ndspokemon omega rubyy怎么重新开始游戏

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《口袋妖怪白金光》(《Pokemon Light Platinum 》)是一位国外口袋妖怪达人基于《口袋妖怪红宝石》所改版的GBA游戏,受到众多玩家的好评。已汉化。
● 加入或替换了386版中的怪兽共493只。
● 原创新剧情。
● 可自由飞翔,碎岩,间合斩等秘技也有相应改变,同时加入岩浆行走等新秘技
● 人物、地图、训练馆也有所更改。
● 游戏界面仿照白金制作。
三圣菇 游戏介绍资讯攻略游戏补丁游戏辅助网友评论
乍一听口袋妖怪白金光这个名字,还以为口袋妖怪系列的又一部作品,其实不然.口袋妖怪白金光是国外玩家WesleyFG基于口袋妖怪红宝石所改编的一款GBA同人游戏,游戏中充斥着各种角色的乱入游戏介绍游戏讲述的是天赋极强的少年(少女),抵抗邪恶蒸汽兵团,平息阿尔宙斯与众神兽之间的争斗,解救世界,最后打败8个道馆,挑战2个地区的联盟冠军,最后登上世界冠军的故事.游戏以其精美的画风,全新的剧情为不少玩家所热爱.可以称得上同时期数一数二的作品.其中更有各代重要角色的乱入,展现给玩家的是一个不可思议的世界观!游戏特色加入或替换了493版中的怪兽共386只.原创新剧情.可自由飞翔,碎岩,间合斩等秘技也有相应改变,同时加入岩浆行走等新秘技人物、地图、训练馆也有所更改.游戏界面仿照白金制作操作说明移动:↑↓←→互动:空格向上:Q向下:A游戏截图 您的位置 : →首页 → 模拟游戏 → 中文类 →
游戏编号: 190所属机种:界面语言: 简体中文
游戏类型:角色扮演类浏览次数:135649 次出品公司: Nightind
模拟软件:VisualBoyAdvance 更新时间: 18:10:15大&中&小】【打印】【纠错】 热点原标题:不服不行的RPG怪物《口袋妖怪》全系列销量一览《口袋妖怪XY》登录3DS后当红不让的再次叫好叫座,仅仅两日全球销量就突破了400W套,游戏中没有各种卖肉的桥段,也没有美式RPG那种深邃的剧情和高端的画面.发展近20年,游戏的理念和风格始终没变,那么我们就来看看每代的销量吧.游戏名称机种发售日期销量1.口袋妖怪红/绿/蓝GB 万2.口袋妖怪金/银GBC 万3.口袋妖怪钻石/珍珠NDS 万4.口袋妖怪蓝宝石/红宝石GBA 万5.口袋妖怪黄 GB 万6.口袋妖怪火红/叶绿GBA 万7.口袋妖怪水晶GBC 万8.口袋妖怪绿宝石GBA 万9口袋妖怪珍珠/钻石/白金NDS 万10口袋妖怪黑/白NDS 万11口袋妖怪黑2/白2 NDS 万12口袋妖怪X/Y 3DS 万(两日内)
全世界唯一的皮卡丘,传说中的三圣鸟,以及火箭队的跟屁虫喵喵,这些在儿时让我们疯狂迷恋的口袋妖怪,如今依然陪伴在我们身边,也许它们就存在你的手机之中.年度首款怪物合体对战手游《怪物王国》带你重温儿时欢乐,众多神奇宝贝穿越降临,以全新的形态出现在玩家面前,各位训练师准备带领它们踏上全新的征程吧!   皮卡丘乱入变身闪电鼠 是的,你没有看错,《怪物王国》中这只胖嘟嘟、黄灿灿、Q萌可爱的小老鼠,是不是很像口袋妖怪中那只叫着&皮卡、皮卡&的皮卡丘.不光是外观相似,皮卡丘的招牌电击技能&十万伏特&,闪电鼠也有所继承,该技能变为更加强力的&奔雷&,纵向全体攻击附加15%几率眩晕1回合,如此给力的攻击效果,让闪电鼠的成为队伍中优秀的DPS.
