that you told to me你曾经亲口告诉我i'll take your place我希望在你的心中占有一席之地when the world ends即使整个世界都离析崩塌and you take mine当你接受我的一切i'll break us out of this我会打破现在的束缚jail and get you high让你远走高飞cuz when it all ends当一切结束i want you to be free我想你能够自由free like you make me像你让我一样自由what were the feelings这是一种什么样的感觉there in the silence在这沉寂中and were you safe or你是会欣然接受,感到安全was it defiance?还是无所适从it'll be ok没关系and i'll make smile我会让一切好起来cuz i know what's coming我知道我将面对什么i saw the sighs我仿佛见到过这景象because your eyes in this moment can't contain这一刻,你的双眼再也无法包容all of the secrets这所有的秘密that you told to me你曾经告诉过我的秘密i'll take your place希望我在你的心中占有一席之地when the world ends即便是到世界的尽头and you take mine当你接受我i'll break us out of this让我们摆脱束缚jail and get you high让你远走高飞cuz when it all ends当一切结束i want you to be free我希望你能够自由free like you make me像你让我一样自由free like you make me像你让我一样自由free like you make me像你让我一样自由free like you make me像你让我一样自由and i understand your way我知道你的一切please darlin'亲爱的dont you ever change你从未改变and i'm understanding我清楚的知道that you're the one for me你就是我的那个独一无二的人i'll take your place希望我在你的心中占有一席之地when the world ends即便是到世界的尽头and you take mine当你接受我i'll break us out of this我将打破我们之间的隔阂jail and get you high让你远走高飞cuz when it all ends当一切结束i want you to be free我希望你能够自由free like you make me(X12)像你让我一样自由
【独立摇滚】Loro - Pinback
And the ripped ones say goodbye喝醉的人们互相告别While the others meet而其他人Attached somewhere则换地方接着聚会At least they're shared至少他们一起分享了美好时光And the ripped ones never collide喝醉的人从不和人发生碰撞While the others而其他人…
While the others而其他人…While the others而其他人…Da da da da da daAnd the ripped ones say goodbye (4 9 5 3 1)喝醉的人们互相告别While the others meet而其他人Attached somewhere则换地方接着聚会At least they're shared至少他们一起分享了美好时光And the ripped ones never collide (4 9 5 3 1)喝醉的人从不和人发生碰撞While the others而其他人…While the others而其他人…While the others而其他人…Da da da da da da
【独立摇滚】This Could Kill Me - Amy Stroup
选自美国独立唱作才女Amy Stroup发行于2011年的EP《This Could Kill Me - Single》。
Amy Stroup活跃在纳什维尔当地,也为艺人,电视和电影写歌,经常与Trent Dabbs,Mary Hooper和其他词曲作者共同合作。喜欢看美剧的朋友一定对《吸血鬼日记》S05E17中的那首《Far From Yesterday》印象深刻。&
All is well,一切都还好The spell is broken,这个咒语已经失效I am here with ye,就让我在这里For a moment.陪伴你片刻Look in your eyes,凝视着你的双眼Close as well ever be.如我们曾经那样的亲密
Is this love,这就是爱情吗This could kill me,它可能会要了我的命Lets rejoice in where there's love,让我们在爱里行乐Simple life was not for us,简单的生活并不适合你我It never was,从来就不It never was,从来都不This could kill me.这份爱会要了我的命All is well,一切都还好The spells been broken,这个咒语已经失效I am here with you,就让我在这里For this moment.陪伴你片刻Look in your eyes,凝视着你的眼睛Close as well ever be.如我们曾经那样的亲密This is love,这就是爱情吧This could kill me,它会要了我的命Lets rejoice in where there's love,让我们在爱里行乐Simple life was not for us,简单的生活并不适合你我It never was,从来就不It never was,从来都不This could kill me.这份爱会要了我的命Lets rejoice in where there's love,让我们在爱里行乐Simple life was not for us,简单的生活并不适合你我It never was,从来就不It never was,从来都不This could kill me,这份爱会要了我的命Lets rejoice in where there's love,让我们在爱里行乐Simple life was not for us,简单的生活并不适合你我It never was,从来就不It never was,从来都不This could kill me,这份爱会要了我的命This could kill me.这份爱会要了我的命This could kill me.这份爱会要了我的命This could kill me.这份爱会要了我的命Look in your eyes,凝视着你的双眼Close as well ever be.如我们曾经那样的亲密This is love,这就是爱情吧This could kill me,它会要了我的命
曲风融合民谣与Brit Rock,高音的真假声转换内敛中饱含激情,让人感慨青春的流逝与现实的焦灼。“或许有那么一天,我们低着头沉默,晶莹的泪花,播种着失落,就像电影要散场,即使刚才多精彩,也许最终,还是要告别。”
