谁有lana del rey整容前唱的 off to the races 这首歌的MP4或者mp3格式啊!!!!江湖救

谁有Lana del rey唱的 off to the races 这首歌的MP4或者mp3格式啊!!!!江湖救_百度知道
谁有Lana del rey唱的 off to the races 这首歌的MP4或者mp3格式啊!!!!江湖救
不会剪谁有Lana del rey唱的 off to the races 这首歌的MP4或者mp3格式啊!!江湖救急啊啊啊啊,我只有Flac格式的!!找了几天了啊啊啊啊!!!
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一位歌手:Lana Del Rey
Lana Del Rey是我非常喜爱的美国歌手。根据维基百科,Lana Dey Rey出生和成长在纽约。事实上,这是我第一次主动查询关于她的准确信息。在这之前,我对她的了解仅限于她出身于富裕家庭,容貌和唱功都曾遭受质疑。Lana Del Rey的歌曲主题并不算丰富。恋父,拜金,自虐,基督教和old school American dream这样的概念频繁的在她的歌中出现。首先是恋父,Lana Del Rey曾经公开承认自己有恋老情节。在Shades of Cool这首歌里的MV里,出演歌其情人的纹身师Mark Mahoney在2013年接受洛杉矶时报采访时已有56岁,比1985年出生的歌手年长28岁。尽管如此,她还是唱道:I'm one of many, one is blue(我不过他众爱中的一人,终日为情所伤)在" Off
to the Races"中则直接向《洛丽塔》原著致敬:Light of my life, fire of my loins. (我的生命之火,我的欲望之光)但是我更喜欢的还是歌词的中的另外一句:I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving (我为我的行为不端道歉)洛丽塔向你低下了头。无论是直白的“Ride”('you can be my full-time daddy, white and gold')(你是我的专属白金老爹)还是互为父母的"Yayo"('you call me your mama, let me put on a show for you, daddy)(你叫我妈妈,让我为你表演吧,老爹)恋父(恋老)情结在Lana Del Rey的歌曲中都是不可忽视的。如果说老男人通常是金钱和地位的象征,那么“拜金”这一主题的出现也就不足为奇。最为直接有譬如"Money, Power, Glory"(财富,权力,荣耀)这样将“拜金”二字镶嵌其中的歌名。而最为经典的大概要数'National Anthem'。开口便唱:Money is the anthem of success. (金钱乃成功之道)以及Money is the reason we exist. Everybody knows it, it's a fact. (人人皆知金钱乃生存本义)值得一提的是,在这支歌曲的MV中,歌手先后化身梦露和杰奎琳,并“还原”了白宫府邸的生活面貌和遇刺事件。当然也不乏浪漫恋曲。譬如节奏轻快的'Never let me go":'cause baby we were born to live fast, and die young, born to be bad, have fun'(人生苦短,及时享乐)尽管Sid和Nancy并非年度最佳情侣 ('I can be your Nancy you can be my Sid')这样的Lana Del Rey毫无疑问的成为了女权主义者的众矢之的。她被质疑为“反女权主义者”。对此,歌手的回应是,“女权主义并非的我的兴趣所在。我不关心女权主义。我关心未来。”(括号内中文为笔者本人翻译)
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【Ultraviolence】打雷就没有其他现场唱off to the races 的吗收藏
多喜欢这首闷骚明骚切换的感觉,但是那个“I don't care ”的现场唱的多美大家也知道所以想看看雷后来有没有大进步0.0。。。(°ー°〃)那个现场最后“as you do now my man ”的破音美得我也是醉了
我记得唱这场现场唱video games的时候第一句直接咳出痰
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Lana Del Rey - Off To The Races歌词与中文翻译
t deny the way he holds my hand  但我不可否认他牵着我的手的时候  And he grabs me, yeah  蓝色波光涟漪
你小口抿着香槟  Light of my life, fire in my loins  点亮我人生
燃烧我的欲望  Be a good baby, you
sitting sipping on your black Cm off to the races, cases     我要去比赛, he has me by my heart  他通过我的心抓住了我  He doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas past  他不介意我有着拉斯维加斯不光彩的过去  He doesn't mind I have a L,浴室     Chateau Marmont     别墅里     Slippin' on my red dress.A;     因为他知道我浪费了,面对     Time again on Rikers     一次在赖克斯     Island and I won't get out     岛,我不会滚出去     Because I'm crazy, baby     因为我已经走火入魔,宝贝     I need you to come here and save me     我要你立刻现身拯救我     I'm your little scarlet, starlet     我是你的小红色、小明星     Singing in the garden     在花园里放声歌唱     Kiss me on my open mouth     快来亲吻我微启的朱唇     Now I'm off to the races, laces     现在我去参加比赛,鞋带     Leather on my waist is     皮革在我的腰     Tight and I am falling down     抱紧我摔倒     I can see your face is, shameless     我能看见你的脸,无耻的     Cipriani's basement     奇普里亚尼的地下室     Love you, but I'm going down     我爱你,但我要下去     God I'm so crazy, baby     我很疯狂,宝贝     I'm sorry that I'm misbehaving     对不起,我行为不端     I'm your little harlot, starlet     我是你的小**,明星     Queen of Coney Island     女王康尼岛     Raising hell all over town     提高地狱都镇     Sorry 'bout it     对不起它     My old man is a