火焰鸟降临化身凤凰 火焰鸟与急冻鸟、闪电鸟同为传说中的三圣鸟,是历代口袋妖怪游戏中玩家争相追逐的神兽,实力自然不俗.在《怪物王国》中,火焰鸟化为凤凰,全身依然燃烧着神圣的火焰,火系最强攻击技能&大字爆&,由凤凰独有技能&凰焰&代替,全体AOE附带增加20%暴击率2回合,使得凤凰成为游戏群体伤害第一神鸟.
《口袋妖怪》一直备受瞩目,全世界玩家众多,而在今年8月份,中国玩家组织了“口袋妖怪中文化请愿活动”,那么这次的请愿有没有收到成效呢?日前有媒体通过邮件对任天堂pokemon公司进行了采访,官方表示华语圈粉丝的热情让我们十分感动,不仅仅是中文,我们希望为全球粉丝制作他们的母语版.关于请愿活动首先想要问一下几位请愿活动现场的当事人,最早读到请愿书时的心情是怎样的?非常感谢大家的厚爱.现在请愿书中最打动公司的部分是什么呢?各位喜爱pokemon的华语圈粉丝的热情实在令人感动,看到大家这样高涨的热情我们也觉得非常高兴.现在公司的员工们有看过中文请愿的网站吗?我们公司作为整体关注着这个网站.现在请愿书在公司被如何安置了呢?不只是这次的请愿书,所有大家发到公司的咨询和建议事项我们都作为今后的研讨资料保管起来了.这次的请愿书我们已经给相关部门的社员看过了.在1999年发售《口袋妖怪金?银版》后,《口袋妖怪红宝石?蓝宝石版》终于于2002年面世,对应平台为Game Boy Andvance. 全新世代 《口袋妖怪红宝石?蓝宝石版》 挺进第三世代的《口袋妖怪红宝石?蓝宝石版》(ポケットモンスタ`ルビ`サファイア),可以说是在前2个世代后划下了一个分水岭,不论是在画面、怪兽、剧情和系统等,都作出了很大的“创新”.如果说红?绿与金?银两个世代的推出,是纵向的一脉相承的话,红?蓝宝石就可以说是横向的跳跃,或者说是推翻重来,游戏氛围与前2个世代大大不同了.对于这样巨大的改变,玩家也是赞否两极,不过可以确定的是,《口袋妖怪红宝石?蓝宝石》确实为系列作品扎实地打造了一个新的面貌.任天堂的《口袋妖怪》可以说是伴随一代人成长的掌机游戏,并且它坚守着单一平台绝不移植的原则,当然,这和任天堂的经营战略有关,还是单单只是为了不破坏传统,我们不得而知,不过这两天,国外网友竟然挖掘到一款在iPad平台上的以《口袋妖怪》题材的游戏,究竟如何,让我们来看一看. 早前一直有消息称《口袋妖怪》将会登陆 iOS 平台,现在看起来 iOS 用户终于可以达成所愿.但不要高兴得太早,因为你玩到的不会是欧米茄红宝石(Omega Ruby),也不是经典的口袋妖怪红版.这个呈现在 iPad 上的游戏并不是我们熟悉的冒险游戏,而是一款卡牌交换游戏.YouTube 的一位用户今天发现了这个应用的早期版本,并截取了图片快照,然后上传到了推特,这就有了这张照片的流出.而口袋妖怪公司也确认了这个应用目前处于开发阶段,但目前还没有确定这个应用推出的时间.此外,Mac 和 PC 的用户也可以在稍后玩到这个游戏.本站原创 问:口袋妖怪-金刚石版有安卓版吗?安卓版下载地址? 答:遇到iOS游戏的时候,大家经常会问,有没有安卓版.小编也为大家仔细查了一下.有些厂商会出,但是考虑到成本有些厂商就只出单平台的.同样,口袋妖怪-金刚石版目前只有iOS版.想玩的话,可能只能用iOS设备玩了.