【英伦摇滚】Thrown Like a Stone - Murry the Hump
Murry The Hump这支昙花一现的乐队,在2001年推出专辑《Songs of Ignorance》后,就在同年的9月23号解散了。
《thrown like a stone》I was thrown like a stone by this new arrival我像石头一样被丢弃It was gold it was bold I was bought and sold是金色的是大块的我被买了又卖Call me cheap call me slack but I had to let you know说我便宜说我拖拉也好但是我得让你明白There was light there was life it was through the night还有光明透过黑夜&还有生活在这儿
I was laid its okay because I got away我被搁置没关系&因为我也要离开Call me cheap call me slack but I had to let you know说我便宜说我拖拉也好但是我得让你明白Had to let you know必须让你知道Stay passionate and young永远富有激情永远保持年轻There was light there was life it was through the night还有光明透过黑夜&还有生活在这儿I was laid its okay because I got away我被搁置没关系&因为我也要离开Call me cheap call me slack but I had to let you know说我便宜说我拖拉也好但是我得让你明白Had to let you know必须让你知道Had to let you know必须让你知道Stay magical and strong保持魅力保持强壮And all wanted was to lick your boots想要的只是我跪地舔舐你的靴子I remember you dressed up in your mother's suit我记得你穿你妈妈裙子的样子Go get 'em girl就穿它们I was thrown like a stone by this new arrival我像石头一样被丢弃It was gold it was bold I was bought and sold是金色的是大块的我被买了又卖Call me cheap call me slack but I had to let you know说我便宜说我拖拉也好但是我得让你明白I had to let you know我得让你明白I had to let you know...我得让你明白
【英伦摇滚】With or Without You - Keane
Keane翻唱u2的经典之作《With or Without You》。这是他们在Live Lounge Show节目的现场演唱版本。
Keane(基因乐队)是一支来自英国东南部东萨塞克斯郡Battle的摇滚乐乐队。他们最出名是用钢琴作为主要的乐器,而不是其他摇滚乐队所使用的吉他;主音Tom Chaplin唱歌时,经常使用假音(falsetto)。
《With Or Without You》&See the stone set in your eyes看见你那冷若冰霜的眼神See the thorn twist in your side还有你那浑身带刺的态度拒人千里之外I wait for you我会一直等你
Sleight of hand and twist of fate造化弄人,命运纠缠On a bed of nails she makes me wait因为她,我辗转难眠And I wait without you没有你我还是一样等待With or without you你若即若离With or without you你若即若离Through the storm we reach the shore穿过暴风雨,我们到达彼岸You give it all but I want more你全心付出,而我欲求不满And I'm waiting for you我一直在等待着你With or without you你若即若离With or without you你若即若离I can't live我生不如死With or without you而你若即若离And you give yourself away而你放弃了自己And you give yourself away你放弃了自己And you give然而你放弃And you give你放弃And you give yourself away你放弃了自己My hands are tied我束手无策My body bruised, she's got me with我遍体鳞伤Nothing to win and什么也没有得到Nothing left to lose也没有失去什么And you give yourself away而你放弃了自己And you give yourself away你放弃了自己And you give你放弃了And you give你放弃了And you give yourself away你放弃了自己With or without you你若即若离With or without you若即若离I can't live我生不如死With or without you你若即若离
【独立摇滚】Jessica - Adam Green
Adam Green是来自美国纽约的独立音乐人,出生于1981年,前Moldy Peaches的主唱之一兼吉他手。他的声音圆润厚实,曲风轻松柔和,经常被人拿作与Ben Folds, Leonard Cohen, Ben Kweller, and Jonathan Richman比较。
jessica simpson杰西卡&辛普森where has your love gone你的爱去哪儿了its not in your music它不在你的音乐里no不在呀you need a vacation你需要一个假期
to wake up the cavemen把穴居人叫醒and take them to mexico并把他们带到墨西哥jessica杰西卡jessica simpson杰西卡&辛普森you've got it all wrong你全都弄错了your fraudulant smile你的欺骗性的微笑the way that you faked it你假装笑的方式the day that you died还有你离去的那一天my body's in shambles我的身体已经废墟in crusted with brambles外皮布满荆棘that sharpen the air i breathe.我呼吸的尖锐的空气whats on the menu菜单上有些什么jesica can you杰西卡,你能take down my order please.帮我记下我的菜单吗jessica杰西卡jessica simpson杰西卡&辛普森you've got it all wrong你全都弄错了your fraudulent smile你的欺骗性的微笑the way that you faked it the day that you died.你假装笑的方式,还有你离去的那一天tomorrow gets closer明天愈加接近a purple bulldozer一个紫色的欺凌者is calling you on the phone.在电话里呼喊你your love life preceeds you你有爱的生活使你得益your son-in-law feeds you你的女婿会照顾好你injections of cortizone.不管用什么方式jessica杰西卡jessica simpson杰西卡&辛普森you've got it all wrong你全都弄错了your fraudulent smile你的欺骗性的微笑the way that you faked it你假装笑的方式the day that you died.还有你离去的那一天jessica simpson杰西卡&辛普森where has your love gone你的爱去哪儿了its not in your music它不在你的音乐里so where has it gone所以它是去了哪里then接着...jessica...杰西卡
