
[PC] 大家辐射4推送更新1.2补丁了吗,我的STEAM没推送更新啊,怎么调都没用哎。
ps4 还是1.0找谁说去
[quote][pid=93753,1]Reply[/pid] [b]Post by [uid=]金坷垃是我的[/uid] ( 18:39):[/b]ps4 还是1.0找谁说去[/quote]卖的最多,待遇最差[s:ac:blink][s:ac:无语]
请切换英文版 繁体中文没有推送请注意:截至本文完成之时,繁体中文版似乎没有正常收到更新,以下皆为英文版的情况。原文地址:[url]/fallout-4[/url] ... name=0&ns_fee=0The good news is that the Fallout 4 1.2 patch is now in full release on Steam. The bad news, according to this Nexus Mods forum thread, is that intentionally or not, it breaks support for mods.The patch makes the following changes:好消息是,辐射4的1.2版补丁已经在Steam上完全释出了。坏消息则是,根据Nexus Mods论坛的这个帖子,不知是有意还是无意地,这个补丁让模组无法使用了。New Features新的特性Number pad keys can now be used for remapping (PC)数字键区的按键现在可以用于按键绑定了(PC)Remapping Activate now works on Quick Container (PC)现在快捷容器列表也可以使用绑定的按键了(PC)Fixes修复General memory and stability improvements整体内存(占用)和稳定性的改善Performance improvements inside the Corvega Assembly Plant于科威佳装配厂内部的效能改善Optimizations to skinned decal rendering皮革材质渲染的优化Fixed issue with player becoming stuck in terminals修复了玩家在终端上卡住的问题Fixed issue where equipped weapons become locked after completing Reunions修复了当完成”重新联合“任务后已装备武器被锁定的问题Fixed issue with &When Freedom Calls& where the quest would not complete修复了”当自由的呼唤响起“任务无法完成的问题During &Confidence Man& fixed issue where player's health would continuously regenerate修复了玩家”自信之人“任务中生命值持续恢复的问题Fixed crash related to jumping into water and reloading saved games修复了跳入水中和读取存档时的崩溃错误Fixed issue where Launcher would not save God Rays Quality setting properly (PC)修复了启动器无法正常保存God Rays质量设置的问题(PC)But the patch also adds a new launcher that disables mods on startup, and the .INI edit that previously got around this limitation no longer works. There is a fix, but it's not the most streamlined process ever: You'll need to launch the Nexus Mod Manager, then launch Fallout 4, then switch back to the NMM and re-enable mods, then go back to Fallout 4 and do your thing.但是此补丁同样增加了一个新的启动器,其会在游戏开始时禁用模组,并且之前通过编辑.INI文件的方式跳过此限制的方法不再有效。解决方法倒是有一个,只是这个过程并不是简便:你需要启动Nexus模组管理器,然后启动辐射4,之后切换回Nexus模组管理器并重新启用模组,最后再回到辐射4然后想干啥干啥。A patch-compatible version of the Fallout 4 Script Extender has also been released, but it too will require a certain amount of dicking around to get things done, and also relies on the Nexus Mod Manager to operate. Even with support re-enabled, it sounds like some mods aren't working properly, although it's still a bit hazy at this point since the patch is so new. I've reached out to Bethesda to find out what's going on, and I'll let you know when I hear back.与补丁兼容的辐射4脚本扩充器现在也已经发布,然而它同样颇费周折才得以实现,并且同样依赖于Nexus模组管理器来操作。尽管重新启用了(模组)相关的支持,但看起来有些模组仍然无法正常工作,当然补丁刚刚发布的情况下,现状还是有一点不明朗就是了。我已经向Bethesda询问了这个,想要搞清楚到底是怎么一回事,我会在收到反馈后让各位知道相关的情况。//译注:dicking around的意思是Wasting time, not being productive,浪费时间,没效率,并不是传统dick的含义。
看到不支持mod就不想更新了,等一周目完了重开档的时候整个切成英文再说。Grand Theft Auto V
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18 Jun, 2015 @ 6:20am
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准备下载完了 下完你就知道了,准备申请退款吧
但是我玩的到啊,不然就是你的电脑支持不了 - - 你是哪里的?
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Date Posted: 13 Jun, 2015 @ 6:46amPosts: 548
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