& 口袋妖怪金刚石是d商以口袋妖怪绿宝石为框架修改而来,其中片头动画有少许修改最后的天空龙这次又被变成怪力了(汗!)其次游戏城镇的布局被完全改变,玩过绿宝石的朋友一眼就会发现而且估计都会迷路的吧.如果你认为d商只是改改这些,那接下来当你进入战斗画面你一定会被惊呆的.d商简直是无所不能让我们感觉到这个世界如此神奇,游戏包括两只主要妖怪在内的一部分妖怪些修改至于改成什么,如果你有兴趣就下载看看吧.
游戏名称:口袋妖怪 不可思议的迷宫:青之救援队平台:任天堂DS汉化组织:口袋群星SP版本号:口袋群星SP-发布时间:日 下载地址:汉化组微博(求各种关注~)新浪微博:/pokemonsp腾讯广播:/pokemonsp汉化说明:本汉化从今年9月开坑,到现在发布,历时4个月时间,汉化开始的时候,曾经联系过参与pm525赤之救助队汉化的人员,虽然因为年代久远没有得到相关的汉化资料,但还是要感谢他们的支持和鼓励,汉化过程中参考了玩家网coolv翻译的全剧情文本与日站攻略wiki的资料,使得汉化能够非常顺利地进行,在此也对相关的资料作者表示感谢,名词部分,探险队中有的,基本上与探险队汉化版保持一致,另外为了配合汉化发布的需求,给不会输入日文的朋友,特意准备了一个密码输入辅助页面,请点击-&http://lab.mudkip.me/bluerescue/,感谢神奇宝贝部落格站长水跃开发.注意事项(玩前必看):汉化版基于日版v1.1 rom汉化,编号0318,使用金手指的时候请认清版本;
口袋妖怪白金光热门排行Legendary Pokemon - Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire Wiki Guide - IGN
Legendary Pokemon
Last Edit:
November 4, 2016 - 7 months 12 days ago
Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire features a massive number of Legendary Pokemon. Some can be found in both versions, and some are exclusive to a single version. Trade the Legends over to a single version, and even more Legendary Pokemon can be encountered and captured. The official site has stated “With Pokémon X, Pokémon Y, Pokémon Omega Ruby, and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire, every Legendary Pokémon discovered to date can be obtained!” Unfortunately, this is not true unless they release more methods or events with several very
like , , , and more.
Click the links below to jump to each legendary:
A few legendary Pokemon can be found and captured throughout the story, some require a fair amount of searching, and others must be discovered through .
are random areas around Hoenn that can be discovered while soaring on
or . Only one can be discovered a day in your game, but more can be sent to your game through StreetPass or Passerbys on the .
Legendary Pokemon can be incredibly hard to capture compared to other Pokemon. Luckily, there are a few methods that can make things a bit easier. You will need a number of
, and tough Pokemon that can withstand long battles with strong Legendary Pokemon. Before chasing after Legends, you'll need to stock up on some . Ultra Balls have 2x the capture rate of a regular Poke Ball, but if you only use Ultra Balls against Legends, there's a good chance you'll use 40 before finally snagging the beasts. If the Legendary Pokemon is encountered at night time or inside a cave, use Dusk Balls instead. Dusk Balls can be purchased in , and have a 3.5x capture rate when used at night or in caves. Another great ball is the Timer Ball, which has a 4x capture rate if more than 30 turns have passed during the battle. Timer Balls can be purchased from
after speaking with the Devon Researcher on
after clearing . Once you have the right equipment, you'll need the right Pokemon. Legendary Pokemon are incredibly tough, and some are at really high levels. Make sure your Pokemon are around Level 50 before setting out. The two toughest Pokemon,
and , will be at Level 70 and 80! Increase your Pokemons' levels before attempting to capture them. There are a few other methods that will help with capturing Legendary Pokemon:
Use the attacks
or . These will leave the Pokemon with just 1 HP instead of knocking them out. Inflicting
will increase the odds of capturing a Pokemon. The best
for this job is . The
moves that cause
are relatively easy to come back, and will increase the capture rate the most. The
condition will increase the capture rate as much as sleep, but it's not easy to inflict on an enemy. Use the Capture Power
before starting the battle.
can be found in the folder icon on the , which is in the . Using Capture Power throughout the game on yourself or passerbys will increase the O-Power up to Capture Power Lv. 3. If you accidentally save your game after failing to catch a Legendary Pokemon that resides in a
, you won't be able to try again until
have completed .