thief, and     我老公是个小偷,和     I'm gonna stay and pray with him 'til the end     我会呆在这里和他一起祷告直到结束     But I trust in the decision of the Lord     但我相信在上帝的决定     To watch over us     监视我们     Take him when He may, if He may     把他当他可能,如果他可以     I'm not afraid to say     我可以说     That I'd die without him     失去他我宁愿死去     Who else is gonna put up with me this way     除了他谁还会这样爱我     I need you, I breathe you, I'll never leave you    我需要你,我呼吸着你的气息,我永远追随着你     They would rue the day, I was alone without you     他们会后悔的,我独自一人没有你     You're lying with your gold chain on     你躺在你的金项链上     Cigar hanging from your lips     雪茄悬在你的唇     I said &Hon' you never looked so beautiful     我说亲爱的你从未显得如此迷人     As you do now my man&     正因为现在你是我的     And we're off to the races, places     我们去比赛,地方     Ready, set, the gate is down     准备好,集,门下     And now we're going in     现在我们要在     To Las Vegas, pay us     拉斯维加斯,给我们     Casino Oasis     赌场的绿洲     Honey it is time to spin     亲爱的是时间旋转     Boy you're so crazy, baby     男孩你是如此疯狂,宝贝    I love you forever     我爱你永远    Not maybe    也许不     You are my one true love    你是我的挚爱    You are my one true love    你是我永远的唯一     You are my one true love    你是我唯一的真爱. crass way about me  他不介意我在洛杉矶愚蠢的事  He loves me with every beat of his cocaine heart  他用他可卡因般跳动的心爱着我  Swimming pool
Glimmering darling  泳池
朦胧的爱人  White bikini off with my red nail polish  白色比基尼
和闪光红指甲  Watch me in the swimming pool  在泳池中望着我  Bright blue ripples,把我做了     Glass room, says it feels like heaven to him     烟雾,他说感觉像天堂     Light of his life, fire of his loins     他的生命之光,火的腰     Keep me forever, tell me you own me     永远记住我,告诉我你属于我     Lm wasted,  因为他知道我浪费了  Facing time again on Rikers Island  面对一次在赖克斯岛  And I won't get out  我不会滚出去  Because I&#39, baby  因为我很疯狂, do what I want  做个乖宝宝
做我想做的事  Light of my life, he knows me, every inch of my tar black soul    他看透了我每一寸焦油般乌黑的灵魂     He doesn't mind I have a flat broke-down life     他不在乎我过着的乏闷无味、支离破碎的生活     In fact he says he thinks it&#39, fire in my loins  点亮我人生
燃烧我的欲望  Gimme them gold coins, gimme them coins  贪图他们的金币
贪图他们的硬币  And I&#39, fire of your loins     你的生命之光,欲望之火     Tell me you own me, gimme them coins     告诉我你属于我,给我他们的钱     And I'm off to the races  我启程远扬  Cases of Bacardi chasers  带着百加得  Chasin' me all over town  追逐我满城  Cause he knows I&#39, perfume, cognac, lilac     玻璃房,例     of Bacardi chasers     百加得猎     Chasin' me all over town     追逐我满城     Cause he knows I'm wasted, facin&#39,宝贝  I need you to come here and save me  我需要你来拯救我  I'm your little scarlet, starlet  我是你的小红色,明星  Singing in the garden,  在花园里歌唱  Kiss me on my open mouth  吻我的嘴  Ready for you  为你准备好  My old man is, a tough man  我的情人是个硬汉    But he got a soul as sweet as blood red jam     但他的灵魂却如血红色的果酱一般甜蜜    As why he might like about me, admires me     事实上,他说这正是他喜欢我之所在     The way I roll like a rolling stone     称赞我如滚石般摸爬滚打的样子     Likes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom     喜欢看我在玻璃房, putting on my make up     滑过我红色的裙子,香水,白兰地,丁香     Fumes  同是喜欢lana,非常欣赏。  My old man is a bad man  我的情人是一个坏男人  But I can&#39