【经典摇滚】It's a Heartache -& Bonnie Tyler
选自威尔士沙哑歌后Bonnie Tyler发行于1993年的精选集《The Very Best of Bonnie Tyler》。
Bonnie Tyler,1953年出生于英国威尔士;1976年以单曲“Lost In France”获得国际乐坛的瞩目。后来Bonnie经历了一次声带手术,反倒使她原本就独树一格的歌声,更加的有磁性。1983年,Bonnie找到了她音乐制作上好搭档Jim Steinman,两人合作的专辑《Faster Than The Speed Of Night》在美国获得白金唱片佳绩。她的几首巨作“Total Eclipse of the Heart”、“ Holding Out for a Hero”以及“It s a Heartache”广为传唱、脍炙人口。
It's a heartache nothing but a heartache心痛只有心痛Hits you when it's too late深夜时给你重击Hits you when youre down失意时给你重击
It's a fools game这是傻瓜的游戏Nothing but a fools game就是个傻瓜的游戏而已Standing in the cold rain站在冷冷的雨中Feeling like a clown感觉自己就像个小丑It's a heartache nothing but a heartache心痛只有心痛Love him till your arms break爱他爱到筋疲力尽Then hell let you down然后坠入地狱It aint right with love to share爱不应该共享When you find he doesnt care for you当你发现他压根就不在乎你It ain't wise to need someone需要一个人是不明智的As much as I depended on you就像我曾那么依赖你Oh its heartache nothing but a heartache心痛只有心痛Hits you when its too late深夜时给你重击Hits you when youre down失意时给你重击It's a fools game nothing but a fools game这是傻瓜的游戏就是个傻瓜的游戏而已Standing in the cold rain站在冷冷的雨中Feeling like a clown感觉自己就像个小丑It aint right with love to share爱不应该共享When you find he doesnt care for you当你发现他压根就不在乎你It aint wise to need someone需要一个人是不明智的As much as I depended on you就像我曾那么依赖你Oh it's a heartache nothing but a heartache心痛只有心痛You love him till your arms break爱他爱到筋疲力尽Then hell let you down然后坠入地狱It's a fools game nothing but a fools game这是傻瓜的游戏就是个傻瓜的游戏而已Standing in the cold rain feeling like a clown站在冷冷的雨中感觉自己就像个小丑It’s A Heartache心痛You love him till your arms break爱他爱到筋疲力尽Then hell let you down然后坠入地狱It’s A Heartache心痛&
【另类摇滚】Long Black Train - Richard Hawley
《V字仇杀队》中,11月4日早晨总督察芬奇的闹钟响起,铃声音乐便是RichardHawley的这首《长长的黑色列车》(&LongBlackTrain&)。观众在这个镜头里还能隐约听到歌词中的几句:&Ride the longblacktrain... take me home blacktrain.&
Richard Hawley(理查德&霍利)生于1967年,歌手、词曲作者;前Pulp的吉他手。他的音乐温润醇厚,轻抚人心,适合在落叶秋天的时节聆听。
《Long Black Train》
When the nightingale sings深夜in the deep of the night夜莺的歌声响起And the robin he sleeps on the wing知更鸟把头埋在翼下安眠Hear the toll of the bell ringing out我听见远处钟声敲响all is well诉说着今夜万事太平And the city's golden lights shining on城市金色的灯光闪耀
Ride the long black train黑色的列车不见尽头Ride the long black train黑色的列车不见尽头It takes us all the black train满载着人间的皮囊Take me home, black train带我回家吧,黑色列车Ride the long black train黑色的列车不见尽头Ride the long black train黑色的列车不见尽头It takes us all the black train载着我们所有人Take me home, black train带我回家吧,黑色列车And the shadows we pass我们穿行过的阴影turns my soul into glass把我的灵魂炼成闪亮的琉璃And the streets that I walk are all tamed走过的路也都臣服在我脚下Hear the toll of the bell ringing out我听见远处钟声敲响all is well诉说着今夜万事太平And the city's golden lights shining on城市金色的灯光闪耀Ride the long black train黑色的列车不见尽头Ride the long black train黑色的列车不见尽头It takes us all the black train满载着人间的皮囊Take me home, black train带我回家吧,黑色列车And the brier and the rose in the churchyard they grow野蔷薇和玫瑰在教堂墓地恣意生长'Neath the clock tower tall, all entwined在高高的钟塔下交织缠绕And the raven, he flies round the oak as she sighs乌鸦绕着叹息的橡树盘旋And the candles they call out my name而摇曳的烛光却在呼唤着我的名字To ride the long black train去乘坐那辆黑色的列车Ride the long black train那辆长长的列车It takes us all the black train满载着人间的皮囊Take me home, black train带我回家吧,黑色列车