A handful of Legendary Pokemon can be found simply by playing through the story in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
The Eon Pokemon ( and ) are more like
since you don't have to do anything to capture them the first time around. They can be found on
during the main story. Latios is available in Omega Ruby, and Latias is available in Alpha Sapphire. If you obtain the Eon Ticket from StreetPass, you will be able to capture Latios in Alpha Sapphire and Latias in Omega Ruby later in the game.
The two main Legendary Pokemon of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire are
and . The Legendary Pokemon
is exclusive to Omega Ruby and
is exclusive to Alpha Sapphire. To get them both, you will need to trade with friends or own both versions.
These Pokemon can be found in the
just before the eighth gym. They will be in their
, but they will revert to their original
after you capture them. Allow them to hold their special stone to
them to their
in battle.
Near the end of , you will climb up
with another character. At the top, Rayquaza will appear. You must capture it to continue on with the story.
After capturing Rayquaza at , you will then go into space to the asteroid coming towards the planet. Rayquaza will have Mega Evolved to destroy the asteroid. However, from the asteroid comes a black triangle that releases the Legendary Pokemon Deoxys shortly after.
If Deoxys faints during the first fight, don't be concerned! After the
ends, go to the Mossdeep Space Center and take the stairs to the control room. You will find two assistants talking. They will tell you Deoxy's life signs have been found somewhere around .
After talking with the assistants,
and defeat the
a second time. After the credits play out again, return to the . Deoxys will be waiting for you at the top.
The legendary trio , , and
are well hidden in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, but they can be found before completing the main story. A few steps must be done before their chambers can be opened. First, you must capture a
and . Once you have those Pokemon ready, place them in your party along with Pokemon that know , , and . Travel to
currents. Your objective is to reach a
into at the south part of the route. If you miss it,
and try again.
and follow the path to an inscription in the south. When you reach the inscription, resurface and follow the path to another inscription. Make sure you set
as the first Pokemon in your party and
as the last when you enter this tomb. Use a Pokemon that knows
at the next inscription and then read all inscrptions inside the cave where the hole from
was dug. Once all the inscriptions are read, the screen will shake to let you know that the three chambers with the three Regis inside are open. If the screen does not shake, then Read ALL the inscriptions inside and outside the cave where you used dig.
's chamber can be found in the desert area of . Enter the chamber and read the inscription.
Walk to the right twice, walk down twice, and then use a Pokemon with HM04 . This should open the door to Regirock!
's chamber can be found in the island
on the west part of . Enter the chamber and read the inscription. Wait for two minutes and the door to Regice will open! Make sure you don't move after reading the inscription.
After capturing it, give it some sort of nickname, this will be important for later on. If you're not too creative with nicknames, name it Regiice!
's chamber can be found in the giant
(Not ) on .
Enter the chamber and read the inscription. Walk to the center of the room (5-6 steps back from the inscription) and use a Pokemon that knows . This should open the door to Registeel!
After capturing Regice, Regirock, and Registeel from , , and , you can begin your journey to capturing .
and speak with the young girl in the house to the northeast. She will tell you the legend of Regigigas and where you can find it. He is located in the Island Cave on
where Regice was originally found. Make note: Regigigas won't show until a day after you have captured the previous three
Pokemon and only appears during the daytime.
You will need Regirock, Registeel, and Regice in your party. Make sure Regice has a nickname and is holding a
item. If you didn't nickname your Regice when you captured it, take it to the Name Rater in . As for the frozen item, three great options are the Casteliacone (found in the ), a Never-Melt
(found in ) or an Icy Rock (found at the ).
Enter the back chamber of Island Cave to find Regigigas.