Facing time again on Rikers IslandAnd I won&#39, starletSm misbehavingI'm your little harlot, do what I wantLight of my life, I was alone without youYou're lyin' with your gold chain onCigar hanging from your lipsI said &Hun, you never looked so beautiful as you do now, my man&And we're off to the races, placesReady, set the gate is downAnd now we're going inTo Las Vegas, chaosCasino oasisHoney it's time to spinBoy you're so crazy babyI love you forever, not maybeYou are my one true loveYou are my one true love 我的老爸是个坏男人但是我不能否认他握着我的手他抓住了我,他有我的心他不介意我有一个拉斯维加斯过去他不介意我有一个洛杉矶愚钝的方式对我他爱我的每一次跳动,他的心脏病游泳池亲爱的微光白色和红色指甲油看我在游泳池明亮的蓝色波纹,你坐上你的黑水晶,是的我的生命之光,火在我的腰做个好孩子,我想做的事我的生命之光,火在我的腰给我他们黄金硬币,硬币给他们和我去参加比赛案件的百加得猎我满城追因为他知道我浪费,面对又一次的小岛我不会滚出去因为我的疯狂,宝贝我需要你来拯救我我是你的小红色,明星在花园中歌唱,吻我,在我嘴里为你准备好我的老爸是个坚强的人但他有一个灵魂甜如血红果酱他告诉我,他知道我我的每一寸焦油黑色灵魂他不介意我有一个身无分文的生活事实上,他说,他认为这是他可能喜欢我,欣赏我我的卷像一块滚石喜欢看我在玻璃房,浴室,的滑我红色的衣服,把我的弥补玻璃房,香水,白兰地,淡紫色烟雾他说,这感觉像在天堂他的生命之光,火的腰永远留住我,告诉我你属于我你的生命之光,火你的欲念告诉我你需要我,给我他们的硬币和我去参加比赛案件的百加得猎我满城追因为他知道我浪费面对又一次的小岛我不会滚出去因为我的疯狂,宝贝我需要你来拯救我我是你的小红色,明星在花园中歌唱,吻我,在我嘴里我去参加比赛了,鞋带我的腰,紧紧的皮革我飘落下来我看见你的脸,是无耻的奇普里亚尼的地下室,我爱你但我要下去我很疯狂,宝贝对不起,我行为不端我是你的小妓女,明星女王的科尼岛提高地狱在城镇对不起,关于它我的老爸是个小偷我会继续祈祷他直到结束但我相信决定主保佑我们把他当他可能,如果他可以我不怕说我会死无他还有谁会把我变成这样的吗?我需要你,我把你,我绝不会离开你他们会后悔的,我没有你你被你的黄金链雪茄从嘴唇挂我说:“匈奴,你从来没有看过这么漂亮的你现在要做的,我的人”我们去参加比赛,地方准备好,集门下现在我们要在拉斯维加斯,混沌赌场的绿洲亲爱的,它的时间自旋你是那么疯狂宝贝我永远爱你,不是也许你是我唯一的真爱你是我唯一的真爱, cognac, he knows meEvery inch of my tar black soulHe doesn&#39, fire in my loinsGimme them gold coins, gimme them coinsAnd I&#39, I breathe you, I'bout itMy old man is a thief andI&#39, starletQueen of Coney IslandRaising Hell all over townSorry 'm off to the racesCases of Bacardi chasersChasin' me all over townCause he knows I'm wasted, babyI need you to come here and save meI&#39, if he mayI't get outBecause I'm crazy, babyI need you to come here and save meI'm your little scarlet, starletSinging in the garden,Kiss me on my open mouthReady for youMy old man is a tough manBut he got a soul as sweet as blood red jamAnd he shows me, youSitting sipping on your black Cd die without himWho else is gonna put up with me this way?I need you, putting on my make upGlass room,s basement, Love youBut I&#39, yeahLight of my life, fire of his loinsKm going downGod I&#39, tell me you own meLight of your life,Kiss me on my open mouthYo I'm off to the races, fire of your loinsTell me you want me, gimme them coinsAnd I'm so crazy babyI'm sorry that I'm off to the racesCases of Bacardi chasersChasin' me all over townCause he knows I'm wastedFacing time again on Rikers IslandAnd I won't get outBecause I'm not afraid to sayThat I't mind I have a flat broke down lifeIn fact he says he thinks it's what he might like about me, admires meThe way I roll like a rolling stoneLikes to watch me in the glass room, bathroom, Chateau MarmontSlipping on my red dress, lacesLeather on my waist is tightAnd I am falling downI can see your face is shamelessCipriani'm gonna stay and pray with him till the endBut I trust in the decision of the Lord to watch over usTd never leave youThey would rue the dayMy old man is a bad manBut I can&#39, lilac fumesSays it feels like heaven to himLight of his life, fire in my loinsBmt deny the way he holds my handAnd he grabs me, he has me by my heartHe doesn't mind I have a Las Vegas pastHe doesn't mind I have a L.A. crass way about meHe loves me with every beat of his cocaine heartSwimming poolGlimmering darlingWhite bikini off with my red nail polishWatch me in the swimming poolBright blue ripples


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