
发布时间: 17:45:18
作者:Frank Cifaldi
Valve的常驻经济师Yanis Varoufakis最近EconTalk网站上谈论了该公司独特的管理结构、招聘(和解雇)方法,当然还有团队的薪水。
“Gabe Newell从一开始就是这么想的。他希望公司是一个大家庭,同事之间不存在老板或下属这样的关系。”
How Valve hires, how it fires, and how much it pays
By Frank Cifaldi
Game developers the world over have been curious about the inner-workings of Steam and Half-Life maker Valve, particularly following the public availability of a company handbook revealed that Valve has no managers.
Valve’s economist-in-residence Yanis Varoufakis recently spoke on the EconTalk Podcast about the specifics of this unique structure, how Valve hires (and fires) and, interestingly, how much it pays its team.
The hiring process
“The way it works is very simple. Let’s say you and I have a chat in the corridor, or in some conference room, or wherever. The result of this chat is that we converge to the view that we need an additional software engineer, or animator, or artist, or hardware person. Or several of them. What we can do is, we can send an email to the rest of our colleagues at Valve and invite them to join us in forming a search committee that actually looks for these people without seeking anyone’s permission in the hierarchy, simply because there is no hierarchy.
“And then we form spontaneously the search committee, and then we interview people, first by Skype, and then we bring them in, if they pass the test, to the company for a more face-to-face personalized interview. And anyone who wants to participate does participate.
“And then during that day — it’s usually a day-long event — emails are fired all over the place with views whether this person should be hired or not until some consensus is reached where there’s effectively no one is vetoing the hire of that particular person.”
How pay is determined
“This is a haphazard process. The payment mechanism is to a very large extent bonus-based. So the contracts usually have a minimum pay segment in it, which is more or less established by tradition. And then the interesting part in this contract is how much is left to the peer review process, which is very complicated. It involves various layers of mutual assessment.
“In companies like Microsoft or elsewhere, usually the bonus is something between 8, 15, 20 percent of the basic salary. In Valve, I’m told, there’s no upper limit to bonuses. Bonuses can end up being 5, 6, 10 times the level of the basic wage.”
“Gabe [Newell] had this view from the beginning. He wanted a community of partners, he didn’t want to be the boss of anyone or to be bossed around by anyone.”
Firing people
“It does happen. I’ve seen it happen. And it’s never pretty. It involves various communications at first when somebody’s underperforming, or somebody doesn’t seem to fit in with the rest of the company.
“In many occasions people simply don’t fit in not because they’re not productive or good people, but because they just can’t function very well in a boss-less environment. And then there are series of discussions between co-workers and the person whose firing is being canvased or discussed, and at some point if it seems there is no way that a consensus can emerge that this person can stay, some attractive offer is made to the particular person, and usually there’s an amicable parting of ways.”
But don’t people slack off without a boss?
“It is important to understand that such spontaneous order-based enterprises rely to a large extent on individuals that believe in the social norms that govern their existence. So by the very nature of the beast, you don’t have people there who try to hide and who try to somehow create a smokescreen around the fact that they’re not very good at what they do.
“Most of the people there, all of them, have been hand-picked to be excellent at what they do. They’re usually on top of their game elsewhere before they join the corporation.”
A team change only two plugs away
“The mobility within the corporation is a great asset, and everybody recognizes it. Everyone’s desk is on wheels. There are only two plugs that need to be unplugged in order to shift from one team to another.
“There have been I’m sure, I wasn’t with the company long enough to notice, but there must have been situations where somebody didn’t fit in and eventually was edged out of the company. But the vast majority of such moves simply contribute to the overall efficiency, and to the private joy of working there.” ()
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首先感谢STEAMCN的老E同志 在我提出请求后当天就去购买杂志帮忙扫描了这份中文版的新员工手册 感激不尽!注:以下图的翻译来自于大众软件,仅供学习交流之用,如果喜欢请购买正版杂志支持原翻译者顾名思义,这本手册是颁发给进入Valve工作的新员工,介绍了一些基本的Valve公司准则,文化以及背景。接下来请勿插楼
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保存至快速回贴Valve公司新员工手册 - 简书
很早就听说了Valve是一个奇葩的公司,这个公司是真正的完全扁平的结构,公司里面没有管理层,员工不需要向任何人汇报。就是这么一个奇葩的公司,现在发展到了几百号人,业务也是蒸蒸日上,它家的steam是目前PC游戏最大的发行平台,自己旗下的Dota2/CS go/TF2等等游戏都是目前世面上非常火的游戏,另外他们家的VR技术目前也是最强的(和HTC合作,HTC负责生产)最近拿了这家公司的新员工手册仔细研究了一番,还是有不少收获的,手册获取地址: 下面是一些心得:1) Valve是一家真正扁平的公司,每个人可以自己决定做什么事情,加入什么项目,当然每个项目还是有Leader的,但是你的绩效考核不是由你的Leader来决定的,后面会说到怎么考核。2) Steam是2003发布的,2005年才有第一个第三方游戏加入,原来也熬了这么久。3) 怎么评估每个员工的绩效? Steam是通过Peer Reviews和Stack ranking来进行的, Peer Reviews是团队之间的人互相评分, Peer Review主要的目的是告诉别人哪些地方是可以改进的,Peer Review是匿名进行的,Stack ranking的目的是为了确定每个人的价值(从而决定它的薪酬待遇),这个也是由员工之间完成的,每个员工会给出一个自己Group的Rank排行。4)Valve公司在评估一个员工的时候主要看四点。第一是技能水平,看是不是能解决复杂问题,关键问题,或者在某方面的技能是独一无二的。第二是产出,产出不是指你上班时间的长短,加班很可能是你工作效率不行或者能力不行,看的是真正的产出。第三是在组织内的贡献,比如你在组织里面招聘,或者培训新人了,或者开发了某某牛逼的内部工具等。第四是产品贡献,这个大意就是你对产品产生的影响力,比如你做了一个很好的决策,或者你发现了一个非常重要的Bug等。5)Valve公司是不鼓励加班的,和之前看的Pixar一样,如果加班的话那么说明Planing做的不好,不过做游戏不加班似乎很难相信。。6) Valve喜欢T型人才,T型人才的定义是:That is, people who are both generalists (highly skilled at a broad set of valuable things—the top of the T) and also experts (among the best in their field within a narrow discipline—the vertical leg of the T).大意就是,既要懂的多,又要有专精(在某些领域要是世界上最牛的)
7) Valve认为自己是个软件公司,核心竞争力是开发软件,这个应该和创始人G胖是从微软出来的不无关系,所以在这公司哪怕是策划或者美术最好也是懂程序的(在这个公司当程序肯定是很有地位吧)8)要让这个公司奇葩的文化运转正常,Valve认为最重要的就是要招聘合适的人,什么是合适的人呢,除了技能外,Valve非常看重合作能力。


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