Legendary Pokemon from other regions can also be found in Hoenn, but not until after capturing
or Kyogre. Many can be found in
while soaring over Hoenn on the back of
or . The methods for obtaining these Legends may get a little complicated from time to time. The Pokemon below can be found in almost any order. Some Legends only appear after capturing a previous set of legends, or during specific time frames. After the event in the , you can go after
or , , , , , ,
or , , , ,
Ho-Oh and Lugia can be found in
rings in , but you must complete a few tasks before finding these rings.
over to the
on . Explore this abandoned ship until you find a Key Item called the Scanner. Take this item to Captain Stern in
docks. He will give you either the Tidal Bell or the Clear Bell depending on which version you're playing.
If you're playing Omega Ruby, take the Clear Bell to the deck of the . This will open up a ring to Ho-Oh. If you're playing Alpha Sapphire, take the Tidal Bell to the basement of the . This will open up a ring to Lugia.
After capturing either Lugia and Ho-Oh, place one of them in your party and . East of
is a Mirage Spot called Trackless Forest. Inside this forest is a ring that will take you to either , , or
depending on the time of day
Raikou: Sometime between 1 and 20 minutes past the hour Entei: Sometime between 20 and 40 minutes past the hour Suicune: Sometime between 40 and 00 minutes past the hour
After completing the main story, enter the
to find . She will be looking for a legendary
Pokemon. Descend to the very bottom of the cave to find a mirage spot ring. Interact with this ring to find Heatran.
Cresselia can be found on an island mirage spot called Crescent Isle. It's located to the south of . This island seems to appear randomly with your daily mirage spots. Crescent Isle can also appear through the use of Streetpass or by passing by somebody in game who has been to Crescent Isle.
Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf can be found on a cave mirage spot called Nameless Cavern. This place can be found near
if you have a Pokemon with max
in your party while soaring on Latios or Latias. Inside the cavern is a ring that will take you to Uxie, Mesprit, or Azelf. The Pokemon that's available will depend on the time of the day:
Uxie: 8:00 PM - 8:59 PM Mesprit: 9:00 PM - 3:59 AM Azelf: 4:00 AM - 7:59 PM
After capturing Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf, place all three in your party and soar over . You will come across a spacial tear Mirage Spot in the sky that contains Palkia in Pokemon Omega Ruby or Dialga in Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.
After capturing both Palkia and Dialga in a single version (you will need to trade), place both of them in your party and return to the same spacial tear you originally captured them from. Soar over
and interact with the same mirage spot to battle .
Cobalion, Terrakion, and Virizion can be found on an island mirage spot called Pathless Plain while soaring near . You must have three Pokemon with max
in your party for this mirage spot to appear. On this island is a ring that will take you to Cobalion, Terrakion, or Virizion depending on the day.
Cobalion: Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday Terrakion: Tuesday and Saturday Virizion: Monday and Thursday
Tornadus and Thundurus can be found in a black cloud mirage spot while soaring near . You will need a
– which can be obtained from the
– in your party to make this mirage spot appear. Enter the cloud to find Tornadus in Omega Ruby or Thundurus in Alpha Sapphire.
After capturing both Tornadus and Thundurus in a single version (you will need to trade), place both of them in your party and return to the same black cloud you originally captured them from. Soar over
and interact with the same mirage spot to battle .
Reshiram and Zekrom can be found in a cave mirage spot while soaring near . You will need a Pokemon at Level 100 in your party to make this mirage spot appear. Inside this cave is a ring that will lead you to Reshiram in Omega Ruby or Zekrom in Alpha Sapphire.
After capturing both Reshiram and Zekrom in a single version (you will need to trade), place both of them in your party and soar over . You will find a mirage spot called Gnarled Den. Inside this cave is a ring that will lead you to . Also in this cave is the
key item. Use the Dowsing Machine to find it. This will allow you to fuse Zekrom or Reshiram with Kyurem to make Black Kyurem and White Kyurem.