【英伦摇滚】Daughter of the Sun - Windsor Drive
Windsor Drive是休斯敦的一支摇滚/流行乐队,2006年初成立于他们在威斯康星州韦斯顿的家乡,乐队以其家乡的街道命名。主唱Kipp Wilde的独特歌声与旋律充满诚意,歌词美妙,常以希望,爱和渴望为主题。
乐队5名成员包括:Kipp Wilde, Owen Jones, Jon Wasleske, Daniel Sukow 。乐队常以钢琴伴奏,融合Indie pop风格。
《Daughter of the Sun》
I swear I will find you out.Hush my thoughts, and tame my mouth.I am not the better man.Just a number in your leisure line.Daughter of the sun you are.Regret my name and fall apart.To the chorus that you sing.Could you maybe mention me.This ones for that night, two people had a chance.This ones for moonlight, tempting us both to dance.This ones for a young boy and girl, by the roadside.
Honeycomb horizon lady.Lead me on and blindly I'll follow.Together we will start the fire.You be color, I'll be the light.This ones for that night, two people had a chance.This ones for moonlight, tempting us both to dance.This ones for a young boy and girl, by the roadside.In your garden I lament.With no gift to bear but an instrument.But you look at me like a child.Could you say something, could you wake me up.Cuz I'm falling, and you wont give up your love,To conquer me.This ones for that night, two people had a chance.This ones for moonlight, tempting us both to dance.This ones for a young boy and girl, by the roadside
【欧美流行】There Is Love - Chasen
选自Chasen发行于2010年的专辑《That Was Then This Is Now》。
福音摇滚团Chasen是2006成立的乐团,最初只是Chasen Callahan组建的一个临时乐队,而后吉他手EvanSilver和鼓手Aaron Lord加入,乐队正式成立,开始零散地录制和销售音乐作品,直至08年首张专辑&Shine ThroughThe Stars&的问世才令他们真正成名。
《There Is Love》
You're looking through你的目光穿越the fire that burns那燃烧的火焰What's on your mind从你的脑海中I can tell it hurts我能分辨出悲伤Tears don't fall if nothing is wrong如果没有意外发生,也许不会落泪So come close靠近一点Tonight is still young今夜风华依旧Ooh, there is love for youohh~给你的爱就在这里There is love for you in my arms在我温暖的臂弯Ooh, you are everythingohh~你是我的一切Everything that I'm living for是我生活的意义And don't be afraid不要怕&to tell me what's on your heart请向我倾诉你所思所想Ooh, there is love for youohh~给你的爱就在这里here in my arms在我温暖的臂弯Pictures they paint他们描绘的图画The memories of my home我关于家的回忆Even in a crowd without you I am alone离开你,即使在人海中还是感觉寂寞God I know you made an angel for me神,我知道你让一个天使为我而生Somewhere close that's my destiny就在我离我不远的某处,已经是我的命运Ooh, there is love for youohh~给你的爱就在这里There is love for you in my arms在我温暖的臂弯Ooh, you are everythingohh~你是我的一切Everything that I'm living for是我生活的意义And don't be afraid不要怕&to tell me what's on your heart请向我倾诉你所思所想Ooh, there is love for youohh~给你的爱就在这里here in my arms在我温暖的臂弯Come close hear my breath breathing靠近我,聆听我的呼吸Whispering the words I love you听那爱恋的絮语Come close see your future靠近我,看清你的将来And know that there is hope你会知道明天充满希望and there is love for you给你的爱就在这里Ooh, there is love for youohh~给你的爱就在这里There is love for you in my arms在我温暖的臂弯Ooh, you are everythingohh~你是我的一切Everything that I'm living for是我生活的意义And don't be afraid不要怕&to tell me what's on your heart请向我倾诉你所思所想Ooh, there is love for youohh~给你的爱就在这里here in my arms在我温暖的臂弯here in my arms在我温暖的臂弯There is love...你需要的爱情in my arms...&就在我的臂弯}


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