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分享是一种美德老朋友:点击右上角按钮选择分享到 朋友圈。新朋友:点击标题下的【童心世界亲子俱乐部】关注我们吧每年的圣诞期间,香港各大商场都会出尽法宝吸引游客。为你整理了10大商场的圣诞活动哦,当然还有好多好多圣诞期间的好去处。喜欢的朋友们可以早作准备哦,温馨提示圣诞期间会人多一点哦~希望大家玩得开心。1、海港城化身成「圣诞火车站」日期:2014年11月7日至2015年1月4日时间:10:00-22:00地址:尖沙咀广东道3号海港城每逢圣诞节,圣诞老人都会乘坐鹿车到世界各地送礼物。今年他特别选乘圣诞火车来到香港,于11月7 日至2015年1月4日期间于海港城与大家见面。海港城海运大厦露天广场幻化成以红、白、金色为主调的圣诞火车站。站内停泊着一列长30米布满星星的“圣诞火车”。巨型蒸汽火车头的烟囱亦喷出无数星星,晚上更会配合灯光和烟雾效果,营造出行驶中的感觉。后面两个车卡则放置了3米高的雪人、熊仔以及圣诞球。游客只需捐款港币20元予“香港血癌基金”,便可登上“圣诞火车”,参观车长室并有机会与圣诞老人合照。觉得真的很好玩又有意义哦~~2、2014圣诞节64只Snoopy史努比与你共聚观塘apm日期:2014年11月17日起时间:10:00-22:00地址:九龙观塘观塘道观塘apm适逢Snoopy《花生漫画》65周年,新地旗下观塘商场apm全力策动「apm: Snoopy《花生漫画》65周年梦幻圣诞」,计划打造6,000呎Snoopy家族圣诞乐园,带领大家一起游历5大梦幻圣诞主题区,当中包括「Snoopy兄弟妹圣诞大宅」、「30呎火紅Snoopy圣诞树」、 「超萌Snoopy艺术大道」、「Snoopy圣诞快拍DIY」 及「期間限定pop up store」。史诺比刚7月才到海港城, 没想到暂别不到4个月, Snoopy又再重临香港, 还带同64只一米高的孖生兄弟坐镇观塘apm.Snoopy《花生漫画》65周年, 当然全场也要凑够65只Snoopy啦!! 不过其中55只的表情是一样的,只是一款手执拳头, 另一款将开手掌而已.一次性摆满了整个商场的好处是, 轮候拍照的时候, 肯定会有一只在附近,不用抢位置。他的主人(Charlie Brown)及几位朋友及Woodstock更加吸引站了最近地铁站口的另一边.3.The ONE X 「宠物小精灵」圣诞梦想飞行日期:2014年11月9日至2015年1月4日时间:10:00-22:00地址:尖沙咀弥敦道100号The ONE商场全球最大13米巨型「比卡超」飞船空降The ONE,经典的立体「小火龙」及「喵喵怪」已在門外迎接,与大家近距离接触,与您拍照留念。场内设有NDS游戏专区,让大家率先试玩最新3D游戏「Pokémon Omega Ruby」及「Pokémon Alpha Sapphire」,全程投入「宠物小精灵」的冒險世界!此外,活动期間更有限定精品店出售日本空运珍藏品,让粉丝们定必惊喜万分!4、「几米圣诞列车」驶进德福广场日期:2014年11月12日至2015年1月4日时间:12:00-22:00地址:九龙湾伟业街33号德福广场台湾着名绘本画家几米的名作《地下铁》将驶出书页,变身成「几米号圣诞列车」驶入德福广场,列车不但乘载着小红帽、铁皮人、企鹅仔等一系列童话人物,还带来逾万个充满梦幻色彩的波波灯泡节日灯饰,妆点商场每个角落,还有逾20呎高的圣诞树屋和灰姑娘的浪漫马车,与大家一起展开一趟圣诞快乐之旅。德福感受几米式童话圣诞 「每个人心中都有一座地下铁,通往一个叫做希望的出口。」几米笔下的地下铁,不但承载着乘客前往目的地,更承载着美好的回忆和愿景,非常适合圣诞这个节日;今年,德福广场就将这充满希望的温暖氛围,由九龙湾港铁站开始,洒遍整个商场:第一站: 灰姑娘的浪漫马车第二站: 30 呎仿真「几米号圣诞列车」第三站: 童话圣诞树屋5、V City X 「芝麻街梦幻圣诞城」日期:2014年11月4日至2015年1月1日时间:10:00-22:00地址:新界屯门乡事会路83号V City又到圣诞,今个圣诞屯门V city特意邀请了深受全球小朋友欢迎的芝麻街朋友仔亲临“V city x芝麻街梦幻圣诞城”,即日起至明年1月1日,圣诞城内惊喜处处,有满载芝麻街朋友的巨型巴士、趣致芝麻街交通灯等,30只古灵精怪的Elmo会在马路上热情地向大家挥手,与大家同贺佳节。6、「冰雪奇缘雪国梦幻城堡」降临青衣城日期:2014年11月8日至2015年1月4日时间:12:00-22:00地址:青衣青敬路33号青衣城商场1F梦幻岛大堂这个冬天,港铁旗下青衣城商场将会打造成全球动画电影卖座冠军《魔雪奇缘》的雪国梦幻城堡。青衣城与迪士尼联手将万千宠爱的《魔雪奇缘》女主角安娜公主和爱莎女皇带到香港一齐迎接圣诞,势必引起哄动。7、「Bad Badtz-Maru」Bad Badtz-Maru,为你带来潮爆圣诞日期:2014年11月4日至2015年1月1日时间:10:00-22:00地址:新界葵芳兴芳路223号新都会广场3F天晶馆人称XO的顽皮企鹅Bad Badtz-Maru,喜欢以不同俏皮造型示人。今个圣诞,新都会广场特于2014年11月4日至2015年1月1日期间呈献 「Bad Badtz-Maru嘻哈街头派对」,于场内建构9米高的巨型货柜圣诞树装置,结合美式街头涂鸦艺术及五光十色的霓虹灯牌,打造充满特色的纽约城市场景。而淘气XO将走进这美式街头,化身Hip-hop滑板仔,伙拍好友DJ小海豹 Good Hana-Maru及型格熊猫Ijuin Pandaba反转纽约街头,并与香港粉丝一同体验充满现代街头气息的另类圣诞。8、领汇 X 「Disney Channel」奇妙十年圣诞派对日期:2014年11月10日至2015年1月18日时间:10:00-22:00地址:乐富联合道198号乐富广场今年领汇联同Disney Channel(香港)打造过万呎圣诞派对场地「领汇.Disney Channel 奇妙十年 圣诞派对」。派对场地创造多个亚洲第一,包括: 亚洲首个商场云集六大Disney Channel人气卡通大型户外主题布置、亚洲首个户外全天候免费播放Disney Channel人气卡通人物将会陪伴你渡过一个别开生面的圣诞节!9、「圣诞星空玩乐城」
降临荃新天地日期:2014年11月6日至12月31日时间:10:00-22:00地址:荃湾杨屋道1号?及18号荃新天地Citywalk荃新天地正式公布,今年Citywalk荃新天地将打造一个回顾昔日香港情怀,以简单美好的童年玩具为主题的圣诞乐园,以怀旧玩具让儿时童梦成真,配合圣诞欢乐气氛,创造出一个「圣诞星空玩乐城」,并推出一系列的精彩活动,为香港人寻找童年回忆,感受不一样的怀旧圣诞玩具装置,欢度佳节。10、「姆明(Moomin)主題pop-up store」进驻海港城LCX日期:2014年11月6日至2015年1月4日时间:10:00-22:00地址:尖沙咀广东道海港城海运大厦三楼LCX为庆祝姆明(Moomin) 作者诞辰一百周年,即日起至日期间香港海港城开设pop-up store期间限定店,独家贩售日本原装产品及芬兰版精品,粉丝们必抢!还有两只毛茸茸的姆明及歌妮,捧着圣诞礼物等着与你合照~这个圣诞节去海港城过圣诞,和姆明创造美好回忆吧!这么多主题活动是不是很吸引呢总有一个适合你们全家一齐或者小两口去玩的哦~
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